IDC MarketScape names Google a Leader in Vision AI Software Platforms in Asia Pacific

IDC evaluated eight vendors in Asia Pacific and considered Google for productivity and customer experience use cases where the priority is model optimization for consumption on edge and mobile devices. Also, when flexible ways of cost control or composite capabilities for AI, data management, and cloud are required.

IDC MarketScape

Source: " IDC MarketScape Excerpt: Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Vision Artificial Intelligence Software Platform 2021 Vendor Assessment" by Christopher Lee Marshall, Jessie Danqing Cai, Sandeep Sharma & Dylan Yap, October 2021, IDC Document #AP47490521.

Get your complimentary copy excerpt of the report to learn:
  • How the Vision AI market is evolving in Asia Pacific
  • How Google Cloud Vision AI products can help enhance productivity and customer experience
  • Why Google was named a leader in Vision AI software platforms in Asia Pacific

IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. The Capabilities score measures vendor product, go-to-market and business execution in the short-term. The Strategy score measures alignment of vendor strategies with customer requirements in a 3-5-year timeframe. Vendor market share is represented by the size of the circles. Vendor year-over-year growth rate relative to the given market is indicated by a plus, neutral or minus next to the vendor name.

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