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The regions of Galicia, Krapina Zagorje and Mazovia awarded for the best strategies to support small and medium enterprises  

In light of growing concerns over Europe's long-term economic prospects, supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and bottom-up entrepreneurial activity is crucial for the future of European regions and cities and the resilience of the European economy and industry. For their plans to boost entrepreneurship in an ageing and shrinking region, in the tourism and traditional crafts sectors, and in a region that is helping newly arrived Ukrainians as part its drive to become an innovation hub, three regions from Croatia, Poland and Spain have been awarded as the winners of this year's European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) awards – promoted by the European Committee of the Regions – during the plenary session on 20 June. 

Speaking during the award ceremony, CoR president Vasco Alves Cordeiro, said: “The EER award honours regions and cities with innovative entrepreneurial visions and strategies. This year's winners Galicia, Krapina Zagorje, Mazowieckie Voivodeship, show how we can create the conditions for a thriving and modern SME sector and promoting the green and digital transitions at local and regional level. Their examples will inspire many others across the European Union." 

Jaroslava Pokorná Jermanová (CZ/Renew), chair of the CoR's Commission for Economic Policy (ECON), said: “The secret of success of the EER award is in the partnership and in the commitment of European regions and cities to implement an ambitious vision of a more resilient and sustainable model growth, benefiting SMEs and local communities.

The winners of the 2025 EER Award, in alphabetical order: 


Galicia has been recognised for its exemplary commitment to fostering entrepreneurship in rural areas as a means of revitalising rural communities and tackling depopulation and population ageing. The region is empowering both local entrepreneurs and established businesses to act as catalysts for economic development and job creation, by giving key roles to collaboration between the public and private sectors and by creating a One-Stop Shop to help rural businesses tap into the resources and support offered by the regional government. Its business support strategy aligns with the region's broader strategic plan for 2022-2030, drawn up to address the major challenges of the decade, including climate change and the digital transition as well as demographic change.  

​José González Vázquez (ES/EPP), Minister of Employment, Trade and Emigration of the Xunta de Galicia, Minister of Employment, Trade and Emigration of the Xunta de Galicia, said: “The award highlights our firm commitment to innovative actions in rural areas, taking advantage of the entrepreneurial potential of the Galician territory in its four provinces. It is a recognition of successful measures, such as the Network of Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Centres, with 13 active centres that have supported more than 1,900 business initiatives since its launch almost two years ago, and initiatives such as co-working and co-living projects in non-urban Galicia to tackle population decline by attracting highly qualified digital nomads." 

Krapina Zagorje 

Krapina Zagorje was given an award for its ambitious strategy to boost innovation in the region by  focusing on the modernisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in traditional sectors such as tourism and craftsmanship. The region's approach couples efforts to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of its tourism industry with investment in craft businesses, facilitating job creation and the preservation of traditional and artisanal crafts. The region is translating its regional development strategy into projects with the support of the Zagorje Development Agency (ZARA), which is using national and EU funds and its expertise in project management   to streamline the adoption of sustainable practices and economic growth initiatives across the region.  

Zlatko Šorša, president of the Assembly of the Krapina Zagorje County, said: “Krapina Zagorje County's EER strategy is designed around the pillars of talent development, innovation, and the pursuit of climate neutrality, all within a framework of social impact. It places a strong emphasis on nurturing innovation by providing robust support to SMEs for the integration of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices. We have remarkable entrepreneurial growth. The processing industry, as the revenue leader, alongside a thriving export economy, supports sustained economic progress. Environmental sustainability remains a core focus, aligning with EER goals and demonstrating resilience in economic performance pre- and post-pandemic. The EER award serves as a testament to the county's forward-thinking approach and as a catalyst for further development." 


Mazowieckie Voivodeship – the Mazovia region – in Poland won its award for a strategy that aims to establish the region as an innovation leader in central-eastern Europe, Mazovia's strategy focuses on creating a welcoming environment for start-ups and SMEs in both urban and rural areas. It also includes dedicated programmes for Ukrainian citizens, reflecting the region's commitment to supporting Ukraine's economic recovery. The 'Mazovian Start-Up Habitat' project provides grant support, offers consultation services, holds competitions promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and strengthens industries that are important to the local economy. Mazovia has aligned its strategy with the EU SME Strategy by providing a diversified portfolio of support for SMEs, using a variety of sources of funding. The region also prioritises a sustainable and resilient approach to economic development, rooted in cross-regional cooperation and collective leadership. 

Adam Struzik (PL/EPP), president of Mazovia Region, said: “The European Entrepreneurial Region 2025 Award confirms the efforts of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship's self-government. Their goals include fostering innovation, promoting a sustainable economy and advancing digitisation. These achievements owe much to our exceptional entrepreneurs, whose work contributes significantly to our community's growth. The EER 2025 designation not only enhances the visibility of our existing initiatives but also opens doors for new endeavours, including those in sub-regional centers, ensuring development opportunities for all residents of the region.

More information: 

The European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) award is a project that each year identifies and rewards EU territories, which show an outstanding and innovative entrepreneurial policy strategy, irrespective of their size, wealth and competences. The territories with the most credible, forward-looking and promising action plan are granted the label “European Entrepreneurial Region" for the following year. Applicants must demonstrate a real political commitment to support SMEs and strengthen entrepreneurship through a strategy officially endorsed by the regional assembly, the government of the region or other authorised political bodies. 

The EER label has been set up in partnership with the European Commission and is supported by many EU stakeholders such as SME United, Eurochambres, Social Economy Europe and EURADA.  

The EER jury – composed of representatives of the CoR, the European Commission, the European Parliament, social partners and territorial associations – will monitor the ongoing implementation of the prize-winning regional strategies throughout 2025, with the aim of providing the winners with an objective outside view on their policies and on the progress made during the EER year. 

The list of European Entrepreneurial Regions since 2011 is available here. To date, forty-two EU regions and cities have been awarded the EER label. 

A video of the EER 2025 winning regions is available here.  


Theresa Sostmann 

Tel. +32 475999415 

[email protected]  


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