Soil Health

Aerial photo of farm with a variety of plots
An older Google Earth photo of the Rogers Memorial Farm with several of the cover crop studies visible.

2024 Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Day Kicks Off Sept. 17

September 11, 2024
The field day will feature demos and discussion on a wide array of cover crop and soil health practices by UNL faculty and extension professionals, including a statewide study on cover crop variety selection and performance.

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Tractor disking field

Nebraska Field Experiments Investigate Biochar Impact to Soil Health and Crop Yields

September 10, 2024
UNL researchers are utilizing biochar and cover crops in environmentally sensitive Nebraska soils to identify the conditions under which biochar may benefit temperate regions. 

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Field of cover crops
Cover crops are increasingly being adopted by producers in Nebraska for their long-term environmental benefits and potential for immediate economic use through grazing and forage. (CAP photo)

Cover Crop Utilization, Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2024

August 23, 2024
The long-term environmental benefits of cover crops often extend beyond the duration of current lease agreements, leading to considerations in lease negotiations, particularly regarding rental discounts for tenants who plant cover crops.

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Woman holding soil on farm ground
EQIP is open to all eligible agricultural producers and submitted applications may be considered or evaluated in multiple funding pool opportunities.

Everything on EQIP for Producers

August 8, 2024
In this series of UNL Water articles, producers can brush up on EQIP eligibility and application requirements to receive assistance with natural resource concerns on their land.

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Man squats near demo table while speaking
Riley Hackbart, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service soil scientist, discusses the results of the live rainfall simulator at a previous Nebraska Soil Health School event. Hackbart will have the rainfall simulator and soil health demonstrations at the Sept. 4 Nebraska Soil Health School at Fort Robinson State Park. (PREEC photo)

New Focus for September Nebraska Soil Health School

August 7, 2024
The next soil health school will focus on integrated crop and livestock system goals and objectives that might affect soil health management. Attendance is free, and certified crop advisor CEUs will also be offered.

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People stand in field observing woman holding corn plant
Nebraska Extension Educator Jenny Rees (center right, holding corn plant) shares her insights during a past Nebraska Corn and Soybean Clinic. (ENREEC photo)

Nebraska Extension Offers Dual Nebraska Soil Health, Corn and Soybean Clinics on Aug. 28-29

August 6, 2024
At this month's extension clinics on soil health, and corn and soybean production, participants will view a wide range of cover crops and a “growing season” all in one place, with hands-on interaction and field demos.

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Corn field
The West Central Research, Extension and Education Center is scheduled for 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5. Attendance is free, but participants are encouraged to register for meal planning purposes.

Water, Crops and Soil Health Field Day Set for Sept. 5

August 5, 2024
West Central Research, Extension and Education Center's 2024 field day will feature keynote speaker Dale Strickler, a Kansas-based ag consultant with more than 30 years of experience in agronomy, pasture management, and soil and crop advising.

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People stand in group for photo
Figure 1. Participants of the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences: (Back row, from left) Andy Gregory, Rothamsted, United Kingdom; Tim Reinbott, Missouri; Jim Wang, Louisiana; Filippo Benedetti, UN FAO, Italy; (front row, from left) Bijesh Maharjan, Nebraska; Audrey Gamble, Alabama; Sabina Braun, Uppsala, Sweden; Hans-Jörg Vogel, Bad Lauchstädt, Germany. (Not pictured: Lukasz Uzarowicz, Poland, and Dian Fiantis, Indonesia)

Historic Experiments Gathered at IUSS Congress — Nebraska’s Knorr-Holden Plot Takes Global Stage

August 2, 2024
Scientists from across the world met in May to share findings from their 100-plus-year-old experiments, emphasizing the impact of agriculture on the environment at the national and international level.

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