Submit an Abstract

Gain recognition for your breakthroughs and contribute to improving outcomes in digestive disease on a global stage by submitting your abstract to DDW. If accepted, you’ll present your research to an international audience of physicians, researchers and academics in every specialty and get critical feedback from peers. Don’t miss this opportunity to amplify your voice, widen your impact and shape the future of the field. Stay tuned for information on DDW 2025.

To learn more about submitting an abstract for DDW 2024, fill out the form below to sign up for our email list. Updates will be sent as more information becomes available.  

Abstract status notifications for abstracts submitted by the Nov. 30 general deadline were emailed to presenting authors on Tuesday, Feb. 13. Co-authors may visit the DDW abstract lookup site to search for abstract status by control ID number or author name.  Late-Breaking Abstract notifications will be sent to presenting authors via email on Monday, April 22.

Key Dates

Mark your calendar for these important dates related to DDW 2024 abstract submission:

  • Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023, at 09:00 Eastern time (UTC –4): Abstract submission opened.
  • Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, at 21:00 Eastern time (UTC –5): Abstract submission closed.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023, at 15:00 Eastern time (UTC –5):Co-author financial disclosures due.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024: Abstract notifications are sent to presenting authors via email.

To give authors the opportunity to submit novel research that was not complete at the general submission deadline, DDW is accepting clinical and basic science late-breaking abstract submissions. The following timeline applies to LBA submissions:

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 09:00 Eastern time (UTC –4): Late-Breaking Abstract submission opens.
  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 17:00 Eastern time (UTC –4): Late-Breaking Abstract submission closes.
  • Monday, April 22, 2024: Notifications are sent to presenting authors via email.

Want to let the world know you’re presenting at DDW 2024? We’ve created a presenter badge that you can share on social media to encourage your network to attend. Use the buttons below to share the badge on LinkedIn or X (Twitter). 

Abstracts selected for presentation at DDW 2024 by ASGE are available in a supplement to GIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Abstracts accepted by AASLD, AGA and SSAT, along with DDW Late-Breaking Abstracts, are available in Gastroenterology. Full-text poster abstracts are available at the DDW ePosters site.

The sponsoring societies invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at DDW 2023. This brief video will show you how to navigate the site and submit your abstract.

Anna Martin, DDW Program Manager

Abstract Submission Resources

Review the Guidelines

Before you submit, be sure to review the guidelines, including submission categories, key dates and formatting instructions.

Abstract FAQs

We’ve answered some of your most frequently asked questions about the abstract submission process.

Abstract Travel Awards

DDW and the sponsoring societies offer several abstract-related awards and grants.