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Mastering Image View Size Optimization

Written By Adi Mizrahi

Today, users access content on multiple platforms and devices — each with different screen sizes and resolutions. This diversity presents a challenge: How can developers ensure that images look great on every device without compromising performance? Check out the responsive breakpoints mechanism in the Cloudinary iOS SDK, a powerful tool…

Using Autoplay Videos With Cloudinary and WordPress

Written By Francis Agulto

In web development and content creation, optimizing media for site performance is a must to enhance the user experience. One commonly used media format for short animations is the GIF. While GIFs have their place, they can be resource-intensive, leading to slower page loads and increased bandwidth usage. An effective…

Create AI-Generated Images for Your Next.js Blog With DALL-E 3

Written By the Cloudinary Team

Did you know that AI-generated images can be tailored to match the theme of your content perfectly? By leveraging DALL-E 3 and Cloudinary, you can effortlessly create stunning blog post banner images that resonate with your audience. In this blog post, you’ll…

Cloudinary Alternative: Is There Really an Alternative?

Written By the Cloudinary Team

Cloudinary has a unique space in digital asset management, offering a suite of features that simplify the handling of images and videos. What makes Cloudinary unique is the combination of robust tools for image and video manipulation, advanced optimization capabilities, and easy integration into your development workflow. Cloudinary continues to…

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