
We host datasets.

There are businesses in New Orleans.

There were traffic crashes in New Orleans yesterday.

permits have been issued since .

There are unique street names in New Orleans.

There were NOPD calls for service yesterday.

tickets have been opened by 311 since .

tickets have been closed by 311 since .

There are active roadwork projects in New Orleans.

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Built with open data

Apps, maps, visualizations, and benchmarks have been built on City data

Analysis of median response times by District, Priority and Call Type

MAX reinvents the dated COMSTAT model for police analytics

Find a property's status in the Code enforcement pipeline

Review website satisfaction survey responses for

In December 2016 the City issued an Executive Order and CAO Data Policy No. 135 which mandates an annual report of the progress of the implementation of the policy and progress towards its goals

View assets supporting the cultural economy of New Orleans


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A Better Approach

Our data-driven program

DataDriven outlines the City of New Orleans' approach to managing data, publishing data, and using data. We have four main goals that aim to foster improvements within the technical, creative, and cultural facets of City departments and the community at large.

DataDriven Goals

  1. Document. ​Build an inventory of all department datasets.
  2. Engage. Build a community that encourages citizens and departments to use City data in creative ways to solve problems.
  3. Publish. Prioritize data for public release based on an established criteria of quality, public interest, and cost, with an understanding that privacy and security of data are our utmost concerns. We encourage citizens to provide use cases for any dataset that could prove useful to them. This input allows us to better prioritize the release of datasets.
  4. Promote. Highlight the work that citizens and departments do with City data.

DataDriven strives to:

  • Stimulate new ideas and services. By releasing open data, city departments may help to stimulate new and innovative ideas from the community. Two applications that have been built using City data are and
  • Increase sharing. Open data can also help us access information from other departments that we need to improve or update service delivery. Combining information from different departments can provide valuable knowledge about how our city works and how departments may better serve those that live and work in New Orleans.
  • Enable better and more up-to-date processes. The process of releasing open data will help us to realize the constraints of current City technology and processes and plan for future improvements.
  • Change how we use data. Ultimately, open data can serve as a platform to change how we use, share and consume our data externally and internally; transform data into better services for citizens, and foster continuous improvement.

Who is involved?

  • The Enterprise Information Team, within the Office of Information Technology and Innovation, leads the inventory project by providing departments with training and tools to document their datasets. They are also responsible for the managegment of, this website, and many other applications built with City data, such as NoticeMe, RoadWork, and Where Y'at.
  • The GIS Team within the Office of Information Technology and Innovation is responsible for the coordination of all geospatial data for the City. It publishes data to the GIS data catalog, maintains the enterprise geodatabase, and feeds most internal and external web applications with data, such as 311, PropertyViewer, RoadWork, and Where Y'at.
  • The Office of Performance and Accountability works to use City data to drive projects that improve performance through its Nolalytics program. They also measure the performance of departments as they strive to achieve the goals set for them through various STAT programs and ResultsNOLA.
  • Data Coordinators, data stewards, and data custodians throughout City departments who are responsible for tracking, scoring, and maintaining City data.
  • Citizens who want to use open data to build visualizations, apps or provide analysis to solve problems.