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Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities  

The European Commission has recently published the Call for Proposals on 'Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities' (EuropeAid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi).

This Call of Proposals is being implemented within the framework of the 2018 Annual Action Programme for Local Authorities by the European Commission. The specific objectives of the Call of Proposals are to strengthen urban governance; ensure social inclusiveness of cities; improve resilience and greening as well as innovation and prosperity in cities. The proposed partnerships must address the first specific objective (urban governance) and at least one out of the three remaining objectives (social inclusiveness, greening of cities, prosperity and innovation). The Call is open until 6 December 2018 and cities from European Neighborhood East and South countries can also apply. Partnerships for sustainable cities in the Neighborhood East and South have a budget envelope of EUR 9.5 million available for grants between EUR 2-5 million.

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