11th ICDM Workshops 2011: Vancouver, BC, Canada

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2011 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Climate Data: Prediction, Extremes, and Impacts

ICDM SENTIRE: Sentiment Elicitation from Natural Text for Information Retrieval and Extraction

KDCloud 2011: International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery Using Cloud and Distributed Computing Platforms

OEDM 2011: The 6th Workshop on Optimization Based Techniques for Emerging Data Mining Problems

DMCCI 2011: Data Mining Technologies for Computational Collective Intelligence

COMMPER 2011: Workshop on Mining Communities and People Recommenders

DDDM 2011: Workshop on Domain Driven Data Mining

MMIS 2011: The 5th International Workshop on Mining Multiple Information Sources

HaCDAIS 2011: Handling Concept Drift and Reoccurring Contexts in Adaptive Information Systems

PADM 2011: Third International Workshop on Privacy Aspects of Data Mining

LEMIR 2011: International Workshop on Learning and Data Mining for Robots

DMCS 2011: The Fourth Workshop on Data Mining Case Studies

LSVA 2011: Large Scale Visual Analytics

SSTDM 2011: International Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining

DaMNet 2011: International Workshop on Data Mining in Networks

BioDM 2011: The Second Workshop on Biological Data Mining and Its Applications in Healthcare

DPM 2011: Declarative Pattern Mining

ContrastDM 2011: Contrast Data Mining and Applications

ContrastDM 2011: Contrast Data Mining and Applications

PhD Forum

Demo Papers