16th Street Mall Project

Project Overview

SEPTEMBER 2024: Crews are on site at various locations along 16th Street. Businesses are open. The full intersection closure at California and 16th began July 15 and will remain closed until early-November. The full intersection closure at Curtis and 16th began July 24 and will remain closed until early-September. The project is planned for completion in the fall of 2025. Catch the RTD Free Mall Ride on 15th Street or 17th Street between Union Station and Champa Street. Find more information on the current project activities or download the 16th Street Mall Project app.

Great cities never stand still. We think to the future. The 16th Street Mall Project is our past, present and future. It is the backbone of our City, our version of a Main Street and the catalyst for a great future ahead. The 16th Street Mall Project will revitalize 16th Street from Market Street to Broadway. Our goal is improving safety and mobility, addressing deteriorating infrastructure and creating more opportunities for the people who live, work and visit the Mile High City to enjoy 16th Street for years to come.

Artist's illustration of the future 16th Street Mall, showing pedestrians in the amenity zone and the new granite pavers in the historic pattern

Current and Recommended Mall Alignment

Text description of this infographic(PDF, 65KB)

renderings of current and proposed 16th street mall roadways, with center running transit lanes

Project Dashboard

Text Description of this Infographic(PDF, 44KB)

July 2024 Project Dashboard for 16th Street Mall Project

The New Look

Block 2: Before and After!

Before: the 16th Street Mall block and transit lanes at Larimer intersection After: the rebuilt block of the 16th street mall with new configuration and pedestrian activation spaces

The new 16th Street Mall will feature elements designed to help make 16th Street a desirable, engaging destination for all. Site furnishings, play features and moments of joy will be distributed up and down 16th Street in relationship to activity areas and adjacent land uses.

The ensemble of these features will work together to create attractions and moments of relaxation and fun for families, residents, visitors and workers to enjoy in the core of downtown.

Site Furnishings

The site furnishings will be organized into three basic room types — feast, lounge and arrow — to create places for a multitude of uses.

  • Feast rooms are designed with food in mind. They create space to share lunch with a friend or eat solo and catch up on your emails on a beautiful day.
  • Lounge rooms create space to slow down and stay for a bit. Visitors can take a moment to plan their next stop, downtown employees can pause in the shade for a moment between meetings and residents can enjoy the people watching for a while.
  • Arrow rooms activate an area while also creating a clear delineation of space.

These site furnishing room types will be paired with planter pots for visual color and interest and all furnishing groupings will be flexible, changeable and phased as a new evolution of place making and sensory experiences along 16th Street evolve for everyone’s enjoyment.

Play Features

Play Features are structures designed specifically for engaging kids on 16th Street. Scan the QR code to view a 360 degree rendering of the Hive play feature.

360 Degree Rendering of Hive Play Feature

Rendering of play structure designed to engage kids on the 16th Street Mall

Moments of Joy

Moments of Joy are elements designed to bring a bit of delight to 16th Street; they make you smile, pause for a moment or snap a photo to share. Scan the QR codes to view 360 degree renderings of the Moments of Joy.

360 Degree Renderings:
Cutthroat Trout
Scattered Leaves

Project Phasing and Milestones

Work Phasing Plan

Construction on the 16th Street Mall Project is underway between Market Street and Broadway. See milestones for each block on the Current Project Activities page to keep track of progress.

  • Phase 1: Work in the center of 16th Street on each block, planned for 13–14 months
  • Phase 2: Work adjacent to the buildings, planned for 3–4 months
  • Phase 3: Completing the final finishes in the center of 16th Street, planned for one month
  • Phase 1-2 Combo: Phase 1-2 Combo can be on the north or the south side of the block, depending on location and opportunity 

Text description of these infographics(PDF, 519KB)

Pedestrian walkways and access to storefronts will be maintained on both sides of 16th Street, but walkways may be narrower. The work site will have gates at both intersections and intermittent flaggers to help direct construction and pedestrian traffic as needed. Signage and construction fencing will have signs to help visitors access transit and businesses.

Utility Relocations

Utility relocation work in progress along 16th Street Mall

Utility Relocations (Dry)

Dry utility relocations are typically complete prior to Phase 1 of construction work beginning and are performed by utility companies. These include:

  • Electric
  • Gas
  • Steam
  • Telecom
  • Fiber

Utility Relocations (Wet)

Wet utility relocations are typically complete between demolition and building the transitway during Phase 1 of construction and are performed by the contractor and trade partners. These include:

  • Water
  • Storm and sanitary sewer

Phase 1 Milestones


Demolition process removes surface materials including trees, existing pavers and tree pits

Remove surface materials including trees, existing pavers and tree pits

Build Transitway

Install transit walls, install electrical duct banks, install slot drain, pour transit slab

Install transit walls, install electrical duct banks, install slot drain, pour transit slab

Intersection Reconstruction

Intersection reconstruction completes shallow utilities like electric, traffic signal and lighting infrastructure; pour concrete pavement; paint traffic and pedestrian striping

Complete shallow utilities like electric, traffic signal and lighting infrastructure; pour concrete pavement; paint traffic and pedestrian striping

Planting Trees

Crews planting new trees along 16th Street Mall

The City procured trees for this project that have been growing and acclimating in tree nurseries up north. These trees are being planted in blocks 1, 2 and 3 and are currently being planted in blocks 4 & 5 of 16th Street.

Install Transit Pavers

Crews installing transit pavers along 16th Street Mall

Pavers are laid by hand by skilled craftsmen along the center transitway in Phase 1. The texture of the new granite pavers will provide more traction, improving safety for all pedestrians.

Phase 2 Milestones

Pedestrians are on the new transitway pavers as work occurs on the existing sidewalks to install the granite pavers

new pavers on the ground with colorful construction fencing on both sides of the walkway

Phase 3 Milestones

Installation of historic lights, banner poles, IKES, and furnishings

Crews install play hive structure along 16th Street

Current Project Activities

Map of 16th Street Mall blocks in the construction plan, with activities from Market Street to Curtis Street and between California and Welton, with lane closures on Market, Lawrence, Arapahoe and Welton

All construction activities are schedule and weather-dependent and subject to change.

Travel Information

All businesses are open and accessible.

The RTD Free MallRide continues to run during the 16th Street Mall Project, rerouted to 15th and 17th streets. Until this fall, RTD's Free MallRide will only run from Union Station and Champa Street. This planned detour is part of RTD's Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project. Customers planning to travel to and from Civic Center are encouraged to use the RTD Free MetroRide.

The MallRide will begin to gradually return to 16th Street in fall of 2024 as consecutive blocks open along the Mall. For more information on RTD's Free MallRide detours, click here.

General Project Activity Notes

In reference to this project, directions are west (toward Union Station), east (toward Civic Center), north (toward 17th Street), and south (toward 15th Street).

When we refer to crosswalks, these are the crosswalks at the intersections. Sidewalks refer to pedestrian areas within the block.

Navigating between blocks in different phases:

  • Barriers - Large, orange water barriers are set up at various crosswalks to guide pedestrians between blocks with different fence layouts

Wazee to Blake (Block 00)

  • Utility work is complete!

Blake to Market (Block 0)

Current Activities

  • Utility work is complete!
  • Blake intersection:
    • Single, right-lane closure began Aug. 19, lasting through mid-September.
    • Two southbound traffic lanes and the bike lane are open.

Market to Larimer (Block 1)

Current Activities

Reconstruction activities are complete!

Larimer to Lawrence (Block 2)

Reconstruction activities are complete!

Lawrence to Arapahoe (Block 3)

Current Activities

  • Phase 3 of improvements underway
  • Fences or construction cones will occupy isolated areas within the block where work is taking place for short periods of time.
    Lawrence intersection:
    • Single, right-lane closure on Lawrence began on June 5, lasting through early-September
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and barriers to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestones Complete

Phase 2 Milestones Complete

Phase 3 Milestone Progress Update

  • Installation of historic lights, banner poles, IKES and furnishings (in progress)
  • Full block fencing removed (complete)

Block 3 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - July 5, 2022
  • Phase 2 start - May 22, 2024
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Aug. 12, 2024
  • Complete - Fall 2024

Arapahoe to Curtis (Block 4)

Current Activities

  • Phase 3 of improvements underway
    • Fences or construction cones will occupy isolated areas within the block where work is taking place for short periods of time.
  • Arapahoe intersection:
    • The Arapahoe Street intersection will have rolling double-lane closures through early-September. Watch for signage and follow traffic control barriers and cones through the intersection.

Phase 1 Milestones Complete

Phase 2 Milestones Complete

Phase 3 Milestone Progress Update

  • Installation of historic lights, banner poles, IKES and furnishings (in progress)

Block 4 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - August 22, 2022
  • Phase 2 start - South side - April 20, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - North Side - July 11, 2024
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - August 27, 2024
  • Complete - Fall 2024

Curtis to Champa (Block 5)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1 of improvements underway
  • Curtis intersection:
    • Full intersection closure on Curtis began July 25, lasting through early-September. See detour map here.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work complete in block
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (complete)
    • Build transitway (complete)
    • Build stratavault system (complete)
    • Plant trees (in progress)
    • Install pavers (in progress)
    • Complete intersection closure at Curtis (in progress)

Block 5 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - July 19, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - Summer 2024
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Fall 2024
  • Complete - Late 2024

Champa to Stout (Block 6)

Current Activities

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work complete in block
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (complete)
    • Build transitway (complete)
    • Build stratavault system (in progress)
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers
    • Complete intersection closure at Champa (complete)

Block 6 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - Sept. 18, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - Winter 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Spring 2025
  • Complete - Summer 2025

Stout to California (Block 7)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1 of improvements underway
  • North sidewalk narrowing at the alleyway began July 1, lasting through early-September. A 10-foot walkway remains.
  • South sidewalk narrowing at the alleyway began Aug. 16, lasting through early-September. A 5-foot walkway remains.
  • Stout intersection:
    • Single, right-lane closure began Aug. 24, lasting through mid-October.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work underway
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (in progress)
    • Build transitway
    • Build stratavault system
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers

Block 7 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - Jan. 8, 2024
  • Phase 2 start - Spring 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Summer 2025
  • Complete - Summer 2025

California to Welton (Block 8)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1 of improvements underway
  • California intersection:
    • Full intersection closure began July 15, lasting through early-November. See detour map here.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work complete in block
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
  • Demolition (complete)
  • Build transitway (complete)
  • Build stratavault system (in progress)
  • Plant trees
  • Install pavers
  • Complete intersection closure at California (in progress)

Block 8 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - July 25, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - Summer 2024
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Fall 2024
  • Complete - Winter 2024

Welton to Glenarm (Block 9)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1 of improvements underway
  • Welton intersection:
    • Welton is operating as a one-way street with two northbound lanes between 15th and 17th Streets.
    • Single-lane closure on Welton began Dec. 5, 2023, lasting through November. Two northbound lanes remains open.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work underway
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (complete)
    • Build transitway (in progress)
    • Build stratavault system
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers
    • Complete intersection closure at Welton

Block 9 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - May 20, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - Fall 2024
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Winter 2025
  • Complete - Spring 2025

Glenarm to Tremont (Block 10)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1 of improvements underway
  • Glenarm intersection:
    • Northbound bikes on Glenarm Place are detoured to Welton Street. Southbound bikes can remain on Glenarm Place.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work underway
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (complete)
    • Build transitway (in progress)
    • Build stratavault system
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers
    • Complete intersection closure at Glenarm

Block 10 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - August 24, 2023
  • Phase 2 start - Winter 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Spring 2025
  • Complete - Summer 2025

Tremont to Court (Block 11)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1-2 Combo (south side only) improvements underway
    • Full closure of south sidewalk and center transitway began Jan. 31, 2024, lasting through early 2025
  • Open pedestrian areas:
    • North sidewalk between Tremont and Court places
  • Tremont intersection: 
    • Single, left lane closure began May 3, lasting through early-September.
      • This will be followed by a single, right-lane closure lasting through mid-October.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location. 

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work complete in block
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (in progress)
    • Build transitway
    • Build stratavault system
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers
    • Complete intersection at Tremont (in progress)

Block 11 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - Jan. 31, 2024
  • Phase 2 start - Spring 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Summer 2025
  • Complete - Fall 2025

Court to Cleveland (Block 12)

Current Activities

  • Phase 1-2 of improvements underway
    • Construction fencing encloses the south sidewalk and the center transitway on the west half of the block.
  • Construction fencing encloses the south sidewalk and the center transitway on the east half of the block for utility work. This began Jan. 10, lasting through late-September.
    • Businesses can be accessed from Court and Cleveland Place.
  • Court intersection:
    • Double, right-lane closure began July 25, lasting through early-October.
      • This will be followed by a double, left-lane closure lasting through mid-November.
    • At least three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location.

Phase 1 Milestone Progress Update

  • Preconstruction utility work complete in block
  • Water and storm sewer work complete in block
  • Phase 1 of Mall reconstruction underway
    • Demolition (in progress)
    • Build transitway
    • Build stratavault system
    • Plant trees
    • Install pavers
    • Intersection reconstruction at Court (in progress)

Block 12 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - Summer 2024
  • Phase 2 start - Summer 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Fall 2025
  • Complete - Fall 2025

Cleveland to Broadway (Block 13)

Current Activities

Block 13 Schedule

  • Phase 1 start - March 26, 2024
  • Phase 2 start - Summer 2025
  • Phase 3 start/Fences down - Fall 2025
  • Complete - Fall 2025

Potholing activities in various locations will require occasional lane and sidewalk closures on the 16th Street Mall and on cross-streets between Market Street and Broadway. By potholing, which includes drilling holes into the pavement in multiple locations, the team will be able to confirm existing data about conditions on, around, and under 16th Street, including the location of existing underground utilities. By identifying existing utilities, such as water/sewer pipes and electrical conduit lines, the team will be able to reduce the chance of unexpectedly encountering one of these lines during construction. Signage will clearly identify how pedestrians and motorists can navigate any expected closures.

Work may require intermittent lane closures at intersections between Wazee and Broadway throughout construction as well as occasional sidewalk closures. Pedestrian and business access will be maintained.

Work Hours

Construction workdays and hours are anticipated to be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekend work will occur between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. However, a noise ordinance was approved with conditions which allows work to take place throughout the night under specific circumstances. Affected parties will be notified seven days in advance if night work will be taking place.

Heavy equipment may operate between hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., any day of the week. Material deliveries and staging may occur overnight. All project activities and schedules are weather dependent, and subject to change.

Due to schedule and sequencing, not all active blocks will have activities occurring at all times. The latest updates on work will be added to this website page.

Project Background

The 16th Street Mall Project builds on nearly a decade of planning and community input to inform how we reconstruct and revitalize the Mall from Market Street to Broadway. The feedback and input from hundreds of community members resulted in today’s effort to rebuild 16th Street to be not just more structurally sound, but also a welcoming space where all people can gather.

Environmental Assessment

The project’s environmental phase concluded in December 2019. FTA found the project to have no significant impact on environmental resources and officially issued a “Finding of No Significant Impact” (FONSI) on Nov. 26, 2019. This marked completion of the Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA identified a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) to reconstruct the 16th Street Mall between Market Street and Broadway to address infrastructure, mobility, safety, and public use needs.

Finding of No Significant Impact

May 2019 EA Public Meeting

Members of the public were invited to attend public meetings to provide input on the project and EA conclusions. The same information was presented at two meetings on May 1, 2019.

FTA and the project partners reviewed and considered all comments. All comments received during the comment period will be part of the project record. Responses to all substantive comments (those that raise specific issues or concerns regarding the project or EA process, suggest new alternatives, or question or raise concerns over new impacts not addressed in the EA) will be included in the final decision document.

Environmental Clearance and Funding: Because 16th Street was built in 1982 with federal funds, any potential modifications must undergo a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review and a cultural resources evaluation pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). Initial project funding for the Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Clearance came from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) via Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). TIF requires that a design project be identified by 2020 and spent by 2022. As approved by voters, 2017 General Obligation Bonds might also be applied.

Public Engagement Archive

2022: 90 Percent Design

In March 2022 a round of outreach was completed to accompany 90% Design and to inform stakeholders about what to expect once construction begins.

Watch the 90% design video

2021: 60 Percent Design

In late 2021, the 16th Street Mall Project team completed another round of outreach to accompany the submittal of 60% design. This round focused on providing design updates for various amenities along 16th Street — shade structures, play elements and more. This video was recorded at one of the focus group meetings and focuses on how design of 16th Street amenities has evolved over the years, and the current design for elements along the 16th Street Mall.

Watch the 60% design video

Artists rendering of new 16th Street transit and pedestrian mall

February 2020


March 2018 Open House

On March 8, 2018, the city and RTD hosted open houses where the public could learn more, ask questions and give input on future refinement of the design. Review the open house materials:

October 2017 Open Houses

Attendees at two open house sessions learned about the 16th Street Mall, including the following:

  1. Project Overview (PDF)
  2. Existing Conditions and Environmental Resources (PDF)
  3. History of the Mall and Previous Studies (PDF)
  4. Input to Date (PDF)
  5. Proposed Alternatives and Evaluation (PDF)
  6. Next Steps (PDF)

View a summary of the October 2017 Open Houses (PDF)

July 2017 Open Houses

Attendees at two open house sessions learned about the 16th Street Mall, including the following:

  1. Project overview (PDF)
  2. Environmental process (PDF)
  3. History of the mall - previous studies (PDF)
  4. Existing conditions (PDF)
  5. Next steps (PDF)
  6. Evaluation criteria (PDF)

View a summary of Meet in the Street and the July 2017 Open Houses (PDF)

Business and Workforce Programs

The City of Denver and the Downtown Denver Partnership have developed a variety of tactics to help remove some common roadblocks that businesses face during large construction projects.

Business Support Information

The 16th Street Mall Project is positioned to create a workforce ecosystem that promotes broader inclusion of a diverse workforce, systemically addresses barriers to entry, and provides supportive service to promote successful worker performance and ongoing development.

Jobs and Workforce Programs Information

Night Work

PCL Construction, the contractor for the 16th Street Mall Project, received approval from the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) for a noise variance, which allows specific construction activities to occur at night on the 16th Street Mall Project.

Night work will lessen impacts to businesses and commuters, provide a safer work zone and allow for specific activities such as summer nighttime tree planting to take place in the most productive environment.

Night work is planned when it makes the most sense, not every night in every block. The construction activity dictates whether nighttime work is a good choice.

The night work approval is for the duration of the project and would apply to 16th Street from Blake Street to Broadway.

For both day and nighttime work, due to schedule and sequencing, not all active blocks will have activities occurring at all times. A 24-hour information line 855-816-MALL (6255) is in place on the project. It will be answered by a live person during any night work.

Night Work Hours

Night work construction hours may be any night of the week, 9:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.


What are the benefits of night work?

  • Impacts to businesses and the traveling public are lessened if the crews are allowed to work at night, especially when working at doorways to businesses.
  • There is less traffic congestion and fewer pedestrians, making it a safer work zone overnight.
  • Assists with healthy tree planting – Planting trees in summer heat can negatively affect the root ball, so tree planting in the summer is an excellent candidate for night work.

How will the requirements of the noise variance protect me?

Noise limits are set by DDPHE at levels to not cause health problems and undue hardships for residents. The noise variance provides guidelines for noise limits and how the noise will be monitored. If PCL does not follow the variance requirements, DDPHE can revoke the variance at any time.

What is PCL doing to reduce the noise levels when they work at night?

The variance approval requires the use of "mitigation" methods when noise is expected to exceed the approved limits. PCL will use best management practices for noise reduction. Different methods will be used at different times depending on the construction activity, location and expected noise levels.

Crews will perform only specific activities, limited to subgrade prep, concrete install, granite paver installation, and setting trees. It is unlikely that each of these activities will take place at night on each block.

Some of the proposed mitigation methods include:

  • No saw-cutting or demolition will take place during nighttime hours
  • Stationary equipment will be placed as far from residents as possible
  • Doing the noisiest work during the day
  • Removing backup alarms from equipment and using flaggers instead

How often will you be working by my property?

Construction activities will move around the Mall between Blake Street and Broadway throughout the life of the project.

The construction activity will dictate whether nighttime work is a good choice.

Night work will only be planned when it makes the most sense, not every night in every block.

What if I want to complain about noise?

The hotline number, 855-816-MALL, will be answered during nighttime operations and you can talk to a person who will take your address and concern. A technician will come and take a noise reading and will direct any needed changes to the work activity, which could include stopping it.

How can I keep track of construction activities?

Construction information is available on the website and emailed out every other Tuesday. Sign up on the website to be added to the email list. Or you can reach out with a question via emailwebsite form or phone at 855-816-MALL.

How do I know if I'll receive a hotel voucher?

Hotel vouchers will be available to impacted residential units when noise thresholds have a chance of being exceeded.

If hotel vouchers are going to be offered, PCL will notify affected residents seven days in advance.

How soon will night work begin at night?

Night work began in February 2024 and will occur when needed for the remainder of the 16th Street Mall Project.

If your block is going to be affected by night work, you will be notified seven days in advance. At that time, you will also receive notification if you are in an 'impact zone' and hotel vouchers will be offered. The telephone information line 855-816-MALL will be answered by a live person during night work and all complaints will be forwarded to field personnel who will immediately record, investigate and address the complaint.