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FY23 CAFA Funding Opportunity

The Climate and Fisheries Adaptation Program (CAFA) is a partnership between the NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA Research) Climate Program Office (CPO) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) Office of Science and Technology (OST). The mission of CAFA is to support targeted research to promote the adaptation and resilience of the nation’s valuable fisheries and fishing communities in a changing climate.

The CAFA Program is accepting proposals for the FY23 funding opportunity to address either of the two priority research topics:

  • Advancing multidisciplinary systems to evaluate strategies that promote resilience and adaptation of fish stocks, fisheries, and fishing communities (Type A proposals)
  • Advancing understanding of and enhancing the effectiveness of locally determined adaptation planning in frontline fishing communities (Type B proposals)

Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the CPO FY2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity website for further information. The website includes CPO’s full Funding Opportunity (6 competitions in total), information on how to apply to the solicitation, an information sheet describing the CAFA competition (see Competition 6: CAFA – Promoting resilience and adaptation of U.S.marine fisheries and fishing communities), and a CAFA FAQ page.  Applicants are encouraged to review all documents thoroughly before reaching out to program staff, submitting a Letter of Intent ( LOI) (deadline 9/1/22) or submitting a proposal (deadline 11/21/22).

Information Sessions:  CAFA is hosting a virtual information session for the LOI phase of the funding opportunity on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 4 pm ET–register here.  The link also provides the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time that will be answered during the information session. Please do not use the form to ask about whether specific research ideas are relevant to the Funding Opportunity – that is the purpose of the LOI phase. CAFA is also hosting a virtual information session for the full proposal phase on October 18, 2022 at 2 pm ET–register here. Both sessions will be recorded and shared on the CAFA website after the sessions.

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