Picture of Eugene J. Green

District D
Eugene J. Green

City Hall, Room 2W20
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112

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Eugene J. Green, Councilmember District "D"
Name Title Email
General Contact 504-658-1040, 504-658-1048 (fax)  
Eugene J. Green Councilmember

[email protected]

Sandra G. Thomas Chief of Staff [email protected]
Monique N. Green Legislative Director [email protected]
Pierce Huff Administrative Assistant [email protected]
Lionel Scott 6/7 Ward Constituent Services Liaison [email protected]
Anne Kiefer Lakefront/Bayon St. John Constituent Services Liaison [email protected]
Durrell Laurent

Gentilly/8th Ward Constituent Services Liaison 

[email protected]
Jordan Hawbaker  Constituent Services Liaison [email protected]