WI/IAT 2021: Hybrid Event / Melbourne, Australia

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Chapter 1: Spatial Temporal Data Management and Visualization for Food and Strategic Reserves

Chapter 2: Special Track on Social Computing

Chapter 3: ABCSS2021: The 6th International Workshop on Application of Big Data for Computational Social Science

Chapter 4: NLPOE2021: 14th Natural Language Processing and Ontology Engineering

Chapter 5: DASM21: International Workshop on Data Analytics on Social Media

Chapter 6: IDP: 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Data Processing

Chapter 7: SMA4H: Social Media Analytics for Health Intelligence (SMA4H): How Artificial Intelligence Transforms Healthcare

Chapter 8: XPERT4CQA: First International Workshop on eXPErt RecommendaTion for Community Question Answering (XPERT4CQA)

Chapter 9: ACER: International Workshop on Affective Computing and Emotion Recognition

Chapter 10: WImBI21: Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics

Chapter 11: AI4SG: International Workshop on AI for Social Good in the Connected World

Chapter 12: Special Track on Computational Complexity