Any Change in dataset triggers a Full refresh


I have observed that when there is a change in dataset a full refresh gets triggered. This is fine if there were significant changes to the structure of the query that may necessiate a re-pull of data.

However, a lot of times when I work on datasets to add calculated fields and save the dataset a full refresh gets triggered. This is really unwarranted. I think the QuickSight engine should be smart enough to determine that there is no change in underlying data structure of the query and hence no need to refresh.


Hi @Giridhar.Prabhu, I have the same issue. I’m marking this for feature request. At AWS, their roadmap is primarily driven by customers. Our feedback helps them build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request. More features are being added on a regular basis, so please keep an eye on the What’s New / Blog . You can set up a Watching Alert by clicking on the bell icon.

You could look to opening up a case with AWS and see if they can provide a solution.

Here are the steps to open a support case . If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. Hope this helps!

Hi @Giridhar.Prabhu - Quick point, where are you creating the calculated field? If the calculated field is created at data preparation stage, it make sense to have a full refresh as SPICE needs to store these information for reporting. If the calculated field is created at analysis stage, I think it should not do the full refresh. Can you please check this ?

Regards - Sanjeeb

I am adding the calculated field in the dataset. You don’t see the results of the calculated fields in the dataset edit window which basically means they are not stored as part of the dataset, their formula is part of the dataset. When that being the case why should the dataset be refreshed?