ICWS 2009: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Research Track 1 - Web Services Composition (1)

Research Track 2 - Web Services Composition (2)

Research Track 3 - Services Change Management

Research Track 4 - Web 2.0 Services

Research Track 5 - Services QoS Management

Research Track 6 - Services Modeling

Research Track 7 - Web Services Discovery

Research Track 8 - RESTful Services

Research Track 9 - Web Services Testing and Analysis

Research Track 10 - Business Process Execution Management

Research Track 11 - Services Policie

Research Track 12 - Services Adaptation

Research Track 13 - Services Reputation

Research Track 14 - Semantic Web Services

Research Track 15 - Business Process Modeling and Analysis

Research Track 16 - Mobile Services

Research Track 17 - Services Implementation Management

Research Track 18 - Services Provisioning and Auditing

Research Track 19 - Collaborative Service Evaluation

Research Track 20 - Goal-Driven Services Discovery and Composition

Research Track 21 - Controlled Services Coordination

Application and Industry Session 1 - SOA Applications

Application and Industry Session 2 - Services Security

Application and Industry Session 3 - Services QoS and Analysis

Application and Industry Session 4 - Services Development

Application and Industry Session 5 - Cloud Computing

Application and Industry Session 6 - Services QoS

Application and Industry Session 7 - Services Composition

Application and Industry Session 8 - Services Composition

Application and Industry Session 9 - Services Optimization

Application and Industry Session 10 - Services Applications

Application and Industry Session 11 - Services Mashup

Application and Industry Session 12 - Services Management

Application and Industry Session 13 - Services Assessment

Application and Industry Session 14 - Services Delivery and Orchestration

Application and Industry Session 15 - Process Management

Application and Industry Session 16 - Services Assurance

Application and Industry Session 17 - Data Management

Application and Industry Session 18 - Services Management

Application and Industry Session 19 - Services Design Analytics

Application and Industry Session 20 - Enterprise Services

Work-in-Progress Session

Poster Session 1 - Services Modeling and Analysis

Poster Session 2 - Services Applications

Poster Session 3 - SOA Techniques