Detail of the vacancy notice

Reference: COR/AD5-AD12/23 BIS/24
Directorate: Directorate A, Members and Plenaries
Function Group: AD
Management: No
Deadline: 13/09/2024 12:00
Job Title: Administrator – Document Management Officer & Information Manager
Unit/Service: Unit A1 - Services to members
Grade: AD5-AD12
Location: Brussels

​​​​Your job and responsibilities

In modern institutions and organizations, paperless and remote work necessitates efficient and secure electronic records (or document management) systems, along with comprehensive digital transformation. Simultaneously, it's crucial to understand the scope of permanent preservation and to ensure access to this information. Against this background, it has been decided to introduce the European Commission's document management policy (e-Domec) and to deploy the related tools (in particular HERMES, ARES and NOMCOM) at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR).

At the same time, efficient information management and modern library services allow to collect, use and share data, knowledge and information inside the organisation (and beyond) so as to inform, support and underpin other departments' work and activities.

These changes unfold in the broader framework of a general move of the Secretariat-General of the CoR towards administrative modernisation, simplification and digitization.

You want to be part of a challenging change process (involving all departments of the institution) to modernise the institution's record management policy and to adapt the library services to the digital era? You're e-Domec and ARES knowledgeable and would like to share your expertise in this context? You'd like to contribute to change management activities linked to the introduction of a new culture in the organisation of records, the preservation of institutional memory and the sharing of data, knowledge and information among the staff and members of the institution?

If you're passionate about managing records, about ensuring public access thereto and about collecting, preserving and sharing essential knowledge vital to the Committee's activities, we invite you to apply!

As DMO (Document Management Officer) you will:

  • Contribute to the definition, implementation and follow-up of record management policies, rules and procedures acrossthe institution, including the filing plan and preservation schedule;
  • Coordinate the development and ensure the correct application across the institution of the record management policy, covering all aspects of registration, filing, preservation, description and transfer of records (both paper and electronic);
  • Secure physical protection, conservation and transfer of documents, records and files (both paper and electronic);
  • Manage and organize records to streamline description of, access to and safeguard of essential documents;
  • Design and implement information systemsthat enhance accessibility and retrieval of data, taking account of the relevant provisions concerning securityand data protection;
  • Initiate and coordinate projects to improve efficiency in records management with the view to make full use of electronic Records Management Systems and reduce the use of paper in the CoR;
  • Contribute to the analysis of established workflows in records management in the different Directorates, with the view of simplifying and streamlining processes and saving.

As Information Manageryou will:

  • Contribute to the definition, implementation and follow-up of an efficient, pro-active and client-oriented information management policyand to the design and delivery of modern library services for the
  • Participate in defining the activities of the CoR Documentation Centre and foster its transformation into a modern library service adapted to the digital
  • Acquire access, share and disseminate data, knowledge and information in support of evidence-based work for the staff and Members of the CoR.
  • Perform research in available knowledge sources in order to provide information of interest with staff and Members of the CoR, be it on request or on own
  • Contribute to budgetary, financial and contract management related in particular to the subscriptions to digital and paper newspapers, as well as to the acquisition of e/book collections, intelligence platforms, software and information

The day-to-day job will imply i.a.:​​

  • Being actively involved in a major change management process, aiming at introducing new records management rules and tools at the CoR and at better aligning the library services with the evolving digital
  • Ensuring the accurate implementation of regulations, procedures, and internal guidelines in the area of record management, archiving and access to documents.
  • Contributing to the design, monitoring, modernisation and improvement of business processes related with recordmanagement, archiving and access to documents.
  • Collecting the data, knowledge and information needs of the various internal customers of the Documentation Centre (CoR departments, CoR staff and CoR members) and assess how to best respond
  • Handling the budget of the CoR Documentation Centre and ensure the related contract management (negotiating with contractors, follow-up of the contract implementation, etc).
  • Ensuring soundfinancial management, in compliance with the provisions of the Financial Regulation and other applicable rules
  • Cooperating closely and communicating with colleagues from other Directorates and coordinating a network of correspondents in the various CoR services.
  • Actively participating in inter-service meetings and working groups and representing the CoR in inter- institutional bodies.
  • Developing training modules, materials andprocedures, animating training or coaching sessions andelaborate user guides to ensure that all users are well informed.
  • Reporting on the results and monitor the various activities (collecting and analyzing data, summarizing findings, identifying areas of improvement, etc.).​

 Are you the talent we are looking for?


  • Think with a critical spirit, analyse and solve problems pragmatically.
  • Assess critically credibility and reliability of sources, data and information and use relevant digital tools to carry out the duties.
  • Organise own work, have a sense of responsibility, identify priorities, take appropriate decisions and deliver results.
  • Adapt to an evolving working environment, demonstrate commitment and adopt constructive attitude at all times. Remain effective and flexible even during period of heavy activity.
  • Take initiative to achieve individual andshared objectives, demonstrate ownership and work autonomously.
  • Learn and professionally develop to continuously enhance job performance and knowledge of the organisation and working environment.
  • Work together with others in a constructive way by contributing to diverse and inclusive working environment. Demonstrate respect and courtesy at all times.
  • Convey information andrelevant opinions clearlyand concisely both orally and in writing, facilitate interaction and engage effectively with others. Treat confidential or sensitive information accordingly.


  • ​You have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge ofanother of these languages. For functional reasons, a good command of English and/or French is required;
  • You are digitally skilled and have relevant experience in organising knowledge management and/or library related services;
  • You have a good command of standard IT applications and tools (Outlook, Excel, Word, SharePoint, Jira);


  • ​Being familiar with record management policies and electronic document management systems (such as Documentum) in general as well as a qualification and/or professional experience in Information Sciences (Archives, Record or Document Management) constitute an asset.
  • Relevant professional experience with financial management within the European institutions (and with the ABAC application), with project management and/or supervising a team constitute an asset.
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