Quicksight Executing queries in Athena and saving output to a location

Hi All, Whenever Quicksight is refreshing a dataset or executing any queries for Athena datasets, it is writing outputs to a S3 bucket named : aws-athena-query-results-AWSREGION-AWSACCOUNTID. I understand that this is the default behaviour. With time this S3 bucket has become bigger in size.

  1. We wanted to ask if we deleted the csv files from this bucket, will it impact quicksight datasets with Athena connections.
  2. Once dataset created and spice dataset refreshed, does it matter if it is there in S3 bucket, is it ever used again ?


There should be no issue if you are not using the incremental refreshes of of datasets.
S3 is cost effective. :slight_smile:
Naveed Ali

I am using incremental refresh in most of my datasets. What if i keep only recent csv file for a dataset. Will it have impact on refresh. My understanding is that QS store datasets in spice and not in S3. It is creating S3 files only to use it for incremental refresh and after it is done, its no more required. Please let me know if my understanding is correct or wrong ?


Yes. You are correct. This will create a problem when you create need a complete refresh in future. QS sync data on S3 I think if you remove the big file from there spice will delete the old data and sync the rest of the files.

Naveed Ali

Thanks a lot Naveed. I will test it out and see if its hampering our datasets integrity.

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