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Alaska Broadband Office

The Alaska Broadband Office (ABO) was created on August 9, 2022, when Governor Dunleavy signed Alaska House Bill 363 into law. The State of Alaska had been engaged in broadband work for several years, most recently highlighted through efforts of the Governor’s Task Force on Broadband in their Final Report issued in November of 2021. Formal broadband efforts were then transferred to the Commissioner’s Office in the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.

The Alaska Broadband Office oversees the State of Alaska's efforts to ensure all Alaskans have high quality, affordable internet. This will be done through two federal programs: the Digital Equity Act (DE) and the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program. These programs, established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) passed by Congress in November 2021, allocate funds to expand broadband access for underserved and unserved communities in Alaska.

The In-State Mapping Challenge and Rebuttal Portal closed July 5, 2024.

Stage 4 begins July 6, 2024 and the Alaska Broadband Office will review challenges and rebuttals from eligible entities to determine if they will be accepted.

Public Engagement

The Alaska Broadbnad Office remains committed to keeping stakeholders informed by participating in speaking engagements and conferences as well as facilitating monthly industry and local government roundtables throughout the planning and implementation process.

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