Boris Benkner

Boris Benkner

Co-Founder Striatech I Professional tools for visual neuroscience

Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
1209 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


I am the co-founder of a company that emerged from university research in Tübingen. We - a team of neurobiologists - come from the field of retinal research. Understanding vision and curing visual disorders are the primary goals of vision research. We have therefore made it our mission to make innovative ideas and products from the field of vision and behavioral research accessible to scientists worldwide. With our products, we want to set standards in the biomedical market by offering easy handling with innovative analytical methods. To this end, we work together with renowned scientists from the field of retinal research and numerous physicians to realize the needs and wishes of our users.

Artikel von Boris Benkner


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  • Striatech GmbH

    Striatech GmbH

    6 Jahre 7 Monate

    • Striatech GmbH Grafik


      Striatech GmbH

      –Heute 5 Jahre 2 Monate

      Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

    • Striatech UG Grafik


      Striatech UG

      1 Jahr 6 Monate

      Tübingen und Umgebung, Deutschland

      Unser 2018 neu gegründetes Startup vertreibt Laborgeräte zur Messung der Sehfähigkeit bei Labortieren - quasi eine Art Sehtest für Nager. Wir sind Neurowissenschaftler und arbeiten zusammen mit unserer Marketingexpertin und einem Team an Programmierern. Gemeinsam produzieren wir entsprechende Geräte und entwickeln diese kundenorientiert weiter. Unsere Gesellschaft wird derzeit durch das EXIST Gründerstipendium des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie gefördert.
      Ich bringe Erfahrung…

      Unser 2018 neu gegründetes Startup vertreibt Laborgeräte zur Messung der Sehfähigkeit bei Labortieren - quasi eine Art Sehtest für Nager. Wir sind Neurowissenschaftler und arbeiten zusammen mit unserer Marketingexpertin und einem Team an Programmierern. Gemeinsam produzieren wir entsprechende Geräte und entwickeln diese kundenorientiert weiter. Unsere Gesellschaft wird derzeit durch das EXIST Gründerstipendium des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie gefördert.
      Ich bringe Erfahrung in der Projektleitung sowie im Akquirieren von Fördergeldern mit und stelle unsere Produkte auf internationalen Fachtagungen und Messen regelmäßig vor.

  • Postdoctoral Scientist / Entrepreneur

    Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience / Startup Striata Technologies

    2 Jahre 5 Monate


    Wir sind ein 3-köpfiges Team von Neurowissenschaftlern und haben einen Sehtest für Labortiere entwickelt. Zusammen bereiten wir die Gründung für ein Startup vor. Ich habe Erfahrung im Akquirieren von Fördergeldern und konnte unseren Prototyp auf internationalen Fachtagungen und Messen vorstellen. Unser Startup wird derzeit durch den Innovation Grant der Universität Tübingen gefördert.

  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Grafik

    PHD Student

    Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

    6 Jahre 2 Monate

    Tübingen, Deutschland

    Promotion in der Projektgruppe „Retinal Circuits and Optogenetics, mit dem Schwerpunkt:
    Etablierung eines vollautomatisierten Versuchsdesigns zur Untersuchung der Sehfunktion bei Mäusen

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter mit akademischem Abschluss

    Magnetoenzephalographie Zentrum (MEG) Tübingen

    2 Jahre

    Tübingen, Deutschland

    Rehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten mittels Brain-Computer Interface

    Mein Aufgabengebiet:
    Therapietraining mit Neurofeedback
    Durchführung und Analyse von MEG Messungen


  • Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Grafik

    Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

    Diplom Neurobiologie 1,3

    Activities and Societies: Leitung des Autonomen Behindertenreferats des AStA, Mainz

    Diplomarbeit: „Einfluss inhibitorischer und exzitatorischer Mechanismen auf die zeitlichen Verarbeitungseigenschaften der Retina."


  • Leitung

    Behindertenreferat des AStA, Mainz

    5 Jahre

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    Behindertenvertretung des AStA sowie Mitglied in der Arbeitsgruppe „Berücksichtigung der Belange Behinderter bei Baumaßnahmen“ an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


  • Retinal Function of the Voltage-gated Calcium Channel Subunit α2δ-3


    Andere Autor:innen
  • Effects of the jimpy mutation on mouse retinal structure and function. Journal of Comparative Neurology.

    Journal of Comparative Neurology

    The Jimpy mutant mouse has a point mutation in the proteolipid protein gene (plp1). The resulting misfolding of the protein leads to oligodendrocyte death, myelin destruction, and failure to produce adequately myelinated axons in the central nervous system (CNS). It is not known how the absence of normal myelination during development influences neural function. We characterized the Jimpy mouse retina to find out whether lack of myelination in the optic nerve during development has an effect on…

    The Jimpy mutant mouse has a point mutation in the proteolipid protein gene (plp1). The resulting misfolding of the protein leads to oligodendrocyte death, myelin destruction, and failure to produce adequately myelinated axons in the central nervous system (CNS). It is not known how the absence of normal myelination during development influences neural function. We characterized the Jimpy mouse retina to find out whether lack of myelination in the optic nerve during development has an effect on normal functioning and morphology of the retina. Optokinetic reflex measurements showed that Jimpy mice had, in general, a functional visual system. Both PLP1 antibody staining and reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction for plp1 mRNA showed that plp1 is not expressed in the wild-type retina. However, in the optic nerve, plp1 is normally expressed, and consequently, in Jimpy mutant mice, myelination of axons in the optic nerve was mostly absent. Nevertheless, neither axon count nor axon ultrastructure in the optic nerve was affected. Physiological recordings of ganglion cell activity using microelectrode arrays revealed a decrease of stimulus-evoked activity at mesopic light levels. Morphological analysis of the retina did not show any significant differences in the gross morphology, such as thickness of retinal layers or cell number in the inner and outer nuclear layer. The cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer, however, were larger in the peripheral retina of Jimpy mutant mice. Antibody labeling against cell type–specific markers showed that the number of rod bipolar and horizontal cells was increased in Jimpy mice. In conclusion, whereas the Jimpy mutation has dramatic effects on the myelination of retinal ganglion cell axons, it has moderate effects on retinal morphology and function.

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  • Characterization of a mouse model with complete RPE loss and its use for RPE cell transplantation.


    Purpose.: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a major leading cause of visual impairment and blindness with no cure currently established. Cell replacement of RPE is discussed as a potential therapy for AMD. Previous studies were performed in animal models with severe limitations in recapitulating the disease progression. In detail, we describe the effect of systemic injection of sodium iodate in the mouse retina. We further evaluate the usefulness of this animal model to analyze…

    Purpose.: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a major leading cause of visual impairment and blindness with no cure currently established. Cell replacement of RPE is discussed as a potential therapy for AMD. Previous studies were performed in animal models with severe limitations in recapitulating the disease progression. In detail, we describe the effect of systemic injection of sodium iodate in the mouse retina. We further evaluate the usefulness of this animal model to analyze cell-specific effects following transplantation of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived RPE cells.

    Conclusions.: Systemic injection of sodium iodate has considerable effects on RPE, photoreceptors, and inner nuclear layer neurons, and provides a model to assay reconstitution and maturation of RPE cell transplants. The availability of an RPE-free Bruch's membrane in this model likely allows the unprecedented formation of extensive polarized cell monolayers from donor hESC-derived RPE cell suspensions.

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  • Step-by-step instructions for retina recordings with perforated multi electrode arrays.

    PLoS One

    Multi-electrode arrays are a state-of-the-art tool in electrophysiology, also in retina research. The output cells of the retina, the retinal ganglion cells, form a monolayer in many species and are well accessible due to their proximity to the inner retinal surface. This structure has allowed the use of multi-electrode arrays for high-throughput, parallel recordings of retinal responses to presented visual stimuli, and has led to significant new insights into retinal organization and function.…

    Multi-electrode arrays are a state-of-the-art tool in electrophysiology, also in retina research. The output cells of the retina, the retinal ganglion cells, form a monolayer in many species and are well accessible due to their proximity to the inner retinal surface. This structure has allowed the use of multi-electrode arrays for high-throughput, parallel recordings of retinal responses to presented visual stimuli, and has led to significant new insights into retinal organization and function. However, using conventional arrays where electrodes are embedded into a glass or ceramic plate can be associated with three main problems: (1) low signal-to-noise ratio due to poor contact between electrodes and tissue, especially in the case of strongly curved retinas from small animals, e.g. rodents; (2) insufficient oxygen and nutrient supply to cells located on the bottom of the recording chamber; and (3) displacement of the tissue during recordings. Perforated multi-electrode arrays (pMEAs) have been found to alleviate all three issues in brain slice recordings. Over the last years, we have been using such perforated arrays to study light evoked activity in the retinas of various species including mouse, pig, and human. In this article, we provide detailed step-by-step instructions for the use of perforated MEAs to record visual responses from the retina, including spike recordings from retinal ganglion cells and in vitro electroretinograms (ERG). In addition, we provide in-depth technical and methodological troubleshooting information, and show example recordings of good quality as well as examples for the various problems which might be encountered. While our description is based on the specific equipment we use in our own lab, it may also prove useful when establishing retinal MEA recordings with other equipment.

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  • Characterizing Visual Performance in Mice: An Objective and Automated System Based on the Optokinetic Reflex

    Behavioral Neuroscience

    Testing optokinetic head or eye movements is an established method to determine visual performance of laboratory animals, including chickens, guinea pigs, mice, or fish. It is based on the optokinetic reflex which causes the animals to track a drifting stripe pattern with eye and head movements. We have developed an improved version of the optomotor test with better control over the stimulus parameters, as well as a high degree of automation. The stripe pattern is presented on computer monitors…

    Testing optokinetic head or eye movements is an established method to determine visual performance of laboratory animals, including chickens, guinea pigs, mice, or fish. It is based on the optokinetic reflex which causes the animals to track a drifting stripe pattern with eye and head movements. We have developed an improved version of the optomotor test with better control over the stimulus parameters, as well as a high degree of automation. The stripe pattern is presented on computer monitors surrounding the animal. By tracking the head position of freely moving animals in real time, the visual angle under which the stripes of the pattern appeared was kept constant even for changing head positions. Furthermore, an algorithm was developed for automated evaluation of the tracking performance of the animal. Comparing the automatically determined behavioral score with manual assessment of the animals’ tracking behavior confirmed the reliability of our methodology. As an example, we reproduced the known contrast sensitivity function of wild type mice. Furthermore, the progressive decline in visual performance of a mouse model of retinal degeneration, rd10, was demonstrated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

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  • Temporal resolution and temporal transfer properties: gabaergic and cholinergic mechanisms.

    Visual Neuroscience

    Temporal resolution is a basic property of the visual system and critically depends upon retinal temporal coding properties which are also of importance for directional coding. Whether the temporal coding properties for directional coding derive form inherent properties or critically depend upon the temporal coding mechanisms is unclear. Here, the influence of acetylcholine and GABA upon photopic temporal coding was investigated in goldfish, using flicker stimuli, in a behavioral and an…

    Temporal resolution is a basic property of the visual system and critically depends upon retinal temporal coding properties which are also of importance for directional coding. Whether the temporal coding properties for directional coding derive form inherent properties or critically depend upon the temporal coding mechanisms is unclear. Here, the influence of acetylcholine and GABA upon photopic temporal coding was investigated in goldfish, using flicker stimuli, in a behavioral and an electrophysiological (ERG) approach. (...) The behavioral and electrophysiological data indicate the important role of GABA for temporal processing but little involvement of the cholinergic system. It is proposed that the interaction of the GABAergic amacrine cell network and bipolar cells determines the gain of the retinal temporal coding in the upper frequency range.

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Konstantin Behrend
    • Carlos Mora-Ferrer
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  • Innovation Grant

    Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

    Förderung durch den „Innovation Grant“ der Eberhardt Karls-Universität in Tübingen zur Umsetzung der in der Doktorarbeit erlangten Kenntnisse in wirtschaftlich verwertbare Produkte (Dauer: 2 Jahre)

  • Förderstipendium

    Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

    Förderungsstipendium zur Anfertigung von Abschlussarbeiten vergeben durch die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Dauer 6 Monate)


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    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Englisch


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