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The European Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament strengthen cooperation for a European Union that delivers for all people  

​President Alves Vasco Cordeiro and President Roberta Metsola sign a long-standing cooperation agreement ahead of the new upcoming legislative term 

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary and ahead of the next mandate, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Parliament (EP) seek to reinforce their institutional partnership through the signature of a revised bilateral agreement. 

The President of the European Committee of the Regions, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, and the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, signed on 14 May a revised Cooperation Agreement to bolster their joint efforts in strengthening European democracy and identifying new avenues of cooperation for the two institutions to better take into account the views of local and regional authorities throughout the EU legislative cycle. 

The cooperation will allow for delivery of new common objectives such as: 

  • cooperation in the context of the EU decision-making process, notably through holding a political dialogue with the EP President and MEPs in the CoR plenary sessions and reciprocal invitations of rapporteurs; 
  • CoR contribution to the EP with drawing on the expertise of local and regional authorities, through the facilitation of the participation of EP rapporteurs at meetings of regional parliaments or city councils, among other initiatives; 
  • an improved connection between existing initiatives promoted by the CoR and the EP, such as the EP Gender Equality Week, the Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award, and work on the EU enlargement and foresight; 
  • cooperation in communication activities on key policy initiatives, legislation, surveys, and polls, which aim at highlighting the added value of EU policies on the ground. 


Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions, said: “Europe's democracy is built at all levels: local, national and European. As political assemblies, the European Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament strengthen their cooperation for a Union that delivers for all people, wherever they are. To face today's multiple challenges, Europe must rely on regions and cities and the over one million local and regional representatives that the Committee represents. We will continue working to deliver a stronger and fairer Europe." 

More information:  

  • The current Cooperation Agreement between the CoR and the EP dated from 2014. 
  • The President of the CoR and of the EP signed on 28 February a Memorandum of Understanding, reinforcing their cooperation to promote democratic engagement and contribute to an open public debate on EU's challenges and opportunities in light of the EU elections.   

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