Khusaal Giri

Khusaal Giri

Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland
4389 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


A machine learning enthusiast with Masters Degree in Data Science at Indiana University…


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  • Blue Yonder Grafik

    Blue Yonder

    Irving, Texas, United States

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    Irving, Texas, United States

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    San Marcos, California

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    Bloomington, Indiana Area

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    Mumbai Area, India


  • Indiana University Bloomington Grafik

    Indiana University Bloomington

    Activities and Societies: Current Treasurer of the Bloomington Cricket Council of Indiana

    Coursework: Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Statistics,Computer Vision,Exploratory Data Analysis,Multivariate Data Analysis

  • Activities and Societies: Former Member of Computer Society of India(CSI) Council.

    Coursework: Applied Mathematics,Soft Computing,Data Mining,Data Structures,Discrete Structures,Analysis of Algorithms,Object Oriented Programming Methodology,Structured Programming Approach,Software Engineering.

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Analysis of algorithms


  • Calculus


  • Computer Vision


  • Data Mining


  • Data Structures


  • Database Management System


  • Deep Learning


  • Discrete Structures


  • Elements of Artificial Intelligence


  • Exploratory Data Analysis


  • High Performance Big Data Systems


  • High-Dimensional Data Analysis


  • Machine Learning


  • Machine Learning in Signal Processing


  • Multivariate Data Analysis


  • Soft Computing


  • Statistical Learning



  • Transfer Deep Learning on Graph Structured Data

    1) Developed an approach for performing Transfer Learning on Text Data using CNN & graphs.
    2) Used word2vec model to generate graphs from text data & applied kernel PCA for dimensionality reduction, along with CNN procedure to perform classification on a different dataset belonging to the same domain.
    3) Tools/Technologies Used: Python, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, Google Cloud Platform.

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  • Variational Autoencoders to generate new examples

    1) Trained a CNN network on the MNIST dataset which comprised of only sevens with an added additional special effect.
    2) Used the output of the hidden layer as a latent embedding for the training dataset which acted as an encoder of VAE.
    3) Posed the learned latent embedding as a Multivariate standard normal distribution & updated the loss function accordingly.
    4) Randomly sampled code vectors from the learned Multivariate Gaussian distribution to generate new digits which acted as a…

    1) Trained a CNN network on the MNIST dataset which comprised of only sevens with an added additional special effect.
    2) Used the output of the hidden layer as a latent embedding for the training dataset which acted as an encoder of VAE.
    3) Posed the learned latent embedding as a Multivariate standard normal distribution & updated the loss function accordingly.
    4) Randomly sampled code vectors from the learned Multivariate Gaussian distribution to generate new digits which acted as a decoder of VAE.
    5) Used the new generated digits to verify the special effect added in the original training dataset.
    Tools/Technologies used : Pyton,Tensorflow

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  • CNN Network Compression

    1) Trained a CNN network on MNIST dataset & stored all the weight matrices in numpy files.
    2) Developed a new CNN architecture for the same dataset & used the singular value decomposed matrices of the stored weights in reduced dimension as the new weights of the network.
    3) Compared the accuracy of the network which uses weights of varying dimension derived from the stored weights.
    4) Tools/Technologies used : Python,Tensorflow

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  • Speaker Verification

    Speaker Verification using Siamese Network

    1) Created the dataset for Speaker verification by forming pairs of speech signals & assigned the labels by posing it as a binary classification problem wherein positive class represents that the pair belongs to the same speaker & negative class represents that the pair belongs to different speakers.
    2) Trained a Siamese network which provides a fixed dimension embedding to the speech signals.
    3) Used the generated embeddings to compute…

    Speaker Verification using Siamese Network

    1) Created the dataset for Speaker verification by forming pairs of speech signals & assigned the labels by posing it as a binary classification problem wherein positive class represents that the pair belongs to the same speaker & negative class represents that the pair belongs to different speakers.
    2) Trained a Siamese network which provides a fixed dimension embedding to the speech signals.
    3) Used the generated embeddings to compute the similarity between two speech signals thus assigning the class label based on the similarity score obtained for the pair.
    4) Technologies Used : Python, Tensorflow

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  • Handwritten Text Recognition in Scanned documents

    1) Developed a method for Image segmentation to generate Individual alphabets from an image of handwritten words using Neural Network & Skeletonization.
    2) Generated artificial data to produce the positive & negative examples for the segmentation task by adding some distortion to the training dataset & used it for training the Neural network.
    3) Trained the IAM dataset for the individual alphabet classification & recognition in Scanned documents using Convolutional Neural Network…

    1) Developed a method for Image segmentation to generate Individual alphabets from an image of handwritten words using Neural Network & Skeletonization.
    2) Generated artificial data to produce the positive & negative examples for the segmentation task by adding some distortion to the training dataset & used it for training the Neural network.
    3) Trained the IAM dataset for the individual alphabet classification & recognition in Scanned documents using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
    4) Tools Used: Python, Tensorflow, OpenCV.

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  • Distributed Factorization Machines

    1) Built an efficient Factorization Machine (FM) to analyze the Netflix Movie Ratings Dataset; which comprises of about 18,000 movies & 5,00,000 users.
    2) Addressed the issue of dealing with large Sparse matrices generated during the training procedure of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) by having a distributed implementation of FM with Linear time complexity.
    3) Tools Used: Python, PySpark, Hadoop, Matplotlib.

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  • Analysis of the trend in CMS Medicaid data

    1) The CMS(Centre of Medicare & Medicaid services) data contains values for Average Medicare payment amount(Response variable),Discharge rate of the hospital,Disease category & the region where the hospital is located.
    2) We examined the CMS data by plotting the relationship between the response variable & each predictor variable individually using ggplot2. This relationship also helped us in deciding whether there exists an interaction between the variables or not.
    3) We also analysed…

    1) The CMS(Centre of Medicare & Medicaid services) data contains values for Average Medicare payment amount(Response variable),Discharge rate of the hospital,Disease category & the region where the hospital is located.
    2) We examined the CMS data by plotting the relationship between the response variable & each predictor variable individually using ggplot2. This relationship also helped us in deciding whether there exists an interaction between the variables or not.
    3) We also analysed the trend between the average Medicare payment amount & the other variables in our data by fitting a Generalized Linear Model(glm) on the sample in R programming language.

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  • Emotion Detection & Generation of user feedback

    1) Studied the OpenFace dataset & understood the different Action Units & landmark points of a face which are associated with every human emotion.
    2) Trained the Openface dataset using Collaborative Filtering algorithm & used Time Series Analysis to detect the basic human emotions of the user while watching a video.
    3) Generated the overall feedback of the user for the video being watched using Random Forest Classifier by predicting the objective answers to a pre-defined set of questions…

    1) Studied the OpenFace dataset & understood the different Action Units & landmark points of a face which are associated with every human emotion.
    2) Trained the Openface dataset using Collaborative Filtering algorithm & used Time Series Analysis to detect the basic human emotions of the user while watching a video.
    3) Generated the overall feedback of the user for the video being watched using Random Forest Classifier by predicting the objective answers to a pre-defined set of questions which are mainly focused on the likeliness of the video being watched.

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  • Creation of Multi-image panorama

    1) Implemented Multi-image panorama creation using C++ language and CImg and armadillo library.
    2) Executed Image matching algorithm using SIFT Descriptors of the images.
    3) Implemented RANSAC algorithm for computing the homographic matrix and the orientation between two images.
    4) Applied Inverse warping and blending techniques for stitching two images together.

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  • Analysis of the CCES Data

    1) The CCES(Cooperative Congressional Election study) data contains values for Attitude towards Immigration,Education level,Gender,Party Affiliation & Race of the voters.
    2) From the given data,we derived new variables which corresponds to the weighted proportion of each given variable for each demographic.
    3) Then,we studied the effect of attitude towards immigration on the switching of votes of 2012 Obama supporters who became 2016 Trump supporters using a single,two & all predictor…

    1) The CCES(Cooperative Congressional Election study) data contains values for Attitude towards Immigration,Education level,Gender,Party Affiliation & Race of the voters.
    2) From the given data,we derived new variables which corresponds to the weighted proportion of each given variable for each demographic.
    3) Then,we studied the effect of attitude towards immigration on the switching of votes of 2012 Obama supporters who became 2016 Trump supporters using a single,two & all predictor variables with their calculated weights & interactions into consideration.
    4) The data can be obtained here:

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  • Detection of IC on PCB Image

    1) Developed a Object Recognition module,which detects the presence of IC(Integrated Circuit) on PCB(Printed Circuit Board) Images using C++.
    2) Implemented Sobel filtering and applied Hough Transform to an Image to detect the edges of the IC on PCB.Also,used Non-Maximal suppression & modified accumulator updation for higher precision and accuracy.

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  • Pattern in Life expectancy of the World population since World War II

    1) The data repository Gapminder contains values for life expectancy, GDP per capita, and population, every five years, from 1952 to 2007.
    2) We analysed the data by breaking this time series down into 3 components(trend,seasonal & oscillation) for all the countries & finding out the trend in the life expectancy values.
    3) We also studied the effect of GDP per capita on the life expectancy of different countries over time.
    4) The data can be obtained here:…

    1) The data repository Gapminder contains values for life expectancy, GDP per capita, and population, every five years, from 1952 to 2007.
    2) We analysed the data by breaking this time series down into 3 components(trend,seasonal & oscillation) for all the countries & finding out the trend in the life expectancy values.
    3) We also studied the effect of GDP per capita on the life expectancy of different countries over time.
    4) The data can be obtained here:

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  • Classification of Orientation in images

    1) Created a module for classifying the image orientation into 4 categories: North, South, East & West using Adaboost, Backpropagation & kNN algorithm in Python.
    2) Worked on feature extraction of the training images based on the pixel color & position to correctly incorporate them into the learning algorithms.

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  • Recommendation System in E-grocery

    1) Implemented Personalised Recommendation Engine for purchase of Grocery items,using clustering Algorithm in Python.
    2) Implemented Recipe based Recommendation Engine,where recipes are recommended to the Customers using Market Basket Analysis.

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  • Placement Management System

    1) Developed an Online Placement Management System for handling various Placement Activities of the College using Java, SpringMVC and Hibernate.
    2) Worked on the Login Authentication & Authorisation module.

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    Prüfungsergebnis: 88/120

  • GRE

    Prüfungsergebnis: 312/340


  • English


  • Marathi

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Hindi

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig


  • Bloomington Cricket Club of Indiana(BCCI)



    Handling the budget & finance of the entire organization by managing the expenses of all the events organized by the Student Chapter.

  • Computer Society of India(CSI)

    Financial Head

    Worked as the Financial Head of the Organization by managing the expenses of 12 events organized by the Society(Student Chapter).

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