Russia’s Port Port of Vostochny

Vostochny freight terminal

Vostochny Port is Russia’s largest state-of-the-art special-purpose coal transshipment seaport located in Wrangel, Primorsk Region. Vostochny’s modern automated equipment assures advanced berthing and processing solutions for Russia’s coal miners exporting bulk coal to the major APAC’s high-quality coal consumers.

Vostochny’s current capacity is 29.0 mln tons per annum (mtpa), with progressive growth of up to 55.0 mtpa by the end of 2022.

History of Vostochny Port

freight port

The former USSR had started building a new seaport east of the city of Nakhodka in 1970, with the goal to boost trade with Japan. One year later, Vostochny was declared a ‘Komsomol Shock Construction Project’—a Soviet term used for certain ambitious government-funded works conducted by Komsomol brigades.

In 1974, the Ministry of the Maritime Fleet of the USSR issued an executive decree to establish a new seaport, Vostochny. The emergence of Vostochny was documented on global navigational charts and recorded in all pilot books and sailing directions. The same year, the first pier at the Vostochny began its operations.

The Shock Construction Project required the construction of an approach channel, berthing facilities, and port terminals, as well as building homes for “shock workers” who came from all across the Soviet Union to build a new seaport. For this purpose, the settlement of Pervostroiteley, translated as the settlement of trailblazers, was designed from scratch and built in a short period of time on the Wrangel Bay.

The construction of a coal terminal marked yet another key milestone in Vostochny Port’s history. The project was overseen by top Soviet specialists, with the leading Japanese engineers hired to provide a technical assessment. The official opening of the coal terminal was held in December 1978, with the cargo ship Konstantine Petrovsky uploading the Port’s first sea freight, coal. The new facility became the Soviet Union’s largest coal-loading and discharge port, with a capacity of 6.24 mtpa.

By 1989, the cargo turnover at the Vostochny Port had surpassed 12 mtpa, ranking it one of the USSR’s busiest and largest ports.

In 1992, Vostochny Port was incorporated as a joint-stock company.

In the post-Soviet Russia of the 1990th, the Port authorities were dedicated to the further development of the port infrastructure and expansion of the coal terminal capacity. The new truck-to-rail coal loading facilities were placed into service in 1996 under Phase 2 of the upgrade project. Project Phase 3, designed to expand the coal terminal capacities, commenced in December 2012 and was completed in September 2019.

Since September 2019, the Vostochny coal terminal, with a RUB 40 billion upgrade, has spurred productivity and improved overall throughput. It was a collaborative effort of a government and a private sector, without the use of government funds. The Port is expected to increase its production capacity to 55 mtpa under Project Phase 3. By 2026, the initiative will ensure a total of RUB 25 billion in taxes, providing a significant boost to the economic and social growth of the Primorsk Region.

General Description and Contact Info

Port Location: Primorsk Region, Russia


Longitude: 133° 4′ 38″ E

Latitude: 42° 44′ 36″ N

Corporate Office: 47 Vnutriportovaya St., Nakhodka, Wrangel,

Primorsk Region, 692941, Russia

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Phone: 7 (4236) 665 271

Vostochny Port Trade: Business Profile, Operations, Size, Capacity, Turnover

Vostochny Port is located on the southeast coast of Wrangel Bay, 20 km east of Nakhodka, in the Primorsk Region. Vostochny provides mainly bulk coal transshipment with the usage of conveyor equipment. It also handles grain, cellulose, chemicals, metal, and timber. For Russia, Vostochny serves as the main entrance to major Asia-Pacific markets, or say it is a ‘Far East Gate of Russia.’ Vostochny is a growing large-sized commercial port, connected to the former USSR’s railroad infrastructure.

Vostochny Port at a Glance:

Vostochnny ocean port

At present, Vostochny Port’s facilities take up 72 ha of land. Capacity: 55 mtpa. A number of commercial berths: 4. Source of coal: Khakassia, Yakutia, and Kuzbass. Expansion costs: RUB 40 billion. Exports to India, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, other Asia-Pacific, and the Netherlands. Winter seasonal zone: Dec 1 to Feb 28/29. Summer seasonal zone: Mar 1 to Nov 30. Ice builds in January and thaws by the end of February. Max size: LOA 300 m, beam 45 m, draught 15.0 m, 150,000 DWT.

Vostochny specializes in coal transshipment, although it also provides warehousing, stevedoring, and forwarding. From 2010 to 2020, the total tonnage of the Port’s transshipped coal rose substantially, from 14.7 million tons per annum (mtpa) to 26.9 mtpa over the span of the decade. In 2019, Vostochny processed 25.51 mtpa of coal. Bulk carriers (59 percent), general cargo ships (13 percent), container ships (12 percent), oil products tankers (6 percent), and oil/chemical tankers (4 percent) are the types of vessels that call at Vostochny on a regular basis.

The Vostochny Port’s authority is the Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company (VSC) LLC, founded in 1976. Now, it is a leading stevedore of Russia’s Far East. Structurally, VSC LCC consists of two handling terminals: the Universal Terminal, specializing in clamshell coal transshipment, and the Coal Terminal, a special-purpose coal complex with a system of conveyor equipment and rail-car discharge station. The Port terminals have direct rail access to assemble and dispatch container block trains.

The Special-Purpose Sea Oil Terminal—constructed in Kozmino Bay, with the first phase completed in 2009—is another subdivision of the Vostochny Port.

Vostochny Port is first Russia’s Far East coal port that obtained a certificate of compliance with ISO 14001:2015’s “Environmental Management System: Requirements and Application Guide.” The certificate attests to the company’s adherence to the Russian and international environmental risk management standards.

Advantages of the Vostochny Port

freightliner port

Vostochny Port is committed to developing and expanding worldwide trade while also enhancing the local economy by offering competitive advantages to its clients and partners. Shippers profit greatly from special-purpose ports, like the Vostochny coal seaport, which allows them to avoid congestion while leveraging innovative technologies.

Here are the main advantages to consider when choosing Vostochny Port for business:

  • Excellent geographic and climatic location. Vostochny Port is ideally placed at the crossroads of international shipping lines. Vostochny’s exports of goods are generally destined for Asian countries, with Japan and Korea accounting for up to 67 percent. Oceanic influences, humid continental climate, and the Port’s southeast location allow for year-round navigation: even in the harshest winters, it remains ice-free.
  • Increased capacity and availability of smart technology measures. From 2012 to 2019, Vostochny Port had been implementing a RUB 40 billion coal terminal upgrade project. Today Vostochny is one of Russia’s largest publicly available coal terminals, equipped with conveyors, mobile ship loaders, wagon dumpers, and a unique multilevel magnetic separation system.
  • The efficiency of rail shipping. The Port’s competitive edge also comes from its well-developed rail system, allowing to transport freight further to inland Russia and Europe. The Trans-Siberian Railway connects the Vostochny coal terminal with the most important coal mining businesses of Russia.
  • Sustainability option. Operating within a competitive and clustering environment, the Vostochny Port adheres to the highest standards of industrial ecology among Russian coal ports.
  • Job creation. Over 1,700 people are employed by Vostochny.

With its geographical benefits and technologically advanced equipment enabling hi-tech transshipment and loading of coal onto large-capacity ships, Vostochny is regarded as one of the busiest and most competitive ports in the Far East.

Prices, Fees, and Tariffs at the Vostochny Port

Sea freight is one of the most cost-effective ways to dispatch goods. The cost of shipping is way cheaper as compared to air freight. The rates of ocean shipping at the Vostochny Port are generally determined based on the classification of goods transported, distance to the destination port, points of pickup and delivery, size, weight, or volume of goods, and charges set by a specific shipping carrier. In addition, a shipper’s decision to use an FCL or an LCL container has a significant impact on cost.

Port charges at Vostochny are collected according to regulations set by the Ministry of Transport of Russia that approve and update the list of harbor dues, tariffs, and rates in the Russian seaports. Go to, the official website of Rosmorport, for up-to-date domestic and international shipping rates, including navigation, pilotage, canal, icebreaking, tugboat, lighthouse, sanitation, transport safety, and investment dues in the Vostochny Port.

CREDO TRANS offers access to discounted courier rates and multiple shipping options around the world. Contact our team now and let us help you increase your profit margins by reducing shipping costs at the major seaports of Russia, Vostochny Port included.

Top Shipping Routes To/From the Vostochny Port

Commercial Sea Port

Vostochny and Vladivostok, with the major global carriers and feeder carriers connecting the Northeast Asian countries, are generally considered worldwide as preferred Russia’s Far East ports.

Shippers in China, Singapore, Japan are increasingly interested in Vostochny as a shortcut to Eastern European countries, Finland, and Russia’s West. The reason is time. While containers shipped by a freight forwarder from Northeast Asia take up to 40 days to reach Helsinki by sea, they can move it 6,000 miles by railroad from Vostochny to the border with Finland in only 12 days. Even when considering the shipping time from, say, South Korea to Vostochny, it is still only a 17-day trip, Vostochny’s customers say. Whether shipping by rail or entirely by sea, the cost per container is about the same.

South Korea (41 percent) is the primary export destination of the Vostochny Port, followed by Japan (26 percent ), China (11 percent), Malaysia (7 percent), Taiwan (5 percent), Vietnam (5 percent), and India (2 percent). India is among the new promising destinations interested in Russia’s coking coal. A new direct shipping route between Vostochny and Jinzhou port in China has been recently launched.

Top Reasons to Choose CREDO TRANS for Transport and Logistics at the Vostochny Port

Vostochny sea port

If you are looking for a conscientious and reliable partner to grow your business in Vostochny Port, CREDO TRANS is the only sea freight forwarding and logistics partner you need in today’s ever-changing world.

Here are top reasons to trust CREDO TRANS with your shipping needs in Vostochny:

  • CREDO TRANS offers full-service logistics and freight distribution across Russia and beyond: In Vostochny Port, we provide a plethora of services which include port operations, shipping, logistics, and freight forwarding.
  • As a first-class provider of award-winning logistics and freight forwarding solutions, our team has business relationships in place with Vostochny Port authorities, railroad officials, warehouse businesses, shipping lines, truckers, owners of truck chassis, drayage providers, and other businesses affiliated with Vostochny.
  • For over 13 long years, our company has helped Russia’s leading businesses enter new markets, scale and grow faster. CREDO TRANS holds that Vostochny has significant economic potential in terms of transportation and logistics. Our team of experts will help your business to use Vostochny as a hub for future expansion in Russia.
  • Productive business partnership with major Russian ports. Through our subsidiaries, we use the facilities of all Russia’s busiest ports, including Vostochny, to move sea freight on 57 shipping routes.
  • If you are unfamiliar with all the paperwork and incoterms, the customs clearance process can become challenging. Since there are so many elements in the shipping process, outsourcing your logistical needs to CREDO TRANS can save you time and money. Customs clearance will be smooth and painless with our team of experts.
  • CREDO TRANS will manage all of your liabilities including carrier agreements and certificates of insurance.
  • It is great to have a logistics-focused service provider like CREDO TRANS on board. This will allow you to devote more time to other critical business processes.
  • The success of CREDO TRANS relies on our winning team of highly skilled professional sea freight forwarders.

In spite of our accomplishments, we remain small enough to care but big enough to help you grow. That is why, if you’re looking for hands-on support that combines global reach with local expertise at Vostochny, CREDO TRANS is the right place.

If you are ready to talk tariffs and rates at Vostochny, or learn more about us, contact CREDO TRANS now!