
For more than 75 years Tubex is one of the leading manufacturers in the packaging industry. TUBEX is the packaging specialist for aluminium aerosol cans, aluminium cartridges and the pioneer of aluminium bottles for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and technical industry. Together with our partners we develop innovative packaging solutions to meet the goal of design and sustainablity alike.

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
aluminium, aluminium aerosol cans, packaging, cosmetics, SL-T, cosmetics packaging


Beschäftigte von TUBEX


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    Summer.😎 Sun. ☀ What could be better than to have a cool drink? Our aluminium bottles are not only beautiful and keep drinks cool for a longer time – they are also infinitely recyclable and unbreakable. Whatever the content – be it water, beer, vodka shots, sparkling wine, wine etc.– TUBEX aluminium bottles protect your drink with an appealing and recyclable packaging. Contact us to give your drink a new, tailormade packaging. #tubex_rangendingen #alumiumbottles #aluminium #sustainability #pcr

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    Das Grund des heutigen Posts war für alle Beteiligten einfach nur unbeschreiblich schön - deshalb möchten wir alle daran teilhaben lassen. Unsere Mitarbeiter wollten für benachteiligte Personen etwas Gutes tun und das ganz konkret und in der Nähe. Was lag also näher als das Diasporahaus – das sich in unserem Landkreis um benachteiligte Kinder kümmert – mit einer Spende zu überraschen. Die Spende, welche von TUBEX großzügig aufgerundet wurde - übergaben wir letztes Jahr an unserem Sommerfest. Dieses Jahr konnten die Kinder die neuen Spielgeräte endlich in Empfang nehmen. Im Beisein von Rudolf Strobel und Dr. Sascha Klein weihten die Kinder die Vogelnestschaukel, das Trampolin und die Hängematte ein. Die Freude der Kinder war unbeschreiblich! Was gibt es schöneres als leuchtende Kinderaugen? Vielen Dank den Spendern! Wir respektieren die Privatsphäre der Kinder, deshalb zeigen die Bilder keine Kinder. The reason for today's post was simply indescribably beautiful for everyone involved - that's why we want to share it with everyone. Our employees wanted to do something good for disadvantaged people in a very concrete and local way. So what could be more obvious than to surprise the Diasporahaus - which looks after disadvantaged children in our district - with a donation. We handed over the donation, which was generously rounded up by TUBEX, at our summer party last year. This year, the children were finally able to take delivery of the new play equipment. In the presence of Rudolf Strobel and Dr Sascha Klein, the children inaugurated the bird's nest swing, the trampoline and the hammock. The children's joy was indescribable! What could be better than children's eyes shining? Many thanks to the donors! We respect the children's privacy - therefore the pictures do not show the children. #tubex_rangendingen #aerosolcans #aluminium #aluminiumbottles #good_deed #joy

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    The third #German_Packaging_Award goes jointly to TUBEX aerosol cans and DFNS powered by alu-air© in the Category Design.   Alu-air© collaborated with DFNS and developed a unique concept that not only reduces CO2 emission but also has a design that captures the buyer’s attention at the point of sale. Propellants are a driver of the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that should not be underestimated. Alu-air© came up with the idea to use air instead of propellant gas and the content of this unique aluminium can is “powered by air”. An additional advantage is that the customer receives the ‘pure product’ without any solvents. On top of that the content was modified to a PFAS-free water-based formula and 360 degree spraying is possible. The groove is currently a patented design feature and an eyecatcher. Tubex and DFNS worked closely together during the development of the design of the aerosol can to allow the integration of future features such as pressure control system to dispense non-water-soluble ingredients evenly by using air. TUBEX and DFNS are thrilled that the footwear protector spray was chosen from nearly 250 entries to be awarded the German Packaging Award. #realPCR #aerolscans #aluminium #sustainablity #innovation #air #DVI #tubex_rangendingen  

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      The second #German_Packaging_Award goes to the joint development of TUBEX aerosol cans and PPG Industries in the category New Material. 👏 This new internal coating is geared for beverage aluminium bottles. TUBEX has a long history in producing aluminium bottles for beverages and produced the first aluminium beer bottle already in the late 1970s. Wine or sparkling wine filled in aluminium bottles is a new upcoming market. However, wine and sparkling wine is more sensitive to internal coating than other products as it contains certain ingredients that may react with the internal lacquer. Sometimes the taste of the beverage is altered not to its best. Also, the new regulations for internal coating aimed for food contact does not allow to contain BPA. BPA-ni internal lacquer for wines and sparkling wines was not readily available for smooth industrial production and Tubex turned to supplier PPG Industries and requested action. PPG and TUBEX specialists teamed up and did several trials until the result was perfect. The PPG development team used their experience to create this new BPA-ni internal lacquer. This lacquer already fulfils today the regulations of tomorrow in terms of BPA-ni and formaldehyde.   The German Packaging Award is awarded annually by the German Packaging institute for outstanding packaging solutions, as well as packaging related machines. #tubex_rangendingen #aluminiumbottles #aluminium #aerosolcans #innovation #regulation #beverage #dvi

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    TUBEX aerosol cans and Respray solutions Kft. win jointly the German Packaging Award in the category Sustainability Concept. 🏆 TUBEX is known in the packaging industry for its holistic approach to sustainability. Such unique characteristics like a patented Neucan 3.1 alloy with real PCR® content and natural printing ink caught the attention of the start-up Respray. With these features the Tubex aerosol can is a perfect match with the refill concept of Respray solutions. Respray solutions Kft. was founded upon the idea to rethink the way we use everyday products like deodorant cans. Usually, they are for single use only. If all goes well the aerosol can gets recycled and the circle ♻starts anew. However, Respray came up with a machine that can refill deodorant cans without using LPG propellants but uses compressed air instead. The aerosol can can be refilled up to five times. After the final use the consumer forwards it to the recycling collecting point next to the refill station to make sure no aluminium is lost.♻   The first machine Respray developed one and a half years ago, was able to refill 3 product types. After further development the machine can now handle 20 product types in the refill station. The development also included cans with new content which can now be refilled. Respray is currently installing 30 refill stations throughout Hungary. Tubex and Respray have jointly won the Aerosol and Dispensing Award before. Respray has been honoured in the past with other awards such as the WAVE accelerator program organized by Blue Planet Foundation and the Hungarian Innovation Award in the environmental protection category. TUBEX is proud to be an exclusive partner of Respray and looks forward to help Respray reach their sustainability goals.   The jury members had nearly 250 entries to judge and choose from. Tubex and Respray solutions Kft. are very happy that this integral sustainability concept was awarded a German Packaging Award and therefore complements this partnership with yet another award.

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    TRIPLE!!! 🏆 🏆 🏆 We are absolutely thrilled! 🤩 TUBEX cans has won three #GermanPackagingAwards in three different categories. 🍾 Congratulations to our team and our partners who never stop to innovate. 💡 We will introduce each winner in the coming days – so stay tuned. #tubex_rangendingen #aerosolcans #aluminium #aluminiumbottles #sustainability #innovation #DVI

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    TUBEX is very excited - our solar plant is now online. This is another big step forward in our holistic sustainability approach. With 1,8 GWh per year the solar plant is the largest in the region.  This is the equivalent amount what 560 3-person households use per year. The power plant consists of 3500 solar panels who can do their work now => producing green power for TUBEX Rangendingen. TUBEX has an active energy management that aims to save energy throughout the entire production process. This work has recently been rewarded with the KEFF+ label for the efficient use of waste heat from post-combustion and compressors. In order to reach our climate target at our site in Rangendingen of a 40 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 2015 by 2030 in Scope 1 and Scope 2, TUBEX is working at every level to save energy to contribute to this target. #tubex_rangendingen #aerosolcans #aluminium #greenenergy #sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von TUBEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    Sun.🌞Summer. 😎 Party.🥳 🎉 On Saturday we had our annual TUBEX summer party and TIP (TUBEX Innovation Programme) award cermony. It was a perfect day for the summer party. Sunny but not too hot. Cornelius Grupp, CEO TUBEX Group extended a warm welcome to the party guests. Together with Matheus Soares, Reto Kolb, and Sascha Klein, Cornelius Grupp awarded the TIP innovators of the best ideas with a trophy and a gift.🏆🥇🥈🥉 All the ideas that were nominated for best ideas were briefly introduced and it was terrific what the colleagues came up with to either save resources or improve various processes. Also the evaluators with the most innovative team were honoured as well.👏🙌👏🙌 After the ceremony it was time to turn to the delicious buffet. The party guests enjoyed superb food, cold drinks and riveting discussions. Everyone had great fun to play various games like table football or take a funny picture with colleagues at the photo booth. Thanks a lot to Reto Kolb and his team👏👏for organizing the great party and also a big thank you to the members of the works council who made sure there was enough drinks for everyone and never an empty glass.👏👏 #tubex_rangendingen #aerosolcans #aluminium_bottles #aluminium #party

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  • Unternehmensseite von TUBEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung der TUBEX GmbH.   Leopold Werdich, Geschäftsführer der TUBEX GmbH, wechselt innerhalb der Dr. Grupp Unternehmensgruppe. Er übernimmt ab Juni 2024 eine leitende Position in der CAG Holding GmbH. Annähernd fünfundzwanzig Jahre war Leopold Werdich Geschäftsführer der TUBEX in Rangendingen. In dieser Zeit entwickelte er TUBEX zu einem modernen, innovativen und nachhaltig produzierenden Unternehmen. Zahlreiche nationale und internationale Preise und Auszeichnungen für ökologische Verpackungen sind eng mit seinem Namen verbunden. In seiner Funktion als Geschäftsführer der TUBEX Packaging (vormals TUBEX Holding), die er seit 2004 innehatte, setzte er richtungsweisende Akzente in der Internationalisierung (unter anderem Südamerika und Osteuropa) und der strategischen Ausrichtung der Werke. Leopold Werdich war und ist im besten Sinne des Wortes neugierig. Diese Neugier, gepaart mit seiner Kreativität - Dinge anders zu machen, neu zu denken - seiner Innovationskraft und seinem Willen, Verpackungen ständig zu verbessern, haben TUBEX geprägt. Familie Grupp dankt Herrn Werdich für seine hervorragende Arbeit in den vergangenen Jahren und freut sich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in der CAG Holding. Cornelius Grupp – seit September 2023 geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der TUBEX Holding – übernimmt die operative Leitung der Sparte Aerosoldosen. „Leopold Werdich war und ist – neben seinem erfolgreichen Engagement für die Weiterentwicklung der TUBEX Gruppe – vor allem auch immer ein Vorbild für sein menschliches Verhalten zu allen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Er stand und steht damit für die zentralen Werte eines Familienunternehmens,“ betont Cornelius Grupp. #tubex_rangendingen #tubex_group #aluminium #aerosolcans #teamwork #thankyou

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    It was such a pleasure and inspiring to work with Nicolas Eilken and his team. Also a big thank you to Gerald Ruppert for his invaluable advice on patenting MINIMALIST. 💡TUBEX will never stop innovating. #Sustainability #aluminium #aerosolcans #innovation

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    🏆ADF Innovation Awards Spotlight | Minimalist by TUBEX won the ADF Sustainable Innovation award at Paris Packaging Week 2024🏆. Minimalist is a new dispenser for aerosol cans. The new packaging and packaging waste regulation (PPWR) is currently being discussed whereby one part of it will be the recyclability of the packaging. So far, the dispenser is the part of an aerosol can that makes recycling of aerosol cans challenging due to various plastic parts. Minimalist solves this problem as it is made nearly of mono material – aluminium – and making an aerosol can with this dispenser is easy to recycle. This dispenser can be used on every aerosol can. Read the full article at Paris Packaging Week to discover TUBEX GmbH’s technical innovations, the challenges the company faced, and why its design deserved to win the Sustainable Innovation award: EILKEN brand building #awards #innovation #adf #aerosol #recycling #can #ppw #parispackagingweek #adfparis #pcdparis #pldparis #packagingpremière #skincare #beauty #health #brandidentity #packaging #label #design #luxury #premium

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