




- HR team that supports companies in growing their businesses by hiring the best talent. - We support professionals and experts in breaking new ground and find the best employment opportunity. - As a team we are developing and enjoying challenging tasks and achieving high results.

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    🔥 Berlin, July 25th. Skyline Careers: Networking and Growth Speakers, networking, and a great atmosphere await you! Please note that the event will be conducted in Russian. Topic: How to manage your career during times of instability, especially with visa constraints? Cultural Code: How to grow within an organization and get promoted after relocation? This evening, experts from HR, IT, Data, and Project Management will share their practices and expert opinions. We will have a panel discussion where you can ask questions. Career is movement, and conscious career management is about continuing your development regardless of your employer or line manager, but in accordance with your own goals, talents, and motivations. How? We will discuss this on July 25th, where there will also be a networking session with amazing professionals and experts. ‼️ Limited number of spots available. If you're interested, leave a comment or send a direct message.

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    Profil von Mariia Danilova anzeigen, Grafik

    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    Hi Friends, Our career meetups are growing and becoming more extensive, so I'm currently looking for enthusiastic collaborators/partners who are interested in developing a career community in Germany and beyond. Important: -You are in Berlin. -You can dedicate 2-3 hours a day to the project. -You are passionate about career topics, self-realization, and professional and personal development. -You are fluent in Russian and German or English. -Coaching skills are a plus. We have a lot of communication and meetings with interesting people, as well as organizing events and projects. If you're interested, please message me directly, and I will send you a description.

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    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    Онлайн Карьерная встреча 30.05. Career Meetup: Интервью Уже в этот четверг 30 мая пройдет наша ежемесячная онлайн Карьерная встреча Career Meetup, посвященная одной из самых актуальных тем - Интервью. Мы подробно разберем теорию, пройдемся по практике и отработаем ключевые моменты! Что будет: Интервью: разбор типов интервью и этапов отбора, их особенностей и целей на каждом этапе. Подготовка к интервью: отработаем вопросы, которые гарантированно возникнут на интервью. Как эффективно рассказать о своих проектах и достижениях, используя метод STAR. Что представляет собой Cultural fit interview? Ваши вопросы на интервью: как и что спрашивать у рекрутера, линейного менеджера и будущего коллеги. Когда: 30 мая 17:30 до 20:00 Локация: Zoom Группа ограничена: всего 6 человек, осталось 3 места!

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    I'm thrilled to share a record-breaking achievement in recruitment for a company in Austria, where I was tasked with finding a Financial Controller. From posting the job vacancy to extending the offer, it took just 3 weeks. The new employee started on May 8th. Today! To be honest, this speed is unprecedented for Europe. I frequently engage with HR, and they understand that speed and efficiency from hiring managers are crucial elements in recruitment. Here are three additional factors: 1. Effective Sourcing Channels: Identifying the right channels depends on the candidate profile and requirements. For this company, specialized Telegram channels proved highly effective. 2. Understanding Business and Company Values: To represent a company effectively, understanding its business is essential. In conversations with line managers, unfortunately, many don't grasp what sets their company apart from competitors. Why should a candidate choose their offer? As an external recruitment consultant, I work with various companies, each with its unique value proposition. It's crucial to understand and convey that. 3. Communication: Building open, honest, and sincere communication in recruitment is crucial. When motivations are understood, there's no need to sell anything. Being transparent about the reality of the role is key. While celebrating this success, it's worth noting an antirecord project in Switzerland took 2 years. However, considering the Easter holidays, summer breaks, and Christmas, it's understandable. Nevertheless, the suitable candidate was found and is now successfully onboarded.

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    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    What Are Your Salary Expectations? 🎯 Negotiating your salary can be a fine balance between not being immediately rejected and securing the maximum possible offer. I believe that when starting a new position, it's crucial to negotiate the highest possible salary because it's easier and more appropriate to secure a competitive and fair salary at the contract signing than to initiate a review a year or a year and a half later. 🚀 ✅ Here's what can help you: 1. In Europe, it's customary to state salary expectations as an annual gross income. The net amount you take home is calculated based on various factors. The simplest calculator I've found for estimating net salary is on 💶🧮 2. If you're going through an agency, I recommend asking the recruiter directly at the interview: "What's the budget for this role?" 🗣️👥 3. Research salary websites and reports like,,, and other sources related to job vacancies and salaries. 🕵️♂️📑 ‼️If you're interested in accessing salary reports for Germany, drop a comment saying "Salary". 📝✨ 4. Networking: Engage with acquaintances, former, and current employees of the company. 🤝 🎯 Conscious career management means taking control of your salary: knowing your worth and keeping an eye on the job market. Don't wait for a company to decide to give you a raise; proactively negotiate.

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    Career Fairs in Berlin: 5 reasons why you should attend career fairs, especially if you've recently moved to Germany, lack work experience here, or are considering changing employers:

    Profil von Mariia Danilova anzeigen, Grafik

    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    🎯 March - The Month of Career Opportunities in Berlin! This March, Berlin will host three major career fairs on vast venues: 1️⃣ March 2nd and 3rd - 15th JOBMESSE BERLIN 📍 at Arena Berlin. Learn more: 2️⃣ March 7th - Karrieretag Berlin 📍 at Estrel Berlin. Details: 3️⃣ March 23rd, 2024 - Jobmesse at the Olympiastadion. More info: 🤔 5 reasons why you should attend career fairs, especially if you've recently moved to Germany, lack work experience here, or are considering changing employers: 1️⃣ Direct contact with employers - Meet face-to-face with company representatives eager to share about themselves and their offers. It's a great chance to overcome language and psychological barriers. They want to hear you; they want to tell you about the company and job openings. Use this opportunity to reassure yourself: "Yes, it's possible, and I can do it too!" 🗣️💼 2️⃣ Diversity of opportunities - Exploring different sectors and industries can open up new prospects for you, even if your profession doesn't have a direct equivalent in Germany. 🌍🚀 3️⃣ Fantastic perks - Don't miss out on free services at the fair, such as resume photography or consultation with a German career coach, as well as the chance to participate in training and workshops. It's also a great way to practice your German. 📸📘 4️⃣ Networking - The chance to connect with people from companies you're interested in, even if there isn't an immediate job opening. Remember to send a LinkedIn invite to keep in touch; now you're connected. 💬🤝 5️⃣ Job offers - Although the chances of getting a job directly at the fair are slim, they do exist. Some companies attend with the goal of quickly filling vacancies. I have client cases who have succeeded. 🌟📄 If you're not from Berlin and want to know when a career fair will be held in your city, write your city in the comments, and I'll send you the dates. 🗓️📍 For participants of the Berlin Career Meetup this Saturday, we'll be visiting one of the Berlin fairs together. There's still time to join the career meetup. 🙌💥



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    Profil von Mariia Danilova anzeigen, Grafik

    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    🌟 Top Employers in Germany for 2023 🇩🇪 1️⃣ Siemens 2️⃣ SAP 3️⃣ Porsche 4️⃣ Bosch 5️⃣ Infineon Technologies 🔗 6️⃣ BMW 7️⃣ Audi 8️⃣ Mercedes-Benz Group 9️⃣ Bayer 🔟 Merck KGaA 1️⃣1️⃣DLR - German Aerospace Center 🔗 🔍🔍 I looked up employer rankings in Germany for 2023 and found 4 different sources in just 10 minutes: Kununu, Glassdoor, Great Place to Work, Top Employer. I'm sure there are many more out there! 🤔 Why are these rankings important? For employees and job seekers, they provide insights into a company's culture, values, and help in decision-making. For companies, it's a form of competition to build their employer brand and attract top talent. Large corporations invest significant budgets to secure their place at the top. 💼 What if you're considering a smaller company? In such cases, employee reviews matter, as seen in the Kununu ranking, where lesser-known companies can shine. 🇩🇪 This list is compiled from various sources, and I wanted to highlight German companies - truly Made in Germany! 📊 Rankings are based on evaluations of working conditions, employee satisfaction, career opportunities, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, and personal life. 🤔 Which company to choose? It's up to you, based on your personal values and what matters to you in your work. ✨ For some, the prestige of working for a well-known brand is important, for others, a leadership role in a smaller company, and for some, it's about interesting products or social projects. There's no right or wrong choice; there's your own path! Do you pay attention to rankings and reviews when job hunting? #CareerInGermany #TopEmployers #MadeInGermany

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    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    Seeking Career Growth in 2024? 🌟 Here are 3 key actions to help you on your journey: 1️⃣ Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile: Make your profile incredibly appealing to recruiters and the business community. Add key skills, achievements, and a vibrant photo. Why is LinkedIn Important? - Every minute, 8 people find a job through LinkedIn. - 75% of people who have changed jobs used LinkedIn to explore their career opportunities. 2️⃣ Develop Networking and Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People: Engage in open discussions about career, victories, and setbacks related to job searching and professional development. Plan to attend professional events with intriguing speakers and leaders from your industry. 👉 Recommended resources:,, LinkedIn Events. 3️⃣ Analyze Your Habits: Determine which of your daily habits are moving you forward and which ones need to be changed. Top book recommendations for this topic: "Atomic Habits", "The Miracle Morning". 🎉 Ready to take action? Let´s meet on 27.01 on the Career Meeting in Berlin focused on LinkedIn and professional networking!

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    Let's turn this Friday into an opportunity for new beginnings!

    Profil von Mariia Danilova anzeigen, Grafik

    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    Happy Friday, everyone! 🎉 I've noticed that Fridays are often the busiest for career consultations requests. It's the end of the workweek, a perfect time for some reflection. 🤔 I'm also seeing a daily increase in incredible talents actively looking for new opportunities or considering a career shift. 🚀 With this in mind, I'd like to share a selection of current job openings that I'm handling: 🌍 Openings for English speakers (no German required): 1. Change and Release Manager - Duisburg, Germany 2. Solution Architect & Product Manager, Identity & Access Management - Berlin, Germany 3. (Senior) UX Designer for Hardware Interfaces - Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 Positions requiring German (Level B2/C1): 4. (Senior) Full Stack Developer - Berlin 5. Junior Customer Service Manager - Köln 6. ERP Support / Tester - Berlin If you spot a role that aligns with your career aspirations, please comment with the job title or vacancy number, and I'll provide the full description. Let's turn this Friday into an opportunity for new beginnings! #CareerOpportunities #JobSearch #HappyFriday #CareerAdvice 🌟

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    Warum sollte man zu Vorstellungsgesprächen gehen, auch wenn man nicht aktiv auf Jobsuche ist? 🤔 Зачем ходить на интервью, если активно не ищешь работу? 🤔

    Profil von Mariia Danilova anzeigen, Grafik

    Talent and Recruitment Professional: Bridging Talents with Startups & Sectors | Certified ACC Career Coach: Driving Career Awareness

    .Зачем ходить на интервью, если активно не ищешь работу? 🤔 .Warum sollte man zu Vorstellungsgesprächen gehen, auch wenn man nicht aktiv auf Jobsuche ist? 🤔 RU ⬇ Ich empfehle vielen meiner Klienten, Einladungen von Recruitern anzunehmen und zu Vorstellungsgesprächen für interessante Stellen zu gehen, selbst wenn sie nicht aktiv auf der Suche sind. Warum kann das nützlich sein? 1️⃣ Den eigenen Marktwert kennenlernen. 📊 Abschätzen, wie gefragt Ihre Fähigkeiten, Erfahrungen und Expertise sind. Dies hilft Ihnen, Ihre Gehaltsspanne und Ihren "Zusatzverdienst-Level" zu verstehen. 2️⃣ Die Fähigkeit zur Selbstpräsentation und das Bestehen von Vorstellungsgesprächen verbessern. 💼 Jede Fähigkeit entwickelt sich nur durch Praxis. Besonders relevant, wenn Sie schon lange nicht mehr an Vorstellungsgesprächen teilgenommen haben. 3️⃣ Networking. 🌐 Treffen mit neuen Menschen und Unternehmen eröffnen Türen zu neuen Bekanntschaften und Möglichkeiten. Dies könnte in Zukunft nützlich sein. 3️⃣ Erweiterung der beruflichen Horizonte. 🔭 Das Kennenlernen verschiedener Prozesse, Operationen, Trends und Prioritäten in verschiedenen Unternehmen hilft Ihnen zu verstehen, in welche Richtung Sie sich entwickeln sollten. Denken Sie daran, dass ein Vorstellungsgespräch nicht nur eine Bewertung Ihrerseits als Kandidat ist, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit für Sie, einen potenziellen Arbeitgeber zu bewerten. Es ist ein wichtiger Schritt für das berufliche Wachstum und die persönliche Entwicklung. 💪 Многим клиентам я рекомендую принимать приглашения от рекрутеров и ходить на интервью на интересные вакансии, даже если они не находятся в активном поиске. Почему это может быть полезно? 1️⃣ Узнать свою ценность на рынке. 💹 Оценить, насколько востребованы ваши навыки, опыт и экспертиза. Это поможет понять вашу зарплатную "вилку" и уровень "доплачиваемости". 2️⃣ Прокачать навык самопрезентации и прохождения интервью. 🎤 Любой навык развивается через практику. Особенно актуально, если вы давно не участвовали в интервью. 3️⃣ Нетворкинг. 🌐 Встречи с новыми людьми и компаниями открывают двери к новым знакомствам и возможностям. Это может пригодиться в будущем. 4️⃣ Расширение профессиональных горизонтов. 🔭 Изучение различных процессов, операций, трендов и приоритетов в разных компаниях поможет вам лучше понять, в каком направлении стоит развиваться. Помните, что интервью — это не только оценка вас как кандидата, но и возможность для вас оценить потенциального работодателя. Это важный шаг для профессионального роста и саморазвития. 💼

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