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中伟新材料股份有限公司(中伟股份 300919.SZ)成立于2014年9月,是湖南中伟控股集团有限公司旗下控股子公司、上市主体,公司被认定为国家企业技术中心、国家高新技术企业,获得“国家智能制造”、“绿色制造工厂”等示范项目称号。公司是专业的锂电池新能源材料综合服务商,属于国家战略性新兴产业中的新材料、新能源领域。中伟股份已与国内外数十家知名企业达成战略合作,公司自主开发的高电压四氧化三钴、高镍NCM、NCA等核心产品成功跻身中国、欧美、日韩地区世界500强企业高端供应链,被广泛应用于3C数码领域、动力领域及储能领域。目前,中伟股份已在贵州铜仁、湖南长沙、广西钦州建立并布局千亩级产业基地,覆盖全国,辐射海外市场。公司始终以研发创新为核心,持续加大研发投入,沿着高镍低钴化三元前驱体、高电压四氧化三钴、多元化产品、综合循环利用的研发方向,打造多样化、定制化、快速开发与量产的技术服务能力,融入全球产业链,引领行业发展。2020年12月23日,中伟股份在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市,股票代码300919。 未来,中伟股份将始终致力于新能源发展,依托技术、立足品质,源源不断为社会输送绿色能源、肩负起能源循环的社会责任,矢志成为全球最具价值的新能源材料综合服务商。

5,001-10,000 人
Advanced Energy Materials、Lithium Batteries、Energy Transition、Battery Technology、Catalysis、Chemicals、Cathode、Electric Vehicles、Lithium-ion Batteries、Mobility、Energy Management、Battery Recycling、Sustainable Energy和Precursor Materials


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    Innovation, exploration, and diversified technology;  win-win, ecologization, sustainable development. From 2014 to 2024, from regional to international, the technological, global, and modernization aspects are becoming the main goals of CNGR's development. "A sustainable new energy materials technology company" is gradually becoming the new international brand image of CNGR. On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, CNGR international video is officially premiering now! 🎉

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    Since 28 July, the first batch of equipment for CNGR's Moroccan project, including key production line equipment and auxiliary facilities, has successfully arrived at its local site in Jorf Lasfar. This marks the entry of the project into the installation phase, which is another very important milestone towards the commissioning of the project. As the first battery materials project in Morocco, we aim to provide cyclic green energy materials for customers’ diverse needs for sustainable battery materials and solutions in European and North American markets. The project will adopt CNGR's advanced battery materials process design and build battery materials and recycling production lines to the hightest industry standards. The annual production capacity will achieve 120,000 tonnes of ternary precursors and the refining of their supporting raw materials, 60,000 tonnes of lithium iron phosphate and 30,000 tonnes of black mass recycling. Based on project progress, the first production line is expected to be completed and commissioned in Q4 2024. The smooth arrival of this equipment also demonstrates CNGR's global supply chain management and excellent operations capabilities, as well as Morocco's favourable business environment and continuously strengthened industrial infrastructure. With our mission "Material to Perfection", we strive to create more value for our global customers with our low-carbon, high-quality products, and to contribute to the global energy transition and sustainable development. #BatteryMaterials#Morocco#CNGR

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    Mr. Jay Yang will be appointed as Vice President of CNGR Advanced Material Co.,LTD and President of regions Europe,America and Morocco, in which Mr. Yang will take full business and management responsibility of precursor of cathode active material base, metal refinery and resource recycling.The appointment will be effective from April 1st 2024. Prior to joining CNGR, Mr. Yang held several senior executive roles in multiple divisions of BASF group (Fortune Global 500) including Polyurethane, Intermediates and Battery materials. We believe CNGR’s rapid and high-quality globalization development will be benefitted from Mr. Yang’s global insight, strong leadership and solid industrial experience.

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    Thrilled to share with you the insightful greetings of Weiming DENG, Chairman of CNGR, for 2024🚀 👉 “From the "four system matrix" of nickel and cobalt series to phosphorus and sodium series, from raw ore refining to battery grade raw materials, and then to the vertical production of new energy materials and waste battery recycling, we meet the differentiated needs of customers and the market with product innovation and process engineering applications, winning the long-term trust of customers.”   ➡️To get Weiming DENG’s vision of the battery materials industry, read the full letter here: #CNGR #BatteriesNews #batterymetals #electricvehicle #rawmaterials #electricvehicles   Dani WidjajaJK Park James(Jun-hyup) Baek DAEKON KIM Barep Priyo Utomo

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    At the end of the second quarter of 2023, the OESBF production line started officially CNGR Qinzhou Industrial Base.   This line is dedicated to transforming low nickel matte into high nickel matte. 🏭 The OESBF technology is a pioneering technological pathway for the preparation of high nickel matte from low nickel matte. Such a production line enables cost-effectiveness, low energy consumption, and high output, effectively striking a balance between economic efficiency 📈and environmental considerations♻️.   Upon the comprehensive completion of the production line, it is poised to attain an annual production capacity of 80,000 metal tons of high nickel matte, ensuring a self-sufficient supply of vital raw materials for CNGR. Check the video explaining this innovative process 👉   #CNGR #recycling  #sustainability  #cleantech  #battery   James(Jun-hyup) Baek DAEKON KIM

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    Elevating ESG management capabilities through consistent impactful measures in sustainable development?♻️ By the end of 2023, CNGR Group's participation in the ESG ratings conducted by the world's three major index institutions -Standard&Poor's (S&P) CSA rating, MSCI ESG rating, and FTSE ESG rating- has reached an industry-average level. 📊 How did we achieve it? As an example, have a look at the video of our Qinzhou industrial base: In August 2023, our photovoltaic power plant distributing 37MWp successfully got connected.🌞 #CNGR #SustainableEnergy #Innovation Dani WidjajaJK Park   IMANE EL AROUI Matthew Cooper

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    🚀2023 led CNGR to great achievements! 🎆  Over the next days, we suggest sharing with you some of the top highlights of CNGR in 2023. 1.     A "New Four Modernizations" strategy, emphasizing technological diversification, global development, digital operation, and industrial ecology. 📈 In 2023, CNGR strategically upgraded its approach. Leveraging extensive industry experience, the company proactively shifted its core strategy to the "New Four Modernizations" strategy, emphasizing "technological diversification, global development, digital operation, and industrial ecology." This strategic shift was unveiled on the global stage at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Since the implementation of the "New Four Modernizations" strategy in June 2023, CNGR has successfully maintained a leading position in the high nickel product market and achieved noteworthy breakthroughs in cutting-edge technology. This evolution has led to the gradual establishment of a sustainable industrial chain. The "New Four Modernizations" strategy guides CNGR towards its vision of becoming the preeminent global provider of new energy materials, contributing significantly to the global transition to clean and sustainable energy. #CNGRDevlopment #cleanenergytransition #industrialautomation

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