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Heeresgliederung 72

Militrkommando Burgenland, Eisenstadt
Landwehrstammregiment 11, Neusiedl
Landwehrstammregiment 12, Eisenstadt
Landwehrstammregiment 13, Pinkafeld
Landwehrstammregiment 14, Bruckneudorf

Militrkommando Wien, Wien
Landwehrstammregiment 21, Wien
Landwehrstammregiment 22, Kagran

Militrkommando Niedersterreich, St Plten
Landwehrstammregiment 32, Korneuburg
Landwehrstammregiment 33, Mautern
Landwehrstammregiment 34, Wllersdorf
Landwehrstammregiment 35, Amstetten
Landwehrstammregiment 37, Wiener Neustadt (Artillerie)

Militrkommando Obersterreich, Hrsching
Landwehrstammregiment 41, Steyr (Artillerie)
Landwehrstammregiment 42, Linz
Landwehrstammregiment 43, Wels
Landwehrstammregiment 44, Kirchdorf

Militrkommando Steiermark, Graz
Landwehrstammregiment 52, Feldbach (Artillerie)
Landwehrstammregiment 53, Strass
Landwehrstammregiment 54, Graz
Landwehrstammregiment 55, St. Michael

Militrkommando Tirol, Innsbruck
Landwehrstammregiment 61, Hall
Landwehrstammregiment 62, Absam (Artillerie)
Landwehrstammregiment 63, Innsbruck
Landwehrstammregiment 64, Lienz

Militrkommando Krnten, Klagenfurt
Landwehrstammregiment 71, Klagenfurt
Landwehrstammregiment 72, Klagenfurt (Artillerie)
Landwehrstammregiment 73, Villach

Militrkommando Salzburg, Salzburg
Landwehrstammregiment 81, Salzburg (Artillerie)
Landwehrstammregiment 82, Salzburg
Landwehrstammregiment 83, Tamsweg

Militrkommando Vorarlberg, Bregenz
Landwehrstammregiment 91, Lochau
Panzergrenadierdivision, Baden, Wien
3. Panzergrenadierbrigade
4. Panzergrenadierbrigade
9. Panzergrenadierbrigade
Jgerbataillone 21, Kufstein, Tirol
Jgerbataillone 25, Klagenfurt, Krnten
Jgerbataillone 26, Spittal, Krnten


Draft Document259Stabskompanie4 Jagdkampfkompanien: 3 platoons, 6 84 mm PAR
(recoilless rifle Carl Gustaf), 2 81 mm mGrW (mortar)each
Note 2.
Cadres from the peacetime Landwehrstammregimenter (LWSR) would form wartime units
and the
regiments would reorganize into ersatzregimenter (responsible for the formation of personal-
reserves). The peacetimeLandwehrstamm regiments had the same number as the wartime
Landwehr regiment which were territorial regiments
and parts of the Raumgebundene Landwehr.
Note 3.

Landwehrregimenter was responsible for a certain zone. The Schlsselzonen (SZ)
key zones

werelocated in decisive terrains. It was the aim to prevent the enemy from getting control
over over these areas and/or toprevent the enemy from marching through these areas.
In these SZ, Landwehr battalions, Sperr battalions,Sperr and Flusssperr
companies and Jger battali
ons were in defence-operations, while mechanized troops were
hold as reserves for counter attacks. The SZ were divided into Schlsselrume (SR),
between the SR, there wereJagdkampf battalions to delay and disturb the enemy.
Between and before the SZ,
there were Raumsicherungszonen (RSZ)
delay zones. In these zones, theapproaching of the enemy had to be delayed

by obstacles and some Sperr companies
and afterthey were occupied by the enemy
, Jagdkampf battalions
were designed to conduct operations in enemy rear areas.
Note 4.

Sperrkompanien (Blocking companies) were parts of the fortification system.
One sperr company consist of some AT-weapons (mostly 105mm Centurion-tank turrets in
bunkers but also 85mm Charioteer turrets, 90mm M-47turrets and some T-34 turrets) and
infantry platoons for their protection against infantry attacks.
Flusssperrkompanien (River blocking companies) were used to prevent the crossing of
the rivers Danube and
Enns. They were equipped with AT-guns (40mm Bofors AA-guns used in an AT-
role, but also some Centurions
turrets) and they had also some small boats. AT-landmines (also in the water) were used as
well as other obstacles.
Wachkompanien (Guard companies) had the task to protect railway stat
ions, power plants, govermentalbuildings, airports and so on. They had pre-assigned
positions determined during peace time.
Wachsperrkompanien (Guard blocking companies) were used to protect hydro
-electric power stations and toprevent the crossing of the river.
Artilleriebatterie ortsfest (Fortfication artillery battery) used 4
-5 guns 155mm M-2 in fortified positions.
Note 5.
Austrian Equipment Holdings from IISS: 170 M60A3 (some may still have been M60A1,
some sources say130 M60A1 and 50 M60A3), 284 Kuerassier 105mm SPAT, 460 Saurer
4k4, some 4K7 entering service, 108 M2A1105mm Howitzers, 24 M114 155mm Howitzers,
55 M109A2 155mm SP Howitzers, 18 M-51 128mm MRL, 240 M-52/-54 85mm AT Guns,
500 20mm AA guns, 74 GDF-002 twin 35mm AA guns, 38 M-42 Duster twin 40mm
SPAA.Note that artillery holdings might be low, perhaps quite low. Austria was barred by
treaty from possessing guidingweapons, including SAMs and ATGMs (plus air-to-air
weapons). Austria placed its first order for ATGMs during thesummer of 1989.
Note 6.
Austria maintained a vast array of older tank turrets emplaced in fortifications. According to
this site,Austriahad: 48 75mm turrets (M4?), 24 85mm T-34 turrets (perhaps as many as 44),
56 83.4mm (20lb) Charioteer turrets, 14390mm M36 turrets, 148 105mm Centurion turrets
bought around 1980, plus another 226 105mm Centurion turretsafter 1985.
Note 7.
This document contains an excellent Soviet roundup of Austrian military production.

Draft Document260
(Technically part of the Army)a. Stabsbataillonb. Fliegerregiment 1, TULLN

LANGENLEBARN1) Fliegerhorstbataillon 1 (Air Base batallion)2) Hubschraubergeschwader
1 (Helicopter wing)a) 1. Hubschrauberstaffel: (Helicopter squadron): 12 Agusta-Bell 212b) 2.
Hubschrauberstaffel: 11 Agusta-Bell 206Ac) 3. Hubschrauberstaffel: 12 Kiowa OH 58Bd) 4.
Flchenstaffel (Light transport squadron): 2 Short-Skyvan SC-7, 13 PC-63)
Fliegerabwehrbataillon 11a) Stabsbatterieb) 1. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 20 20 mm FlAK
58 mounted on AP712 Pinzgauerc) 2. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 6 twin 35 mm ZFlAK 85d) 3.
Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 20 20 mm FlAK 58 mounted on AP712 Pinzgauer4) Fliegerwerft 1
(Aircraft maintenance)c. Fligerregiment 2, GRAZ

THALERHOF1) Fliegerhorstbataillon 22) Hubschraubergeschwader 2, AIGENa) 1.
Hubschrauberstaffel: 12 SA-316B Alouette IIIb) 2. Hubschrauberstaffel: 12 SA-316B Alouette
III3) berwachungsgeschwader (Fighter wing)a) 1. Staffel: 9 Saab 105 (1 aircraft
previously lost)b) 2. Staffel: 9 Saab 105 (1 aircraft previously lost)4) Fliegerabwehrbataillon
12a) Stabsbatterieb) 1. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 20 20 mm FlAK 58 mounted on AP712
Pinzgauerc) 2. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 6 twin 35 mm ZFlAK 855) Fliegerwerft 2d.
Fligerregiment 3, LINZ

HRSCHING1) Fliegerhorstbataillon 32) Hubschraubergeschwader 3a) 1.
Hubschrauberstaffel: 12 Agusta-Bell 212b) 2. Hubschrauberstaffel: 8 Agusta-Bell 2043)
Jagdbombergeschwader (Fighter bomber wing)a) 1. Jagdbomberstaffel: 8 Saab 105 (2
aircraft previously lost)b) 2. Jagdbomberstaffel: 5 Saab 105 (5 aircraft previously lost)4)
Fliegerabwehrbataillon 13a) Stabsbatterieb) 1. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 20 20 mm FlAK
58 mounted on AP712 Pinzgauerc) 2. Fliegerabwehrbatterie: 6 twin 35 mm ZFlAK 855)
Fliegerwerft 3e. Luftraumberwachung (Air surveillance regiment):1) Ortsfeste radarstation
KOLOMANNSBERG2) Ortsfeste radarstation STEINMANDL3) Ortsfeste radarstation
SPEIKKOGEL4) Mobile Radarstationen 15) Mobile Radarstationen 2f. Fliegerschule

Draft Document261
Note 1.
In 1988, SAAB J-35 DRAKEN were not yet operational. (The first J-35 landed in Austria in
june 1988, butthe unit was not operational before the beginning of 1990.) Thats why both
JaBoGeschw as well as bwGeschw usedthe SAAB 105. (The numbers are as in 1988 -
including the losses which had previously occurred.)

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