October 19, 2020

Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) Renewal

On October 10, 2020, President Trump signed bill H.R. 991 into law renewing the CBTPA (Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act) that expired October 1, 2020.

The renewal is valid until September 30, 2030. CBTPA provides preferential trade access for goods imported from Caribbean countries that meet certain criteria. The bill also allows for the refund of duties paid by an importer on eligible goods during the lapse period of October 1, 2020 through October 14, 2020.

Crane Trade Services can assist you with filing post entry filings for refunds pertaining to this Act. For assistance please contact [email protected].


On September 30, 2020, Customs and Border Protection issued CSMS 44272485 as a guidance document on the CBTPA (Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act) that expired October 1, 2020.

 In turn Customs and Border Protection issued CSMS 44294612 confirming their records are updated to reflect the expiration and need to collect duties and fees. 
The CBTPA special program indicator “R” and the provisional HTS numbers used for textile and apparel goods below have expired.  Under the expiration, importers must file entries with the payment of duties and the applicable Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF).  Column 1 duty rates are applicable.

    9820.11.03  9820.11.06
    9820.11.09  9820.11.12
    9820.11.15  9820.11.18
    9820.11.21  9820.11.24
    9820.11.27  9820.11.30
    9820.11.33  9802.00.8044

Renewal of CBTPA 

Following a September 22 approval by the House, the Senate recently voted to renew the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) until September 30, 2030. CBTPA provides preferential trade access for goods imported from Caribbean countries that meet certain criteria.

It was set to expire on September 30, 2020, and Congress approved a ten-year extension. 
The legislation now requires the signature of the President to sign the bill into law.
Crane Trade Services can assist you with understanding the impact of this Act’s expiration.

For assistance please contact [email protected]

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