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Promoting Transparency in Investments

Our mission is to help Institutional Asset Owners and their Advisors to assess the Value for Money delivered by Asset Managers

UK Pension Plans Overpay £1.5bn in Fees to Fund Managers

Financial Times

July 9, 2024

UK pension plans are paying £1.5bn a year more in fees to fund managers than they need to, according to an analysis that increases the pressure on trustees and consultants to get better deals for scheme members.

UK Pension Plans Overpay £1.5bn in Fees to Fund Managers
IAPF Launches Cost Transparency Standard Backed by DSP

July 17, 2024

European Pensions

IAPF Launches Cost Transparency Standard...
Cost Transparency Standard for pension schemes launches in Ireland

July 17, 2024


Cost Transparency Standard for Pension Schemes...
IAPF Developing Voluntary Value For Money Standard; Regulator Not Ruling Out Legislation

March 13, 2024

European Pensions

IAPF Developing Voluntary Value For Money Standard
Fram­taks­sjóðir kostnaðar­samari en flestir átti sig á

October 9, 2023


Fram­taks­sjóðir Kostnaðar­samari en Flestir Átti Sig Á

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Transparency in Cost and Performance Benchmarking

The UK's Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI) and the Republic of Ireland's Cost Transparency Standard (CTS) are data collection frameworks supported by ClearGlass that provide institutional asset owners and their advisors with cost and performance benchmarking reports that enable them to assess the Value for Money (VfM) delivered by asset managers. It enables asset managers to understand whether they are delivering competitive outcomes and value for money for clients.

ClearGlass has supported over 850 asset owners in the United Kingdom with assets under management (AuM) in excess of £1.3 trillion, providing cost collection and benchmarking analytics for asset owners in 46 investment strategies. This is now being introduced across the EMEA region starting in the Republic of Ireland, Iceland and South Africa with plans to expand throughout EMEA.

In addition, ClearGlass has worked with over 530 asset managers to obtain and verify CTI data on behalf of their clients. ClearGlass provides Market Positioning Reports to asset managers which enables them to understand their competitive position in an investment strategy and to determine optimal market positioning and pricing.

ClearGlass provides Value-for-Money (VfM) reports to support a number of initiatives introduced by regulators in both the United Kingdom and the European Union. These include Value Assessments and Consumer Duty in the United Kingdom, and the IOPR II Directive Critical Review within the European Union. The reports provide a simple client-specific report (mandate by mandate) to demonstrate to trustees and stakeholders that Value for Money (VfM) is being delivered.



assessed across 46 investment strategies


Asset Managers

trust ClearGlass with their data


Pension Schemes

have used ClearGlass to measure and manage their investment costs



have used ClearGlass to offer greater transparency to their clients

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ClearGlass provides benchmarking analytics to asset owners, investment advisors and asset managers that enables them to assess the Value for Money (VfM) of their investments. To learn more, please request a call with one of our team.

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