A new chapter for EU democracy 

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The new​ chapter for EU democracy campaign focuses on strengthening the democratic culture in Europe's regions and cities by promoting civic education, further encouraging youth participation and gender balance in decision-making, and fostering the debate on EU issues within local and regional elections. ​The CoR Members, the network of EU regional and local Councillors and the Young Elected Politicians (YEPs) are key elements in reinforcing the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. At the same time, the CoR maintains its efforts to be at the forefront when it comes to innovative methods in fighting disinformation and promoting participatory democracy.  ​

​Our goals

Democracy and the future of the EU remains one ot the top priorities of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). A new chapter for EU democracy, alongside communication campaigns on Cohesion and the Green Deal, remain a major initiative for the CoR and its members.

The main goals of the new chapter for EU democracy campaign in 2023 are to assist local and regional elected representatives and local authorities in supporting representative and participatory democracy in view of the European elections in 2024 and beyond; reinforcing European values, youth participation and gender equality; and promoting the active involvement of citizens and local and regional authorities in EU policy shaping.

A new chapter for EU democracy campaign reaches these goals through the following activities:

  • Providing support to Members of the CoR who wish to create events in their local areas to engage citizens in a dialogue about Europe
  • Capacity building by providing tranining and interactive sessions on innovative participatory democracy methods
  • Extending the network of practitioners through the CoR networks of EU Councillors and YEPs
  • Ensuring that citizen dialogue outputs are fed into the right channels for policy- and decision-making
  • Promoting a better gender representativity within local and regional politicians through the For more women in politics initiative
  • Working with external organisations to support the development of new and innovative methods of citizen engagement and participation, and encouraging the take-up of these new tools. More information on our projects with the Bertelsmann Stiftung  is available below.

Support to Members

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is encouraging its Members to bring their citizens closer to the European Union through EULocalDialogues.

​Members who want to organise events that reach out to citizens or their representatives can apply for a flat-rate outreach allowance of EUR 700. The Member can use the outreach allowance to support the organisation of a local or regional event. All formats and types of events are eligible for this support. Please note that the event must not take place less than one month before an election, and the Member must submit an event report within one month of it took place, according to Regulation No. 15-2023.

The Directorate for Communication can provide further communication support to Members organising EULocalDialogues through web, press, social media and visual branding.

Members are encouraged to organise EULocalDialogues feeding into one of the CoR priorities: "Future of cohesion policy", "Addressing the climate and energy crises", "A new chapter for EU democracy", and the overarching priority, "Ukraine".

The request for support can be submitted via this event application form.

​Please contact the secretariat at: [email protected] in case of need for further information.​


  • Bertelsmann Stiftung: The CoR successfully concluded its project "From local to Euro​pean"​ with the Bertelsmann Stiftung  supporting over 40 local dialogues across Europe in 2021-2022. The new joint project for 2023-2024 was launched with a kick-off event on 9 March and will be gradually rolled out to interested local and regional politicians, authorities interested in taking up citizen participation practices in decision-making.

Network of Regional and Local EU Councillors

There are more than one million elected politicians in the regions and cities of the European Union. They are dealing with European laws, funding programmes and debates on a daily basis. The Network builds on the successful experience with national of local politicians dealing with EU affairs existing, for example, in Austria, France and Germany.

Visit the Network webpage for more information and to get involved.  

  • Vodič za organizaciju lokalnih dijaloga

    Dostupni jezici (23)
    1. български(789.5 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Ръководство за организиране на местни диалози
    2. Čeština(787.44 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Příručka pro pořádání místních dialogů
    3. dansk(786.39 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Vejledning i afholdelse af lokale dialoger
    4. Deutsch(789.37 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Leitfaden für die Ausrichtung lokaler Dialoge
    5. ελληνικά(796.98 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Οδηγός για τη φιλοξενία τοπικών διαλόγων
    6. English(422.68 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Guide for hosting local dialogues
    7. español(785.52 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Guía para la organización de diálogos locales
    8. eesti(783.24 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Juhend kohalike dialoogide korraldamiseks
    9. suomi(782.93 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      kalliset vuoropuhelut ohjeita tapahtumien järjestäjille
    10. français(788.53 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Guide pour organiser des dialogues locaux
    11. Gaeilge(442.37 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Treoir le seisiúin idirphlé a óstáil go háitiúil
    12. magyar(788.36 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Útmutató helyi párbeszédek megrendezéséhez
    13. italiano(784.05 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Guida all’organizzazione di dialoghi locali
    14. lietuvių(784.65 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Vietos dialogų rengimo vadovas
    15. latviešu(785.17 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Ceļvedis vietējo dialogu rīkošanai
    16. Malti(787.47 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Gwida biex jiġu ospitati d-djalogi lokali
    17. Nederlands(783.99 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Gids voor het organiseren van lokale dialogen
    18. polski(789.65 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Przewodnik dotyczący organizacji dialogów lokalnych
    19. português(785.66 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Guia para organizar diálogos locais
    20. română(785.74 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Ghid pentru găzduirea unor dialoguri locale
    21. slovenčina(786.74 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Návod na organizáciu miestnych dialógov
    22. slovenščina(781.98 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Vodnik za organizacijo lokalnih dialogov
    23. svenska(785.84 KB-PDF)Preuzimanje
      Handledning för att stå som värd för lokala dialoger
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Directorate for Communication - Local Dialogues Team
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