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For Sara Gilbert, Forbes Councils Proffers Added Visibility and a Valued Peer Community

Building Brand Equity |

Before she started her own company, Sara Gilbert spent a decade in the financial services industry in a number of roles. It was her last corporate position, as an internal coach to executives at a wealth management company, that led to her “aha moment.” Gilbert noticed a troubling trend: coaching programs would get participants fired up and ready to make big changes, but “in a few days, they lost all their motivation, all their energy, and they just went back to how they used to do things,” she recalls.

Inspired to offer coaching services that would not only motivate, but result in follow-through, Gilbert says she “decided to quit my job and really help entrepreneurs go from ideas to execution.” She launched Strategic Business Development in 2010 and targeted the wealth management industry so that she could draw upon her existing experience and network.

As solo practitioners or owners of small firms, Gilbert noticed that wealth management executives often tended to focus more on recruiting new clients than on ensuring that they had systems and processes in place to enable their practices to grow efficiently. She helped them segment their clients, put together service plans, develop procedures for onboarding new clients, and articulate clear visions for their companies. “When you have systems and structure in place, it brings discipline which brings, from the clients’ perspective, safety and security,” says Gilbert.

But five years after starting her company, Gilbert realized that her strategy had limits. She was sitting in a meeting with a client that was managing $250 million for clients, discussing marketing strategy and positioning. “The main advisor said ‘Sara, this is amazing, this is what we’re going to do.’ But it was the third time we were having the exact same meeting,” she recalls. That’s when Gilbert decided she needed another set of tools to help clients execute the strategies she was helping them develop. “I decided to go back to school and get my Neuro-linguistic Programming certification and also become an NLP coach,” says Gilbert.

“I’ve had several Forbes Councils coaches on my [YouTube] channel and we’ve always had extraordinary conversations."

NLP focuses on language and behavior/and how those patterns impact the ability to achieve goals. “For example,” Gilbert says, “when somebody tells me ‘I’ll try to do that,’ you know very well they’re not going to do it. “Try” for the brain means failure. If they say ‘I’d love to do that,’ it means they’re not trusting themselves, so maybe they feel they’re not good enough. How they talk is a reflection of what they believe.” As an NLP coach, she encourages her clients to delve deeply into their mindset to unpack the fears that may be holding them back from achieving their goals.

The new approach had an impact on the kinds of clients Gilbert attracted. It eliminated those who “just wanted a strategy and the next trick or tactic” and drew clients who were more open-minded and willing to be coached. And while Gilbert’s clients are still 80% wealth management companies, she now serves entrepreneurs in other industries, such as lawyers, tax advisors, and even a veterinarian.

COVID decimated Gilbert’s business, since all her coaching engagements were in person. And her client base — wealth managers — felt the sting of the steep market decline in 2020. Fortunately, Gilbert had started working on bridging her coaching online and was able to launch that offering by the summer of 2020. “From there, I just flipped it and I pivoted to online group programs,” she says. “And now, that’s all I do.”

As a member of Forbes Coaches Council for six years, Gilbert says, “in terms of credibility and visibility, it definitely contributes a lot.” Her many contributions to Expert Panels and her long-form articles have helped her land new clients as well as speaking engagements. And during COVID, when business was scarce, a fellow member gave her free access to a Facebook program and brainstormed with her on ideas to make her company more visible. She also draws from the member community to book guests for, a YouTube channel centered around mindset, productivity, and business growth. “I’ve had several Forbes Councils coaches on my channel and we’ve always had extraordinary conversations,” she says.