Welcome to the Course Management System

The Course Management System (CMS) is a web application for department personnel, Academic Senate, and Registrar staff to view, enter, and manage course information formerly submitted via paper.

Departments can use CMS to create new course proposals, submit changes for existing courses, and track the progress of proposals as they move through the stages of approval.

Learning CMS

A wealth of information is available at the Course Toolbox for Staff and Faculty website.


There are also a number of short videos available to help you learn CMS.


You can also learn by playing in the test version of CMS https://course-qa.berkeley.edu/

Rest assured, nothing you do in the test system will ever get to production so feel free to experiment.

Getting Help

For help with courses and proposals, COCI policies, and user roles please contact:


Rachel Marias Dezendorf, Senate Analyst
[email protected]


A long-term solution to ensure user names are accurate in CMS is in development. If your user name is incorrect, please email Rachel Marias Dezendorf at [email protected].