Union of Concerned Scientists7 min gelesen
A Brief History Of Discrimination Against Black Farmers—Including By The USDA
Black farmers lost some 90 percent of their land in the 20th century due in part to discriminatory government policies. The new farm bill could take steps to right some of these wrongs.
Union of Concerned Scientists4 min gelesen
Solutions to Rising Cost of Climate Change in California Should Include Passage of Prop 4
The heat is on: it’s burning down forests and towns, it’s melting down grids, and it’s making hard jobs even harder. Beyond the staggering human and environmental toll of danger season’s extreme weather, there are rising costs associated with climate
Union of Concerned Scientists9 min gelesen
A Siete Años Del Huracán María, En Puerto Rico No Se Puede Contar Ni Con El Servicio Eléctrico
El 13 de agosto, la tormenta tropical Ernesto se intensificó rápidamente justo antes de pegarle a Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes. La intensificación y trayectoria merecieron aviso de huracán para las Islas Vírgenes tanto como para las islas municip
Union of Concerned Scientists8 min gelesen
Seven Years after Hurricane María, in Puerto Rico You Can’t Even Count on Keeping the Lights On
On August 13, Tropical Storm Ernesto rapidly intensified just before hitting Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The intensification and trajectory merited a hurricane warning for the Virgin Islands as well as the island municipalities of Vieques and
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
UCS Expert Testifies on the New Clean Electricity Tax Credits
The 45Y and 48E tax credits, foundational to the Inflation Reduction Act, must be rigorously implemented. The risk is high that heavily polluting power plants co-opt the credits for themselves.
Union of Concerned Scientists8 min gelesen
These Are the Critical Issues to Track with the New “Tech-Neutral” Clean Electricity Tax Credits
The 45Y and 48E tax credits are critical for driving deployment of clean electricity resources—but if loopholes aren't closed, they could end up subsidizing polluters instead. The stakes are incredibly high for getting these rules right.
Union of Concerned Scientists3 min gelesen
What Does Meaningful Community Engagement Look Like in Massachusetts?
Conducting meaningful community engagement processes within transportation projects and plans is vital for fostering inclusive decisionmaking and promoting connected communities.
Union of Concerned Scientists4 min gelesen
Electric School Buses: The Best Choice for Our Kids and Communities
The iconic yellow school bus is a familiar sight on our streets no matter where you live in the US, transporting millions of kids safely to and from school every day. While the color of school buses is still the same old yellow that it was when I was
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
Where Have All the Election Officials Gone?
The hard-working civil servants who take on the task of administering elections are vital to democracy and under intense pressure. We need to support them so they can do their job.  
Union of Concerned Scientists4 min gelesen
The Price of the Sentinel Nuclear Weapons Program Keeps Going Up—But the True Costs Are Even Higher
Recent analysis of the Sentinel nuclear weapons program found the estimated costs to be much higher than anticipated--and the system will not make us any safer from the threat of nuclear war than we already are.
Union of Concerned Scientists7 min gelesen
A Call for Government Agencies to Fill Research Gaps on Women’s Health
A new NASEM report shows that government regulations need to focus more on women's health, especially in relation to nuclear weapons and radiation exposure.
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
Can EV Batteries Be Used Again?
This blog was written in coordination with Ellie Peichel at Plug In America. The number of electric vehicles (EVs) on our roads has been increasing at an exceptional rate, reaching 9.5 million EVs sold around the world in 2023. The EV transition offe
Union of Concerned Scientists7 min gelesen
Ask A Scientist: What Energy Solutions to the Climate Crisis Are Within Reach?
There are readily available solutions to achieve a clean grid—but there are also a lot of distractions that end up slowing progress.
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
Heat, Flooding, and Fire Overwhelming Halfway through 2024 Danger Season
August began with nearly half the US population under heat alerts that were 3 times as likely due to climate change.
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
When Bad Ballot Designs Confuse Voters, Democracy Suffers. Science has Solutions.
Science-backed recommendations for Improving ballot design and participation in US democracy.
Union of Concerned Scientists8 min gelesen
Care for Endangered Seabirds Continues Amid a 51-Year Legacy of Optimism
Steve Kress’s smile lit up the dusk as research assistants at least 50 years younger than him regaled him with tales of their vigilance to save tern chicks on Stratton Island, Maine. For an hour, all talk centered around a mortal enemy of tern chicks
Union of Concerned Scientists3 min gelesen
What Research Tells Us about Political Violence
In the United States, it seems that political violence—which can be broadly understood as acts of violence aimed at individuals or property with the intention of affecting or resisting political, social and/or cultural change—is on the rise, with the
Union of Concerned Scientists3 min gelesen
Battleground Counties: New Interactive Map Highlights Racial Disparities in the 2020 Election
Explore voter turnout and ballot rejection rates in 11 counties across seven battleground states
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
New Analysis of 2020 Election Data Sets the Stage for November Vote
Explore the key findings from a precinct-level analysis of 2020 voting in pivotal counties that will likely determine the 2024 election
Union of Concerned Scientists4 min gelesen
Inside the IPCC 61st Plenary Meeting: Debates and Decisions Shaping Climate Policy
In this final dispatch from Sofia, Bulgaria, Delta Merner summarizes the outcomes of the latest IPCC meeting.
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
New England’s Offshore Wind Resource Is a Winter Powerhouse
The region should "go big" on an offshore wind fleet to reduce the risk of energy shortfalls.
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
Hurricane Beryl’s Towering Texas Grid Impacts and Price Tag Highlight Massive Injustices
Texas utility Centerpoint says the combined costs of repairing grid damage from Hurricane Beryl and a series of storms earlier this year will result in a 2% bill increase for the next 15 years.
Union of Concerned Scientists6 min gelesen
Our New Research Says the Solid Earth Can Help Protect the Antarctic Ice Sheet—Only if We Cut Emissions Now
The co-authors of a new study show that the level of sea level rise is affected by how the Earth reacts as ice sheets melt.
Union of Concerned Scientists3 min gelesen
Battery Minerals: A Common Fight Over Uncommon Things
Environmental protections—or a clean energy transition? Why don't we have both? (We totally can.)
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
What Happens At Meetings Of The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change?
Kristy Dahl reflects on the feat of achieving consensus among hundreds of people from around the world.
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
Don’t Get It Twisted
A group of climate and energy experts and enthusiasts enters a theater to watch Twisters, hoping for a renewable energy twist. Little did they know they would be left chasing for more… But really, as I entered the movie theater with my Chicago-based
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
Three Takeaways from Twisters: Hillbillies, Science, and Solutions
I was a young’n when I first saw Twister in the 90s. Even though we rarely had tornadoes in my hometown in Kentucky back then, it left an impression. The opening scene shows a young girl losing her dad to a tornado as he gets her to safety, and it ab
Union of Concerned Scientists4 min gelesen
Reporting From Bulgaria On The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
Two UCS representatives are in Sofia, Bulgaria, at a planning session for the 7th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.
Union of Concerned Scientists5 min gelesen
Climate Change Fuels Catastrophic Wildfires Across the Western U.S. and Canada
Danger Season 2024 now includes raging wildfires in the Western US and Canada. Are we prepared? (Spoiler: no.)
Union of Concerned Scientists3 min gelesen
Plenty of Heat and No AC for Olympians—Unless Your Country Can Afford to Bring Its Own
Athletes of wealthy nations will be able to cool off after a workout, while athletes from other countries who aren’t able to afford their own air conditioning will be forced to sweat it out, creating a potentially unfair advantage.
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