
Privacy Statement

Last update: 10/11/2011

CNE.news (part of Erdee Media B.V.) respects your privacy. According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we will explain which personal data we collect, why we need them, what we do with them, how we handle them and which rights you have.



This privacy statement applies to all products, services and activities of CNE.news (Christian Network Europe) part of Erdee Media B.V. and located in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands (NL-7336AZ) at Laan van Westenenk 12. In this statement we explain what personal data CNE.news processes from you, for what purposes and on what legal bases. It will also tell you how long we keep your data, with which parties we share data and what rights you have regarding your personal data; for example, the right to inspect and the right to delete. The person responsible for processing your personal data is CNE.news. Our company has a data protection officer. He is your contact for GPDR issues and you can reach him at [email protected] or at +31 55 539 02 22.

  • Personal data collected by CNE.news

    • a.

      Data you provide

      When you subscribe to one of our products or services, when you participate in an event or book a trip, when you register, order a publication, subscribe to an e-mail newsletter, participate in a promotion, apply for a job with our company, contact CNE.news or use our services in any other way, the personal data provided by you will be recorded and processed.

    • b.

      Data obtained through cookies and similair techniques

      In addition to the personal data that you provide yourself to CNE.news, our company may collect, record and process additional personal data about the use of our services. We obtain this data using cookies and similar techniques. This involves the following personal data:

      • device data, operating system data and, if applicable, also browser data, with which access is gained to a service of CNE.news;
      • data about the use of a service, such as your surfing behavior, the time when you use a service and the type of service; if you are logged in, this information can be linked to your account;
      • location data from your devices or derived from your IP address that is transmitted to CNE.news when you use a particular service. Prior to installation of apps that transmit the GPS location of your device, explicit permission is requested to process the location data of your device.
  • Personal data collected by CNE.news

    In summary, and based on the above overview, CNE.news processes one or more of the following personal data from you:

    • Initial(s), first and last name;
    • gender;
    • date of birth;
    • address information;
    • phone number;
    • email address;
    • relationship number;
    • bank account number;
    • passport number; (only if you are booking a trip)
    • IP address;
    • internet browser and device type;
    • data about your activities on our websites;
    • other personal data that you actively provide, for example in a telephone conversation via correspondence, by creating a profile on one of our websites or by participating in one of our promotions.
  • Purpose of processing personal data

    • a.

      CNE.news processes your personal data on the following legal bases:

      • for the performance of a contract; for example, when you subscribe to a service or order a publication;
      • legitimate interest; for example, to improve our products and services and to provide you relevant information about our services;
      • consent; which you give for example when creating an account, subscribing to a newsletter, accepting cookies or participating in a promotion.
    • b.

      CNE.news processes your personal data for the following goals:

      • to deliver a newspaper or magazine to which you subscribe; to deliver a book you have ordered; to carry out an event or trip for which you have signed up;
      • to send you a newsletter, user information, service messages or other communications;
      • to offer you our products and services as completely as possible and to analyze, maintain and improve them in order to adapt them to your use and interests;
      • to keep you informed about the products and services of CNE.news;
      • to approach or exclude specific target groups by means of advertising, including social media and direct mail.
  • How long personal data is stored

    CNE.news will not keep your data longer than necessary for the purpose for which the data is collected. We keep customer data for two years after the end of the customer relationship, among other things for the correct application of the rules that apply to a trial subscription. In addition, the Tax Act requires CNE.news to keep invoice and payment data for seven years. If you apply for a job with our company and this does not lead to an employment relationship, CNE.news will destroy all data no later than one month after the end of the application procedure. If a job applicant requests CNE.news itself to keep its data longer for a possible next vacancy, this will happen up to a maximum of twelve months.

  • Sharing personal data with third parties

    CNE.news shares personal data with third parties if necessary in order to execute an agreement, for example, the delivery of a newspaper or magazine. We conclude a data processing agreement (DPA) with companies or institutions with which we share personal data to ensure that third parties treat the personal data in the same secure way as CNE.news. CNE.news does not sell address data to third parties.

  • Processing personal data outside the EU

    In our cooperation with international companies it may happen that personal data are also processed outside the EU. In that case CNE.news will ensure the protection of your personal data in accordance with the applicable guidelines within the EU, as described in a European Commission decision of 5 February 2010, "on standard contractual clauses (SCC) for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries".

  • Protection of personal data

    The security of your personal data is a permanent point of attention within CNE.news. For example, your data is only accessible to authorized employees. In addition, CNE.news will take appropriate technical measures, considering the state of the art, to prevent the loss or illegal use of data.

  • The law and your personal data

    CNE.news ensures that personal data is stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Should you nevertheless have the impression that your data is not properly secured or believe that it has been misused, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected].

  • The rights you have

    You, as the owner of your personal data, have a right under the GDPR to inspect that data. You also have the right under the law to correct or delete them if they are incorrect, incomplete or used in violation of the law. You can submit a request for this at [email protected]. Because we will then contact you by telephone, a request must always include a telephone number. To be able to verify whether the person making the request is also the person to whom the data belongs, you should enclose a copy of a valid identity document. To protect your privacy, we ask you to cover or black out the citizen service number and your passport photo. Finally, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Authority (in Dutch: Autoriteit Persoongegevens) if you believe that your rights have been violated.

  • Modification of privacy statement

    CNE.news reserves the right to supplement or amend this privacy statement when necessary.

  • Marketing and advertising cookies

    CNE.news uses advertising cookies from Google, Facebook and LinkedIn. This allows us to show you relevant ads on third-party websites. These cookies are only placed after your permission. You can also use the cookie settings to indicate whether these cookies may be placed.

    Read more about the privacy policy of the cookies we use: