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ENVE members discuss financing aspects of Green Deal and adopt recommendations on European Wind Power Action Plan  

Following the European elections and the adoption of the Green Deal 2.0 report setting the CoR’s recommendations for the new legislative term, the ENVE commission organised on 25 June a debate on the future of the Green Deal and on aspects linked to financing.  ​​

In the presence of representatives from European Commission, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Climate Action Network Europe, ENVE commission chair and Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski (PL/EPP) summarised the key findings of the CoR’s Green Deal 2.0 report, underlining the need for increased direct EU funding to cities and regions and flexibility to spend it in green transition. 

“To fully tap into the Green Deal potential to transform Europe's economy, a number of challenges remain. Europe’s green transition will require unprecedented investments and a shift in financial approaches.  Important investments are needed not only for decarbonizing energy systems but also to reskill and upskill workforces and support in manufacturing strategic net-zero technologies. Putting citizens, their needs and expectations at the centre of the green transition is also a key., Mr Trzaskowski said.  

The chair pointed out that effective local and regional implementation of policy measures is crucial for achieving the EU’s climate goals. The CoR is advocating for a paradigm shift in the management of EU instruments and alignment of mitigation targets with adaptation challenges. These will be some of the key messages of an upcoming opinion on the future of EU climate policy that will be drafted by Markku Markkula (FI/EPP), President of Helsinki Region. 

At the 25 June meeting, ENVE members also adopted a draft opinion on the European Wind Power Action Plan, with which the European Commission aims to address challenges for the wind energy sector, including fast-tracking of permitting, improving the auction systems across the EU and focusing on skills, access to finance and stable supply chains.  

Rapporteur Andries Gryffroy (BE/EA), Member of the Flemish Parliament, said: “Wind energy is a key element of the EU energy mix to achieve climate targets and energy independence. However, to address tackle the barriers and ensure a faster uptake of this technology more needs to be done to improve public acceptance and ensure local communities are adequately involved in the development of wind power projects while receiving a fair financial return. The EU needs more long-term plans and investment in energy storage and grid development to transport energy from the point of production to the point of consumption or stored locally. Permitting process should be streamlined while taking in account environmental standards and potential conflicts with other European directives and regulations. 

 The next ENVE commission meeting will take place in Helsinki and Espoo on 26 and 27 September. 

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