Request Number is 123456
WCC Public Claim Information Inquiry
  • Instructions
  • Claim Information Inquiry
  • WCC Codes
  • Help
Read the below instructions to proceed with the Claim Inquiry.
  • Do not utilize multiple instances of this inquiry at the same time; such attempt will result in data errors and/or error messages.
  • The Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission Public Claim Information Inquiry access is provided to supply those who have a legitimate business or personal need for claim-specific information from the Commission. It is not intended for use as a mechanism for amusement or personal harassment. Use of this information is subject to all applicable Federal, State and local laws. Intentional abuse or misuse of this information is prohibited and subject to all civil or criminal penalties under the law.
  • Access to MD WCC claim information via the Claim Information Inquiry requires the input of two (2) available data fields. Recommended are:
    • MD WCC Claim number and the claimant's full last (sur)name OR
    • Social Security number and the claimant's full last (sur)name.
  • No information is returned unless any two (2) fields are correctly completed. Claimant Date of Birth can also be used in lieu of surname where a name change may have occurred before or after the claim was filed. Entering more than two elements will require a match on all three or four to provide a result.
  • The WCC Claim number is not the workers' compensation insurance carrier's identifier number. WCC claim number syntax is A123456, B123456, M123456 or W123456. Information returned displays all claim details, exclusive those that are deemed "non-public" information. In addition to Claim Inquiry additional searches are available, such as Hearing Results, Award Inquiry, Hearing Issues and description of claim-related WCC Codes. You will NOT obtain claimant home address, telephone number, Social Security number, personal financial or medical information via this search. Such information is NON-PUBLIC and not available.
  • Each inquiry requires re-entry of the search information. No access to WCC documents is provided via this public inquiry. Note that all Internet access to WCC data is logged, including: the originating IP address, information viewed and time of access. The search application is best viewed with latest version of Google Chrome and Edge web browsers.
  • When no claim is found, no Employee Claim has been filed with the Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission matching your input. If the claimant has filed a claim with the MD WCC under a different name or Social Security number, the search has only the input criteria to act upon. Any claim filed under different personal identification information cannot be retrieved. When no claim is found, please confirm that the personal data input displayed with the result is correct.
Claim Information Inquiry
Claim Number
Claimant SSN (last 4 digits)
Claimant Last Name
Claimant Date of Birth
Claim Number Claimant Name Accident/Occupational Disease Date Date Filed Action
Marital Status
Regular Work
Paid DOA
Nature of Business
Location of Accident
Notice of Injury
Day Could Not Work
Accident Date
Occupational Disease
Medical Requested
Medical Provided
Date Returned to Work

Other Claim Number
Date Received
Date Mailed
Consideration Date
Claim Number
Claimant Name
Hearing Date
Hearing Location
Docket Time
Decision Code

Issue Date
Issue Code
Issue Description
Claim Number
Claimant Name
Code Description Hearing Date Received Date Acted Date DOC Group COM ROR RQ Continuance Cont. COM Decision Code
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