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Observations Tmean Tmax Tmin Prcp SLP Glob. Rad. Wind Speed Elev  
CPC 0.5° global 1979-now xxx,x     more information
CPC 0.25° CONUS 1948-now   x,x    more information
GPCC 1° 1988-now   x,x    more information
GPCP v1.3 1° 1997-now   x    more information
CMORPH 0.5° 1998-now   x    more information
CHIRPS 2.0 Africa 0.25° 1981-now   x    more information
KNMI Radar 1km 2009-Feb2019   x    more information
GPM IMERG V06 2000-now   0.5°, 0.2°    more information
UMD/NCEI 1° OLR 1979-now   x    more information
Berkeley 1880-now 1° anomalies (Land)xxx     more information
Berkeley 1880-now 1° full (Land)xxx     more information
E-OBS 1920-now 0.25° Europexxxxxxxxmore information
AWAP 1900/1910-now 0.25° Australia xxx    more information
REGNIE 1931-now 2km Germany   x    more information
SST OI v2 1982-nowSST, anomaly more information
Copernicus 1/4°sea level anomaly, dynamic topography, zonal geostrophic velocity, meridional geostrophic velocitymore information
Rutgers GSL 1966-now 1°snow extentmore information
TAO 1980-nowSST, Tair, RH, u, v, τx, τymore information
Reanalysis t2m prcp slp z500 v500 z200 v200 evap wspd  
NCEP/NCAR 1948-now x x x x x x x     more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.5° x x x x x x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° Europe x x x x x x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° Africa x x x x x x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° North America x x x x x x more information
  Tmin Tmax Tdew Twet sp t850 pot evap max wspd  
ERA5 1950-now 0.5° x x x x x x   x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° Europe x x x x x x   x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° Africa x x x x x x   x more information
ERA5 1950-now 0.25° North America x x x x x x   x more information
  t2m prcp slp tmin tmax t850 z500 u10,v10  
ERA-20C 1900-2010 x x x       x   more information
20CR V3 1836-2015 x x x x x x x x, x more information
  eu af as au na sa      
GloFAS 1979-2020 discharge x x x x x x     more information
For additional ERA5 data, visit the ECMWF Climate Data Store. For additional NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis data, visit the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis 1 page.
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