Bosch Research

Bosch Research


Renningen, Baden-Württemberg 48.341 Follower:innen

We innovate for life


Bosch Research serves as the central hub for innovation within Bosch. With a global team of around 1,800 experts in the Research and Advanced Engineering division, Bosch collaboratively develops the future generation of products and services across all its business sectors. In addition, Bosch Research collaborates with scientific partners at nine locations in six countries to conduct research on important technological innovations. The research is divided into six fields that will significantly shape our future: automation, digitalization & connectivity, artificial intelligence, electrification, climate action & sustainability, and healthcare. Under the claim "We innovate for life," Bosch Research creates technological solutions that contribute to improving people's lives in the world of tomorrow. The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. As a leading IoT provider, Bosch offers innovative solutions for smart homes, Industry 4.0, and connected mobility. The Bosch Group’s strategic objective is to facilitate connected living with products and solutions that either contain artificial intelligence (AI) or have been developed or manufactured with its help. Bosch improves quality of life worldwide with products and services that are innovative and spark enthusiasm. In short, Bosch creates technology that is “Invented for life.” The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. At 136 locations across the globe, Bosch employs some 90,000 associates in research and development, including the Bosch Research team. Website: Privacy statement: Imprint:

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Renningen, Baden-Württemberg
AIoT, Healthcare, Robotics, Sustainability, Hybridmodels, Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, Energy and Building Technology, Connected Industries, Internet of Things, Automated Driving, Smart Home und Electrified Mobility


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    Robert-Bosch-Campus 1

    Renningen, Baden-Württemberg 71272, DE


Beschäftigte von Bosch Research


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    My name is Lijuan (Bella) Xia. I joined Bosch Research in 2020 as an IOT architect scientist, I have researched for many residential products, including smart helmets, IoT batteries, brain sensing wearables and home appliance AI agents. Since 2024, I am leading a global portfolio focused on applied AIOT research in Shanghai, mainly for the Bosch residential sector. Our portfolio aims to innovate personalized digital companions to improve people’s quality of life. If you would like to learn more about my work, please visit my profile on the Bosch Research website ➡️

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  • Unternehmensseite von Bosch Research anzeigen, Grafik

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    Spitzenforschung, Sonne, Sommertreffen - eine strahlende Kombination! 🌞 Bosch Research begrüßte rund 240 aktive und ehemalige leitende Bosch Direktorinnen und Direktoren und Ehrengäste zum Sommertreffen in Renningen und gab dabei Einblicke in einige Forschungsprojekte am Standort: Von Vorträgen zu DeepFusion, Direct Air Capture und Vivalityc bis hin zu einem virtuellen Campusrundgang boten wir unseren Gästen ein abwechslungsreiches und informatives Programm. Thomas Kropf, President Bosch Research, gab einen interessanten Überblick über die Schwerpunkte von Bosch Research, während Stefan Hartung, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung von Bosch, die strategische Ausrichtung und die allgemeine Geschäftslage von Bosch beleuchtete. Das Sommertreffen hat einmal mehr gezeigt, warum Renningen als Forschungsstandort für Bosch so wichtig ist. Forschungsförderung in Deutschland gelingt durch Kooperation und Zusammenarbeit, und solche Treffen leisten dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag. #BoschResearch #Sommertreffen #Innovationen #Leadership

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  • Unternehmensseite von Bosch Research anzeigen, Grafik

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    🛰️ Today is Space Exploration Day 🚀 Did you know that sensors from Bosch have been in use on the ISS since 2019, helping to improve the operation of the space station through deep audio analytics and AI? Or that a specialized drill from our RotoZip brand played an important role in a NASA Mars mission in 2007? On that occasion, the assumption that the Martian soil contains frozen water was confirmed. Space exploration has a long history at Bosch and began back in the 1960s with the work of solar simulators for space simulation chambers - the "Bosch Sun". Our Bosch History Blog article gives you an overview of our past and current contributions to space exploration: #BoschResearch #Bosch #SpaceExplorationDay #Space

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  • Unternehmensseite von Bosch Research anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our Bosch Research President Thomas Kropf was honored to welcome the Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture 𝗬𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘄𝗮, a high ranked team from Kanagawa, and Klaus Meder, President of Bosch Corporation Japan, to the Bosch Research Campus in Renningen, Germany.   The visit celebrated 30 years of friendship between the state of Baden-Württemberg and Kanagawa Prefecture. As an international company, Bosch Research recognizes the importance of fostering research and relationships around the world. Bosch nurtures strong connections and collaborations worldwide, and we were delighted to have the opportunity to strengthen our ties with Kanagawa Prefucture and with our colleagues from Japan on this special occasion.   #BoschResearch #Kanagawa #BoschJapan #BadenWürttemberg #GlobalPartnerships

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    Meet Diego Rincon-Yanez, a PhD student in Neuro Symbolic AI at the University of Salerno, who recently completed the industry sabbatical program at Bosch Research. The industry sabbatical program not only offered Diego a change of scenery during his PhD studies, but also provided numerous benefits. For example, the daily networking opportunities with Bosch researchers and fellow PhD students, as well as being at the forefront of AI research and gaining insights into the work of Bosch Research. These experiences have enriched Diego's professional and personal journey and provided valuable opportunities for growth and learning as a researcher in his field. To learn more about the industry sabbatical at Bosch Research and how you can benefit from it, as well as Diego's journey and his work on neuro-symbolic AI, click here ➡️ #BoschResearch #Sabbatical #PhD #Grow

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    I am André Gerlach, a senior expert in technical acoustics and ultrasound at Bosch Research. My research focuses on improving the acoustics of our products. With some products, we try to enhance their sound quality, while with others, we utilize sound directly for their functionality. I continuously develop methods to achieve these goals. If you would like to learn more about my work or get in touch with me, please visit my profile on the Bosch Research website ➡️

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    Als Mitglied der Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V. haben wir uns sehr gefreut, die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der diesjährigen Sommertagung des Arbeitskreises "Schmierstoffe und Tribologie" bei Bosch Research in Renningen begrüßen zu dürfen. Die FVA | Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V. ist ein Zusammenschluss von 180 Unternehmen und 120 Forschungseinrichtungen, die gemeinsam vorwettbewerbliche Forschung betreiben, um Wissen und Werkzeuge für eine nachhaltige Antriebstechnik zu entwickeln und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu sichern. Über 70 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer beschäftigten sich mit spannenden Themen rund um Schmierstoffe und Tribologie, wie z.B. Leistungsfähigkeit und Lebensdauer von Schmierstoffen oder Untersuchung von Ölen und Fetten und deren Einfluss auf Getriebeverluste und die Haltbarkeit von Maschinenelementen. Der Austausch und die Vernetzung zu neuen Themen ist für Bosch Research von großer Bedeutung, um weitere wertvolle Forschungsthemen zu identifizieren und damit die Forschung voranzutreiben. #BoschResearch #Antriebstechnik #Forschung #Sommertagung #SchmierstoffeUndTribologie

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    💡 How can Bosch use the potential of IoT and AI to improve customer experiences? This is the central question of a research project that Bosch Research is currently conducting with several business units in China. The aim is to better link online and offline data, set up a recommendation system and use AI-generated content. In our Bosch Research Blog article, Lei Bao & Yuxiao Li (李禹肖)  explain the objectives of the project and the solutions developed: #BoschResearch #Blog #IOT #AI #China

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    Are you ready to put your knowledge to work? 💼 Bosch Research offers exciting opportunities for students in STEM fields and beyond. Whether you're passionate about research in liquid biopsy or interested in gaining experience in generative AI, we have a variety of internships, student jobs, master's theses and PreMaster positions available. Check out our current openings and apply today ➡️ #BoschResearch #Apply #Student #Job #JoinOurTeam

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    My name is Veronika Schleper, and I specialize in virtual product development. Since 2016, I have been working at Bosch Research in virtual product development, specifically as a specialist in 'Multiphysics Modeling' since 2022. My work involves describing complex physical and (electro)chemical processes through mathematical models and finding efficient solutions. I also develop simulation software for specific applications. Currently, my main focus is on fuel cells and electrolysis. In virtual product development, we cover a wide range of areas, including developing new simulation models, deriving efficient simulation strategies, and optimizing the form and function of products. To learn more about me and my work, click here ➡️

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