Allianz Technology

Allianz Technology

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Unterföhring, Bavaria 170.672 Follower:innen

Let's care for tomorrow. You. IT


Allianz Technology mit Hauptsitz in München, Deutschland, ist der globale IT-Dienstleister der Allianz und liefert IT-Lösungen, die die Digitalisierung der Gruppe vorantreiben. Mit mehr als 13.000 Mitarbeitenden in über 20 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt hat Allianz Technology die Aufgabe, die Infrastruktur, Anwendungen und Services gemeinsam mit den Allianz Unternehmen zu betreiben, zu optimieren, zu transformieren und zu erneuern, um gemeinsam das beste Kundenerlebnis zu schaffen. Wir betreuen das gesamte Spektrum der Digitalisierung - von einem der größten IT-Infrastrukturprojekte der Branche, das Rechenzentren, Netzwerke und Sicherheit umfasst, bis hin zu Anwendungsplattformen, die von Arbeitsplatzdiensten bis zu digitaler Interaktion reichen. Kurzum: Wir liefern umfassende End-to-End-IT-Lösungen für die Allianz im digitalen Zeitalter. Wir sind das Rückgrat der Allianz.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Unterföhring, Bavaria
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
DevOps, IT Transformation, Applications und ABS


Beschäftigte von Allianz Technology


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    As we approach the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, Allianz Technology of India had the honor of hosting India's first Para athlete Gold Medalist, Padma Shri award winner Mr. Murlikant Petkar. 🥇 He won his first gold at 1972 Heidelberg Paralympic Games and has since amassed over 470 gold medals in various sports. 🏅 Mr. Petkar holds a world record in the 50m freestyle 🏊♂️ and excels in javelin throw, precision javelin throw, and slalom. Mr. Petkar's inspiring life story is now depicted in the Hindi film "Chandu Champion," featuring Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan. 🎬 At 79, his resilience and passion continue to inspire us. His heartfelt narration during his visit was a powerful testament to his perseverance and optimism, demonstrating that one can achieve anything with determination. 💪 As the exclusive insurance provider for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, we proudly celebrate champions like Mr. Petkar and ensure their stories resonate through time. 🌟 #MurlikantPetkar #Champion #Inspiration #AllianzTechnology #Olympics

  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    Do daily tasks feel like a never-ending story? 📚 Well, our Automation hero comes to the rescue! 🦸♂️ As part of the YOU. Innovation series, this time we're featuring Adarsh Murali, a Senior Architect at Allianz Technology. In this insightful interview, Adarsh delves into the groundbreaking innovations he's spearheaded to automate daily tasks, significantly cutting down on manual effort. This is especially crucial given the immense scale of the Allianz asset repository. 📈 Prepare to be inspired by his inventive solutions and visionary approach to efficiency! 🚀 Do check the interview below, and comment your views! #YOUInnovation #AllianzTechnology #Innovation 🌟

  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    In September 2023, Allianz Technology introduced AllianzGPT, our internal AI chatbot that is fully integrated into the secure Allianz IT landscape. Since then, it has evolved to integrate specific information relevant to our needs.   Today, we are thrilled to announce AllianzGPT Iberolatam! This innovative AI tool offers fast and accessible information support, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency for our IT experts at the Iberolatam branch.   🚀The collaboration between AllianzGPT and Iberolatam, sparked by insightful TechTalks in Barcelona, led to a successful proof of concept (PoC) and a strategic decision to deploy this advanced AI solution. AllianzGPT Iberolatam offers a unified platform that significantly reduces the time spent searching for information, boosting productivity across our organization. 📊   A robust governance structure and clear guidelines ensure the data remains consistent, reliable, and up-to-date. This project is a testament to the incredible teamwork and synergy between multiple teams. 🤝 To celebrate, we held a launch event at the Iberolatam office in Barcelona, featuring a live demo and showcasing our collective efforts. 🎉   Here's to embracing innovation and driving efficiency! 🌟   #AllianzGPT #Iberolatam #Innovation #AllianzTechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    At Allianz Technology, we believe that personal and professional growth is a journey marked by meaningful pit stops. These moments allow us to pause, reflect, and strategize about our progress, upskilling goals, and career ambitions. 🌱 One such pit stop happening this time of year is the Mid-Year Check-in. 📅 These discussions between team members and team leads provide both parties with the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss successes and achievements 🏆, and identify the skills needed to contribute to our business targets. These sessions offer times of reflection—on achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. They also provide opportunities for looking ahead, considering what skills we need to develop to move forward. We view the Mid-Year Check-ins as closely connected to our Personal Development planning, encouraging us to act as CEOs of our own careers. By promoting continuous upskilling, we ensure that our employees are equipped with the knowledge and abilities needed to navigate the future confidently. So, let’s continue to embrace the spirit of development, continuous learning, and well-being. 🌟 By investing in ourselves and each other, we can achieve great things and navigate the future with confidence. 🌍 #AllianzTechnology #ProfessionalDevelopment #MidYearCheckIn #Upskilling  

    • A man and two women walking through an office
  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    Get ready for Paris 2024 with Janja Garnbret  “I try to visualise how it will feel to compete on the big stage.” 🧗♀️ Join #TeamAllianz athlete Janja Garnbret as she prepares to reach new heights in sport climbing at this year’s Olympic Games. Get ready for Paris 2024 with Janja. Ready. Paris. Go. #GetReadyForTheBest #Paris2024 #Olympics #Paralympics #ReadyParisGo #Allianz

  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 We went to Germany's Largest Student Career Fair – IKOM   Once again, joining forces with Allianz Global Investors and Allianz in Deutschland to represent the Allianz Group was a great success. Not only was our cross-organizational effort a testament to the shared vision within our organization. It also offered an array of diverse opportunities to students, setting us apart from competitors.   🤝 A heartfelt thanks goes out to the enthusiastic and talented students who expressed their interest in our company, as well as to all the Allianz colleagues and representatives who contributed to this successful day.   #CareerFair #AllianzTechnology #IKOM

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  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are thrilled to announce that Allianz Technology has once again been recognized as a "Great Place to Work" in 12 branches! 🌟 Alongside receiving this esteemed badge, which we wear with pride, employee surveys provide our team the opportunity to share their feedback and ideas on what constitutes a comfortable working environment. It is amazing to see that over 50% of participating colleagues considered Allianz Technology as a "Great Place to Work." Our commitment to diversity and inclusion was particularly praised, reflecting the value our employees place on a welcoming and diverse workplace. 🌍❤️ Join us as we continue our journey to be an employer of choice, offering a Great Place to Work for everyone. Let's make 2025 even better together! 🚀 #GreatPlacetoWork #AllianzTechnology #CompanyCulture #DiversityandInclusion 🎉👏🌟

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    Profil von Jordi Balcells anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Management Team at Allianz Technology. CIO managing global Applications of Allianz Group

    🚀 In the past years, technology has been changing our world in a way that would have been impossible to predict. But, as we continue to advance at high speed, it’s also good to take the time to give back. I am extremely proud today to support the launch of a partnership that offers a meaningful opportunity for our colleagues to spend their volunteering day: our tech skills can change someone’s world! 👨💻 With the help of Tech To The Rescue organization, Allianz Technology has been matched with the Organization for Rare Diseases India to develop the front end of a data management application. This will increase their operational efficiency and make it easier for them to service the thousands of associated patients. 🙌 If you are part of Allianz Technology and want to volunteer, check out internal platforms for the sign-up details or simply get in touch. I am truly excited to see this project develop! #ESG #giveback #WedoIT #AllianzTechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Allianz Technology anzeigen, Grafik

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    At Allianz Technology, we prioritize innovation and excellence, empowering our colleagues to reach their full potential and contribute uniquely to our success. Thank You Alexander Heinrich and Dr. Axel Schell, for leading the recent Shake’IT innovation and highlight this commitment. 🚀🙌 Held at STATION F in Paris, the world's largest startup campus, Shake’IT brought together fifteen Allianz Technology talents and startups to explore key drivers like #GenAI, Cloudification, Data Analytics, and IT Stability. The focus was on developing use cases for cutting-edge technologies tailored to financial institutions, enhancing our IT capabilities and customer experience. This event combined knowledge sharing, innovation, and networking. Workshops enabled participants to collaborate, supported by senior experts. Shake’IT also offered a vibrant setting for expanding professional networks, reinforcing our belief in collaboration and creativity. 🌐✨ At Allianz Technology, our dedication to innovation and our talented colleagues is key to shaping the future of technology and delivering exceptional value to our global customers. 🌍 #ShakeIT #Innovation #AllianzTechnology

    Profil von Alexander Heinrich anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Management Team @Allianz Technology, Head of Commercial, Customer Interaction, Sales and Life&Health

    When everyone feels empowered to think outside the box and challenge the status quo, real magic happens. In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, one thing is crystal clear: innovation isn't just a competitive advantage—it's a necessity for survival. As we look ahead, it's evident that staying relevant and thriving in the future demands a relentless pursuit of new ideas and groundbreaking solutions.   Every individual in our organization, Allianz Technology, has the potential to contribute to this innovative spirit. It's not confined to R&D departments or executive teams—it's a collective effort. Or as my colleague Dr. Axel Schell likes to remind us, "Innovation is everyone's business."   To truly explore this "innovation business," we just wrapped up an incredible 2-day innovation event called "Shake'IT" at one of the coolest locations we've ever had the pleasure of working in, STATION F in Paris.   Fifteen talents from various locations of Allianz Technology had the opportunity to collaborate with 7 startups. Together, they explored and created use cases for leveraging cutting-edge technologies specifically designed for financial institutions like insurance companies. These use cases revolved around #GenAI, #Data, #Cloudification, and #ITStability. Needless to say, these topics are highly relevant not only for an IT company but also for enhancing the experience of our operating entities and end customers.   To echo the saying from our childhood, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," we ensured there was an element of fun during these days. On the second day, each group participated in a pitching competition to present their solutions to us and a team of experts: Juergen Schlauch, Natascha Waag, Robin Bühler, and Sabrina Schiele.   As we move forward, let's embrace the mindset that innovation is everyone's business. Let's cultivate environments where ideas can flourish, and let's be bold in our quest to shape the future. Because in the end, it's not just about surviving—it's about leading the charge into a brighter, more innovative future. Dr. Axel Schell Sweder Klomp Jil van den Hoevel Sanya Rajgarhia Dr. Xenia Isabel Gioia Schmahl Arthur Bessières Jessica Cheng   #Innovation #FutureOfTech #Allianz #TechIndustry #CollectiveCreativity #LeadTheFuture

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    Get ready for Paris 2024 with Ashleigh and Matt “Stereotypes and stories are very powerful.” US Olympian Ashleigh Johnson and Paralympian Matt Stutzman are not only rewriting the narrative in their sports – they’re preparing the way for the next generation to succeed. Get ready for Paris 2024 with Ashleigh and Matt. Ready. Paris. Go. #GetReadyForTheBest #Paris2024 #Olympics #Paralympics #ReadyParisGo #Allianz

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