Ménard pressuremeter test 94 experimental

The Ménard pressuremeter test is performed by the radial expansion of a tricell probe placed in the ground. During the injection of the liquid volume in the probe, the inflation of the three cells first brings the outer cover of the probe into contact with the pocket wall and then presses on them resulting in a soil displacement. Pressure applied to and the associated volume expansion of the probe are measured and recorded so as to obtain the stress-strain relationship of the soil as tested

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  • Essai au pressiomètre Ménard
  • Ménard pressuremeter test
  • 94
  • ISO 22476-4:2012
  • NF EN ISO 22476-4 Mai 2015 (P94-521-4)

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date accepted 5 Aug 2021 09:31:18.910
date submitted 5 Aug 2021 08:56:57.950
entity Ménard pressuremeter test
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en The Ménard pressuremeter test is performed by the radial expansion of a tricell probe placed in the ground. During the injection of the liquid volume in the probe, the inflation of the three cells first brings the outer cover of the probe into contact with the pocket wall and then presses on them resulting in a soil displacement. Pressure applied to and the associated volume expansion of the probe are measured and recorded so as to obtain the stress-strain relationship of the soil as tested
fr L’essai au pressiomètre Ménard est réalisé par la dilatation radiale d’une sonde tricellulaire placée dans le sol. Au cours de l’injection de liquide dans la sonde, la dilatation des trois cellules provoque d’abord l’entrée en contact de la gaine de la sonde avec les parois du trou de forage, puis y exerce une pression, ce qui donne lieu à un refoulement du sol. La pression appliquée à la sonde et la dilatation volumique associée de cette dernière sont mesurées et enregistrées de manière à déterminer la relation contrainte-déformation du sol lors de l’essai.
item class Concept | Process | geotechnical test | in situ test | normalised method
en Ménard pressuremeter test
fr Essai au pressiomètre Ménard
notation 94
register Proc
status status experimental
account name [email protected]
name Hélène Bressan

type register item
version info 2