Glasford International | Deutschland

Glasford International | Deutschland

Personalbesetzung und Rekrutierung

München, Bayern 881 Follower:innen

Executive Search | Headhunting | Personalberatung


Glasford International ist eine der weltweit größten Executive Search Beratungsorganisationen mit Hauptsitz in den Niederlanden. Mit ca. 300 erfahrenen Consultants ist Glasford International in knapp 30 Ländern vertreten und bietet seine Dienstleistungen in unterschiedlichen Practice Groups an. Dabei verfolgen wir die Prinzipien von partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit, innovativen Ansätzen und professionellen Standards. Glasford International Deutschland zeichnet sich durch nachhaltige, intensive Partnerschaften mit namhaften Kunden aus, die seit der Gründung des Unternehmens im Jahr 1985 stetig wachsen konnten. Als Executive Search Beratungsunternehmen besetzen wir mittels der Direktsuche und Assessment-Center-Verfahren erfolgreich anspruchsvolle Positionen mit dem Fokus auf Vertriebs- und Führungsfunktionen in der Industrie und Informationstechnologie.

Personalbesetzung und Rekrutierung
11–50 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Executive Search


Beschäftigte von Glasford International | Deutschland


  • Executive coaching: a game-changer, but how to find the right fit? 🌟  Finding an executive coach is a bit like dating; you need to find the right connection and chemistry for it to be effective and rewarding.  As leaders, we know that investing in ourselves is critical to our success and the success of our organizations. But how do we ensure we are making the right choice when it comes to selecting an executive coach?  Here are some key considerations for executives embarking on this journey:  🤝 Trust and Rapport:  Chemistry is key. You need to feel comfortable and trusting with your coach. This person will challenge you, push you out of your comfort zone, and provide honest feedback. Ensure you find someone with whom you can build a strong rapport and create a safe space for growth.  🎯 Clear Objectives:  What are your goals? Be clear on what you want to achieve. Are you looking to develop specific skills, gain a fresh perspective, or work on a particular area of improvement? Setting clear objectives will help you find a coach who specializes in those areas and can help you achieve your desired outcomes.  🗺 Alignment with Values:  Find a coach whose values align with yours and those of your organization. This ensures a harmonious and authentic partnership, enabling deeper trust and more effective collaboration.  📈 Measurable Results:  Coaching is an investment, and like any investment, you should expect a return. Discuss with your potential coach how they measure success and what results you can expect. A good coach will be able to outline a clear plan for tracking progress and achieving your goals.  What are your thoughts on executive coaching? Have you had any transformative experiences? 

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    Executive coaching is an essential investment for any organization serious about future-proofing their leadership pipeline.  💡 Did you know that executive coaching can help identify and nurture high-potential employees, transforming potential into tangible performance? 🎯 Here are three key reasons why executive coaching is a must for developing future-ready leaders: 1️⃣ Spotting Natural Leaders: Executive coaches are skilled in recognizing intrinsic leadership qualities during the hiring process. They can help identify those with the highest potential and ensure they are placed in the right roles to thrive. 2️⃣ Cultivating Talent: Coaching provides a framework to cultivate and grow high-potential employees. By tailoring development plans, coaches help individuals unlock their unique strengths and build the skills needed to succeed.  3️⃣ Transforming Potential into Performance: Great coaches don't just focus on theory; they help turn potential into actionable results. They challenge individuals to apply their strengths and provide a safe space to learn from failures, fostering a growth mindset. 🌠 By investing in executive coaching, organizations create an environment where leaders don't just survive, but thrive, adapting to the ever-changing business landscape.  Effective leadership coaching is about asking the right questions, empowering individuals, and creating a culture of continuous improvement. 

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    Transparency and storytelling are powerful tools in CSR. Rather than just checking boxes; it’s about showcasing your company’s journey and its impact on the world. 🔑 Key Steps to Effective CSR Reporting:  Define your CSR Objectives: Identify your focus areas, whether environmental sustainability, community development, or employee welfare. Data Gathering: Collect both quantitative data (emissions, energy use) and qualitative stories (employee testimonials, community engagement). Real-Time Reporting: Utilize CSR reporting software to track progress and identify areas for improvement.  Set Strategic Goals: Clearly articulate your organization’s CSR goals and define your intended impact. Engage Stakeholders: Involve your stakeholders throughout the process. Share updates and be open about challenges and successes. Visualize Data: Bring your report to life with charts, infographics, and images to enhance communication and understanding.  Storytelling: Weave authentic narratives into your report, highlighting how your company is making a difference. 💡 Effective CSR reporting showcases your commitment to sustainability and helps build trust with your audience. 

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    As business leaders, we’re not only responsible for driving growth and profits, but also for making a positive impact on the communities we serve. Corporate philanthropy is no longer just a nice-to-have, but a must-have for companies that want to build trust, attract top talent, and stay ahead of the competition. So, how can executives give back to the community in a meaningful way? Here are some strategies to consider: ✨ Align your philanthropy with your business goals: Focus on causes that resonate with your company’s mission, values, and industry. This will help you create a more authentic and impactful giving program. ✨ Engage your employees: Encourage volunteerism, matching gifts, and other forms of employee-led philanthropy. This will not only boost morale but also foster a sense of community and social responsibility. ✨ Measure and report your impact: Use data and storytelling to demonstrate the positive outcomes of your philanthropic efforts. This will help you build credibility and inspire others to follow your lead.  ✨ Partner with local organizations: Collaborate with community groups, NGOs, and other stakeholders to amplify your impact and create lasting change. By incorporating these strategies into your corporate philanthropy program, you’ll not only be giving back to the community, but also driving business success and building a positive legacy. Let’s inspire each other to make a difference! Share your own experiences and tips on corporate philanthropy in the comments below. 💬 

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    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are an increasing necessity for many organizations to thrive. We recognize the importance of these initiatives and their impact on fostering innovative, high-performing teams. 💡 True Potential:  Diverse teams bring a wealth of perspectives, enhancing creativity, innovation, and problem-solving abilities. By embracing DEI, leaders unlock the full potential of their talent pool, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.  🚀 Executive Leadership:  Executives play a pivotal role in driving successful DEI initiatives. It's about weaving inclusivity into the very fabric of an organization's culture, from talent acquisition to retention. This means ensuring equal opportunities through unbiased hiring processes, implementing inclusive marketing strategies, and fostering an environment where every individual feels a sense of belonging.  🌱 Growth and Awareness:  It's about creating a culture of awareness, where differences are celebrated and diverse perspectives are sought after. Make your organization a beacon of inclusivity, attracting top talent from across the globe.

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    The world is demanding change and consumers, employees, and investors are no exception. They are increasingly holding businesses accountable for their environmental impact. This shift in mindset presents a unique opportunity for forward-thinking companies to get ahead of the curve.  🌱 So, how can you integrate sustainability into corporate strategies? Here are some key insights:  🏢 Embedding sustainability into your business model creates a resilient foundation. It future-proofs your organization, mitigates risks, and opens up new opportunities. From supply chain optimization to innovative product development, going green is a strategic advantage.  💡 Embrace transparency and accountability. Share your sustainability journey with your audience. Consumers and investors alike are keen to support companies with strong ESG credentials. Showcase your efforts and let your brand shine as a force for good.  💼 Attract and retain top talent by offering more than just a pay check. Today's professionals seek purpose and impact in their work. By integrating sustainability, you create a compelling employee value proposition that inspires and engages your workforce.  🤝 Collaboration is key. Partner with like-minded businesses, startups, and organizations to amplify your impact. Together, you can drive systemic change and create a more sustainable future for all.  🚀 Finally, lead with passion and conviction. You have the power to influence and inspire action. Embrace this responsibility and be the change you want to see. 

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    Did you know that executives have a unique opportunity to drive social impact and create meaningful change? But what is the connection between leadership and corporate social responsibility (CSR)? CSR is not just a box-ticking exercise or a way to enhance a company's reputation. At its core, it's about addressing social issues and creating long-lasting positive change. By recognizing this, executives can harness their power to drive purpose-led initiatives. 🔑 Here are three ways executives can make social impact a priority: 🌟 Lead by Example: Executives should embody the values they want to see in their organizations. By actively engaging in CSR activities and demonstrating a personal commitment, leaders inspire their teams to do the same. 🦋 Integrate CSR into Strategy: Social impact initiatives should be woven into the fabric of your business strategy. This means aligning CSR goals with your company's mission and values, ensuring they are a core consideration in decision-making processes. 💹 Collaborate and Engage: Executives can foster a culture of collaboration by involving employees, customers, and stakeholders in social impact efforts. This not only creates a sense of collective ownership but also leverages the diverse skills and perspectives of your community. 

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    We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have been recognized by the renowned German newspaper, Die Welt, with the prestigious "Best Consultant" seal! This acknowledgment is a confirmation of our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional executive search and leadership selection.  This award reflects our team’s determination and passion. Thank you for this incredible recognition! And a special thanks to our valued clients for their trust and partnership. We are dedicated to continuing to raise the bar in executive search and leadership.  Join us in celebrating this wonderful achievement! 🍾🎉 

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    881 Follower:innen

    A strong network provides a foundation to leverage opportunities, gain industry insights, and foster collaborative partnerships. Here are some ways on how to cultivate long-lasting connections:   🔑 Unlock Doors with a Genuine Interest: Approach every connection with authenticity and a genuine desire to learn about their story. People are more likely to remember and engage with those who show a sincere interest in them.  🌱 Nurture with Consistency: Think long-term when building relationships. Consistency is key; maintain regular contact, even if it's just a quick check-in or a comment on their recent achievement. Small gestures go a long way!  💡 Offer Value: Look for ways to add value to your connections. Whether it's sharing relevant industry insights, making introductions, or offering advice, becoming a valuable resource for your network will strengthen your relationships.  🗣 Engage, Don't Sell: Focus on building a genuine rapport instead of a hard sell. Engage in conversations, listen to their needs, and find common ground. This will create a more natural and lasting impression.  📈 Grow Together: A strong network should be mutually beneficial. Support your connections’ endeavours, celebrate their successes, and don't be afraid to ask for their support in return. Together, you can elevate each other’s growth. Remember, networking is a journey, and meaningful connections take time to cultivate. Embrace every opportunity to connect, and you'll be rewarded with a powerful and supportive network. 

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    Mastering online networking is key to advancing your career. Whether you're seeking collaborations, insights, or career opportunities, engaging with executives and leaders in virtual spaces can be transformative. Here are practical tips to enhance your online networking prowess: Authenticity Builds Bridges: Be genuine in your interactions. Authenticity fosters trust and meaningful connections. 😊 Add Value to Conversations: Instead of just liking or sharing, contribute actively. Offer insights, ask thoughtful questions, and share relevant content to enrich discussions. 💡 Join Niche Communities: Explore LinkedIn groups and forums where industry leaders gather. Engage in discussions, showcase your expertise, and learn from others' perspectives. 🏘️ Follow Up Strategically: After virtual events or interactions, follow up promptly and professionally. A personalized message can reinforce connections made online. 📩 Curate Your Online Presence: Your profile and activity on LinkedIn represent your professional brand. Keep it updated, showcase your accomplishments, and share valuable content consistently. 🌟 By integrating these strategies into your online networking approach, you'll not only expand your network but also establish yourself as a respected voice in your industry. 🚀 

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