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265% ROI and 6-month payback period with Google Cloud's operations suite

Download The Total Economic Impact™ of Google Cloud’s operations suite by Forrester Research to learn more about the methodology and findings

Cover of report with the text: The Total Economic Impact of Google Cloud's operations suite
Helpful information for IT operations, DevOps, and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) teams who are considering new tools for their organizations

Download the report today for information including:

  • The breakdown of ROI you can expect from increased efficiency gains, reassignment of DevOps engineers, and tool consolidation

  • Customer insights: “As we accelerate our transition to the cloud, we will be reducing or eliminating tooling, saving us an estimated $10 million per year.” Manager, telecommunications

  • Additional benefits when switching to Google Cloud's operations suite such as enhanced security posture, improved reporting and analytics, and better scalability

Complete this form for access to the report
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