SOS Humanity

SOS Humanity

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen

Berlin, Berlin 4.022 Follower:innen

Als zivile Seenotrettungsorganisation setzen wir uns für eine Welt ein, in der die Menschenrechte aller gewahrt werden.


Komm als Crewmitglied an Bord unseres Rettungsschiffes #Humanity1! SOS Humanity rettet mit der Humanity 1 Leben auf dem #Mittelmeer 👉 #MehrMenschlichkeitWagen #SOSHumanity

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin


Beschäftigte von SOS Humanity


  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    [Italiano di seguito] Wondering who works on our rescue ship Humanity 1? In this video, members of our 29-person crew talks about their experiences, challenges, and constant efforts to save lives.   Before setting sail for our 13th rescue mission in June, representatives from each team on board (search & rescue, care, communications and nautical) were interviewed in Italian by lidia ginestra giuffrida and Luca Schilirò.    Many thanks to everyone involved in the video!   [Italiano] Vi state chiedendo chi lavora sulla nostra nave di salvataggio Humanity 1? In questo video, i membri del nostro equipaggio raccontano le loro esperienze, le sfide e gli sforzi in cui si imbattono per salvare vite umane.   Prima di partire per la nostra 13ª missione di salvataggio a giugno, i rappresentanti di ogni squadra a bordo (ricerca e soccorso, assistenza, comunicazioni e navale) sono stati intervistati in italiano da lidia ginestra giuffrida e Luca Schilirò.    Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno partecipato al video!

  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    The #Mediterranean makes up almost half of all recorded global deaths and disappearances during #migration.   Since 2014, IOM Data’s #MissingMigrants Project (MMP) has documented more than 67,700 migrant deaths worldwide, of which 45% took place in the Mediterranean. We work closely with the Project to provide information on the deadliest migration route in the world, the Central Mediterranean Route.   Every death witnessed by the crew of Humanity 1 is passed on and recorded in the MMP’s freely accessible database. Yet we know all too well: the current figure of 30,240 #migrant fatalities in the Mediterranean is an undercount. Many deaths are witnessed by no one. We call for EU states to implement a European-funded search and rescue programme to stop the dying at Europe’s deadliest border!   Numbers alone cannot do justice to the humanitarian catastrophe in the Mediterranean – but every death is one too many. Read the report ‘A Decade of Missing Migrants’ marking 10 years of MMP’s work here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    Some of our visitors have shared their impressions of the Open Ship in Siracusa, Sicily, and the photo exhibition on board - take a look to find out what really moved them!   Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us. It was great to have you on board Humanity 1!   If you would like to take advantage of our last Open Ship day, please come by tomorrow, 11 September. There will be also a panel discussion from 4 to 5 pm about humanitarian aid at sea, which we will also be streaming live. You can find all the information and the link to the livestream here:👉

  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

    4.022 Follower:innen

    Some of our visitors have shared their impressions of the Open Ship in Siracusa, Sicily, and the photo exhibition on board - take a look to find out what really moved them!   Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us. It was great to have you on board Humanity 1!   If you would like to take advantage of our last Open Ship day, please come by tomorrow, 11 September. There will be also a panel discussion from 4 to 5 pm about humanitarian aid at sea, which we will also be streaming live. You can find all the information and the link to the livestream here:👉

  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 In Greece and Italy, people are being sentenced to up to of 46 (!) years in prison for allegedly steering their own boats to safety in Europe. Solidarity is criminalized and attacked by state actors This systematic criminalization is driven by an EU directive that causes death and suffering.   15 organizations demand: The German government must end the criminalization of flight and solidarity! We need an EU directive that protects people, not criminalizes them. We need safe and legal escape routes – not policies that undermine human rights!   👉 Read our joint appeal (in German):

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    You can’t come to the Open Ship in Sicily but would still like to see our photo exhibition? Then visit the online exhibition on our website!   We present photos of 10 different photographers who accompanied our rescue missions between December 2022 and July 2024. The images show the various phases of our rescue missions: from the lookout for distress cases to the rescue of people on the move to everyday life on board.   We are happy to see so many visitors in person on board Humanity 1! For those who can’t be there in person, the online version of the exhibition is available here: 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

    4.022 Follower:innen

    [English] On September 11, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, a panel discussion on the humanitarian and political situation in the #Mediterranean will take place on board Humanity 1. Join us as speakers including Sandro Gallinelli, retired Admiral of the Italian Coast Guard, and Chiara Denaro, legal expert discuss how human rights can be safeguarded in the Central Mediterranean.   The discussion will be broadcast LIVE – so you can join us in person in #Siracusa, Sicily, or via livestream and ask your questions!   You can find more information and the livestream here: 👉   [Italiano] L'11 settembre dalle 16:00 alle 17:30, #Humanity1 ospiterà una tavola rotonda sulla situazione umanitaria e politica nel #Mediterraneo. Unisciti alla discussion tra Sandro Gallinelli, ammiraglio in pensione della Guardia Costiera italiana, e Chiara Denaro, esperta di diritto, discuteranno, su come i diritti umani possano essere salvaguardati nel Mediterraneo centrale.   La discussione sarà trasmessa in diretta: non esitate a partecipare in presenza  a Siracusa, in Sicilia, o in livestream e a porre le vostre domande!   Maggiori informazioni e il livestream sono disponibili qui: 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our preparations for the Open Ship are in full swing! Come and visit our rescue ship in the port of Siracuse from 2 to 11 September! It is open to the public daily between 10am and 6pm.   A photo exhibition will give you an insight into our rescue work on the Central Mediterranean and we offer guided tours of the Humanity 1 every day at 3, 4, and 5 pm by our team or crew members.   For more information and details about the program, visit our website. 👉 📷: Wasil Schauseil / SOS Humanity

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, it’s Anti-War Day in Germany and we would like to remember the horrors of war and its devastating impact on the lives of countless people around the world. Current global conflicts are forcing millions to leave their homes - fleeing violence and destruction. But the reasons why people attempt the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean are diverse and often interlinked. In addition to war and violence, other factors such as the desire for educational opportunities, fleeing discrimination, and the increasing threats posed by climate change also drive people to leave their homes. You can also read more about the multidimensional causes of migration for those rescued by Humanity 1 in our report ‘Humanity Overboard’: 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von SOS Humanity anzeigen, Grafik

    4.022 Follower:innen

    People disappear every day while fleeing. Their relatives and friends often do not know whether they are still alive.   On today's International Day of the Disappeared, we would like to draw attention to the fate of those who are missing in Libya, Tunisia, and the Central Mediterranean. Since 2014, around 23.800 individuals have drowned or disappeared without a trace in the Central Mediterranean while attempting to reach Europe. Their disappearance is a direct result of the political situation in Libya and Tunisia, as well as the EU’s restrictive policies, which knowingly allow people to die or disappear.   The absence of safe and legal pathways forces refugees and migrants into increasingly dangerous journeys, driven by the EU’s isolationist approach.   We call for safe and legal escape routes and an effective search and rescue program at the EU’s external borders! Only then we can prevent people from disappearing while seeking safety.

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