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Repeat​-​flowering Rose

by corti collective

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Pia 03:35
Lucy 03:59
Styx 03:36
Slowly 04:02
Hydra Hunter 03:41
Stone Child 03:39


Repeat-flowering Rose tells a story of repetitive flowering of consciousness - which in her coming of age period dares to ask herself questions about the truth of her existence. She explores multiple identities and half-identities with the desire to realize, fully embody and protect her core beingness. She strives to free herself from superfluous matter, to see through half-truths, to dive deep into a reality that precedes and transcends a given cultural environment. With the help of myths about human transformation, stories and people, who were immersed in similar processes, she is learning to hold the space for flowering of the roses yet to emerge. She truly hopes that anyone open to hear with their inner ears will dare to create space for the future of not yet fully manifested forms of human beings greater in love and understanding.

Repeat-flowering Rose nosi zgodbo o razvoju zavesti, ki se v mladosti sprašuje o resnici svojega obstoja. Raziskuje mnoge identitete in pol-identitete, da bi spoznala, v polnosti začutila in znala zaščititi svoje jedro, se osvobodila odvečne materije, spregledala skozi pol-resnice in se potopila v realnost globljo od zakonitosti pripadajočega kulturnega okolja. Pri tem ji pomagajo miti o človeški transformaciji; pravljice in ljudi, ki so pluli skozi podobne procese in zmorejo držati prostor za razcvet novih rož, ki ustvarjajo vizije bolj ljubečega in razumevajočega sveta. Upa, da bo vsakdo, ki zmore prisluhniti z notranjim ušesom, skozi lasten razvoj, uspel ustvariti prostor za bolj ljubeče in razumevajoče, še-ne-manifestirane oblike človeških bitij.


released March 20, 2021

Matej Kurinčič - Keyboard
Grega Povše - El. Guitar
Eva Prusnik - Vocals
Gašper Povše - Violin, El. Guitar
Andi Koglot - Beat
Tilen Rupar - El. bass, Upright Bas
Luka Dobnikar - El. bass


all rights reserved



corti collective Ljubljana, Slovenia

corti collective is a family of goodhearted people who love music and lyrical expression. Their innocent, raw and
curious nature is expressed through language of magical realism.

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