The Climate Action Lab

at UC San Diego

Our mission is to reduce global heating by changing human behavior. We are social scientists—economists, psychologists, urban planners, political scientists, anthropologists, and more. We conduct applied research to test what leads people to change their minds about the climate, and what leads them to change their actions. We put these insights to work in partnership with communities and policymakers.


The lab is pleased to host Climate Education Day events! April 24, 2024


THIRD Annual Climate Justice & Resilience Fest

Friday, MAY 3rd, 10am-2pm

The UCSD Climate Justice/Action/Resilience Scholars Program will be holding the Third Annual Climate Justice and Resilience Fest from 10am-2pm on the East Lawn of NTPLLN (middle of 6th College) on Friday, May 3rd.  Everyone is welcome!

The aims of the event are to:

There will be a check-in table and participants will visit stations across four categories (Learn, Envision, Act, Fortify = LEAF). 

LEAF Stations:

Learn: about the climate emergency and how it is connected to other critical social, economic, and environmental challenges we are facing.

Envision: new ways of living, thinking and relating to one another which encompasses repair, reconnection, justice, equity, mutual care, and radical inclusion. 

Act to foster climate justice, action and resilience at UCSD and beyond 

Fortify yourself with music, food, conversation, creative expression, rest, joy, and fun!

Featuring DJ and live music!

Register here to help us plan food and activities 

(your name will be entered in a raffle for gift cards)

The UCSD Climate Justice/Action/Resilience Scholars is supported by the Office of the Provost of Sixth College, the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, the Department of Anthropology, the Basic Needs Hub, the Bioregional Center for Sustainability Science, Planning, and Design, Professor Steve Parish, Associated Students Office of Environmental Justice Affairs, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.


The lab is pleased to host the Ramanathan Tang Foundations Speakers Series on religious and ethical approaches to environmental justice. The next event is Crisis of Connection -- Helping Things Go Right, with Venerable Chang Ji. 

February 24, 2023 at 4pm. Reception to follow. 


Do you want to be part of real, human-centered, community-based solutions to our climate (justice) crisis, solutions that go beyond technological fixes to deeper human, cultural, and systems changes? The Climate Justice/Action Scholars (CJ/AS) Program is a 2-quarter, 12-unit course series offered in winter and spring (one 6-unit class each quarter). If you are concerned about the climate crisis and related issues of justice, equity, health and wellbeing, and you are interested in hands-on, collaborative, community-based learning, research, and action, this course series is for you.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.  Final deadline: Friday, October 14, 2022. 

Application Link:

For more information: Contact Dr. Leslie R. Lewis, [email protected]


The Climate Action Lab will host an art exhibition on June 3, 2022, for creative work related to climate change. Students, faculty, community members, and local artists will share what climate change means to them and what we can do about it. The theme of the exhibition will be "Art, Activism, and Advocacy."

The showcase will feature paintings, drawings, sculptures, performance art, and more - stop on by at any time between 12 PM and 5 PM to check it out!

All skill levels, art mediums, and occupations are welcome to contribute work to this public showcase. If you are interested in displaying your work, please fill out this form.

More information here


Join the Climate Justice/Action Scholars at the Birch Aquarium on Friday, June 3, 2022 9:30-11:30am for a Climate Justice & Resilience Mini-Fest!  Games, art, conversation, and other forms of engagement across four stations, with prizes for participants.  Come Learn, Envision, Act and Fortify (LEAF) as we all work to ensure the health and sustainability of our oceans, climate, ecological systems, and local communities!


The inaugural Climate Justice and Resilience Fest was held by the UCSD Climate Justice/Action Scholars Program in alignment with a Worldwide Teach-In on Climate Justice on March 30th (10am-3pm). The aims of the event were:

1) Broaden how people think about climate justice and action: beyond technological solutions to new ways of living, thinking, and relating to one another which encompass repair, restoration, reconnection (with land, ecosystems, people, and self), justice, equity, an ethic of mutual care, and radical inclusion;

2) Create space and experiences which build community and foster resilience;

3) Enjoy conversation, joy, rest, creative expression, and fun!

DM @ucsdclimatejusticescholars on Instagram or email Prof. Leslie Lewis @ [email protected] if you have any questions about the event!


The physical Climate Action Lab space is part of the Public Engagement building of the North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood. The lab is home to research, teaching, and public engagement around social science responses to the climate crisis.


The Climate Champions Virtual Summit on May 22 connected K-12 educators and community members with climate-related learning, networking, and resource-sharing opportunities. Here's a description of the event


The Climate Action Lab announces a new collaboration to develop and implement climate curriculum in public K-12 classrooms. Climate Champions is a partnership with the Center For Research On Educational Equity, Assessment & Teaching Excellence (CREATE) and the Birch Aquarium at Scripps. See more here


The Climate Action Lab is delighted to announce the creation of the Earth Healers Award. The award is given in honor of Alice Parish and other strong women who have cared for the land and loved the earth. The award is made possible by the generosity of Steve Parish and her family, and is given to students, organizations, or members of the public in recognition of their efforts to care for the earth and protect the planet. Students in the Climate Action Scholars Program will nominate the recipients of this annual award.  


The Anthropology Department is offering a new Major in Climate Change and Human Solutions.


The Climate Solutions Collective held its inaugural Summit on February 21, 2020 at UC San Diego. The event featured 10 speakers giving TED-style talks, each providing hands-on solutions for climate issues. The speakers included regional leaders and UC San Diego faculty, such as Richard Carson of Economics, Fonna Forman of Political Science and the Center on Global Justice, and Adam Aron, of Psychology. You can see all the talks here