
Covid-19 Notice: The MIC is open!

Masks are recommended! Please get vaccinated!

The CRL Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) is a shared light microscopy resource specializing in state-of-the-art laser-based fluorescence techniques. The MIC offers training and expertise in several microscopy techniques including live cell and in vivo imaging, laser scanning confocal (LSM) and spinning disk confocal (SDC), multi-photon and deep-tissue imaging (2p/3p), fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), light-sheet microscopy (SPIM), super resolution (Airyscan), slide scanning, and patterned illumination for optogenetic manipulation and readout. The MIC houses high-end GPU workstations and software for image processing, visualization and analysis.

The MIC is a recharge facility and is available to all researchers from within UC as well as non-UC academic, non-profit, and industry researchers. Rates for use vary by relation to UC. The MIC is now part of the Research Infrastructure Commons for off-campus users: https://ipira.berkeley.edu/berkeley-research-infrastructure-commons

All users must first be trained before access is granted. For information on access, please go to Getting Trained.

The MIC operates in two campus buildings with primary locations in Weill Hall (previously Life Sciences Addition, LSA), and a north-side site in Barker Hall, 3rd floor, shared with the Advanced BioImaging Center.

The MIC has several active user groups, an annual microscopy workshop, as well as seminars and demonstrations of new technology throughout the year. Please see Meetings and Short Courses for more information on the Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop. We are also involved in several outreach programs to help engage the community, underrepresented minorities, and young students interested in science, including recent cameo presentations for the Girls in Engineering Camp 2020. The MIC is part of BioImaging North America (BINA). The MIC also helps to organize a local chapter, Bay Area Microscopy.

Find out more about the MIC here:

Follow the MIC on Twitter @BerkeleyMIC! (tweets by Holly)

Follow OpenMIC @OpenMICBerkeley (tweets by Feather)

For other core research facilities on campus, please visit: https://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/core-facilities