Examples of the adoption of ISO/TC 224 Standards


The Israel Water Authority (IWA), the government body responsible for the management, operation and regulation of water and wastewater in Israel, in collaboration with the Standards Institute of Israel, is currently in the process of adopting ISO 24518:2015 Crisis management of water utilities and ISO 24520:2017 Crisis management - Good practice for technical aspects. IWA intends to use these standards for assessing crisis preparedness including auditing and certification of water utilities in Israel against the management system standard ISO 24518.


The adoption of International Standards in European countries is restricted in many ways, for Instance, the European Drinking Water Directive (DWD) has to be considered since it is binding on all states of the European Union and has to be converted into national law.    Moreover, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has mandates for Standards.  After ratification, their adoption in every country of the European Union is obligatory.


Because of the above-noted European law, the Drinking Water Ordinance (Trinkwasserverordnung/TrinkWV) is obligatory for any regulations in Germany.

Nevertheless, the German Institute for Standardization, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN) together with the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water(DVGW) have implemented ISO 24516-1 and ISO 24523 in their totality as DIN ISO 24516-1 and DIN ISO 24523.  It is expected that other parts of the series 24516 will be adopted.


National Water and Solid Waste Services Regulator, Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos (ERSAR), in 2004 published the first Service Quality Assessment Guide for Water and Urban Solid Waste Utilities defining a set of performance indicators that could describe water and waste services, their performance assessment and also promote the use by utilities of metrics benchmarking.  The Portuguese participants in TC 224 contributed significantly to the development of the initial ISO Standards published by TC 224.

ERSAR’s technical guides are in line with ISO 24510, ISO 24511 and ISO 24512 requiring the establishment of an assessment system with objectives, assessment criteria, metrics and targets.


Implementation of ISO 55000 "Asset management -- Overview, principles and terminology" and ISO 24516 standards "Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems" in 2 key assets of Jordan’s water resource management:

  • Disi Amman operation & maintenance (DISI BOT Project): water extraction at Mudawwara wellfield and 350km conveyance system from the south of Jordan to Amman city in extreme desert conditions.
  • As-Samra BOT project: Jordan’s largest wastewater treatment plant, supplying treated water for irrigation that represents 10% of the water used in Jordan. The plant is also ISO 50001 certified for energy management since 2014 and up to 95% of energy self-sufficient.

SUEZ is the operator for those 2 projects and was rewarded at Or'Normes Awards 2018 by the French National Organization for Standardization (AFNOR) for the implementation of these voluntary standards. Thanks to these documents potential threats and potential impacts were identified on operations. They also provided a framework to ensure the resilience activities. The application of ISO 24516 standards to water treatment networks and plants played a key role in the successful implementation and certification of the ISO 55 000 management systems.

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