VISTA  Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH

VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH


Remote Sensing and Modelling for Hydrology, Agriculture and Environment


Water – Energy – Food: Nourishing the Future Vista is an innovative value adding company in the field of remote sensing based solutions with almost 30 years of experience in translating state-of-the-art scientific methods into operational, digital services for sustainable farming and food security – today, tomorrow and in the future.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, Agriculture, Hydrology, Smart Farming, Snow Monitoring, Yield Prediction, Landsurface, Biomass, Food Security, Snow Water Equivalent, TalkingFields, Ypsilon Services, Sustainability, Food Security, Carbon Farming, Food Production, Crop Modelling, Irrigation und Fertilization


Beschäftigte von VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH


  • Our Managing Director, Silke Migdall, had the pleasure to be on the latest eposide of STELAR project's Data Stories 360° podcast! 🎧Listen to the full episode:

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    🎙️ In episode four of the STELAR project’s Data Stories 360° podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Silke Migdall, the Managing Director at VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH. 💡With over 15 years of expertise in advanced Earth Observation analysis, Silke specialises in optical and hyperspectral remote sensing for vegetation monitoring and agricultural applications. We explored the latest advancements and real-world applications of technologies for early crop growth predictions. 🌱 Join us as we investigate her work, which not only shapes the future of satellite technologies but also ensures innovative ideas translate into impactful solutions. 🎧Listen to the full episode:  #HorizonEurope #ResearchImpactEU #RemoteSensing #EarthObservation

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    📢 Exciting News! The first version of the STELAR Toolkit is online! The STELAR project in which Vista is participating focuses on innovative data management approaches in agriculture. The first version of its state-of-the-art toolkit supports functionalities such as extracting structured information from food safety reports and fusing satellite and field sensor data to improve crop classification, yield prediction and suitability map construction.

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    🚀 The first version of the STELAR Toolkit is now available! 🌱 With a focus on innovative data management in agriculture, this state-of-the-art toolkit extracts structured information from food safety reports and fuses satellite and field sensor data to enhance crop classification, yield prediction, and suitability map construction. 🔓 It is open-source and ready to use on STELAR's GitHub, offering over 10 tools for you to explore and utilise! 🔗 Check it out now: #HorizonEurope #ResearchImpactEU #DataScience #Agriculture #Innovation #STELARToolkit Athena Research Center Eindhoven University of Technology National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Bundeswehr University Munich Altair Agroknow VISTA Remote Sensing in Geosciences GmbH Abaco & Agronica Foodscale Hub

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    🚀 ☀ Energizing Weeks for Vista! 🔋 ⚡ The past two weeks have been incredibly energetic and fruitful for the Vista team. We had the amazing opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge solution for the prediction of agricultural yield with #AgriPV plants at two prestigious events. First, our CEO, Heike Bach held a keynote about #AgriVoltaics Crop Yield Modeling - Quantifying the Effects of Light Limitations on Crop Growth at the #AgrivoltaicsWorld conference in Denver. It was inspiring to connect with industry leaders, researchers, and innovators who share our passion for integrating renewable energy with sustainable agriculture. Our solution received great interest, and we're excited about the potential collaborations and advancements in the field of agri-pv. Next, we took our journey to the #Intersolar Europe exhibition in Munich. This global stage allowed us to present our innovative solution to a diverse audience of solar energy enthusiasts and professionals. The discussions we had and the feedback we received were invaluable. It's clear that our approach to provide scientifically sound agricultural yield prediction for agri-pv sites is very valuable. These events have reinforced our commitment to driving sustainable solutions that benefit both energy and food production sectors. Learn more on: #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #AgricultureInnovation #SolarEnergy #VistaSolutions #FutureOfFarming #CleanEnergy

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    Crops under pressure – is 2024 rather too wet than too dry in Germany? Vista provides data for BayWa AG Drought Monitor again in 2024 – this season drought stress on wheat and maize is shown. The #BayWaDroughtMonitor 2024 has been launched in May and provides data on the drought stress of wheat in Germany. Vista developed the BayWa Drought Monitor together with #BayWa - and published data on the drought stress of winter wheat in 2023 for the first time. This season the monitor will be extended and also cover Maize. This spring, however, a lot of rain put plants under pressure. We have used our data to trace how the flood event at the beginning of June affected the wheat fields. The graphs below are showing in blue where there was too much water in winter wheat fields. Vista uses satellite data, soil maps and hydrological, meteorological and topographical information to compile the BayWa Drought Monitor. In contrast to other drought maps, the BayWa Drought Monitor is specifically geared towards agriculture and also takes into account the current growth stage and leaf development, the plant's daily water requirements, root development and the water at different soil depths. The BayWa Drought Monitor thus contributes to a differentiated discussion about the consequences of a lack of precipitation. Such information on the drought stress of plants also provides data on food security, as drought is the greatest risk factor for food production. Find out more and stay tuned for updates

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    Leiter Redaktionelle Entwicklung bei der BayWa AG

    Wissen wie trocken es ist: Mit der VISTA Geowissenschaftliche Fernerkundung GmbH haben wir 2023 den #BayWaDürremonitor für Winterweizen gestartet – und noch im Juni 2023 einen Ernterückgang von regional bis zu 17 Prozent prognostiziert. Vor allem, weil der Mai zu trocken war. Und 2024? Steht die Sache Kopf. Von wegen #Dürre: Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Vista haben mit ihren Daten nachgezeichnet, wie sich das Hochwasser-Ereignis Anfang Juni auf den Weizenfeldern niedergeschlagen hat. Unten die Grafiken: 29. Mai: Geht noch. 5. Juni: Staunässe. 12. Juni: Nach und nach Entspannung Im einen Jahr #Blitzdürre, im nächsten Jahr #Starkregen mit #Hochwasser - die #Witterung wird durch den #Klimawandel extremer. Es ist kein Leichtes, die Felder und Böden fit für diesen Umbruch zu machen. Aber die BayWa AG hilft auf dem Weg dorthin, mit Beratung, mit dem Projekt Klima-Landwirtschaft, siehe Link unten. Der #BayWaDürremonitor ist dabei ein Tool zur Orientierung: Es zeigt, wie es um das pflanzenverfügbare Wasser im Boden bestellt ist, ein Informationsangebot in Signalfarben. Dieses Jahr schauen wir uns neben Winterweizen auch den Mais an. Ist alles grün, ist alles gut. Ist alles rot, ist es zu trocken. Und ist es zu blau – genau. Der Link zum BayWa Dürremonitor steckt auch in den Kommentaren. Heike Bach Hanna Deuscher Solveig Blöcher Christian Miesgang Wolfram Mauser Janna Wörner Antje Krieger Anja Richter

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    🌱 How can earth observation via satellites enable are more sustainable agriculture, mitigate climate change risks and ensure food security? 🛰️ Vista attended the EO FOR AGRICULTURE UNDER PRESSURE 2024 WORKSHOP in Frascati, Italy this week to present solutions and discuss with experts on these pressing matters. The event was hosted by the European Space Agency - ESA to gather the community and discuss the latest in Earth Observation (#EO) research in support of sustainable agriculture. The workshop aimed to present the current state of EO technology and identify key research challenges in aiding sustainable agriculture amidst various pressures. Topics covered wrapped around impact on climate end environment, crop stressors and climate adaption, food security and new technologies. The objectives of the event were to present EO's role in evidence-based decision-making for food security, to explore novel EO capabilities for climate change resilience in agriculture, to discuss transferring EO science into sustainable agriculture practices, to exchange developments in algorithms and applications for agricultural monitoring and to demonstrate EO's relevance for policy reporting and monitoring obligations. Our colleagues Heike Bach and Solveig Blöcher were at site and had insightful discussions, exchanged ideas, and showcased how satellite data combined with Vista’s unique digital twinning approach can revolutionize farming practices. We are looking forward to continued collaboration and leveraging technology for sustainable agriculture! 🌎 🌾 #EO4Agri #SustainableAgriculture #ClimateResilience #GEOGLAM #ESA #EUROPEANCOMISSION #JRC

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    Agricultural production in times of crisis – how can #EO help to get valuable insights when data from fields cannot be gathered at site? 🛰️🌾 At the #EO4Agri2024 workshop, hosted by the European Space Agency - ESA our colleague Solveig Blöcher presented "Resilience under Extreme Circumstances – Harvest and Yield Estimation for Ukraine." This vital work highlights the incredible resilience of Ukrainian agriculture amidst challenging conditions and how earth observation based solutions can help to gather important information without at-site input. Solveig's presentation delved into advanced methods for estimating yields and harvests, showcasing the importance of accurate agricultural data in times of crisis. The presentation also offered a glimpse into the future with the STELAR Project. By leveraging Knowledge Lakes, STELAR aims to enhance yield predictions with unprecedented precision. This innovative approach promises to transform agricultural forecasting, providing critical insights and support for farmers worldwide. We are dedicated to further exploring the cutting-edge of agricultural technology and resilience. 😎 🌱💡 #SustainableFarming #yieldprediction #AgInnovation #STELARProject

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    🌍 Exciting Highlights from Vista at the Copernicus Forum 2024 🛰️   We had the privilege of showcasing innovative projects and solutions at the prestigious Copernicus Forum 2024 held in Berlin. As a key player in leveraging #EarthObservation data, Vista's contributions spanned across critical domains, reflecting the program's overarching goal of advancing environmental understanding and #sustainability. At the heart of discussions were pivotal topics ranging from #ClimateChangeMonitoring to crisis management, reflecting the pressing global concerns addressed through #Copernicus' extensive data and services. VISTA presented insights and initiatives across diverse realms: 🌱 Harnessing Sustainability in Agriculture: Vista demonstrated how digital twin technology can revolutionize farming practices, unlocking the potential for more sustainable agricultural methods. 💧 Vista's Drought Monitor for Agriculture: Offering a unique perspective from the plant's viewpoint, this innovative tool provides invaluable insights into water management, crucial for agricultural resilience. 🌿 Monitoring Carbon Farming Measures: Through earth observation data, Vista showcased the effective monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon farming initiatives, vital for advancing climate mitigation efforts. 🚀 The HyperPin Project: Leveraging machine learning and hyperspectral training data, Vista showcased cutting-edge advancements aimed at enhancing environmental analysis and understanding. 🌾 Analysis of Agricultural Production: Vista's comprehensive analysis of yield and agricultural production in Ukraine 2023 underscored the program's commitment to providing actionable insights for informed decision-making. Find out more on Vista's projects, solutions and initiatives, visit our website: As we continue to navigate complex environmental challenges, Vista remains steadfast in its commitment to leveraging innovation and technology for a more sustainable future. Our participation at the Copernicus Forum 2024 reaffirms our dedication to advancing Earth observation and driving meaningful change on a global scale. A big thank you goes out to the hosts of the forum: German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport, Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat, Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft , Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection and the German Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the contributing colleagues: wolfgang angermair, Heike Bach, Solveig Blöcher, Lena Brüggemann, Hanna Deuscher, Sandra Dotzler, Isabella Kausch, Prof. Wolfram Mauser, Silke Migdall, Jakob Wachter.

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    🌿 Reflecting on an incredible experience at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit! 🌍✨ As we wrap up our attendance at the summit, we are thrilled to share the wealth of knowledge, insights, and inspiration gained from immersing ourselves in the world of agricultural innovation. At Vista, we're passionate about harnessing the power of science and technology to reduce the global footprint of agriculture and support sustainable, climate-resilient food production. The summit reaffirmed the pivotal role of big data, smart farming, AI, machine learning, digital twinning, and remote sensing in shaping the future of agriculture. The discussions surrounding these buzzwords were nothing short of enlightening, showcasing how these advancements are driving efficiency, sustainability, and productivity in agriculture like never before. One highlight was the exchange about the STELAR project with industry experts. This initiative aims at creating a knowledge lake management system for the agrifood data space and embodies our commitment to leveraging technology to optimize resource allocation, enhance the decision-making processes, and ultimately empower farmers to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. A milestone we reached was the presentation of Vista's innovative solutions for smart and sustainable irrigation, which was presented at the #Microsoft Booth. The summit served as a platform to showcase how Vista’s smart integration solution is optimizing water management in agriculture together with our partner BayWa AG. As we return from the summit, we're invigorated and inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation, collaborating with industry leaders, and driving positive change in agriculture. Thank you to everyone who made this experience truly unforgettable Heike Bach, Hanna Deuscher, Claudia Roessler, Tobias Fausch, Tobias Horstmann, Mursal Noorzai, Simone Blair Marcel Maul, Marcus Deuß. Together, let's cultivate a future where technology and agriculture converge to create a more sustainable and resilient world. 🌱💻 #Worldagritech #Innovation #SmartFarming #AI #MachineLearning #DigitalTwinning #RemoteSensing #STELARProject #Sustainability

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    How can technological advancements as #AI, #MachineLearning, #RemoteSensing 🛰 and #DigitalTwinning drive transformative change in agriculture? 🚀 We had the great opportunity for many inspiring conversations and discussions about that question at the #WorldAgriTech Innovation Summit in San Francisco! One key topic of discussion centered around the potential of AI to enable earlier yield prediction, ultimately leading to more secure food production. We aim to realize within the STELAR project. By leveraging advanced algorithms and data analytics, analyzing various factors such as weather patterns, soil conditions, crop health, and historical data, combined with our crop growth model PROMET, satellite data and Vista’s digital twin approach, we are on the verge of forecasting yields with unprecedented accuracy earlier as ever before. This capability is a game-changer for farming and food production, providing valuable insights to make informed decisions throughout the growing season. AI-powered yield prediction empowers agriculture to maximize productivity while minimizing risks. Moreover, earlier yield prediction fosters resilience in the face of challenges such as climate change and market volatility, ensuring a more sustainable and secure food supply for future generations. As we continue to innovate and collaborate with research and industry partners, we're excited about the possibilities that AI holds for revolutionizing agriculture and shaping a brighter future for global food production. 🌱💡 #AI #Agriculture #Innovation #FoodSecurity #Worldagritech #Sustainability

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    🌾 💧 A milestone moment for sustainable agriculture at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit! 🛰 We are thrilled to be present at the Microsoft booth as we have the incredible opportunity to present Vista's innovative solution for smart and sustainable irrigation together with our partner BayWa AG at the summit. We are immensely proud to showcase our efforts in leveraging technology to revolutionize agriculture. Vista’s solution for smart and sustainable irrigation integrates cutting-edge remote sensing data, our digital twin approach, AI algorithms, and cloud computing to optimize water usage, enhance crop yield, and promote environmental stewardship. By exploiting Vista's expertise in translating state-of-the-art scientific methods into operational, digital services for sustainable farming and food security, we are empowering farmers with actionable insights and real-time control over their irrigation systems like never before. The World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit provides an ideal platform to share our vision for a more sustainable and productive future in agriculture, and we are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators who share our passion for driving sustainable change. As we continue to forge ahead on this exciting journey, we look forward to further collaborations and partnerships that will propel us toward our shared goal of building a more resilient, sustainable, and prosperous agricultural ecosystem. 🌱💧 #WorldAgriTech #Innovation #Sustainability #SmartIrrigation #DigitalTwin #AI

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