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Belgien/Belgium Indien/India Trkei/Turkey

SA LMT Fette NV LMT Fette India Pvt. Ltd. Bhler Sert Maden Takim Sanayi
Belin Yvon S.A. Industrieweg 15 B2 29, II Main Road ve Ticaret A.S.
F-01590 Lavancia, Frankreich 1850 Grimbergen Gandhinagar, Adyar Ankara Asfalti zeri No.22
Tel. +33 (0) 4 74 75 89 89 Fon +32-2/2 51 12 36 Chennai 600 020 Kartal 81412
Fax +33 (0) 4 74 75 89 90 Fax +32-2/2 51 74 89 Fon +91-44/24 405 136 / 137 Istanbul
E-mail: [email protected] Fax +91-44/24 405 1205 P.K. 167
Internet: Brasilien/Brazil [email protected] Fon +90-216/3 06 65 70
LMT Bhlerit LTDA.
Rua Andr de Leo 155 Bloco A Mexiko/Mexico
Fax +90-216/3 06 65 74
[email protected]
Gear Cutting Tools
CEP: 04672-030 LMT Boehlerit S.A. de C.V. Hobbing
Bilz Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Socorro-Santo Amaro Matias Romero No. 1359 Ungarn/Hungary
Vogelsangstrae 8 So Paulo Col. Letran Valle LMT Boehlerit KFT.
Gear Milling
D-73760 Ostfildern, Deutschland Fon +55/11 55 46 07 55 03650 Mexico D.F. Kis-Duma U.6
Tel. +49 (0) 711 3 48 01-0 Fax +55/11 55 46 04 76 Fon +52 (55) 56 05 82 77 PoBox 2036 Erdliget Pf. 32
Fax +49 (0) 711 3 48 12 56 [email protected] Fax +52 (55) 56 05 85 01 2030 Erd
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Fon +36/23 52 19 10
Internet: China Fax +36/23 52 19 14
Leitz Tooling Systems sterreich/Austria [email protected]
(Nanjing) Co. Ltd. FETTE Przisionswerkzeuge
Division LMT Handelsgesellschaft mbH USA
Boehlerit GmbH & Co. KG No. 81, Zhong Xin Road Rodlergasse 5 Kanada/Canada
Werk VI-Strae Jiangning Development Zone 1190 Wien LMT-FETTE Inc.
Deuchendorf Nanjing 211100 Fon +43-1/3 68 17 88 18013 Cleveland Parkway
A-8605 Kapfenberg, sterreich Fon +86-25/2 10 31 11 Fax +43-1/3 68 42 44 Suite 180
Tel. +43 (0) 38 62 300-0 Fax +86-25/2 10 63 76 [email protected] Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Fax +43 (0) 38 62 300-793 [email protected] Fon +1-2 16/3 77-61 30
E-mail: [email protected] Singapur/Singapore Fax +1-2 16/3 77-07 87
Internet: Deutschland/Germany LMT Singapore Representative Office
LMT Deutschland GmbH 1 Clementi Loop #4-04
Heidenheimer Strae 84 Clementi West District Park
D-73447 Oberkochen Singapore 12 98 08
Fette GmbH Tel. +49 (0) 73 64/95 79-0 Fon +65 64 62 42 14
Grabauer Str. 24 Fax +49 (0) 73 64/95 79-80 00 Fax +65 64 62 42 15
D-21493 Schwarzenbek, Deutschland E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Tel. +49 (0) 41 51 12-0 Internet:
Fax +49 (0) 41 51 37 97 Spanien/Spain
E-mail: [email protected] LMT Boehlerit S.L.
Internet: England/United Kingdom C/. Narcis Monturiol, 11 Planta 1a
LMT Fette Limited 08339 Vilassar De Dalt (Barcelona)
Longford Fon +34-93/7 50 79 07

Gear Cutting Tools

Coventry Fax +34-93/7 50 79 25
Kieninger GmbH 304 Bedworth Road [email protected]
An den Stegmatten 7 Warwickshire CV6 6LA
D-77933 Lahr, Deutschland Fon +44 24 76 36 97 70 Tschechien/Czech Republic
Tel. +49 (0) 7821 943-0 Fax +44 24 76 36 97 71 LMT FETTE spol. sr.o.
Fax +49 (0) 7821 943-213 [email protected] Drzni 7
E-mail: [email protected] 627 00 Brno-Slatina
Internet: Frankreich/France Fon +420-5/48 21 87 22
LMT FETTE Fax +420-5/48 21 87 23
Parc dAffaires Silic-Btiment M2 [email protected]
16 Avenue du Qubec
Onsrud Cutter LP Villebon sur Yvette LMT Fette spol. sr.o.
Printed in Germany, No. 1624 (0405 1 DTP/GK)

800 Liberty Drive Boite Postale 761 Kancelaf Boehlerit

Libertyville, Illinois 60048, USA 91963 Courtabf Cedex Vodni 1972. CZ-760 01 ZLIN
Tel. +1 (847) 362-1560 Fon +33-1/69 18 94-00 Fon +420 57 72 14 989
Fax +1 (847) 362-5028 Fax +33-1/69 18 94-10 Fax +420 57 72 19 061
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Leitz Metalworking Technology Group

Pictures were generously provided by the following machine
tool manufacturers:

Getriebebau Nord Schlicht & Kchenmeister, Bargteheide

Gleason-Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Ludwigsburg
Liebherr Verzahntechnik GmbH, Kempten

This publication may not be reprinted in whole or part without
our express permission. All rights reserved.
No rights may be derived from any errors in content or from
typographical or typesetting errors.
Diagrams, features and dimensions represent the current
status on the date of issue of this catalogue. We reserve the
right to make technical changes. The visual appearance of
the products may not necessarily correspond to the actual
appearance in all cases or in every detail.
Important information


Important information 4

Services 5

An introduction to FETTE 6
Important information
Product range Article numbers Catalogue number index
The entire FETTE catalogue prod- To speed up order supply and to All catalogue numbers, arranged in
uct range with some 15,000 stan- avoid confusion, orders should al- numerical order and with the page
dard items, 1,100 in the hobbing ways specify the article numbers number, are listed on page 193.
area alone, is subject to continu- listed in this catalogue.
ous improvement. As part of this
process, we not only introduce DIN Standard index
new and therefore technologically
superior products into our range, An index on all DIN Standard num-
Prices bers covered is listed on page
but also take care to remove out-
This catalogue does not contain 194.
dated products from it.
prices. Prices can be found in the
latest price list for standard arti-
In some cases it could happen that
cles. Please consult us for a quote
we do not carry in stock the item Technical details
with regard to semi-standard or
which you have ordered. In this Technical application details of a
special items.
case you will in general receive general nature commence on page
products from us technologically 125, whereas the specific techni-
better product, but at least an cal details concerning individual
equivalent alternative. In case of product groups are directly as-
doubt, our sales team is available signed to the section concerned.
to determine a design that will pro- Minimum order value
duce best possible results for you. Orders with a total value of less
than DM 200.00 are subject to a
By following this procedure, you processing surcharge of DM
can be sure that you are always be 50.00. We trust that you will appre- Special forms
supplied with tools, which are ciate the need for this measure. Should you be unable to find a so-
technologically to the newest stan- lution to your machining tasks
dard. For that reason, we do not among the 1,100 items which we
feel not obliged to supply tools, stock, special forms are available
which are still shown in the cata- Tool groups upon request, including forms
logue, or which have been cleared manufactured specifically to your
from the programme already inter- Our wide range of hobbing tools is
nally. divided into tool groups, which are
marked in the index at the side of
the page and are thus easily locat-

Grinding Services



FETTE a brief introduction

Ecology and environment protection are part of the company

philosophy, recognizable on the factory grounds

Quality assurance

Design and development


Heat treatment

Production on modern machine tools

combined with up-to-date CNC technique Application advice and service

for spur gears, straight- or helical tooth, with involute flanks

Cat.-No. Page

Hobs for the manufacture of straight spur gears,

straight or helical tooth, with involute flanks 10

Explanatory notes on the descriptions and size tables

for hobs for straight spur gears 11

Solid-type hobs
relief ground, DIN 58411 2002 13
relief ground, in solid carbide 2008 14
relief ground, DIN 8002 A 2022 15
relief turned, DIN 8002 B 2031 16
relief ground, DIN 8002 B 2032 16
relief ground 2033 17
relief ground, for spur gears to DP 2042 18
for straight spur gears 2026 47

Multiple-gash hobs 19

Solid carbide hobs 26

Roughing hobs 32
relief turned, 20 gashes, with drive slot 2051 34
relief ground, 20 gashes, with drive slot 2053 34
relief turned, 16 gashes, with drive slot 2055 34
relief ground, 16 gashes, with drive slot 2057 34
relief turned, 20 gashes, with keyway 2061 35
relief ground, 20 gashes, with keyway 2063 35
relief turned, 16 gashes, with keyway 2065 35
relief ground, 16 gashes, with keyway 2067 35

Roughing hobs with indexable carbide inserts 36

with 19 blade rows 2163 39

Carbide skiving hobs 40

Solid carbide 2028 44
with 12 or 15 brazed-on blade rows 2129 45
with indexable carbide inserts 2153 46
Hobs for producing straight- and helical-tooth spur
gears with involute flanks
The fundamental geometrical con- comment, means the restriction to mance, the suitable crowning
cepts of a spur gear hob for gener- 75 % of the AA tolerances for all depth can be selected from the
ating gears with involute flanks are measurable variables. various tables N102S, N102S/3 or
laid down and explained in detail N102S/5. It must be noted that the
in DIN 8000. According to this, the If special tolerance restrictions of tool depth crowning is not trans-
basic body of a hob is always a the AA tolerance are required, this mitted completely to the gear. The
worm. If this worm is now provided is also done with the AAA refer- lower the number of teeth of the
with flutes, cutting teeth result. ence, but the individual measur- gear, the less the effective convex-
These become capable of cutting able variables and the tolerance ity portion.
by being backed off or relieved. restriction are now given in % or
directly in m. E.g. quality class
This relieving operation is carried AAA to DIN 3968, item nos. 16 and
out on machine tools specially de- 17 restricted to 50 % of the toler-
veloped for this process; it is very ance of AA.
time consuming and therefore also
expensive. For hobs to moderate The purpose of hob tolerances is
accuracy specifications, relief to assign the tools to a quality
turning is sufficient; for stricter class according to their accuracy.
quality requirements the hob is re- On the basis of the hob quality
lief ground. classes, the expected gear quality
can then be forecast.
Generally, relief turned hobs
achieve quality class B approxi- Not all requirements aimed at a
mately to DIN 3968. Relief ground good gear quality in the wider
hobs achieve quality classes A, AA sense, e.g. very quiet running or a
and higher. The highest quality specific addendum- and deden-
class in DIN 3968 is AA. For ex- dum relief are achieved solely
ceptionally high quality require- through a high cutter quality. For
ments it is usual to restrict the tol- such needs, hobs with a defined involute with
erances of quality class AA still crowning depth have proved suc- top convexity
further. Quality class correspond- cessful. Depending on the load
ing to AAA to DIN 3868, without and the required gear perfor-

Tolerances for hobs with special class tolerance values in 1/1000 millimetres
0,631 11,6 1,62,5 2,54 46,3 6,310 1016 1625 2540
Tolerance range
FfSfo 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
FfSfu 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
FfSo 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
N 102 S
FfSu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FfSao 16 16 16 20 24 32 40 50 64
FfSau 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
FfSfo 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
FfSfu 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
FfSo 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
N 102 S/3
FfSu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FfSao 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
FfSau 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
FfSfo 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
FfSfu 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
FfSo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N 102 S/5
FfSu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FfSao 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
FfSau 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Tolerance range FfSao

FfSfo FfSau

Tool root section Form deviation of Tool tooth tip
the cutting edge

Notes to the descriptions and size tables
for spur gear hobs
Owing to the many different hob Coating workpiece drawing are necessary.
versions available, their presenta- The size of the profile modification
tion in a product catalogue must A hard coating with a thickness of produced depends, similarly as
be restricted to a range which is 2 to 3 m increases the life of the with the tip edge chamfer, on the
intended as a representative se- hobs, or permits higher cutting number of teeth.
lection. Standardized reference rates. Further information on the
profiles to DIN 3972 or DIN 58412 coatings can be found on Pages
and size series to DIN 8002 or DIN 151 and 152 in the technical sec-
58411 were selected for inclusion tion of the catalogue. Protuberance
in the catalogue. The protuberance creates a clear-
ance cut in the root of the tooth, so
For cutter designs such as broach- that during the next operation the
tooth type roughing hobs or skiv- Basic tooth profiles
grinding wheel or the rotary shav-
ing hobs, the size tables were The definition and description of ing cutter does not machine the
based upon works standards the various reference tooth profiles tooth root. This prevents stress
which maximize usefulness within are found in the technical part of peaks through grinding- or shav-
the constraints of the design crite- the catalogue on pp. 137 to 148. ing stages.
The protuberance basic profiles
These standard tools can, how- are not standardized and are sup-
ever, only cover part of the Pressure angle plied on request to your require-
required hob range, and possible The pressure angle, as also the ments. If you do not have relevant
variants are therefore briefly module, is determined by the gear experience, we can submit sug-
listed below. cutting data of the workpiece and gestions and if necessary prepare
must be taken into account when profile plots for your gear cutting
deciding on the basic hob profile. data.

The four main dimensions of the Multi-start hobs
hobs are stated in the following Tip edge chamfer
sequence: cutter diameter, cutting Multi-start hobs are used to in-
To protect the tip edges against crease hobbing output. This ap-
edge length, total length and bore
damage, they are chamfered. This plies particularly in the case of
diameter; e.g. for module 8, cat.
tip edge chamfer can be produced gears with small modules ( mod-
no. 2032; dia. 125 x 130/138 x dia. 40.
during manufacture with a suitably ule 2.5) and relatively large num-
Diverse measurements may be-
dimensioned hob. To determine bers of teeth. In the case of hobs
come necessary due to the work-
the hob reference or basic profile
piece shape, because of the limi- with axially parallel flutes, the
correctly, the complete gear
tation of the cutter dimensions due number of starts should be select-
cutting data are needed. The size
to the measurements and perfor- ed so that a lead angle of 7.5 is
of the tip edge chamfer depends
mance of the hobbing machine, not exceeded. The approaching
on the number of teeth, i.e. when
through the dimensions of the tooth flanks of the hob can other-
using the same hob for different
available cutter arbors or to wise be expected to produce an
numbers of gear teeth, the cham-
achieve specific cutting par- inferior surface quality on the gear
fer will decrease with a smaller
ameters or machining times. flanks.
number of teeth. For a large tooth
number range, several different
cutters are needed.
Cutter materials Information about these relation-
ships and recommended chamfer Lead direction
The standard material is the high-
sizes can be made available on re- With the usual uni-directional hob-
speed EMo5Co5 (material no.
quest. bing of helical spur gears, the lead
direction of the hob and the helix
Gear materials whose tensile direction of the gear are the same;
with contra-directional hobbing
strength values exceed 1200
N/mm or which are intended for Profile modification they are opposite. In the case of
The purpose of the profile modifi- straight spur gears both right-
very high cutting speeds and
cation is to reduce or avoid the hand- and left-hand cutters can be
feeds are manufactured from pow-
interference when the teeth roll used. Normally, one uses right-
der metallurgical high-speed steel.
into mesh while a gear pair is run- hand cutters.
Carbides are increasingly being ning under load. To decide on the
employed for high-performance basic profile of the hob, the com-
hobbing and for skive hobbing. plete tooth cutting data or the

Topping cutters Gashes
The outside diameter of the gear A high number of gashes increas-
is topped by the tooth root of the es the cutting capacity of the hobs
hob. Changes in the tooth thickn- and the density of the envelope
ess also result in changes of the network; they do however also re-
outside diameter. duce the useful tooth length,
unless the cutter diameter is
increased accordingly. For solid
type hobs the gashes are up to a
Chamfer helix angle of 6 made axially par-
allel and over 6 with helix.
When hobbing helical spur gears
with large diameters, the hobs
cannot always be chosen long
enough to cover the entire working
area. To prevent excessive wear of
the hob teeth in the approach DP and CP
area, the hob is provided with a ta- In English-speaking countries, dia-
pered chamfer. For gears with metral pitch and circular pitch are
double-helical teeth, two hobs used instead of the module. lt is
with chamfer may be necessary, if best to convert the above values
the distance between the two into module and to proceed with
tooth rows is relatively small. the calculated module in the usual
Depending on whether hobbing is
by the climb or conventional meth- The equations for the conversion
od, the chamfer generally 5 to 6 into module are:
x module long and 5 to 10 angle
of inclination is situated on the m = 25.4 / DP
entering- or leaving end of the m = 25.4 CP / 3.1416

Unless otherwise agreed, hobs
have a rake of 0. This does not
apply to broaching tooth type
roughing hobs, which have a rake
of +8, and indexable insert and
skive hobs, which have a rake of
-10 to -30.

Solid-type hobs
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile N2 to DIN 58412 l1
quality grade 7 to DIN 58413 l3
single start right-handed
with keyway1)

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2002 relief ground DIN 58411

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
0,2 25 6 12 8 8 1193310
0,2 32 12 16 13 10 1202097
0,25 25 6 12 8 8 1202099
0,25 32 12 16 13 10 1193347

0,3 25 10 16 8 8 1193356
0,3 32 12 13 10 1203002
0,35 25 10 8 8 1203004
0,35 32 12 13 10 1193383

0,4 25 10 16 8 8 1193392
0,4 32 12 13 10 1193409
0,45 25 10 8 8 1203006
0,45 32 12 13 10 1193427

0,5 25 10 16 8 8 1193436
0,5 32 12 13 10 1193445
0,6 25 10 8 8 1193454
0,6 32 12 13 10 1193463
0,6 40 20 24 16 12 1193472

0,7 25 14 162) 8 8 1193481

0,7 32 20 24 13 10 1193490
0,7 40 16 12 1193506

0,75 25 14 162) 8 8 1203008

0,75 32 20 24 13 10 1193524
0,75 40 16 12 1193533

0,8 25 14 162) 8 8 1193542

0,8 32 20 24 13 10 1193551
0,8 40 16 12 1193560

0,9 32 20 24 13 10 1193579
0,9 40 16 12 1193588
1,0 32 13 10 1193597
1,0 40 16 12 1193604
1) Standard design: 8 mm bore without keyway
2) This size is only supplied with a single indicator hub.

Solid-type hobs
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile N2 to DIN 58412 l1
quality grade 7 to DIN 58413 l3
single start right-handed
with keyway1)

d1 d2

Solid carbide

Cat.-No. 2008 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
0,2 25 7 10 8 12 1193702
0,25 1193704

0,3 25 9 12 8 12 1193706
0,3 32 12 16 13 1193708
0,35 25 9 12 8 1193710
0,35 32 12 16 13 1193712

0,4 25 9 12 8 12 1193714
0,4 32 12 16 13 1193716
0,45 25 9 12 8 1193718
0,45 32 12 16 13 1193720

0,5 25 13 16 8 12 1193722
0,5 32 12 13 1193724
0,6 25 13 8 1193726
0,6 32 12 13 1193728
0,6 40 20 25 16 1193730

0,7 25 15 18 8 12 1193732
0,7 32 20 25 13 1193734
0,7 40 25 16 1193736

0,75 25 15 18 8 12 1193738
0,75 32 20 25 13 1193740
0,75 40 25 16 1193742

0,8 25 15 18 8 12 1193744
0,8 32 20 25 13 1193746
0,8 40 16 1193748

0,9 25 15 18 8 12 1193750
0,9 32 20 25 13 1193752
0,9 40 16 1193754

1,0 25 15 18 8 12 1193756
1,0 32 20 25 13 1193758
1,0 40 16 1193760
1) Standard design: 8 mm bore without keyway

Solid-type hobs
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile II to DIN 3972 l0
quality grade A to DIN 3968 l3
single start right-handed
with drive slot

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2022 relief ground DIN 8002 A

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I0 d2 gashes
1 50 25 44 22 14 1202013
1,25 1202015
1,5 56 32 51 12 1202017
1,75 1202019

2 63 40 60 27 12 1202021
2,25 70 50 70 1202023
2,5 1202025
2,75 1202027

3 80 63 85 32 12 1202029
3,25 1202031
3,5 1202033
3,75 90 70 94 1202035

4 90 70 94 32 12 1202037
4,5 10 1202039
5 100 80 104 1202041
5,5 1202043

6 115 100 126 40 10 1202045

6,5 1202047
7 1202049
8 125 130 156 1202051
9 1202053

10 140 160 188 40 10 1202055

11 160 170 200 50 9 1202057
12 170 185 215 1202059
13 180 200 230 1202061
14 190 215 245 1202063

15 200 225 258 60 9 1202065

16 210 238 271 1202067
17 220 1202069
18 230 260 293 1202071
19 240 1202073

20 250 286 319 60 9 1202075

21 260 290 320 1202077
22 270 290 1202079
23 280 310 340 1202081
24 1202083

25 290 310 350 60 9 1202085

26 310 320 360 80 1202087
27 320 330 370 1202089
28 1202091
29 340 340 380 1202093
30 1202095

Solid-type hobs
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile II to DIN 3972 l1
single start right-handed l3
with drive slot

d1 d2


2031 relief turned Quality grade B/C to DIN 3968 DIN 8002 B
2032 relief ground Quality grade A to DIN 3968 DIN 8002 B
Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No. Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes 2031 2032
0,5 50 16 22 22 14 1203953 2115425
0,75 1203955 2106790
1 25 31 1203951 1205165

1,25 50 25 31 22 14 1203960 1205174

1,5 56 32 38 12 1203979 1205183
1,75 1203957 1205192

2 63 40 46 27 12 1203997 1205209
2,25 70 50 56 1203959 1205218
2,5 2116023 1205227
2,75 1204022 1205236

3 80 63 69 32 12 1204031 1205245
3,25 1204040 1205254
3,5 1204059 1205263
3,75 90 70 78 1204068 1205272

4 90 70 78 32 12 1204077 1205281
4,5 10 1203961 1205290
5 100 80 88 1204095 1205307
5,5 1203963 1205316

6 115 100 108 40 10 1203871 1205325

6,5 2116027 1205334
7 2116028 1205343
8 125 130 138 1204148 1205352
9 1203963 1205361

10 140 160 170 40 10 1203924 1205370

11 160 170 180 50 9 1203933 1205389
12 170 185 195 1203942 1205398
13 180 200 210 2116972 1205405
14 190 215 225 2251076 1205414

15 200 225 235 60 9 2206629 1205423

16 210 238 248 2206630 1205432
17 220 2264410
18 230 260 270 2106631 1205450
19 240 1203986

20 250 286 296 60 9 2106632 1205478

21 260 290 300 1203967 1203988
22 270 2106633 2105475
23 280 310 320 1203969 1203990
24 1203971 2107384

25 290 320 330 60 9 1203973 2117926

26 310 80 1203975 2251168
27 320 330 340 1203977 1203992
28 1203980 1203994
29 340 340 350 1203982 1203996
30 2106635 2117930

For economical production on
modern hobbing machines

for spur and helical gears to

module pitch l1
20 pressure angle
basic profile II to DIN 3972
quality grade A to DIN 3968
single start right-handed
with keyway
d1 d2

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 TiN-coated

Cat.-No. 2033 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
1 50 44 50 22 15 1205771
2 63 80 90 27 1205773
2,5 70 90 100 1205775
3 80 110 120 32 1205777
4 90 120 130 1205779
5 100 140 150 1205781
6 115 40 1205783
7 125 1205785
8 140 180 190 50 1205787
9 14 1205789
10 160 200 210 1205791

Solid-type hobs
for spur and helical gears to DP (Dia-
metral Pitch)

20 pressure angle
basic profile: ha0 = 1.25 m, a0 = 0.3 m l1
quality grade A to DIN 3968 l3
single start right-handed
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2042 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of
DP d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
1 290 320 330 60 9
1,25 250 286 296
1,5 220 238 248
1,75 200 225 235

2 180 200 210 50 9

2,5 140 160 170 40 10
3 125 130 138
3,5 115 100 108

4 115 100 108 40 10

5 100 80 88 32
6 90 70 78
7 12

8 80 63 69 32 12
10 70 50 56 27

12 63 40 46 27 12
14 56 32 38 22
19 50 25 31 22 14

25 50 25 31 22 14

Multiple-gash hobs

Coated solid-type hobs with a high The tip chip thickness is the theo- remains unchanged, however, an
number of gashes are ideally suit- retical maximum chip thickness increase in the number of gashes
ed to high-performance hobbing which can be removed by the hobs reduces the number of regrinds
of straight spur gears. Solid-type teeth. which are possible. If the number
hobs are more stable than any of gashes is selected so that only
type of composite hob. The high The following hob characteristics one to three regrinds are possible,
number of gashes permits a high and cutting parameters are taken the hob is described as an super-
rate of chip removal, and the tool into account during calculation of fine-tooth cutter.
life is increased substantially by the tip chip thickness:
the coating and, where applicable, Hobs with 20 to 30 gashes and a
re-coating. Module useful tooth length for approxi-
Number of teeth mately 10 regrinds are described
Compared to conventional hobs, Helix angle as multi-tooth cutters.
high-performance hobs are re- Profile displacement
quired to have: Whether multi-tooth or superfine
Cutter diameter
tooth hobs are the ideal tools for a
Number of gashes
A higher tool life quality; specific gear hobbing task must
Number of starts
Shorter machining times; be determined by means of a cost
Axial feed analysis. The cost structure and
At least equal if not superior
gear quality. Cutting depth. capacity exploitation of the user's
installation are also decisive fac-
These requirements are interrelat-
ed, such that measures which for
example reduce the machining
Increased tool life quality Developments over recent years
have shown that in the majority of
time may have a detrimental effect An increase in the number of
cases, the multi-tooth cutter is the
upon the tool life or the gear gashes is a design measure with a
most suitable tool.
quality. decisive, positive effect upon the
tool life quality. The increase in the
A cutter with a high number of
Hobs can be optimized only in number of gashes results in the
gashes also generates a denser
consideration of the machining en- volume to be machined being dis-
envelope network, i.e. the profile
vironment. Based upon the ge- tributed over a greater number of
form of the gear is improved. This
ometry and the material and qual- cutter teeth, and the tip chip thick-
is particularly significant for work-
ity characteristics of the gear in nesses being reduced.
pieces with a small number of
question, the hob design and
cutting parameters must be Smaller tip chip thicknesses re-
matched such that the require- quire smaller cutting forces, which
ments are broadly fulfilled. reduce the stresses placed upon
the cutting edges of the hob and
lead to lower wear. Lower tip chip
Tip chip thickness
thicknesses enable higher tool life
The tip chip thickness is an impor- qualities to be achieved.
tant criterion for hob design and
optimization. Assuming that the hob diameter

sin n
x [mm] =
cos 0 4 da0

x [mm] = depth of the feed marking
fa [mm/WU] = axial feed
0 = helix angle
n = pressure angle
da0 [mm] = tip circle diameter of the hob

Depth of the feed markings

In order to achieve a high tool life The tool life quality is obviously al- way, and then to regrind it. Practi-
quality, high-performance hobs so increased if the cutter length is cal experience has shown how-
must be coated. Titanium nitride extended, since the shift distance ever that the tool life quality is
(TiN) is generally employed as a is extended by the same quantity raised considerably if the hob is
coating at present. The high de- with which the cutter length is in- shifted through several times with
gree of hardness of the TiN coat- creased. an increasing shift increment. It is
ing and the reduction in friction important that the starting point for
between the chips and the cutting The shift strategy has a consider- the subsequent shift pass is dis-
faces and flanks of the cutter teeth able influence upon the tool life placed with each shift by a small
permit higher cutting speeds and quality. The strategy for high-per- distance in the direction of shifting.
feeds together with considerably formance hobbing is described as
longer tool life. coarse shifting. Coarse shifting also enables the
wear development to be observed
When the hob is sharpened, the The shift increment is calculated in closely and the specified wear
TiN coating is removed from the the familiar way by dividing the mark width to be adhered to with-
cutting faces. Pitting increases on available shift distance by the out difficulty.
the now uncoated cutting faces, number of workpieces or work-
and the tool life quality is reduced. piece packs which can be ma-
In order to exploit the high perfor- chined between two regrinds. On
mance potential of these hobs to conventional hobbing machines,
the full, it follows that hobs for the standard procedure was to
high-performance machining must shift the hob through once by the
be re-coated. shift increment calculated in this

Shift distance

SG Starting point offset

th shift pass

3rd shift pass

Coarse shifting
2nd shift pass

1st shift pass Starting point


Conventional shifting

Shift direction

SK = Shift increment with

conventional shifting
SG = Shift increment with
coarse shifting

Shift strategy: coarse shifting

Shorter machining times The number of starts should al- dependent upon whether the gear
ways be increased when the feed is to be finish-hobbed or subse-
The machining time (production
is limited by the depth of the feed quently shaved or ground.
time) for the hobbing process is
markings before the maximum tip
determined on the one hand by
chip thickness is reached.
the gear width and number of
The depth of the feed markings is
teeth and on the other by the
cutting speed, hob diameter,
number of starts, and axial feed.

The gear width and the number

of teeth are fixed geometric
values. The cutting speed is th [min] = machining time
z2 = number of teeth of the
largely dependent upon the gear
gear to be machined
material, and its tensile strength da0 [mm] = tip circle diameter
and machineability. of the hob
z2 da0 (E + b + A) E [mm] = approach length
The machining time changes as a th = of the hob
z0 fa vc 1000
function of the hob diameter, b [mm] = tooth width of the gear
however. With a small hob diam- to be machined
eter and with the cutting speed A [mm] = idle travel distance of the hob
z0 = number of starts of the hob
unchanged, the hob spindle and
fa [mm/WU] = axial feed
table speeds increase, and the vc [m/min] = cutting speed
machining time is reduced. At the
same time, a reduction in hob di-
ameter results in a reduction in
the machining distance for axial
machining. Machining time (production time) for hobbing

When selecting the hob diameter,

note that the number of gashes is
limited by this dimension, and
that a high number of gashes is
required for good tool life qual-
ities and lower cutting forces. y y [mm] = envelop cut
The cutter diameter should there- z0 = number of starts
fore only be sufficiently small to of the hob
mn = normal module
enable a specified cycle time to
n = profile angle
be achieved. An unnecessarily z2 = number of teeth
small cutter diameter impairs the on the gear
tool life and gear quality. i = number of gashes
of the hob
High axial feeds and multi-start
hobs reduce the machining time
considerably. However, they also
lead to higher tip chip thick-
nesses, the increase in which is
influenced more strongly by the
number of starts than by the in-
creased axial feed. d

A relatively high feed should be

selected, and the number of
starts kept as low as possible.
This combination produces the
lowest tip chip thickness. The
two variables are of equal import-
ance for calculation of the ma- 2 z02 mn sinn
y [mm] =
chining time, i.e. the machining 4 z2 i2
time is determined by the prod-
uct of the feed and the number of
Envelop cut deviations

Gear quality and therefore influence the cutting An ideal high-performance hob is
forces and thereby also the quality always geared to the individual
The gear quality is determined pri- of the gear. gear generating task. The size
marily by the accuracy of the hob- table shown on Page 25 should
bing machine, the quality of the With regard to the quality aspects, therefore only be regarded as a
hob, stable clamping of the work- not only must the correct hob guide by means of which the huge
piece, and zero radial and axial quality to be specified to DIN 3968 range of possible hob diameters
runout of the workpiece and hob. or comparable hob standards for can be limited and a contribution
each hobbing arrangement; the tip consequently made towards re-
The axial feed and the diameter of chip thickness, feed markings and duction of the costs.
the hob are decisive for the depth enveloping cut deviations must al-
of the feed markings. In considera- so be checked to ensure that they
tion of the gear quality produced lie within the specified limits.
during finish-hobbing or subse-
quent processes such as shaving
or grinding, the depth of the feed
Optimization of the hobbing pro-
markings and therefore the feed
cess must entail consideration of
must be limited.
the entire system, comprising the
hobbing machine, workpiece, hob,
The number of starts and the num-
and cutting parameters.
ber of gashes have a bearing upon
Should one variable in this system
the magnitude of the enveloping
change, the effects upon the vari-
cut deviations. The hob diameter,
ous targets must be examined,
number of gashes, number of
with regard to both economical
starts, axial feed, and cutting
and quality aspects.
depth are included in the calcula-
tion of the tip chip thicknesses,

Cutting Speed V
m/min Module

50 3
40 12
30 22


10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Machineability in %

Description of the Description of the
workpiece: results:

Module Tool life quality per regrind

Pressure angle Length of the wear mark on the
Helix angle hob

Number of teeth Machining time per workpiece

or workpiece pack
Tip circle diameter
Depth of tooth or root circle
Profile displacement factor or
In the event of
standards for setting the tooth
quality problems:
Width of the gear Quality attained on the
Material and tensile strength workpiece
Number of workpieces to be
machined; lot size, if applicable

Formulation of the
optimization objectives:
We can also Description of the Possible targets may include:
optimize hob employed:
Shorter machining times
your hobbing process
Hob diameter Superior tool life quality
Cutting edge length Superior gear quality
For this purpose we require
Number of gashes
a complete description of the Note when formulating the objec-
workpiece, the hob previously Number of starts tives that measures which are suit-
used, the process parameters, Cutting material able for attainment of, for exam-
and the results. A clear target ple, the objective "improvement of
must be specified for Coated/uncoated
the gear quality" influence the ma-
optimization. Coating with hob in new condi- chining time and gear generation
tion, reground with or without costs.
The objective must therefore al-
ways be supplemented by a qual-
itative and quantitative specifica-
tion of the remaining process
Description of the results.
process parameters:

Cutting speed
Limit values imposed by
Shift increment the machine must be
Number of workpieces specified, such as:
clamped in the pack
Max. cutter diameter
Single-cut/multiple-cut process
Max. cutter length
Climb or conventional hobbing
Max. cutter spindle and table
Max. shift distance

Multiple-gash hobs
Recommended structural dimensions


d1 d2

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 TiN-coated

Dimensions in mm Number of
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
1 to 4 80 120 130 32
90 13, 15, 17, 19
140 150 or 20
170 180
1 to 6 100 140 150
170 180
110 140 150 40 13, 15, 17, 19
200 210 20, 21
120 160 180 321) or 24
190 210 40
125 200
1) Or bore diameter 40 mm

Solid carbide hobs
Carbide hobs permit cutting
speeds into the high-speed cutting
(HSC) range, and significantly
higher than those possible with
high-speed steel hobs.

The development of suitably rated

hobbing machines enables the ad-
vantages of solid carbide cutters
to be exploited in practical use.

The combination of high-speed

cutting (HSC) and dry machining
presents substantial potential for

Modern solid carbide hobs boast the following


High cutting speeds

Short machining times

Long tool life

High suitability for dry machining

Re-coating not required for P carbides

Lower gear generation costs (according to the

machining task)

mm onwards is considerably low- its relatively high toughness makes
Carbide types and er. The substrate reacts more fa- it particularly attractive for hobs.
coatings vourably.
The logistics aspect represents a
The carbide types generally used By contrast, fine-grain carbides decisive advantage. TiN is the
are those of the main machining have as yet only been developed coating which, owing to its low
groups K and P. The types present for the K types. Fine-grain car- pressure characteristics, can be
advantages and disadvantages bides permit very high hardness re-coated more easily. This is es-
according to their material compo- values and consequently a high re- sential following grinding of the
sition (alloying elements and com- sistance to wear, combined with cutting face of hobs with a K type
ponents) and their grain size. excellent toughness. substrate.

Whereas K carbides, owing to the Consequently, fully coated K sub- Newly developed coatings such as
tendency of chips to bond to the strates generally permit higher tool TiCN and (TiAIN)
uncoated substrate, can only be life qualities when compared with can attain longer tool life travel for
employed fully coated, P carbides hobs manufactured from P car- a given application, but have yet to
can also be employed in uncoated bides, which lose their cutting face be accepted by the market, partic-
form. There is therefore no need coatings at the first regrind at the ularly with regard to the re-coating
for the cutting face to be re-coated latest. P carbide hobs must there- aspect.
following regrinding. This reduces fore be changed more frequently.
the maintenance costs for P car-
bide hobs considerably. TiN, manufactured by means of
PVD, continues to be the main
In addition, P carbides are less substance employed for the hard
sensitive to temperature, and the material layer of hobs. TiN pos-
strong progressive increase in sesses excellent chemical resis-
wear which takes effect from a tance to the hot steel chips. In ad-
flank wear of approximately 0.2 dition to its hardness of 2200 HV,

Advantages: Disadvantages:

Re-coating not necessary following regrinding Shorter tool life in the reground condition, therefore:

Low maintenance costs (regrinding only) More frequent tool changes required

Shorter maintenance times, consequently:

Fewer tools in circulation (lower capital investment)

Lower progressive rise in wear when the coating is penetrated,


Lower risk of built-up edges

Use of coated solid carbide hobs with P type substrate

Maintenance process: regrinding (flank coated, cutting face uncoated)

Advantages: Disadvantages:

Generally longer tool life, therefore: Cannot be employed uncoated, i.e. removal of the coating and
re-coating is required, therefore:
Less frequent tool changing
Higher maintenance costs
Fine-grain grades possible, therefore:
Longer maintenance times, therefore:
Greater toughness and greater hardness
More tools in circulation (greater capital investment)

Strongly progressive increase in wear following penetration of

the coating, consequently:

Greater risk of built-up edges

Use of coated solid carbide hobs with K type substrate

Maintenance process: removal of coating - regrinding - re-coating (flank and cutting face coated)

Cooling lubricants are not eco- The configuration of the tool is de-
Machining with and nomically justifiable, because they pendent upon the data of the gear
without coolant increase the production costs ow- to be manufactured. A significant
ing to the very high costs of their influencing factor is the tip chip
The machining of steel materials supply and disposal. Up to 16% of
thickness, which is derived from
the total gear production costs can
generates considerable quantities the cutter design (number of
be saved by dry machining.
of heat at the point of chip re- starts, number of gashes, diame-
moval. If the temperatures reach Furthermore, cooling lubricants ter), the workpiece geometry
excessive levels, the cutting edges may pose disadvantages for tech- (module, number of teeth, cutting
of the tool are rapidly destroyed. nological reasons. The use of cool- depth, helix angle) and the select-
ing lubricants in many hobbing op- ed feed. An important considera-
In order to cool the tool and at the erations involving carbide cutting tion is that dry machining requires
same time to lubricate the cutting edges, for example, may lead to observance not only of an upper
edge, cooling lubricants have in premature failure of the tool owing limit to the tip chip thickness, but
the past been applied to the con- to stress cracking (temperature also of a minimum thickness value.
tact point between the cutting shock). For this reason, cutting The greater the chip volume, the
edge and the material to be ma- speeds are limited to 250 m/min
greater the quantity of heat which
for wet machining (in comparison
chined. Cooling lubricants also an individual chip can absorb. This
with 350 to 450 m/min for dry ma-
have the function of flushing away must be taken into account in or-
chining). The table shows the ad-
the chips which are produced. vantages and disadvantages of der to ensure that during dry ma-
cooling lubricant with regard to chining, the greater part of the ma-
Cooling lubricants, however, have carbide hobbing. chining heat is dissipated by the
considerable ecological, econom- chips.
ic, and in many cases also techno- The main problem with dry ma-
logical disadvantages. chining lies in the increase in
cutting temperature. Up to 80% of
Cooling lubricants present an eco- the heat which is generated is dis-
logical hazard since they impact sipated with the chips, provided
the environment in the form of oil
attention has been paid to correct
vapour and oil mist, and can
present a health hazard to hu- tool design and suitable cutting
mans. parameters are employed.

Advantages Disadvantages

Machine Supports chip removal Aggregates (filters, pumps, etc.), therefore:

Lower heating up of the machine Greater space requirements

Additional operating expenditure (maintenance,

power, etc.)

Tool Cooling of the tool Lower tool life owing to the formation of cracks
perpendicular to the cutting edge (thermal shock)
Lubrication of the friction zones

Workpiece Lower heating Cleaning necessary

Lower dimensional deviations

Protection against corrosion

Environment Binding of graphite dust Health risk

during cast iron machining

Further costs Tempering of the workpiece, Purchasing costs

thus faster measurement
Inventory costs

Contaminated chips, therefore:

Expensive recycling processes and

Higher disposal costs

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of cooling lubricant during hobbing

At the point of chip generation,
High-speed however, far higher temperatures
Applications and
cutting (HSC) occur which under certain circum- cutting data
stances may rise to approximately
The advantages of high-speed 900 C, as indicated by incandes- The proven applications for solid
cutting are: cent individual chips. Based upon carbide tools for gear and pinion
these observations, a transverse manufacture lie in a module range
High surface quality and short microsection from a workpiece from m = 0.5 to m = 4. The tools
machining times subjected to the dry machining are generally manufactured as
(depending upon the machining process under optimum machining stable monoblocs with bore- or
application) conditions for the HSC hobbing shank-type mounting arrange-
process was examined for pos- ment. The shank type is recom-
Low cutting forces, with sible changes to the microstruc- mended for smaller tools. The
resulting benefits for the ture. cutting speeds are in the range
dimensional accuracy of the from 150 to 350 m/min, according
workpiece and the tool life The tooth flanks machined by the to the module size and process
HSC process and the reference (dry or wet machining).
Owing to the low contact time samples of a turned blank ana-
between the chip and the cutting lysed for the purpose of compari- The diagram shows the difference
edge, the heat which is generated son revealed no changes to the in cutting speeds for dry and wet
does not have time to flow into the microstructure attributable to the hobbing of materials with a range
tool or the workpiece. The tool and machining process. of tensile strengths. The values in
the workpiece thus remain rela- the diagram apply to a solid car-
tively cold. By contrast, the chips As already mentioned, HSC ma- bide hob, m = 2.
are heated very strongly and must chining must be considered in
be removed very quickly in order conjunction with dry machining. Substantially higher cutting speeds
to prevent the machine from heat- The first studies were performed can be achieved with dry hobbing
ing up. on HSC hobbing machines in the than with wet hobbing.
early 1990s. This process now
In an example application, HSC permits dry machining of gears in
machining without cooling lubri- a secure process at cutting
cant led to the workpieces being speeds of up to 350 m/min.
heated to approximately 50-60 C.



280 Dry machining

260 Wet machining
Cutting speed vc [m/min]







600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Tensile strength [N/mm2]

Cutting speeds for a range of material tensile strengths, carbide hobbing, dry and wet, module 2

Wear behavior Maintenance Structural dimensions
Flank wear is the chief form of When regrinding solid carbide The size table indicates the hob di-
wear occurring on carbide hobs. hobs, ensure that the thermal mensions for which FETTE stocks
stress on the tooth tip is kept to a carbide blanks. The blanks do not
Pitting, which occurs on HSS minimum. A defined edge treat- have drive slots. A drive slot can
hobs, is not normally significant on ment is also recommended. De- therefore be provided on either the
carbide hobs. Chipping at the pending upon the hob design (e.g. left-hand or the right-hand indica-
cutting edge following penetration positive or negative rake angle, tor hub, as desired by the cus-
of the carbide coating may occa- width of the tooth lands), approxi- tomer.
sionally be observed. The chips mately 10 to 20 regrinds are pos-
may adhere to the uncoated sible. FETTE recommends drive slots
cutting edge of K types following with reduced gash depth for car-
penetration of the coating. The The "de-coating" and "re-coating" bide hobs. The gash dimensions
point of first penetration of the processes are required in addition can be found in the table below.
coating must therefore be delayed for hobs manufactured from K
as long as possible. type carbide.

The increase in wear is progressive Further information on the mainte-

from a wear mark width of approx. nance of solid carbide hobs can
0.1 mm upwards, and has a con- be found on Page 168.
siderable influence upon the eco-
nomic viability of the process. We
therefore recommend that a wear
mark width of 0.15 mm not be ex-
ceeded, and that the cutter be re-
coated following each regrind. t3H12
Chip adhesion to the worn and 0,2 A
therefore uncoated cutting edges
is much less common with the P r3
types. Re-coating is not therefore
necessary with these types. A

d f2 b3H11

Drive slot dimensions of a carbide hob

Bore diameter b3 t3 r3 f2
Permissible deviation Permissible deviation
8 5,4 2,00 0,6 0,2 0,4 0,1
10 6,4 2,25 0,8 0,5
13 8,4 2,50 1,0
16 2,80 0,3 0,6 0,2
22 10,4 3,15 1,2
27 12,4 3,50 0,8
32 14,4 4,00 1,6 0,4
40 16,4 4,50 2,0 0,5 1,0 0,3
50 18,4 5,00
60 20,5 5,60
70 22,5 6,25 2,5 1,2
80 24,5 7,00
100 8,00 3,0 1,6 0,5
t3 = 1/2 depth to DIN 138

Size table for solid carbide hobs
Recommended structural dimensions

c l3 d1 = outside diameter
l3 = cutting edge length
l1 = total length
c = shoulder width
d1 d2 d3 d2 = bore diameter
d3 = shoulder diameter
h0 = max. profile height

Dimensions in mm Number of
d1 I3 I1 d2 c d3 h0 gashes

Long version
56 82 100 22 9 42 3 19
63 112 130 27 48 4
70 160 180 32 10 54 5
80 7
90 40 66 8
100 180 200 72 10
120 208 230 50 11 80 13
Short version
56 52 70 22 9 42 3 19
63 72 90 27 48 4
70 100 120 32 10 54 5
80 7
90 40 66 8
100 120 140 40 72 10
120 138 160 50 11 80 13

Roughing hobs
High cutting capacities are The volume of metal to be re- An efficient and economical
achieved with the heavy duty moved when cutting gears in- hob must therefore have a very
rouching hob when roughing gears creases quadratically with the large number of gashes, with-
from module 6 onwards with high module, whereas the number of out making the outside diam-
tooth numbers and large gear gashes, because of the greater eter of the cutter too large. The
widths. profile height, becomes smaller number of tip cutting faces
in the usual cutter sizes. This should exceed that of the flank
These high cutting capacities are
results in a greater load on the and root cutting edges.
made possible by a favourable
individual cutter teeth.
cutting edge geometry and the
distribution of the metal removal
Approximately 75 % of the me-
capacity over a relatively large
number of tool cutting faces. tal removal work takes place in
the tip area of the cutter teeth.
Because of its even cutting edge This results, particularly when
load, this tool is particularly quiet roughing, in an extremely un-
in operation, even with maximum even load and wear distribution
feeds and high chip thickness. on the cutter teeth. The greater
tip corner wear determines the
The design of the heavy duty duration of the service life,
roughing hob is based on the fol- whereas the cutting edges in
lowing considerations: the tooth centre- and root area
show only very little wear.

These requirements are met per- For roughing, the cutter teeth can
fectly by the FETTE heavy duty be provided with offset chip
roughing hob with its vertically grooves, which divide the chips
staggered teeth. The cutter teeth and reduce cutting forces and B
only have the full profile height in wear. A
every second tooth row. The inter-
mediate teeth are limited to about Roughing hobs can be reground
/3 of the profile height. on any standard hob grinder. Once
set, the gash lead can be retained,
This design principle makes it pos- independent of the gash depth.
sible to acommodate 16 or 20 Roughing hobs are manufactured
flutes on a still practicable cutter with axially parallel gashes up to 0
diameter. lead angle of 6, which is a condi- 0
tion for sharpening by the deep
The 8 or 10 complete teeth on the grinding method.
cutter circumference are generally Section A-0
Schnitt A0 Section B-0
Schnitt B0
sufficient for producing the profile The design principle of the rough-
shape within the required toler- ing hob is of course not limited to
ances. The heavy duty roughing the basic profiles for involute tooth
hob can therefore also be used as systems to module or diametral
a finishing cutter. pitch, but can also be used for all
other common profiles and for
Depending on the quality required, special profiles.
the heavy duty roughing hob is
available either relief turned or re-
lief ground.

Face plane of a roughing hob

Metal removal areas on the cutter tooth:

tooth tip corresponds to area F 1 75 %
tooth root corresponds to area F 2 25 %
tooth gash volume = 100 %

F2 F1 F2

1,5 m

2,25 m

0,75 m

Heavy duty roughing hobs
(roughing type hobs)
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle l0
basic profile III to DIN 3972 l3
with positive rake (undercut)
optionally with chip breaker
single start right-handed
with drive slot
d1 d2


2051 relief turned Quality grade B/C to DIN 3968 with 20 gashes

2053 relief ground Quality grade A to DIN 3968 with 20 gashes
2055 relief turned Quality grade B/C to DIN 3968 with 16 gashes
2057 relief ground Quality grade A to DIN 3968 with 16 gashes
Dimensions in mm
m d1 I3 I0 d2
6 150 108 140 50
7 126 158
8 160 144 176
9 162 194
10 170 180 214 60

11 180 198 232 60

12 190 216 250
13 200 234 268
14 210 252 286

15 230 270 310 80

16 240 288 330
18 260 318 360
20 290 360 406 100

22 300 396 442 100

24 310 432 478
27 330 486 532
30 340 540 586

Heavy duty roughing hobs
(roughing type hobs)
for spur and helical gears to
module pitch

20 pressure angle l1
basic profile III to DIN 3972 l3
with positive rake (undercut)
optionally with chip grooves
single start right-handed
with keyway
d1 d2


2061 relief turned Quality grade B/C to DIN 3968 with 20 gashes

2063 relief ground Quality grade A to DIN 3968 with 20 gashes
2065 relief turned Quality grade B/C to DIN 3968 with 16 gashes
2067 relief ground Quality grade A to DIN 3968 with 16 gashes
Dimensions in mm Ident No. Ident No. Ident No. Ident No.
m d1 I3 I0 d2 2061 2063 2065 2067
6 150 108 118 50 1208017 1208053 1209205 1209023
7 126 136 1208019 1208055 1209214 1209025
8 160 144 154 1208021 1208057 1209223 1209028
9 162 172 1208023 1208059 1209232 1209030
10 170 180 190 60 1208025 1208061 1209241 1209032

11 180 198 208 60 1208027 1208063 1209250 1209034

12 190 216 226 1208029 1208065 1209269 1209037
13 200 234 244 1208031 1208067 1209278 1209039
14 210 252 262 1208033 1208069 1209287 1209041

15 230 270 280 80 1208035 1208071 1209296 1209043

16 240 288 300 1208037 1208073 1209303 1209046
18 260 318 330 1208039 1208075 1209312 1209048
20* 287 1208041 1208077 1209321 1209050
20 290 360 372 100 1208043 1208079 1209011 1209052

22 300 396 408 100 1208045 1208081 1209013 1209055

24 310 432 444 1208047 1208083 1209015 1209057
27 330 486 498 1208049 1208085 1209017 1209059
30 340 540 552 1208051 1208087 1209019 1209061
* For hobbing machines with max. capacity = 290 mm dia. and for max.cutter lenght = 330 mm.

Roughing hobs with indexable carbide inserts

Roughing hob with indexable carbide inserts in operation

The rough hobbing of gears form
module 5 onwards can be carried
out extremely economically with
this modern tool.

The design concept is the combi-

nation of the known advantages of
the hobbing process with the per-
formance of carbide and the econ-
omy of indexable inserts. Using in-
dexable carbide inserts, large
volumes of metal can be removed
within a given time at high cutting

Regrinding, which is necessary

with conventional hobs, is elimin-
ated. This saves the cost of sharp-
ening and of tool changes. The
wear marks on the individual
cutter teeth vary according to the
process. In the large-gear sector,
these can only be partly equalized Cutter body
by shifting. Hobs therefore always
contain teeth with different wear
mark widths. When using index-
able inserts, only those inserts
need be turned or replaced which
have reached the maximum wear
mark width.

To change the indexable inserts or

the segments, it is not necessary
to remove the cutter form the ma-
chine. This results in short hobbing
machine downtimes.

Changing the indexable inserts al-

so makes it possible to match the
carbide grade optimally to the gear

To use these carbide tipped tools

successfully, it is necessary to Tooth segment
have hobbing machines which of-
fer sufficient rigidity as well as the
required speed and drive power. cutting force components on the
The parts of the ground cylindrical
shell which remain between the gear as low as possible.
groove windings act as support
surfaces for the tooth segments.
Construction Two cylindrical pins arranged in
the tooth segments are guided in
FETTE indexable insert hobs con- the groove and determine the po-
sist of a cutter body, onto which sition of the segments.
the tooth segments are screwed The segments are fixed to the
and indexable carbide inserts. cutter body by inhex screws.
The latter are held by clamping
screws in the insert seats of the The seats for the indexable car-
segments. bide inserts are arranged tangen-
tially on the tooth segments.
A helical groove has been re- Within a segment, the seats are ar-
cessed into the cylindrical cutter ranged alternately if possible.
body. The flanks of the groove The purpose of this arrangement is
ground according to the cutter to keep the axial reaction forces on
lead. the cutter and the tangential

The indexable carbide inserts
must completely cover the cutting
edges of the cutter tooth. The ne-
cessary number of indexable in-
serts and their arrangement de-
pend on the dimensions of the
inserts and on the size of the gear.
To render the pre-cutting of the
gear optimal for skive hobbing or
grinding, the carbide hobs with in-
dexable inserts can be made so
that they produce both a root
clearance cut (protuberance) and a
chamfer on the gear (see fig. be-

In the range from module 5 to

module 10 each cutter tooth only
holds one insert, which covers the Cutting edge construction module 510
entire flank length.

From module 11 onwards, each

flank is fitted with an indexable in-
sert offset to the opposite flank. In
special cases, versions with a
single insert covering each flank
are also possible with these mod-
ule sizes.

Cutting edge construction module 1120

Profile design with protuberance and chamfer

Roughing hobs
with indexable carbide inserts
for spur and helical gears
to module pitch

20 pressure angle l1
basic profile by arrangement l3
single start right-handed
with keyway

d1 d2

Carbide - TiN-coated

Cat.-No. 2163
Dimensions in mm Number of
Number of Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 tooth rows segments
5 190 95 144 60 19 24 96
6 114 165 1224206
7 210 133 185
8 152 206 1224215
9 171 227
10 190 248 1224224

11 280 209 269 80 19 24 192

12 229 289 1224233
13 248 310
14 267 331 1224242

15 280 286 352 80 19 24 192

16 300 305 373 1224251
17 324 394
18 343 415 1224260
19 362 436

20 300 382 457 80 19 24 192 1224279

Spare parts and indexable inserts: design on request.
1) The number of indexable inserts may change according to the basic profile.

Carbide skiving hobs
Process and The tool
range of applications Depending on the module size and
Design the accuracy requirements, 3 skiv-
Skive hobbing is a machining pro- The characteristic design feature ing hob designs can be basically
cess in which skiving hobs are of skiving hobs is the negative tip distinguished:
used for cutting rough-milled and rake angle. The tip rake angle is
hardened gears. described as negative when the Solid carbide
cutting faces of the teeth lie, in the up to and including module 4
The main area of application is the direction of the cutting motion, in FETTE Cat. no. 2028
hobbing of straight and helical front of the tool reference plane.
spur gears. In addition, external Brazed-on carbide tips
The tool reference plane is the
splines, roll profiles and a large for modules above 4
plane in which lie the tip cutting
number of special profiles which edges of the axially parallel cutter FETTE Cat. no. 2129
can be generated by the hobbing and cutter axis. Indexable carbide inserts
method can be machined with the for modules from 5 upwards
skiving hob. There are various rea- Due to the negative tip rake angle, FETTE Cat. no. 2153
sons for using this process: the flank cutting edges are inclined
in relation to the effective refer-
ence plane (plane perpendicular to
Finish-hobbing of gears the cutting motion) and in this way
Skive hobbing eliminates harden- produce a peeling cut.
ing distortion and improves the
quality of the gear. The negative rake angle is greater
in the root area of the hob teeth
The metal removal capacity is con- than in the tip area. The tip cutting
siderably higher with skive hob- edges have no effective back rake
bing than with the usual grinding and cannot therefore generate a
processes. It is therefore economi- curling cut. It therefore follows that
cal to replace grinding by skive the skiving hobs should only pro- vc
duce flank chips and that protu-
hobbing in the range of coarse and
berance cutters are used for
medium gear tolerances. roughing the gears. s
Gear quality grade 6 to DIN 3962
can be quoted as an approximate
Tool material
value for the attainable accuracy.
Low chip thickness and hardened
gear materials make severe de-
Profile- and flank modifications,
too, such as depth crowning, tooth mands on the edge strength of the -==Kopfspanwinkel
tip rake angle
face setback or width crowning, tool material. As the tool material ss ==Neigungswinkel
back rake of der
the Flankenschneide
flank cutting edge
for skiving hobs, carbides of ISO vvcc ==Schnittgeschwindigkeit
cutting speed
can be produced by suitable hob
profiles and corresponding ma- application groups K 05 to K 15
chine motions. are used. Fig. 2

Preparation for grinding

For high gear quality requirements,
the gears are ground. The gear
cutting costs can be markedly re-
duced if the hardening distortion is
before grinding removed by skive
hobbing, at the same time remov-
ing material down to the necessary
grinding allowance. Grinding times
and costs are reduced while gain-
ing additional grinding capacity.

Fig. 1

A special position among the Quality grades
above designs is occupied by the
Skiving hobs are generally manu-
skiving hob with indexable carbide
factured in quality grade AA to DIN
inserts. This cutter type does not
3968. If required, the solid carbide
require regrinding. Only those in-
and brazed-on carbide tip types
serts which have reached the
can also be manufactured in qual-
maximum wear mark width are
ity grade AAA (75% of the toler-
turned or changed.
ances of AA).
It is understandable that a cutter
A concave flank shape is usual for
assembled from cutter body, tooth
the skiving hob, to achieve a slight Skiving hob with brazed-on
segments and indexable inserts
tip relief on the workpiece. carbide tips
cannot offer the same accuracy as
a cutter in solid carbide. This is
why the cutter with indexable in-
serts is particularly suitable for
preparing the workpiece for grind-
ing. Preparation for
skive hobbing
By far the most common skiving
hob is the bore type. Solid carbide The machining allowance depends
skiving hobs have a drive slot on on the module size and the hard-
one or both ends, for manufactur- ening distortion. Experience has
ing reasons. For hobs with a high shown that for the module range 2
quality grade, preference should to 10 it lies between 0.15 and 0.30
where possible be given to bores mm/flank.
Skiving hob with brazed-on
with drive slot over those with key- carbide strips
way. A precise bore can be manu- The tooth root must be pre-
factured more easily without a machined deeply enough to pre-
keyway, and the run-out of the hob vent the tooth tip of the skiving
on the hobbing machine is also re- hob from cutting into it.
duced. For extreme accuracy re-
quirements, a shank-type tool also We recommend hobs protuber-
permits compensation of the run- ance, e.g. FETTE Cat. no. 2026.
out between cutter arbor and
cutter. The hardness of the gear must for
the skive hobbing process be lim-
ited to HRC 62 +2.

Skiving hob with indexable

carbide inserts

Solid-carbide skiving hob

For high quality requirements, and over the entire cutting edge
Cutting conditions hobbing must always be done in length of the hob. This process is
several cuts. For the last cut, a re- further facilitated if the hobbing
Cutting speed
moval of 0.1 mm/flank should be machine is equipped with a syn-
The cutting speed depends on the aimed at, to affect the structure of chronous shifting arrangement.
module size and on the hardness the gear material as little as pos- This arrangement ensures that the
of the gear. As an approximate val- sible. machine table makes an additional
ue, a cutting speed of 36 m/min turn when the tangential slide is
can be quoted for module 30 and moved. The relative position of the
of 110 m/min for module 2. hob motion then remains as set
Cooling during centering.
For the lower modules, higher val-
Intensive cooling of the tool, work-
ues between 140 and 160 m/min
piece, holding fixture and machine
are also possible. These high Tool life between regrinds
with the cutting oils usual for hob-
cutting speeds do however reduce
bing, the temperature-dependent The life between regrinds of a hob
the service life of the skiving hob
error values are reduced and the equals the sum of the lengths of all
and the workpiece structure is in-
service life of the skiving hobs is hobbed workpiece teeth between
creasingly affected.
extended. two regrinds of the hob.
For workpiece hardness values
The calculation of the life between
from HRC 62 upwards, the cutting
regrinds, the tool requirement, the
speed should be limited initially to
proportional tool costs etc. is
70 m/min and then optimized in
based on the life between regrinds
consideration of the cutting result
per cutter tooth. This depends on
and the service life of the tool.
the module value and on the hard-
ness of the material being cut. Ex-
perience has shown the tool life
between regrinds to lie between 2
Wear and tool life and 4 m per cutter tooth for skive
The structure of surfaces ma- values hobbing.
chined with hobs is affected by the
depth of the feed markings. The Wear mark width
depth of the feed mark increases
quadratically with the value of the The wear mark width on the skiv-
feed. It is therefore logical to dis- ing hobs should not exceed 0.15
tinguish between feeds for finish- mm.
ing and for roughing.
Cutting forces increase with great-
er wear mark width and with very
Approximate value for the feed: thin chips deflection of the hob
cutting edges will occur.
Gear cutting quality
For the finishing cut This may have the following con-
1.5 to 2 mm/workpiece rotation sequences: The gear quality when skive hob-
quality losses, chipping of carbide bing depends on the interaction of
for the roughing cut cutting edges and excessive a large number of components and
up to 4 mm/workpiece rotation structural changes through tem- parameters, such as:
pering and re-hardening process-
es on the gears. skiving hob (cutting material,
correctly sharpened, sufficent
Climp hobbing method accuracy)
rigid hobbing machine
Climb hobbing for skive hobbing is Uniform wear through accurate and stable clamping
preferred since this yields the best shifting of hob and workspiece
service life of the skiving hobs.
Wear only occurs on the tooth hob aligned with an absolute
flanks of the skiving hobs. The minimum of runout
wear marks are relatively short accurate centering
and follow the contour of the en- correct selection of cutting
Removal per flank
gagement lines. speed, feed and metal removal
To maintain a reasonable service per flank
life of the hobs, not more than By shifting the hob in the axial di- adherence to the maximum
0.15 0.20 mm/flank should be rection after hobbing a gear or set wear mark width
removed in one cut. of gears, the wear is distributed material, preparation and heat
evenly over the flank cutting edges treatment of the workpieces

Pitch- and tooth trace deviations
are caused by the hobbing ma-

The profile shape depends basi-

cally on the quality of the hobs.
The cutting parameters, the hard-
ness of the workpieces and the
wear condition of the cutters affect
mainly the cutting forces, which
react on tool and machine and
thus contribute to the tooth quality.

Cutter diameter (mm)


Under good conditions and with 187

careful working the gear quality
grade 6 to DIN 3962 can be 186
achieved with a surface roughness
of 1to2 m. 185



45,4 45,8 46,2 46,6 47,0 47,4

Cutting face offset u (mm)

Hobbing machine u

In principle, conventional hobbing

machines are also suitable for
skive hobbing. The decisive factor
is the condition of the machine.

It is vital to keep the play in the

hob spindle thrust bearing and in
the table- and feed drive as low as
Obviously, modern hobbing ma-
chines with dual-worm table drive
or hydraulic table pre-loading, with
circulating ball spindle for the axial
feed and prestressed thrust bear-
ing of the hob spindle offer better
preconditions for good gear qual- u = cutting face offset
ity. Arrangements for automatic da = cutter diameter
centering and for synchronous
shifting are also desirable.

Cutting face regrinding diagram for carbide skiving hobs

Maintenance of the
skiving hob low roughness depth in order to
angle, the grinding wheel must be
The skiving hob should be sharp- set off-centre. The measurement prevent flaws and micro-chipping
ened when the wear mark has for the setting of the grinding on the cutting edges. The toler-
reached a width of 0.15 mm. Dia- wheel depends on the cutter diam- ances of DIN 3968, insofar as they
mond wheels are used for grinding eter in question and is shown in concern the gashes, must be
with the traverse grinding or the the regrinding diagram, which is maintained.
deep grinding process. enclosed with every cutter.
Because of the negative tip rake Cutting faces must be ground with

Skiving hobs
Solid carbide

for finishing hardened (highly tempered)

spur and helical gears to module pitch
20 pressure angle l3
basic profile: ha0 = 1.15 m, a0 = 0.1 m
quality grade AA nach DIN 3968
single start right-handed
with keyway
d1 d2

Carbide TiN coated

Cat.-No. 2028 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
2 80 100 120 32 15 2352890
2,5 2352891
3 90 40 2352892
3,5 100 120 140 2352893
4 4021516

Skiving hobs
with brazed-on carbide inserts
for finishing hardened (highly tempered)
spur and helical gears to module pitch

20 pressure angle l1
basic profile: ha0 = 1.15 m, a0 = 0.1 m l3
quality grade AA nach DIN 3968
single start right-handed
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2129 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 tooth rows
4,5 130 130 150 40 12 1223135
5 1223139

5,5 160 140 160 50 12 1223137

6 1223146
7 170 1223155
8 150 170 1223164
9 180 1223173

10 190 160 180 50 12 1223182

11 220 180 200 60 1223191
12 190 210 1223208
13 240 200 220 1223253
14 250 220 240 1223217

15 250 230 250 60 12 1223262

16 260 240 260 1223226
17 250 270 80 1223271
18 270 270 290 1223235
19 280 300 1223290
20 280 290 310 1223244

Skiving hobs
with indexable carbide inserts
for finishing hardened (highly tempered)
spur and helical gears to module pitch

20 pressure angle l1
basic profile: ha0 = 1.15 m, l3
depth of cut 2.15 m
quality grade AA to DIN 3968
single start right-handed
with keyway or drive slot
d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2153
Dimensions in mm Number of Number of Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 I11) d2 tooth rows segments index inserts
5 160 79 127 147 50 19 19 76
6 94 145 165 1224000
7 190 110 163 183
8 126 180 200 1224019
9 142 197 217
10 158 215 235 1224028

11 220 173 232 256 60 21 21 84

12 189 250 274 1224037
13 250 205 267 291 23 23 92
14 220 285 309 1224046

15 250 236 302 326 60 23 23 92

16 252 320 344 1224055
17 280 268 337 365 80
18 284 355 383 1224064
19 299 373 401

20 280 315 390 418 80 23 23 92 1224073

1) with drive slot

Spare parts and indexable inserts: design details on request.

Solid-type hobs
for straight spur gears with straight and
helical teeth
to module
with protuberance
for rough hobbing prior to grinding or skive l1
hobbing l3

20 pressure angle
basic profile: ha0 = 1.4 x m, a0 = 0.4 x m
allowance per flank: qP0 = 0.09 + 0.0125 x m
protuberance value:
d1 d2
prP0 = 0.129 + 0.0290 x m up to module 7
prP0 = 0.181 + 0.0235 x m above module 7
quality grade A to DIN 3968
with keyway

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 TiN-coated

Cat.-No. 2026
Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No. Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes Right-handed left-handed
1 70 50 56 27 17 1223334 1223344
2 90 100 15 1223326 1223346
3 80 110 120 32 1223338 1223348
4 90 120 130 14 1223340 1223350
5 100 140 150 1223343 1223352
6 140 40 1223345 1223355
7 150 1223347 1223357
8 160 160 170 50 1223349 1223359
9 170 1223351 1223361
10 180 180 190 1223353 1223363
12 200 200 210 60 12 1223356 1223365

for internal gears, with straight or helical teeth, involute flanks

Cat.-No. Page

Explanatory notes 50

Solid-type hobs 2082 51

Explanatory notes
Hobs for internal gears are de-
signed for a specific gear. The
measurements for the maximum
and the minimum cutter diameter
and the maximum cutter width
must then be taken into account,
for which the internal hobbing
head is dimensioned.

ln the case of internal gears with

large profile displacement, the
maximum permissible cutter width
may be insufficient for cutting the
complete teeth, if the hob is di-
mensioned in the usual way. It is
then necessary to fix the module
and the pressure angle of the hob
differently from those of the inter-
nal gear.

On the hob, one tooth is defined

as a "setting tooth" and marked
accordingly. The cutter must be
positioned on the hobbing ma-
chine so that the setting tooth is
when new placed in the "machine
centre". Although the setting tooth
will shift in the axial direction when
the hob is reground, it is not nec-
essary to correct the position of
the hob determined in the new
condition and fixed by spacers.

The hobs offered for finishing

internal gears are only to a limited
extent suitable for roughing. Bear-
ing in mind the tool costs, relief
turned hobs with a lead matched
to the workpiece should be used
for roughing.

Solid-type hobs
for internal gears to module pitch
straight or helical teeth

20 pressure angle
basic profile II to DIN 3972 l1
quality grade AA to DIN 3968 l3
single start right-handed
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2082 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
5 360 45 65 100 30
6 52 72
8 66 86 24
10 80 90 22
12 94 104
14 108 118
16 122 132 20
18 136 146 18
20 150 160 16
The structural dimensions listed are approximate values, which can be changed according to the
size of the internal hobbing head and the tooth data of the gear.

For internal hobs greater than module 20, workpiece drawings and dimensions of the internal
hobbing head must be submitted, so that the structural dimensions of the hob can be deter-
mined accordingly.

for compressor rotors and pump spindles

Cat.-No. Page

Hobs for compressor rotors 54

Rotor hobs
Roughing cutters, as roughing hobs (broach-tooth type) 2091 55
Finishing cutters, as solid-type hobs 2092 56

Hobs for pump spindles

Finishing cutters, as solid-type hobs 2094 57
Hobs for compressor rotors
Rotors are the multi-thread feed The use of this technology for rotor quality and output depend primari-
screws of a screw compressor, manufacture requires the develop- ly on the tool and the machine.
which are arranged in pairs inside ment of the required analysis pro-
a housing. The meshing screw grams for rotor and hob profiles
threads have a symmetrical or an and high standards of manufactur-
asymmetrical profile. ing in the area of precision hobs.

Quiet running and good efficiency High demands are placed on the
of the rotors are determined by the rigidity, output, thermal stability
accuracy of the rotor profiles. and feed accuracy of the hobbing
The advantages of hobbing pro-
duce favourable results in rotor The successful use of hobs also
manufacture: depends on the degree to which
the tool manufacturer on the one
High pitch accuracy hand and the rotor producer or
Low distortion owing to even, -designer on the other hand com-
constant chip removal in all municate with each other about
gaps the production constraints im-
Trouble-free maintenance of posed on profile shape, amount of
the hob, which is reground only play and play distribution. This
on the cutting faces. process then does allow modern
Rotors: face plane view
and economical production, when

Male rotor

Female rotor

Rotor hobs, for roughing
for screw compressors
for male and female rotors
as heavy-duty roughing hobs
with 16 flutes
axially parallel gashes

single start
with keyway

for male rotors

d1 d2

for female rotors


Cat.-No. 2091 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Cutter dimensions
Rotor dia. m Profile height d1 I3 I1 d2
47/44,5 5,2 10,2 112 90 106 40
81,6 9,1 17,5 140 154 170 50
102 11,4 22 170 184 200 60
127,5 14,2 27,5 212 234 250
163,2 18,2 35,5 265 299 315 80
204 22,7 44 305 319 335 100
204 22,7 44 335
The structural dimensions are approximate values for rotor measurements L/D = 1.65.

When ordering, workpiece drawings of the rotors and data abaut the profile
at the face plane (list of coordinates) must be made available.

Owing to their size, not all rotors The advantages of the hobbing method are undisputed and can be summar-
can be generated by hobbing. Fur- ized as follows:
thermore, the choice of tools is al-
so influenced by the process al- Quick and trouble-free production of rotors with good surfaces and accu-
ready in place and the machines rate profiles and pitch.
which are available.
FETTE played a leading part in the The sealing strips on the tooth tip and the sealing grooves in the tooth root
introduction of the hobbing pro- of the rotors can be generated in one operation with the flanks.
cess for the manufacture of rotors.
FETTE can therefore call upon Hobbed rotors can be exchanged at any time, thanks to their uniform ac-
considerable experience in advis- curacy.
ing its customers.
Simple and economical maintenance of the tools, since the hobs are only
reground on the cutting face.

Rotor hobs, for finishing
for screw compressors
for male and female rotors

quality grade AA restricted to DIN 3968

axially parallel flutes

single start
with keyway

l3 for male rotors

d1 d2

for female rotors


Cat.-No. 2092 relief ground

Dimensions in mm
Cutter dimensions
Rotor dia. m Profile height d1 I3 I1 d2
47/44,5 5,2 10,2 140 74 90 60
81,6 9,1 17,5 190 124 140 80
102 11,4 22 236 154 170
127,5 14,2 27,5 265 196 212 100
163,2 18,2 35,5 300 249 265
204 22,7 44 305 299 315
204 22,7 44 335
The structural dimensions are approximate values for rotor measurements L/D = 1.65.

The entire profile, including the sealing strip and slot, is machined one on operation. The out-
side diameter of the rotors is ground to finish size.

When ordering, workpiece drawings of the rotors and data about the profile at the face
plane (list of coordinates) must be made available.

for screw pumps
for drive or trailing spindle

quality grade AA restricted to DIN 3968

single start
with keyway

Hob for drive spindle

d1 d2

Hob for trailing spindle


Cat.-No. 2094 relief ground

Dimensions in mm
Drive spindle Trailing spindle Number of
Hob dimensions
D x d1) D x d1) gashes
d1 I3 I1 d2
18 x 10,8 10,8 x 3,6 100 52 60 32 16
20 x 12 12 x 4 55 63
30 x 18 18 x 6 112 72 80
35 x 21 21 x 7 118 82 90
38 x 22,8 22,8 x 7,6 125 87 95 40
45 x 27 27 x 9 140 98 106 18
52 x 31,2 31,2 x 10,4 150 104 112 50
60 x 36 36 x 12 160 110 118
70 x 42 42 x 14 180 122 132
1) D = Outside diameter, d = inside diameter
The overall dimensions shown are recommended values and may be adapted to the working space of
the hobbing machine both in length and in diameter.

When ordering, the following workpiece data must be quoted: measurements about the profile at
face plane, outside diameter, inside diameter, lead and direction of lead normally drive spindle
right-hand, trailing spindle left-hand.

Drive and trailing spindles

for sprockets, timing belt pulleys and splines

Cat.-No. Page

Hobs for sprockets

relief turned 2301 60
relief turned 2311 61
relief turned 2331 62
relief ground 2341 63

Hobs for timing belt pulleys

relief ground 2342 64
relief ground 2352 65

Hobs for spline shafts

relief ground 2402 66
relief ground 2412 66
relief ground 2422 67
relief ground 2432 67
relief ground 2442 68

Hobs for p.t.o. shafts

relief ground 2444 69
relief ground 2472 70

Hobs for involute spline shafts

relief ground 2452 71

Hobs for serrated shafts

relief ground 2462 72
for sprockets to DIN 8196
for roller and barrel chains
to DIN 8187, 8188

basic profile to DIN 8197 l1

single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2301 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Number of Ident No.
Chain Hob dimensions
Pitch Roller/barrel dia. d1 I1 d2
5,0 3,2 56 38 22 12 1226204
6,0 4 1226213
8,0 5 63 27 1226231
9,525 6,35 70 46 1226268
12,7 7,92 80 56 32
7,75 1226286
12,7 8,51 1226295
15,875 10,16 90 69 10 1226302
19,05 11,91 100 88
25,4 15,88 110 108 40 1226339
31,75 19,05 125 133 1226357
38,1 22,23 140 150 1226366
25,4 1226375
44,45 160 170 50 9 1226384
27,94 1226393
50,8 28,58 170 190 2111640
29,21 1226419
63,5 39,37 190 235
76,2 47,63 225 290 60 2110188
48,26 2108994

for sprockets for Galls chains (heavy)
to DIN 8150

single start right-handed

with keyway l1

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2311 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Number of Ident No.
Chain Hob dimensions
Pitch Roller dia. d1 I1 d2
3,5 2 50 31 22 12 2110190
6 3 38 1226829
8 3,5 56 2110191
10 4 51 1226847
15 5 63 69 27 1226856
20 8 80 98 32 1226865
25 10 90 108 10 1226874
30 11 100 133 1226883
35 12 150 2110192
40 14 110 170 40 2110193
45 17 125 190 2110194
50 22 140 210 1226909
55 24 1226911
60 26 160 235 50 9 1226913
70 32 180 290 1226915
80 36 190 1226917
90 40 210 325 60 1226919
100 45 220 365 1226921
110 50 240 410 1226923
120 55 250 1226925

for sprockets for barrel chains
to DIN 8164

single start right-handed

with keyway l1

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2331 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Number of Ident No.
Chain Hobs dimensions
Pitch Roller dia. d1 I1 d2
15 9 90 69 32 12 1227317
20 12 100 98 10 1227329
25 15 110 108 40 1227338
30 17 125 133 1227347
35 18 150 1227349
40 20 140 170 1227365
45 22 190 1227374
50 26 160 210 50 9 1227376
55 30 170 1227378
60 32 180 235 1227380
65 36 190 260 1227382
70 42 210 290 60 1227384
80 44 220 1227386
90 50 240 325 1227388
100 56 250 365 1227390

for sprockets with involute flanks
with tip relief

30 pressure angle
quality grade A to DIN 3968 l1
single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2341 relief ground

Pitch Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
Inch d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
5/16 70 63 69 27 16 1227506
3/8 80 32 1227515
1/2 90 70 78 1227524
5/8 80 88 14 1227533
3/4 100 92 100 1227542
1 110 120 130 12 1227551
11/2 150 160 170 50 1227560
2 190 215 225 1227579

for synchroflex timing belt pulleys
topping cutter

quality grade A to DIN 3968

single start right-handed l1
with keyway l3

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2342 relief ground

Tooth number Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
Pitch range d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
T 2,5 se 12 20 50 25 31 22 14 1228006
T 2,5 21 45 1228015
T 2,5 46 80 1228024

T 5 se 10 14 56 32 38 22 14 1228033
T 5 se 15 20 1228042
T 5 21 50 1228051
T 5 51114 1228060

T 10 se 12 15 70 50 56 27 14 1228079
T 10 se 16 20 1228088
T 10 21 45 1228097
T 10 46114 1228104

T 20 se 15 20 90 80 88 32 14 1228113
T 20 21 45 1228122
T 20 46119 1228131
The "se" tooth gap form is applied up to 20 teeth incl., over 20 teeth = normal profile

for timing belt pulleys
with involute flanks to DIN/ISO 5294
topping cutter

quality grade A to DIN 3968 l1

single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2352 relief ground

Tooth number Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
Pitch range d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
10 up to 23 50 25 31 22 14 1203010
0,08 MXL
from 24 2257398
1/8 XXL from 10 1203012
1/5 XL from 10 56 32 38 1228300
3/8 L from 10 70 50 56 27 1228319
1/2 H 1419 63 69 1228328
1/2 H from 20 1228337
7/8 XH from 18 100 80 88 40 1228346
11/4 XXH from 18 115 100 108 1228355
Hobs for timing belt pulleys with straight flanks to DIN/ISO 5294 on request.
Our range also includes hobs for timing belt pulleys with special profiles.

for spline shafts

quality grade A to DIN 3968

single start right-handed
with keyway l1

d1 d2


2402 relief ground
2412 relief ground
Dimensions in mm Dimensions in mm
Number Number
Spline shaft nominal dimesions of For Hob dimensions of Ident No.
I.d. O.d. Wdth of splines shldr. gashes
g6 a 11 spl. h 9 dia. d1 I3 I1 d2
2402 For spline shafts to DIN ISO 14 light series Cutting to shoulder, with 2 lugs and chamfer
23 26 6 6 29 56 30 36 22 12 1229461
26 30 33 63 34 40 27 1229470
28 32 7 35 1229489
32 36 6 8 39 39 45 1229498
36 40 7 43 1229504
42 46 8 50 1229513
46 50 9 54 70 44 50 1229522
52 58 10 62 50 56 1229531
56 62 66 1229540
62 68 12 73 1229559
72 78 10 83 57 63 1229568
82 88 93 80 32 1229577
92 98 14 103 90 65 71 1229586
102 108 16 113 100 1229595
112 120 18 126 72 80 1229602
2412 For spline shafts to DIN ISO 14 medium series Cutting to shoulder, with 2 lugs and chamfer
11 14 3 6 16 56 26 32 22 12 1230217
13 16 3,5 18 1230226
16 20 4 22 30 36 1230235
18 22 5 25 34 40 1230244
21 1) 25 28 63 27 1230253
23 2) 28 6 31 39 45 1230262
26 3) 32 35 1230271
28 4) 34 7 37 44 50 1230280
32 38 6 8 41 1230299
36 42 7 45 1230306
42 48 8 52 70 50 56 1230315
46 54 9 58 1230324
52 60 10 64 57 63 1230333
56 65 69 80 32 1230342
62 72 12 77 65 71 1230351
72 82 10 87 90 1230360
82 92 97 72 80 1230379
92 102 14 107 100 1230388
102 112 16 117 112 40 1230397
112 125 18 131 82 90 1230404
1), 2), 3), 4) This hob is absolutely identical with the hob marked with the same index number under Cat.-No. 2442.

for spline shafts

quality grade A to DIN 3968

single start right-handed
with keyway l1

d1 d2


2422 relief ground
2432 relief ground
Dimensions in mm Dimensions in mm
Spline shaft nominal dimesions For Hob dimensions Number
of Ident No.
shldr. gashes
I.d. O.d. Wdth of splines
g6 a 11 spl. h 9 dia. d1 I3 I1 d2
2422 For spline shafts to DIN 5464 Cutting to shoulder, with 1** lug and chamfer
16 20 2,5 10 22 56 30 36 22 12 1230994
18 23 3 25 63 34 40 27 1231001
21 26 28 1231010
23 29 4 31 39 45 1231029
26 32 34 1231038
28 35 37 70 44 50 1231047
32 40 5 43 1231056
36 45 48 80 50 56 32 1231065
42 52 6 55 1231074
46 56 7 59 57 63 1231083
52 60 5 16 63 1231092
56 65 68 1231109
62 72 6 75 100 65 71 1231118
72 82 7 85 1231127
82 92 6 20 95 72 80 1231136
92 102 7 105 1231145
102 115 8 119 112 82 90 40 1231154
112 125 9 129 1231163
2432 For spline shafts to DIN 5471 Cutting to shoulder, with 2 lugs and chamfer
11 15 3 4 17 63 34 40 27 14 1231662
13 17 4 19 1231671
16 20 6 23 39 45 1231680
18 22 25 1231699
21 25 8 29 70 50 56 1231706
24 28 32 1231715
28 32 10 36 1231724
32 38 42 90 57 63 32 1231733
36 42 12 47 1231742
42 48 53 100 65 71 16 1231751
46 52 14 57 1231760
52 60 65 125 72 80 40 1231779
58 65 16 70 1231788
62 70 75 1231797
68 78 83 140 82 90 1231804
** Hobs may have 2 lugs for some spline shaft dimensions with 10 splines

for spline shafts

quality grade A to DIN 3968

single start right-handed
with keyway l1

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2442 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Dimensions in mm
Number Number
Spline shaft nominal dimesions
of For Hob dimensions of Ident No.
I.d. O.d. Wdth of splines shldr. gashes
g6 a 11 spl. h 9 dia. d1 I3 I1 d2
2442 For spline shafts to DIN 5472 Cutting to shoulder, with 2 lugs and chamfer
21 1) 25 5 6 28 63 34 40 27 12 1232420
23 2) 28 6 31 39 45 1232439
26 3) 32 35 1232448
28 4) 34 7 37 44 50 1232457
32 38 8 42 70 50 56 1232466
36 42 46 1232475
42 48 10 52 90 57 63 32 14 1232484
46 52 12 57 1232493
52 60 14 65 100 65 71 1232509
58 65 70 1232518
62 70 16 75 1232527
68 78 83 112 72 80 40 1232536
72 82 87 1232545
78 90 95 140 82 90 16 1232554
82 95 100 1232563
88 100 105 1232572
92 105 20 111 92 100 1232581
98 110 116 1232590
105 120 126 160 102 110 50 1232607
115 130 136 1232616
130 145 24 151 1232625
1), 2), 3), 4) This hob is absolutely identical with the hob marked with the same index number under Cat.-No. 2412.

for p.t.o. shafts to DIN 9611

quality grade A to DIN 3968

single start right-handed
with keyway l1

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2444 relief ground

Dimensions in mm
Number of Ident No.
P.t.o. shafts Hob dimensions
d1 I3 I1 d2
Form 1
0.09 63 50 56 27 12 1232689
28.91 0.05 x 34.79 0.06 x 8.69 0.16
6 splines with 2 lugs and chamfer
Form 2
DP 16, EW 30, da = 34.67 56 32 38 22 14 1232661
21 teeth with chamfer
Form 3
DP 12, EW 30, da = 44.33 63 40 46 27 14 1232670
20 teeth with chamfer

for spline shafts with involute flanks
to DIN 5480

30 pressure angle
quality grade A to DIN 3968 l1
single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2472 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
0,6 50 25 31 22 14 1233919
0,8 1233928
1,0 1233937
1,25 1233946
1,5 56 32 38 1233955
2,0 63 40 46 27 1233964
2,5 70 50 56 1233973
3 1233982
4 80 63 69 32 1233991
5 90 70 78 1234008
6 100 80 88 1234017
8 115 100 108 40 1234026
10 125 130 138 1234035

for spline shafts with involute flanks
previously DIN 5482

30 pressure angle
quality grade A to DIN 3968 l1
single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2452 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
Spl. shaft nom. size m d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes
15 x 12 1,6 56 32 38 22 12
17 x 14
18 x 15
20 x 17
22 x 19
25 x 22
28 x 25 1,75
30 x 27
32 x 28
35 x 31
38 x 34 1,9 63 40 46 27
40 x 36 1233036
42 x 38
45 x 41 2
48 x 44
50 x 45
52 x 47 1233045
55 x 50
58 x 53
60 x 55
62 x 57 2,1
65 x 60
68 x 62
70 x 64
72 x 66
75 x 69
78 x 72
80 x 74
82 x 76 2,25 70 50 56
85 x 79
88 x 82
90 x 84
92 x 86
95 x 89
98 x 92
100 x 94

for serrated shafts to DIN 5481
with staight flanks for involute flank
form on the component

quality grade A to DIN 3968 l1

single start right-handed l3
with keyway

d1 d2


Cat.-No. 2462 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident No.
Serr. sh. nom. size Pitch d1 I3 I1 d2 gashes*
7x 8 0,842 50 25 31 22 16 1233410
8 x 10 1,010 1233429
10 x 12 1,152 1233438
12 x 14 1,317 1233447
15 x 17 1,517 1233456
17 x 20 1,761 56 32 38 1233465
21 x 24 2,033 1233474
26 x 30 2,513 1233483
30 x 34 2,792 1233492
36 x 40 3,226 1233508
40 x 44 3,472 63 40 46 27 1233517
45 x 50 3,826 1233526
50 x 55 4,123 1233535
55 x 60 4,301 1233544
60 x 65 4,712 70 50 56
65 x 70
70 x 75
75 x 80
80 x 85
85 x 90
90 x 95 1233553
95 x 100
100 x 105
105 x 110
110 x 115
115 x 120
120 x 125
* Hobs will be supplied with 12 gashes whilst stocks last.

for worm gears


Hobs for worm gears 76

Hobs for worm gears
The specification factors of worm Flank forms Apart from the standardized flank
gear hobs are determined essen- forms, there are special forms, of
tially by the worm gear data. The flank form of a worm gear hob which the follow flank form is the
is determined by the flank form of most used.
In order to prevent edge bearing of the driving worm. The various flank
the driving worm in the worm gear, forms are standardized in DIN The above worm profile forms can
3975, which distinguishes be- also be used in DUPLEX worm
the hobs used for producing the
tween ZA, ZN, ZI and ZK worms, drives. DUPLEX worms have dif-
worm gears must under no cir-
according to the generating meth- ferent leads on the left- and right-
cumstances have a pitch cylinder
od. hand flanks. As a result, the tooth
diameter that is smaller than the
thicknesses on the worms change
centre circle diameter of the worm.
The ZA worm has a straight- continuously in the course of the
Owing to the relief machining, the lead, and an axial displacement of
diameter of the hob is reduced by line flank profile in its axial
plane. This flank form is op- the worm in relation to the worm
regrinding. The pitch cylinder di- gear makes it possible to adjust
ameters of the worm gear hob in tained when a trapezoidal turn-
ing tool is applied so that its the backlash.
the new condition must therefore
be greater than those of the cutting edges are in the axial
worms. This dimension is deter- plane.
mined as a function of the module,
the centre circle diameter, and the The ZN worm has a straight-
number of threads. line flank profile in its normal
plane. This flank form is
The outside diameter of a new achieved when a trapezoidal
worm gear hob is thus calculated turning tool set at axis height is
as follows: applied so that its cutting edges
lie in the plane inclined by the
mean lead angle and the worm
Centre circle diameter profile is generated in this set-
of the worm ting.
Pitch circle increase The ZI worm has involute
+ flanks in its face plane. This
2 x addendum of the worm flank form is produced, for ex-
+ ample, when the worm profile is
2 x tip clearance generated by a straight-lined
cutting or grinding element
whose axis is inclined to the
worm axis by the mean lead an-
gle and to the normal plane on
the worm axis by the pressure
angle "0".

The ZK worm has a convex

flank form in the axial plane.
This worm form is generated
when a double taper wheel
trued under the pressure angle
0 is inclined into the mean lead
angle, where the line of symme-
try of the wheel profile passes
through the intersection of the
axes and generates the worm
profile in this position.



turning tool shaper-type cutter turning tool milling cutter

ZA-Worm ZN-Worm

b a

o do
do = o

dm dm

grinding wheel grinding wheel

m m

ZI-Worm ZK-Worm

Processes and designs

Worm gear hobs are available in a
range of designs. A distinction is
drawn between the following

Radial method
Cylindrical hobs are employed for
this method. The hob enters the
worm radially to full tooth depth,
and can be displaced tangentially
by a small distance in order to im-
prove the enveloping cut on the
flanks. This hobbing method has
the shortest machining time and is
generally employed for worm gear
hobs with helix angles up to ap-
proximately 8. The cutting edge
length must be at least as long as
the penetration length for the
worm gear to be machined. Long-
er hobs can of course also be

Bore-type hob with drive slot for radial hobbing

Tangential method
This method is suitable for single-
and multiple-start worm drives; the
hobbing machine must however
be equipped with a tangential hob-
bing head. The hobs have a rela-
tively long taper lead section,
which must remove the greater
part of the metal. The cylindrical
region contains one or two finish-
ing teeth per hob start. The hob is
set to the centre distance prior to
the commencement of machining,
and the penetration range
between the hob and the worm
gear must then be traversed tan-
gentially. By selection of suitable
feed values, the enveloping cuts
which determine the tooth form
can be modified as required. Ow-
Duplex worm gear hob
ing to the long tangential runs, this
method results in substantially
longer hobbing times than the ra-
dial method.

The simplest forms of worm gear

hob for tangential hobbing are the
single- or multi-start fly-cut hobs.
Fly-cut hobs are hobs with only
one cutting tooth per start. They
are relatively simple and low-cost
tools, but they also have the low-
est metal removal capacity.

Worm gear hob for tangential hobbing

Shank-type worm gear hob for radial hobbing

Shaving worms
For high-precision worm gears,
shaving worms are also employed
for finish profiling of rough-hobbed
worm gears. Shaving worms have
lift allowances of only a few tenths Leading end Leaving end
of a millimetre, minimum relief an-
gles, and a high number of gash-
es. Of all worm gear hobs, their di-
mensions most closely resemble
those of the driving worm, and
they therefore also produce the
best bearing contact patterns.

Radial Method
with constant centre distance

The use of modern CNC hobbing

machines has enabled FETTE to
develop a method which permits
the use of economical tools. The
worm gear hobs used in the past
had to be re-adjusted each time
they were reground, i.e. the bear-
ing contact pattern had to be relo-
cated. This entails high production
Contact lines on the worm gear flank

In the new method, cylindrical ra-

dial hobs are employed the flanks
of which are axially relief-ma-
chined. The usual tangential hob-
bing is thus replaced at higher he-
lix angles (>8). The tool setting
can be calculated as for the new Leading end Leaving end
condition. The setting is optimized
when the tool is first used, and the
tool is then used with the same
centre distance and tool cutting
edge angle over the entire lifespan.

By careful selection of the ar-

rangement, a bearing contact pat-
tern is produced which can be at-
Axial pitch

tained reliably by each regrind

according to the requirements of
the worm gear.

Since the tools are radial hobs,

this hob concept has the advan-
tage of shorter hobbing times in
Centre cut

comparison with conventional tan-

gential hobbing.

Engagement area

Engagement area and the optimum tool design. so available for on-site assistance.
bearing contact pattern Worm gear hobs with high num- Selected calculations are shown in
bers of starts can thus now be de- the diagrams.
The essential variables which de- signed very accurately and reli-
termine the tooth form of the worm ably. It must be pointed out
gear and the engagement area are however that the engagement area
as follows: module, number of is determined in advance by the
teeth, profile displacement, and gear manufacturer, and can only
the associated helix. be reduced in size by the tool
The complex computation of the manufacturer.
engagement conditions in the The bearing contact pattern during
worm gear can now be performed hobbing must be generated such
very precisely by means of power- that an contact ratio of >1 is pro-
ful PCs. duced. Cases in which the user is
presented with a tool adjustment
In practice, bearing contact pat- problem can be simulated theoret-
terns with a percentage contact ically by FETTE on the computer.
area of 50-70% are desirable. A corresponding correction can
The FETTE software enables our thus be made.
specialist department to produce Our applications engineers are al-

Leading end Leaving end

Distance between worm and gear flank

 0.005 mm 0.005 mm to 0.010 mm 0.010 mm to 0.015 mm

Topography of the worm gear flank

Instructions for ordering:

Worm gear hobs can be manufac- 13

tured as bore-type hobs with key-
way or drive slot, or as shank-type
hobs. Generally, preference is giv- ZF = dm
en to the less expensive bore-type dm = Pitch circle diameter
hobs. However, if the hob diam- 11
eters are very small and the pro-
files very high, it may be necessary 10
to select a shank type. The dia-
gram on the right can be used to
determine whether a bore-type 9
hob is suitable or a shank-type
hob is required. If the latter is se- 8
Bore-type hob
lected, please quote the make and
type of the hobbing machine and
the dimensions of the working ar-
ea or of the shank-type hob, as
shown in the diagram. Module (m) 6

The component dimensions can- 5

not be standardized for the rea-
sons given above. They must be
adapted to the technical data of
the drive worms and to the hob-
bing processes. 3
Shank-type hob
The following information is re- 2
quired for manufacture of these
Axial module
Pressure angle 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Pitch circle diameter of the
Figure for form (ZF)
Number and direction of
starts Bore-/shank-type hob
Flank form to DIN 3975
(A, N, I or K)

The above data can of course also

be supplied in the form of worm Taper lead on the right * State if known to the
tangential hobbing person ordering
and worm gear drawings.

Unless otherwise specified, the L6 *

hobs are designed as follows:
Taper lead on the left
Addendum = 1.2 x m tangential hobbing
Depth of tooth = 2.4 x m
Tooth profile relief ground L6*
Cylindrical hob for radial milling Without taper lead left-hand
up to a lead angle of approx. 8 radial hobbing cut
Hob for tangential hobbing,
with lead on the leading end if d
d4 d5 d3 d1 d2
lead angle > 8
L5 right-hand
L4 L1
L3* L2*


Shank dimensions

for special profiles

Hobs for special profiles 84

Special and single-position hobs
The hobbing process with its well- to all profile types which are not over the entire length of the hob,
known advantages is, in addition covered by a standard. but the cutter teeth or tooth por-
to the standard operating- and slip tions have varying profile forms.
gears as well as gears for belt and The most common types are spe- These hobs have to be aligned in
chain pulleys, also suitable for a cial-purpose hobs for: ratchet their axial direction with the work-
large number of special profiles, of wheels, feed- and conveyor piece and/or centre line of the ma-
which a few examples are shown wheels, conveyor rolls, cardboard chine, to make sure that the spe-
here. Hobs for particularly fre- rolls, multi-edge profiles, slotted cially shaped teeth are meshing in
quently used special profiles have plates, orbit gears and cyclo the intended position.
been dealt with in detail in the ear- gears.
lier sections of this catalogue, Provided that the profile standard
such as the special-purpose hobs The special form of certain special allows this, single-position hobs
for rotors and screw spindles, as profiles often makes it necessary can be manufactured for several
well as for internal gears. to design the cutter as a single-po- setting positions and with a longer
sition hob. The profile helix is in effective length, to improve econo-
The term "special profiles" applies this case not uniformly shaped my.

Examples of special profiles which can be generated by hobbing


Multi-start single-position fly-cut hob for ratchets of various pitches

Special hops for pump wheels with Example of profiles which can be hobbed with single-position hobs
orbit gears

Gear milling cutters
for racks and worms

Cat.-No. Page

Worm thread milling cutters

milled, straight teeth 2500 88

Rack milling cutters/worm thread cutters

milled, straight teeth 2512 89

Worm thread roughing cutters

milled, staggered teeth 2513 90

Rack milling cutters/worm thread cutters

relief turned, straight teeth 2521 91
relief ground, straight teeth 2522 92
as gang milling cutters 2560 93
as circular milling cutters, ganged-up 2561 94
Worm thread milling cutters
for module pitch b1
20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972
with offset teeth
and one tooth for checking

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2500 straight tooth, milled, with ground lands

Dimensions in mm Ident No.
m d1 b1 d2
1 70 8 22 1234419
1,5 1234437
2 1234455
2,5 1234473
3 80 10 1234491
3,5 1234516
3,75 12
4,5 13 1234543
5,5 100 15 27
6,5 18
8 22 1234605
10 125 27 32 1234623
This design can also be used as a gear milling cutter for roughing and as a rack tooth cutter.

We also manufacture: worm thread milling cutters of larger dimensions with different basic profiles,
also available as trapezoidal thread milling cutters with millimetre pitch.

Rack and worm milling cutters
module pitch b1
20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972
with one tooth for checking

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2512 staggered tooth, milled, with ground lands

Dimensions in mm Ident No.
m d1 b1 d2
1 140 8 40 1235212
1,5 1235221
2 10 1235230
2,5 1235249
3 1235258
3,5 12 1235267
4 1235276
4,5 14 1235285
5 1235294
6 145 16 1235301
7 19 1235310
8 22 1235329
9 150 25 1235338
10 27 1235347
We also manufacture: rack milling cutters with larger dimensions,
different basic profiles and with 10 inclined profile.

Worm milling cutters for roughing
for roughing gears, tooth racks and worms
of module pitch b1
20 pressure angle, straight flanks A
basic profile IV to DIN 3972
without tooth for checking 20
staggered chip breakers form module 10

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2513 staggered tooth, milled, with ground lands

Dimensions in mm
m d1 b1 d2 A
5 140 13 40 2,56
5,5 14 2,86
6 145 15 3,17
6,5 17 3,48
7 18 3,79
7,5 19 4,10
8 20 4,41
9 150 23 5,04
10 25 5,67
11 28 6,30
12 30 6,93
13 155 34 7,56
14 160 36 8,20
15 165 38 8,83
16 170 40 9,47
17 180 43 50 10,11
18 190 46 10,75
19 195 48 11,39
20 200 50 12,03
These milling cutters are designed for the straight flank roughing of gears, racks and worms.
They are manufactured without a tooth for checking, to achieve a high cutting rate. They are sharpened by tracing
the profile at the backed-off surfaces. The tooth tip width A given in the table can be used as a checking dimension.

Rack milling cutters/worm milling cutters
module pitch
20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972
form A: with straight profile
form B: with 10 inclined profile*

d2 d1

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 Form A Form B

Cat.-No. 2521 straight tooth, relief turned

Dimensions in mm Ident No. Ident No.
m d1 b1 d2 Form A Form B
1 140 8 40 1235711 1235855
1,5 1235720 1235864
2 1235739 1235873
2,5 10 1235748 1235882
3 1235757 1235891
3,5 1235766 1235908
4 1235775 1235917
4,5 11 1235784 1235926
5 13 1235793 1235935
6 145 15 1235800 1235944
7 17 1235819 1235953
8 20 1235828 1235962
9 150 22 1235837 1235971
10 25 1235846 1235980
* Only available until stock is depleted

Unless otherwise specified, we supply form A.

We also manufacture: rack milling cutters with larger dimensions and different basic profiles.

Rack milling cutters/worm milling cutters
module pitch
20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972
form A: with straight profile
form B: with 10 inclined profile*

d2 d1

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 Form A Form B

Cat.-No. 2522 straight tooth, relief ground

Dimensions in mm Ident No. Ident No.
m d1 b1 d2 Form A Form B
1 140 8 40 1236319 2125816
1,5 1236328 2254679
2 1236337 1236471
2,5 10 1236346 1236480
3 1236355 1236499
3,5 1236364 1236505
4 1236373 1236514
4,5 11 1236382 2222348
5 13 1236391 1236532
6 145 15 1236408 1236541
7 17 1236417 1236550
8 20 1236426 1236569
9 150 22 2120452 1236578
10 25 1236444 1236587
* Only available until stock is depleted

Unless otherwise specified, we supply form A.

We also manufacture: rack milling cutters with larger dimensions and different basic profiles.

Rack tooth gang cutters
with several tooth rows
tooth row n
for racks to module pitch p

20 pressure angle
basic profile I or II to DIN 3972

m = module
p = pitch = m
n =number of tooth rows d2
b3 = cutter width = m n
z = number of gashes


Cat.-No. 2560 relief ground

Dimensions in mm
Number of gashes
Z = 14 Z = 18 Z = 22
m d1 d2 d1 d2 d1 d2
1 70 27 100 32 125 40
2 90 32 125 40 160 50
3 110 140 180
4 125 40 160 50 200 60
Rack tooth gang cutters are used on the conventional horizontal milling machines as well as on the special automatic rack
milling machines. Standardized constructional dimensions therefore do not exist. The above table is intended for guidance and
should facilitate the selection of milling cutter overall dimensions. The cutter width depends on the module (m) and the number
of tooth rows (n).

b3 = m n

For larger cutter widths (over 40 mm) the helical-fluted version is preferable (3-5 RH helix). The tools can also be made in the
form of topping cutters. For gear sizes above module 5, rack gang milling cutters are recommended. See cat. no. 2561.

Unless otherwise specified, we supply with basic profile I to DIN 3972.

To process your order correctly, we need in addition to the gear data the required number of tooth rows on the cutter.

High-precision rack tooth gang cutters
for tooth racks to module pitch b1

20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972
with additional grinding slots,
with offset keyways

d2 d1
1 2 3 4

KHSS-E EMo5Co5 consecutively numbered as: cutter no. 1, 2, 3, 4

Cat.-No. 2561 relief ground

Dimensions in mm Number of
m d1 b1 d2 gashes
3 140 9,425 40 20
3,25 10,210
3,5 10,995 18
3,75 11,781
4 150 12,556
4,5 14,137
5 15,708 16
5,5 17,279
6 18,849
6,5 160 20,420 50
7 21,991
8 25,133
9 28,274 14
10 31,416
Rack tooth gang cutters for the simultaneous machining of several tooth gaps are made up of several
single-profile circular-type milling cutters. Through the continual offsetting of the gashes in relation to the
drive slot the individual cutters are successively coming (helically) to the point of cutting addition.
This feature particularly promotes quiet running of the milling machine under heavy chip loads.

To allow regrinding combined in a gang, the individual cutters are provided with an additional closely
tolerated keyway (grinding slot), so that an axially parallel position of the cutting faces on the arbor is

Rack tooth gang cutters are profile relief ground with parallelly flat lapping of the contact faces.
To improve tool life, these milling cutters are made exclusively of cobalt alloyed super high speed steel.

For extreme precision requirements the tolerances for pitch, flank form, gash spacing, cutting face
position as well as cutting edge concentricity lie within quality grade AA to DIN 3968.

Gear milling cutters
for spur gears

Cat.-No. Page

Gear milling cutters

relief turned, for module pitch 2601 98

Gear milling cutters for large tooth systems 100

End mill type gear cutters

Roughing cutters 2620 102
Finishing cutters 2621 103

Stepped roughing cutters

relief turned, stepped-up style 2630 104

Roughing gear cutters

with indexable carbide inserts, arranged tangentially 2667 105

Circular-type gear profile cutters

with form indexable inserts 2675 106

Gear finishing cutters 107

Involute gear cutters
for spur gears to module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2601 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Specification of Sets
m d1 d2
from module 0.3 to module 10 0,3 35 13
in sets of 8 units 0,4
Cutter No. 1 for 12 13 teeth 0,5 40 16
Cutter No. 2 for 14 16 teeth 0,6
Cutter No. 3 for 17 20 teeth 0,7
Cutter No. 4 for 21 25 teeth 0,75
Cutter No. 5 for 26 34 teeth 0,8
Cutter No. 6 for 35 54 teeth 0,9 50
Cutter No. 7 for 55134 teeth 1
Cutter No. 8 for 135 teeth 1,25
from module 11 to module 20 1,5 60 22
in sets of 15 units 1,75
Cutter No. 1 for 12 teeth 2
Cutter No. 1 1/2 for 13 teeth 2,25
Cutter No. 2 for 14 teeth 2,5 65
Cutter No. 2 1/2 for 15 16 teeth 2,75 70 27
Cutter No. 3 for 17 18 teeth 3
Cutter No. 3 1/2 for 19 20 teeth 3,25 75
Cutter No. 4 for 21 22 teeth 3,5
Cutter No. 4 1/2 for 23 25 teeth 3,75 80
Cutter No. 5 for 26 29 teeth 4
Cutter No. 5 1/2 for 30 34 teeth 4,25 85
Cutter No. 6 for 35 41 teeth 4,5
Cutter No. 6 1/2 for 42 54 teeth 4,75 90
Cutter No. 7 for 55 79 teeth 5 32
Cutter No. 7 1/2 for 80134 teeth 5,5 95
Cutter No. 8 for 135 teeth 6 100
* Available only while stocks last.
6,5 105
7,5 110
If required, we also supply involute gear
cutters above module 10 in sets of 8 units. 8
8,5 115
Involute gear cutters are supplied in
complete sets as well as singly. When 9
ordering single gear cutters, the cutter 9,5 120
number or the number of teeth to be cut
must be specified.
11 135 40
We also manufacture: 12 145
Involute gear cutters with other pressure
angles or to CP. Involute gear cutters for 13 155
cutting spur gears with less than 12 teeth. 14 160
15 165

Involute gear cutters
for spur gears to module pitch

20 pressure angle
basic profile I to DIN 3972

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2601 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Specification of Sets
m d1 d2
from module 0.3 to module 10 16 170 40
in sets of 8 units 17 180 50
Cutter No. 1 for 12 13 teeth 18 190
Cutter No. 2 for 14 16 teeth 19 195
Cutter No. 3 for 17 20 teeth 20 205
Cutter No. 4 for 21 25 teeth
Cutter No. 5 for 26 34 teeth
Cutter No. 6 for 35 54 teeth
Cutter No. 7 for 55134 teeth
Cutter No. 8 for 135 teeth
from module 11 to module 20
in sets of 15 units
Cutter No. 1 for 12 teeth
Cutter No. 1 1/2 for 13 teeth
Cutter No. 2 for 14 teeth
Cutter No. 2 1/2 for 15 16 teeth
Cutter No. 3 for 17 18 teeth
Cutter No. 3 1/2 for 19 20 teeth
Cutter No. 4 for 21 22 teeth
Cutter No. 4 1/2 for 23 25 teeth
Cutter No. 5 for 26 29 teeth
Cutter No. 5 1/2 for 30 34 teeth
Cutter No. 6 for 35 41 teeth
Cutter No. 6 1/2 for 42 54 teeth
Cutter No. 7 for 55 79 teeth
Cutter No. 7 1/2 for 80134 teeth
Cutter No. 8 for 135 teeth
* Available only while stocks last.

If required, we also supply involute gear

cutters above module 10 in sets of 8 units.

Involute gear cutters are supplied in

complete sets as well as singly. When
ordering single gear cutters, the cutter
number or the number of teeth to be cut
must be specified.

We also manufacture:
Involute gear cutters with other pressure
angles or to CP. Involute gear cutters for
cutting spur gears with less than 12 teeth.

Gear cutters for large-size gears
The machining methods for gears
with large modules differ consider-
ably in practice. Number and sizes
of the gears, the efficiency of the
gear cutting machine as well as
machinability and gear quality are
only a few of the factors which af-
fect the selection of the cutting

End mill type gear cutter

(for roughing) Cat.-No. 2620 Gear milling cutter for roughing, Cat.-No. 2667, with indexable carbide inserts

Gear milling cutter for roughing,

Gear finishing cutter, Cat.-No. 2675, with indexable carbide inserts, involute profile
stepped-up type, Cat.-No. 2630

FETTE has considerable experi-
ence in the design of these tools.
For pre-machining, in particular,
high-performance roughing cut-
ters have been developed for a
very wide range of machine tools.
The solid-type designs are intend-
ed for use on conventional gear
cutting machines (Cat.-No. 2630).
We supply end mill type gear cut-
ters (Cat.-Nos. 2620 and 2621) for
large modules, for example for
machining gear segments on bor-
ing mils. For gear cutting ma-
chines with powerful motor milling
heads, we manufacture milling
cutters with carbide-tipped blades
(Cat.-Nos. 2675 and 2667).

FETTE also designs and manufac-

tures custom-designed profile cut-
ters in a range of designs for the
production of special forms. In ad-
dition, our experience is at our
customers' disposal regarding the
use and maintenance of these

Profile roughing cutter for rotary pistons (Roots blower)

2-section, 312 mm dia. x 260 x 120 dia., 92 indexable inserts

End mill type gear cutter (roughing Circular-type gear profile cutter
cutter) m 48-stub, 20 p.a., 150 dia. x m 50, 20 p.a., 11 teeth, without roof radius, 295 mm dia. x 190 x 80 dia.,
180 mm length, 22 indexable inserts 136 indexable inserts

End mill type gear cutter (roughing cutters)
for gears and racks

20 pressure angle,
basic profile IV to DIN 3972
with straight flanks, spiral fluted,
with female thread and centring,
for screw-on, 2 spanner flats

d3 d2 d1




Cat.-No. 2620 milled and ground

Dimensions in mm Dimensions in mm
Overall cutter dimensions Adapter dimensions
m d1 l1 Z d3 (inches) d2 l2 l3
20 60 120 4 11/4 36 45 10
22 65 125
26 70 130
28 75 135 11/2 42
30 80
32 85 140
34 90 145
36 95 2 56 50 12
38 100 150
40 105 155
42 110
44 115
46 120 160 6 21/2 70
48 125
50 130
This cutter version is also supplied as a finishing cutter for racks with basic profile I or II to DIN 3972.

Adaptor taper

Adaptor tapers optionally

Morse taper DIN 1806
Morse taper DIN 2207 d1 d2 d3
Metric taper DIN 1806
Steep taper DIN 2080



Mounting dimensions for adaptor mandrels

Dimensions in mm
d3 (inches) d2 d1 l1 l2
BSW 11/4 7 Gg 36 70 40 9,5
BSW 11/2 6 Gg 42 90
BSW 2 41/2 Gg 56 115 45 11,5
BSW 21/2 4 Gg 70 130

End mill type gear cutters (finishing cutters)
involute profile

20 pressure angle,
basic profile I or II to DIN 3972 template
straight fluted, with female thread
and centre bore, for screw-on,
2 spanner flats
d3 d2 d1



Cat.-No. 2621 relief turned with ground profile lands

Dimensions in mm
Number of teeth range Adaptor dimensions
12 16 17 25 26 54 55
m d1 I1 d1 I1 d1 I1 d1 I1 d3 (Zoll) d2 l2 I3
20 70 115 66 115 62 120 60 120 11/4 36 45 10
22 76 72 120 66 125 62 125
24 84 120 78 74 68
26 90 84 78 72 130
28 98 90 84 78 135 11/2 42
30 104 98 125 90 82
32 110 125 104 96 130 88 145
34 118 110 102 94
36 124 130 116 130 108 135 98 145 2 56 50 12
38 130 135 122 135 114 140 104 150
40 136 128 140 120 145 110 155
42 144 140 134 145 126 150 116
44 150 150 140 155 130 155 120
46 156 146 136 160 125 160 21/2 70
48 164 160 152 142 130
50 170 160 160 148 135
End mill type gear cutters with involute profiles are generally not designed for a number of teeth range but vor special gear op-
erations with a specific numer of teeth.

When ordering, therefore, please provide workpiece drawings or precise gear data.

To achieve high profile accuracy and surface quality, the cutters are ground with a profile land. For maintenance we supply,
if required, checking gauges and grinding templates for tool grinding machines: Studer-Oerlikon, Aldridge or Schuette.
The referende cylinder for checking the profile is the ground outside diameter of the cutter.

Circular type gear roughing cutters
stepped-up type Basic profile IV DIN 3972

20 pressure angle
alternate cutting
with keyway

DIN 138

d2 d1


KHSS-E EMo5Co5 Radial-rake  8

Cat.-No. 2630 relief turned

Dimensions in mm Number of Ident Nr.
m d1 b1 d2 gashes

Series I cutter
12 145 28 40 16 2122085
14 160 32 2129266
16 170 37 2125036
18 180 42 50 2125037
20 200 46 2125005
22 210 50 2125006
24 220 54 2125007
26 240 58 60 2129268
28 250 63 2121680
30 260 68 2129276
Series II cutter
12 160 28 50 18 2125874
14 175 32 2129267
16 190 37 2121701
18 210 42 60 2126898
20 225 46 2122883
22 240 50 2127500
24 250 54 2127501
26 275 58 80 2129269
28 290 63 2129275
30 300 68 2129277
Stepped-up pre-machining is a process well-tried in practice for gear sizes above 10 module.
An advantage of this cutter design is the relatively low power requirement as the chips are at the
steps only formed in the direction of the circumference and hardly any lateral loads are occurring.
Another feature is the relatively simple maintenance by tool face grinding.

When enough machine power is available, these cutters can also be used as gang cutters for
simultaneous machining of two adjacent tooth gaps.

Two overall dimension series have been established in practice for stepped-up roughing cutters.
Special dimensional requirements can however also be taken into account with these cutters.

Gear roughing cutters
with indexable carbide inserts b1
20 pressure angle k
basic profile IV to DIN 3972
with keyway to DIN 138
optionally with drive slot


d2 d1

m 6-10 m 12-14 m 16-18 m 20-36

Cat.-No. 2667 staggered tooth

Dimensions in mm Number of indexable inserts Clamping screws
Overall dimensions Profile Form
m d1 b1 d2 z k t 1 2 3 3.1.
6 160 50 50 12 3,14 17 12
220 60 16 16
280 80 20 20
8 180 50 12 4,41 23 12
220 60 16 16 1150-86
280 80 20 20
10 180 60 50 12 5,67 12
220 60 16 16
280 80 20 20
12 200 50 12 6,93 33 18
250 60 16 24
320 80 20 30
14 200 50 12 8,20 18
250 60 16 24
320 80 20 30
16 200 70 50 12 9,47 49 24
250 60 16 32
320 80 20 40
18 200 50 12 10,75 24
250 60 16 32
320 80 20 40
20 220 80 60 12 12,03 6 18
280 80 16 8 24
360 100 20 10 30
22 250 60 12 13,32 65 6 24
300 80 16 8 32
360 100 20 10 40 1150-80
24 250 60 12 14,61 6 24
300 80 16 8 32
360 100 20 10 40
26 320 100 80 16 15,89 8 32
400 100 20 10 40
28 320 80 16 17,18 8 32
400 100 20 10 40
30 320 80 16 18,46 80 8 40
400 100 20 10 50
32 340 80 16 19,76 8 40
420 100 20 10 50
34 340 80 16 21,05 95 56
420 100 20 70
36 340 80 16 22,35 56
420 100 20 70

Indexable inserts precision ground

Form Cat.-No. l s d b d1
indexable 4 times
1 1185-11 12,7 6,35 14,3 0,78 5,3
2 1185-31 19,05 6,35 14,3 0,78 5,3
l d1
3 1185-33 25,4 5 14,3 5,5
3.1. 1185-32 25,4 5 14,3 1,1 5,5
4* 1185-15 15,88 7,94 12,7 5,4
d s
5* 1185-35 19,03 6,35 14,3 5,8
* For round tip forms

Circular-type gear profile cutters with form indexable inserts, Cat.-No. 2675
These gear milling cutters are Example: external gear
high-performance tools for finish-
milling. A double negative cutter Module 16
geometry combined with a high 0 = 20
number of blades produces good z = 89
cutting behaviour (peeling cut). In-
dexable inserts with high accuracy Cutter diameter: 300
and surface finish quality produce Bore diameter: 80
clean gear flanks. In addition, long Form indexable inserts: 24
service life is ensured by additional
hard material coatings.

For rough-hobbing
we recommend
gear roughing cutters
FETTE Cat.-No. 2667.

Example: internal gear

Module 10
0 = 20
z = 94

Cutter diameter: 380

Bore diameter: 80
Form indexable inserts: 30
Indexable inserts for chamfer: 10

Gear finishing cutter
With carbide form indexable
Involute profile
For external or internal gears
Alternate cutting
With keyway or drive slot to DIN
Pressure angle 20
z = number of blades

Module z = 24 z = 28 z = 32
10 d1 300 350 420 d2 d1
12 b1 70 80 100
14 d2 80 80 100

The range shows guide values for

high numbers of gear teeth. The
cutter diameters are determined by
the number of cutting edges. Alter- b1
native structural dimensions are pos-

Carbide form indexable inserts

Involute profile
For external or internal gears
Ground on all faces s Regrind
2 cutting edges
Supplied in sets
1 set = z off
Module l b s
8 25,40 5,00
10 31,75 6,35
12 31,75 6,35
14 38,10 7,14
16 44,45 14,30 7,94
18 50,80 7,94
20 57,15 8,73 l
22 66,68 9,53
24 66,68 9,53

These form indexable inserts have

two cutting edges in the new condi-
tion. They can be employed on both
the right-hand and left-hand sides.

The indexable inserts can be re-

ground. Regrinding entails surface b
grinding of the cutting faces, but on L R 2
one side only. When regrinding
When regrinding sets, note the dif-
ference between right-hand and left-
hand indexable inserts.

Gear milling cutters
for multi-start worm gears and conveyor screws (rotors)

Cat.-No. Page

Profile milling cutters for multi-start worm gears and

conveyor screws with special profiles 110

Rotor roughing cutters, with indexable carbide inserts 2695 111

Rotor profile cutters, with inserted blades 2690 112

Profile milling cutters for coarse-pitch worms and conveyor screws
with special profiles
In addition to the usual worm mill-
ing cutters with straight flanks
(Cat.-Nos. 2500, 2512, 2521,
2522), we manufacture special
cutters for producing any desired
screw type gears by the single in-
dexing method.
Such workpieces are, for example,
screw pumps for liquids and gas-
es, extruder worms, multi-start in-
volute worms for drives etc.

Fig. 1: Workpiece: conveyor screw

pair, 2-start, for a screw pump;
tool: profile finishing cutter,
straight teeth, relief ground.

Fig. 2: Workpiece: drive- and trail-

ing spindle of a liquid feed pump; Fig. 1
tool: profile finishing cutter, stag-
gered teeth, relief ground.

Fig. 3: Workpiece: female rotor of

a screw compressor; tool: profile
roughing cutter with inserted
blades, staggered teeth, see also
Cat.-No. 2690.

We have at our disposal universal

computer programs to determine
the cutter profiles for any desired
form of thread.

If the cutter profiles are not yet

known, we require data in accor-
dance with fig. 4 about the screws
to be cut, i.e.:

1. the lead of the screw H

2. the coordinates in the face Fig. 2
planer r, , s or axial plane co-
ordinates r, a, A

Coordinates in the axial plane are

found with the equation a
a = arc H/2
tan A = tan s H/2r



Cross-section in face plane Cross-section in axial plane

Fig. 4
Fig. 3

Roughing cutters for rotors
with indexable carbide inserts
for screw compressors

HL = male rotor
NL = female rotor
indexable inserts arranged tangentially
with keyway to DIN 138
b1 b1

d2 d1

HL NL for male rotors for female rotors

Cat.-No. 2695
Dimensions in mm
Number of
Rotor measurements Cutter measurements (variable)
Outside diameter Profile height Type d1 b1 d2
100 22 HL 220 60 60
25 36
127,5 27,5 HL 250 70 80
32 45
163,2 35,5 HL 80
40 56
204 44 HL 300 100 100
50 70
255 55 HL 320 125
63 85
NL 100
318 70 HL 350 160
NL 125

These tools are, because of their To achieve finishing allowances drive power, the tools can be fitted
high cutting rates and trouble-free which are as parallel as possible, optionally with KHSS indexable in-
maintenance, particularly econom- modified forms are used in addi- serts with ridges.
ical. tion to the standard indexable in-
The profile is formed polygonally serts. These are provided with
form straight sections and con- chamfers or rounded edges.
tains a minimum allowance for fin- For rotors in stainless chromium
ish milling. alloys or for machines with low

Indexable insert forms A B C D

d S

Dimensions in mm
Form Designation Clamping screw
L S d
12,70 6,35 14,29 1185-11
7,94 15,88 1185-15
15,88 M4-21764
19,05 6,35 14,29 1185-31
12,70 M4-20859 1150-80
7,94 15,88 M4-19730-2
C 19,05 6,35 14,29 M4-21056
25,40 M4-20924
19,05 1185-35

Rotor profile cutters
for screw compressors
for male rotors or female rotors
with inserted blades
blades radially and axially resettable
blade clamping by chucking wedge and screw
with keyway

Roughing cutter
with profile undersize
staggered chip breakers
positive rake angle + 10 radial,
+ 10 axial

Male rotor Female rotor

Finishing cutter Cutter for male rotor
rake angle 0 radial,
0 axial b1 b1

d2 d1

HL NL Cutter for female rotor


Cat.-No. 2690 staggered teeth with profile ground lands

Dimensions in mm
Number of
Rotor dimensions Cutter dimensions
Outside diameter Profile height d1 b1 male rot. b1 female rot. d2
127,5 27,5 210 70 50 60 16
163,2 35,5 220 85 65
204,0 44,0 235 105 80
255,0 55,0 290 125 100 80
340 100 20
318,0 70,0 360 160 125
400,0 86,0 380 200 160

Circular type cutters for rotors the staggered serrations in steps Replacement blades are pre-
must be kept in close limits as of 0.25 mm. machined with grinding allowance
regards their outside diameter, The cutting profiles top the rotor on the profile and are ground on
since changes in diameter will o.d. and generate the entire gap the cutting faces.
affect the generated screw profile. profile including tip radii and
This is why these tools are ground sealing strips.
by the land grinding method. To deal with enquiries, we need
The blades are radially adjusted by workpiece drawings with profile
means of set screws, the width data. We carry out the computa-
adjustment is made possible by tion of the cutter profiles.

Gear milling cutters
for sprockets, timing belt pulleys and slip-on gears

Cat.-No. Page

Form milling cutters for sprockets

to match chains to DIN 8187, 8188 2701 116

Form milling cutters for timing belt profiles

for timing belt pulleys 2742 117

Form milling cutters for spline shaft profiles

to DIN / ISO 14, DIN 5464, 5471, 5472
as well as for p.t.o. shafts to DIN 9611 2730 118

Form milling cutters for spline shafts and serrated shafts

as separate circular milling cutters matched up 2731 120

Gear chamfering cutters

with straight flanks 2801 122
with curved flanks 2802 122
as end mill type cutters 2803 122
as V-shaped/bell-shaped cutters 2804 121

Rolling racks 122

Form milling cutters
for sprockets
for roller- and barrel chains
to DIN 8187, 8188

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2701 relief turned

Specification of sets Pitch Roller/barrel diameter d1 d2
in sets of 5 units mm inches approx. mm inches approx. mm mm
Cutter no. 1 for 8 9 teeth 6 15/64 4 5/32 63 22
Cutter no. 2 for 1013 teeth 6,35 1/4 3,3
Cutter no. 3 for 1420 teeth 8 5/16 5 3/16

Cutter no 4 for 2134 teeth 9,525 3/8 70

Cutter no. 5 for 35 teeth 6 15/64

6,35 1/4
* Only available until stock is depleted
12,7 1/2 7,75 5/16
Form milling cutters for sprockets are 7,93
supplied both in complete sets and sin-
gly. 8,51
When ordering single cutters, please 15,875 5/8 10,16 90 27
specify the cutter number or the number
19,05 3/4 11,9 15/32
of teeth to be cut.
12,07 1/2
We also manufacture: 5/8
Form milling cutters for sprockets with oth- 25,4 1 15,88 100
er or larger dimensions or with inserted 30 11/4 105 32
blades, for sprockets to match Galls chains
to DIN 8150 and 8151, barrel chains to DIN 31,75 19,05 3/4 110
8164, SAE chains, Renold chains and for
sprockets of other systems. 38,1 11/2 22,22 7/8 125
25,4 1
44,45 13/4 140 40
50,8 2 28,57 11/8
57,15 21/4 35,71 113/32 150
63,5 21/2 39,37 170 50
39,68 19/16
76,2 3 47,62 17/8 190

Form milling cutters
for timing belt pulleys b1
semi-topping b1
positive rake angle

rk = ext. radius
d1 d2
b = gap width d1 d2
= gap angle
h = depth of cut r2
h1 = height of tooth on cutter r2
h h1 r1
r1 = tooth tip radius h h1 r1
r2 = tooth root radius b


Cat.-No. 2742 relief turned

Dimensions in mm
Specifications of sets
for metric pitches Cutter dimensions
to DIN 7721
T z d1 b1 d2
T 2,5 SE to 20 63 5 22
T 2,5 N over 20
Cutter no. 1 for 1013 teeth
T 5 SE to 20 6
Cutter no. 2 for 1420 teeth
T 5 N over 20
Cutter no. 3 for 2134 teeth
T 10 SE to 20 9
Cutter no. 4 for 3571 teeth
T 10 N over 20
Cutter no. 5 for 72 teeth
T 20 SE to 20 70 18 27
T 20 N over 20

Dimensions in mm
Specifications of sets
for inch pitches Cutter dimensions
to DIN ISO 5294
T Symbol d1 b1 d2
Cutter no. 1 for 1013 teeth 5,08 = 1/5" XL 63 5 22
Cutter no. 2 for 1420 teeth 9,525 = 3/8" L 8
Cutter no. 3 for 2134 teeth 12,70 = 1/2" H 10
Cutter no. 4 for 3571 teeth 22,225 = 7/8" XH 80 18 32
Cutter no. 5 for 72 teeth 31,75 = 11/4" XXH 90 26
When cutting timing belt pulleys using the single indexing method, the tooth tip radius r1 is semi-topped. The profile height h1
on the cutter therefore depends on the number of teeth to be cut. This number must also be quoted to facilitate order processing.

For gears with different belt pitches or with special profiles we require dimensional data as shown in the figure above.

Form milling cutters
for spline shaft profiles b1 b1

d2 d1 d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2730 relief turned or relief ground

Dimensions in mm
Spline shaft dimensions Cutter dimensions
DIN ISO 14 - light series
Nominal dimension* Number of splines d1 b1 d2
23 x 26 x 6 6 63 10 22
26 x 30 x 6 12
28 x 32 x 6 13
32 x 36 x 6 8 11
36 x 40 x 7 12
42 x 46 x 8 13
46 x 50 x 9 70 14 27
52 x 58 x 10 16
56 x 62 x 10 18
62 x 68 x 12
72 x 78 x 12 10 16
82 x 88 x 12 80 19 32
92 x 98 x 14 20
102 x 108 x 16 21
112 x 120 x 18 23
Spline shaft dimensions Cutter dimensions
DIN ISO 14 - medium series
Nominal dimension* Number of splines d1 b1 d2
11 x 14 x 3 6 56 6 22
13 x 16 x 3,5
16 x 20 x 4 8
18 x 22 x 5
21 x 25 x 5 63 9
23 x 28 x 6 10
26 x 32 x 6 12
28 x 43 x 7 13
32 x 38 x 6 8 11
36 x 42 x 7 12
42 x 48 x 8 13
46 x 54 x 9 70 14 27
52 x 60 x 10 16
56 x 65 x 10 18
62 x 72 x 12
72 x 82 x 12 10 16
82 x 92 x 12 80 19 32
92 x 102 x 14 20
102 x 112 x 16 21
112 x 125 x 18 23
Spline shaft dimensions Cutter dimensions
DIN 5464 Nom. dimens.* Number of splines d1 b1 d2
16 x 20 x 2,5 10 56 5 22
18 x 23 x 3
21 x 26 x 3 7
23 x 29 x 4 63
26 x 32 x 4 8
28 x 35 x 4
32 x 40 x 5 70 10 27
36 x 45 x 5 12
42 x 52 x 6 13
46 x 56 x 7
52 x 60 x 5 16 80 9 32
56 x 65 x 5 10
62 x 72 x 6 11
72 x 82 x 7
82 x 92 x 6 20 90
92 x 102 x 7 12
102 x 115 x 8 13
112 x 125 x 9
*Nominal dimension: inside dea. x outside dea. x spline width Unless otherwise specified, we supply form D in the relief turned version.

Cat.-No. 2730 relief turned or relief ground
Dimensions in mm
Spline shaft dim. Cutter dimensions Form A
without clearance lugs
DIN 5471 4 splines without chamfer
Nominal dimension* d1 b1 d2
11 x 15 x 3 56 11 22
13 x 17 x 4 12
16 x 20 x 6
18 x 22 x 6 63 14
21 x 25 x 8
24 x 28 x 8 16
28 x 32 x 10 17 Form B
32 x 38 x 10 70 22 27 without clearance lugs
36 x 42 x 10 23 with chamfer
42 x 48 x 12 27
46 x 52 x 14 28
52 x 60 x 14 80 34 32
58 x 65 x 16 38
62 x 70 x 16 40
68 x 78 x 16 45
Form C
Spline shaft dim. Cutter dimensions with clearance lugs
DIN 5472 6 splines without chamfer
Nominal dimension* d1 b1 d2
21 x 25 x 5 63 9 22
23 x 28 x 6 10
26 x 32 x 6 12
28 x 34 x 7 13
32 x 38 x 8 70 14 27
36 x 42 x 8 16 Form D (standard)
42 x 48 x 10 17 with clearance lugs
46 x 52 x 12 80 18 32 with chamfer
52 x 60 x 14 20
58 x 65 x 14 22
62 x 70 x 16 23
68 x 78 x 16 90 27
72 x 82 x 16 29
78 x 90 x 16 33
82 x 95 x 16 36 Form E
88 x 100 x 16 grinding size cutter
92 x 105 x 20 38
98 x 110 x 20 40
105 x 120 x 20 100 45
115 x 130 x 20 45
130 x 145 x 24 54
P.t.o. shaft 1** Cutter dimensions
DIN 9611 6 splines d1 b1 d2
Forms A-E
28,91 x 34,79 x 8,69 70 11 27 for through-cutting
* Nominal dimension: inside dia. x outside dia. x spline width a shoulder
** P.t.o. shafts 2 and 3 on request

Unless otherwise specified, we supply form D in the relief turned version.

Form milling cutters for spline DIN 5471 4 splines, internally produced with cutter type A. The
shaft profiles are supplied relief centred cutters of form E for clearance at
turned or for increased accuracy DIN 5472 6 splines, internally the root and the spline flanks are
also relief ground. Gang cutters centred intended as roughing cutters for
for the simultaneous machining of DIN 9611 p.t.o. shafts grinding allowance. The cutters
several workpieces on automatic Form milling cutter designs provid- with extended flanks are suitable
spline shaft milling machines are ed with clearance lugs (forms C for through-cutting of a shoulder.
also available. The cutters are de- and D) guarantee in the case of This type can be combined with all
signed as roughing- or finishing internally centred spline shafts forms from A to E.
cutters, depending on the type of perfect bearing down to the spline Form cutters for involute gear
application. shaft root. Chamfering (forms B shafts to DIN 5480 and DIN 5481
and C) is used to achieve the re- as well as for serrated shafts to
Standardized spline shafts com- DIN 5481 are also manufactured
quired clearance in the flute cor-
prise, among others: on request.
ners of the hubs. Flank-centred
DIN ISO 14 light series spline shafts which have a clear-
DIN ISO 14 medium series ance for the inside and outside di-
DIN 5464 heavy series ameters in the spline hub, can be

Form milling cutters
for straight sided and involute spline b1
shafts designed as gang cutters
6 positive rake angle
staggered keyways
1 set (gang) equals 2 units
cutter no. 2 with 2 keyways

d2 d1


Cat.-No. 2731 relief ground

Dimensions in mm
d1 b1 d2
75 to 85 10 40
This cutter design is mainly used for the batch production of slip gears on automatic spline shaft milling machines
(e.g. Hurth type). Within the set, the cutters are precision ground for exact width, profile symmetry and equal outside
diameters to close tolerances. Cutter no. 2 of a set is given a second keyway, which is offset by 1/2 tooth pitch.

The main fields of application are spline shafts with parallel flanks as well as shafts with involute flanks.

When ordering, please quote dimensional and tolerance data or provide drawings of the workpiece
profiles to be machined.

Gear chamfering cutters
for chamfering tooth edges 2801 2802
40 d2
R l1

d2 d2

R l1

2803 2804

HSS Fig. 1 Fig. 2

2801 relief ground with straight flanks

2802 relief ground with curved flanks
Dimensions in mm 2801 2802 2803 2804
m d2 l1 Ident no. Ident no. Ident no. Ident no.
1 13 80 1259311 1259918
1,25 1259320 1259927
1,5 1259339 1259936
1,75 1259348 1259945
2 1259357 1259954
2,25 1259366 1259963
2,5 1259375 1259971
2,75 1259384 1259981
3 1259393 1259990
3,25 1259400 1260005
3,5 1259419 1260014
3,75 1259428 1260023
4 1259437 1260032
4,5 1259446 1260041
5 18 1259455 1260050
5,5 1259464 1260069
6 1259473 1260078
6,5 1259482 1260087
7 25 110 1259491 1260096
8 1259507 1260103
For any number of teeth of one module size and for pressure angles of 15 or 20 only one cutter is required.

FETTE gear chamfering cutters be made between two machining method. With this process, a left-
It is imperative in gear production to processes, the correct process be- hand and a right-hand tooth flank
machine flanks and tip face edges of ing determined by the type of the are machined at the same time. The
gears after they have been hobbed edge form. cutting edges of a bell type cutter
or produced by the single indexing are internally profiled and the cutter
method. Partly, this means deburring Semi-circular or V-shaped roundings cuts mainly with the inner contours.
the tooth edges, but very often func- are produced with end-mill type cut-
tion-governed forms must be provid- ters which are designed with outside The cutting diameters of the gear
ed on the flanks and the tip face profiled cutting edges (fig.1). The tooth rounding-, V-type and debur-
edges. This form is generally deter- profile of the cutting edges is de- ring cutters depend on the gear size
mined by the task which the gear signed in accordance with the gear to be machined i.e. on the module
has to perform. The best known to be machined. The rotary and the and the number of teeth of the gear.
forms are simple chamfers, semi-cir- axial motion of the gear are con- In addition, different tooth edge
cular roundings, crowned roundings trolled by the machine, leaving the forms are decisive for the construc-
and crowned V-profiles, which must tooth edge roundings to be done by tion of the gear chamfering cutters.
be present both on the external and the copying or tracer process. These factors result in a multitude of
on the internal gears. design possibilities, so that gear
V-shaped meshing facilitations, de- chamfering cutters must be regard-
For machining gear face edges, ma- burring of gears as well as the ed as purely special cutters which
chines have been developed which cutting of special edge forms are have to be adapted to each type of
allow the economical milling of the generally performed with bell-type gear form.
edge forms. A distinction must here cutters (fig. 2), using the shaping

Rolling racks
FETTE manufacture rolling bars for
the production of gears on all
popular rolling machines. Extreme
accuracy and maximum service
life are the quality characteristic
here, too. FETTE provide an
exceptionally comprehensive ser-
vice in this sector. The tools can be
made for spline shaft joints to DIN
5480 (up to module 1.25), for
spline shaft joints to ANSI B92.1-
1970 (up to DP 20/40) or for
knurled work to DIN 82 RAA.

When enquiring, please state

the machine on which the tool is
to be used. Rolling racks for helical teeth

Rolling racks for teeth

Technical notes and tables


Comparison of module pitch 126

Tolerances for single-start hobs 127

Tolerances for multiple-start hobs 128

Hob inspection documents 130

Effect of cutter deviations and cutter clamping errors on the gear 132

Effect of the quality grade of the hob on gear quality 134

Tool holding of hobs in the hobbing machine 135

Basic tool profile and gear profile in hobbing 137

Basic profiles for spur gears with involute teeth 138

Standardized basic profiles for straight spur gears
with involute teeth 139

Basic hob profiles 140

Profiles of common gears and equivalent basic hob profiles 144

Cutting materials for hobs 149

Hard material coatings for gear cutting tools 151

Cutting conditions in hobbing 155

Tool cutting edge angles, profile generating length,
shift distance, axial distance 162

Maintenance of hobs 168

Protuberance hobs 179

Wear phenomena in hobbing 182

Gear milling cutters with indexable inserts 192

Catalogue number index 193

DIN-number-index 194
Comparison: module pitch - diametral pitch - circular pitch

Module Diametral Pitch Circular Pitch

m = 25,4 DP = 3,14159265 DP = 25,4 CP = 3,14159265 m

m = 8,08507111 x CP CP =
DP CP m DP 8,08507111

Pitch Module DP CP Pitch Module DP CP Pitch Module DP CP

mm mm mm
0,31416 0,1 2,84987 28 22,22500 7/8

0,34558 0,11 2,98451 0,95 22,79899 3 1/2

0,37699 0,12 3,06909 26 23,81250 1 5/16
0,39898 200 3,14159 1 25,13274 8
0,43982 0,14 3,17500 1/8 25,40000 1
0,44331 180 3,32485 24 26,59892 3
0,45598 175 3,62711 22 26,98750 1 1/16
0,49873 160 3,92699 1,25 28,27433 9
0,50265 0,16 3,98982 20 28,57500 1 1/8
0,53198 150 4,43314 18 29,01689 2 3/4
0,56549 0,18 4,71239 1,5 30,16250 1 3/16
0,62831 0,20 4,76250 3/16 31,41593 10
0,62832 127 4,98728 16 31,75000 1 1/4
0,66497 120 5,49779 1,75 31,91858 2 1/2
0,69115 0,22 5,69975 14 33,33750 1 5/16
0,75997 105 6,28319 2 34,55752 11
0,78540 0,25 6,35000 1/4 34,92500 1 3/8
0,79796 100 6,64970 12 35,46509 2 1/4

0,83121 96 7,06858 2,25 36,51250 1 7/16

0,87965 0,28 7,85398 2,5 37,69911 12
0,90678 88 7,93750 5/16 38,10000 1 1/2
0,94248 0,30 7,97965 10 39,89823 2
0,99746 80 8,63938 2,75 41,27500 1 5/8
1,09557 0,35 8,86627 9 43,98230 14
1,10828 72 9,42478 3 44,45000 1 3/4
1,24682 64 9,52500 3/8 45,59797 1 3/4
1,25664 0,40 9,97456 8 47,62500 1 7/8
1,32994 60 10,21018 3,25 50,26548 16 Pitch
1,41372 0,45 10,99557 3,5 50,80000 2
1,57080 0,50 11,11250 7/16 53,19764 1 1/2
1,58750 1/16 11,39949 7 56,54867 18
1,59593 50 11,78097 3,75 62,83185 20
1,66243 48 12,56637 4 63,83716 1 1/4
1,72788 0,55 12,70000 1/2 69,11504 22
1,73471 46 13,29941 6 75,39822 24
1,81356 44 14,13717 4,5 78,53982 25
1,88496 0,60 14,28750 9/16 79,79645 1
1,89992 42 14,50845 5 1/2 81,68141 26
1,99491 40 15,70796 5 87,96459 28
2,04204 0,65 15,87500 5/8 91,19595 7/8

2,09991 38 15,95930 5 94,24778 30

2,19911 0,70 17,27876 5,5 100,53096 32
2,21657 36 17,46250 11/16 106,39527 3/4

2,34695 34 17,73255 4 1/2 109,95574 35

2,35619 0,75 18,84956 6 113,09734 36
2,49364 32 19,05000 3/4 125,66371 40
2,51327 0,80 19,94911 4 127,67432 5/8

2,65988 30 20,42035 6,5 141,37167 45

2,67035 0,85 20,63750 13/16 157,07963 50
2,82743 0,90 21,99115 7 159,59290 1/2

Tolerances for single-start hobs
for spur gears with involute teeth to DIN 3968 in m.
For module range
Measurement Quality above above above above above above above above above
no.* Symbol
grade 0,631 11,6 1,62,5 2,54 46,3 6,310 1016 1625 2540
No. 7 AA H5
A H5
axial plane 1 of the bore B H 6**
cutting depth C H6
D H7
AA 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 8
Radial runout at A 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
spec. line 4 the indicator hubs frp
B 6 6 6 8 10 12 16 20 25
C 10 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40
No. 8 AA 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6
A 3 3 3 5 5 8 8 10 10
Axial runout at
4 5 the clamping face fps B 4 4 4 6 6 10 10 12 12
2 C 6 6 6 10 10 16 16 20 20
1 D 10 10 10 16 16 25 25 32 32
AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
Radial runout at
6 the tooth tips frk B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
C 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315
No. 10
D 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
3 AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
4 2 Form- and A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
1 7 position deviation FfN B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
12 of the cutting face C 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315
D 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
10 A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
Individual pitch +
No. 11 8 of the gashes ftN B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

C 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315
D 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
100 mm
AA 20 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100
A 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
Cumulative pitch
10 of the gashes FtN B 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315
C 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
D 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250
AA 50
No. 12 Gash lead over A 70
11 100 mm hob fHN B 100
F fS C 140
D 200
AA 6 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 22
A 10 11 12 14 16 20 25 32 40
Form deviation of
12 the cutting edge FfS B 20 22 25 28 32 40 50 63 80
C 40 45 50 56 63 80 100 125 160
AA 16 16 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
No. 14 A 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
Tooth thickness B 50 56 63 71 80 100 125 160 200
HN H HN H 13 on the reference fs
C 100 112 125 140 160 200 250 320 400
i (HN H) i (HN H) D 100 112 125 140 160 200 250 320 400
AA 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
Hob lead from A 6 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 25
cutting edge to +
14 cutting edge in the fHF B 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
direction of spiral C 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
No. 15 D 50 56 63 71 80 100 125 160 200
Hob lead in the
AA 6 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 22
n HN H direction of spiral A 10 11 12 14 16 20 25 32 40
i (HN H) 15 between any FHF B 20 22 25 28 32 40 50 63 80
cutting edges of C 40 45 50 56 63 80 100 125 160
a turn
D 80 90 100 112 125 160 200 250 320
AA 4 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16
Base pitch section + A 6 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 25
16 from cutting edge fe
B 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
to cutting edge
No. 16, 17 C 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
a AA 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
t are
men Base pitch within A 12 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50
age te
eng 17 an engagement Fe
i area B 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
C 50 56 63 71 80 100 125 160 200

* Item no. of the measurement points to DIN 3968

** In accordance with the works standard, FETTE Hobs of quality grade B are made with bore tolerance H 5.

Tolerances for multiple start hobs
For module range
Item Measurement Quality above above above above above above above above above
no. grade 0,631 11,6 1,62,5 2,54 46,3 6,310 1016 1625 2540


1 Diameter of the bore A H5

B H6
Tolerances in m

AA 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 8

4 Radial runout at the

frp A 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
indicator hubs
B 6 6 6 8 10 12 16 20 25

AA 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6

5 Axial runout at the

fps A 3 3 3 5 5 8 8 10 10
clamping faces
B 4 4 4 6 6 10 10 12 12

AA 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
A 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100
B 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200
Radial runout at the
6 frk
tooth tips
AA 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
A 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125
B 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250

AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
Form- and position
7 deviation of the cutting FfN A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50

8 Individual pitch of the +

ftN A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

AA 20 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

10 Cumulative pitch of the

FtN A 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
B 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315

AA 50

11 Gash lead over 100 mm +

fHN A 70
hob length
B 100

AA 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 22 28
A 11 12 14 16 20 25 32 40 50
B 22 25 28 32 40 50 63 80 100

AA 6 8 10 12 14 18 22 28 36

12 Form deviation of the 34

FfS A 12 14 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
cutting edge start
B 25 28 32 40 50 63 80 100 125

AA 8 10 12 14 18 22 28 36 45
A 14 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
B 28 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

For module range
Item Measurement Quality above above above above above above above above above
no. grade 0,631 11,6 1,62,5 2,54 46,3 6,310 1016 1625 2540
Tolerances in m

AA 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
Tooth thickness on the
13 fs A 25 28 32 36 40 50 63 80 100
reference cylinder
B 50 56 63 71 80 100 125 160 200

AA 4 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
A 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 25 32
B 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50 63

Hob lead AA 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25
from cutting edge to + 34
14 cutting edge in the fHF A 8 9 10 12 16 20 25 32 40
direction of spiral
B 16 18 20 25 32 40 50 63 80

AA 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32
A 9 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
B 18 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

AA 6 6 8 10 12 14 18 22 28
A 11 12 14 16 20 25 32 40 50
B 22 25 28 32 40 50 63 80 100

Hob lead AA 6 8 10 12 14 18 22 28 36
in the direction of spiral
between 34
15 FHF A 12 14 16 20 25 32 40 50 63
any cutting edges in one start
axial pitch B 25 28 32 40 50 63 80 100 125

AA 8 10 12 14 18 22 28 36 45
A 14 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
B 28 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

AA 5 5 6 7 8 11 13 16 20
A 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 25 32
Pitch deviation
between adjacent B 14 16 18 20 25 32 40 50 63
18 +
threads of a tooth fpx
segment AA 6 7 8 11 13 16 20 25 32
A 9 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
B 18 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100

AA 8 8 8 11 14 17 20 25 31
A 14 15 17 20 22 28 35 45 56
Pitch deviation
between any two B 28 31 35 39 45 56 70 88 112
19 spirals of a tooth Fpx
land within AA 10 10 10 13 16 19 22 29 35
the hob lead
A 16 18 19 22 26 32 40 51 64
B 32 35 40 45 51 64 80 101 128

Hob inspection records
The tolerances of single-start hobs are defined in works standards or AA, which is then referred to as
for spur gears with involute teeth by agreement between manufac- quality grade AAA.
are laid down in DIN 3968 and the turer and customer. The deviations of the measured
tolerances for the hobs used in The hobs are classified into grades values can be written or marked
precision engineering in DIN A, B, C, D and the special grade down by hand, they can be me-
58413. AA. For extreme requirements it is chanically recorded or stored in a
The tolerances for multi-start hobs usual to agree further restrictions computer.
and for hobs with special profiles of the tolerances of quality grade In the case of quality grades AA or

Ident No.: 2352101 Tip circle diameter: 58.979 Lead angle: 02 43'33"
Hob No.: E1305 Cutting edge width: 150 Lead: 7.8314
Module: 2.49 Bore diameter: Basic profile:
Pressure angle: 20 00'00" Handing/nbr. of starts: R1 Profile modification:
Tooth addendum: 3.82 Number of gashes: 14 Cutting depth:
Axial tooth thickness: 3.9154 Cutting face offset: 0 Material:
Tooth height: 6.6 Gash lead: 1.E + 100 Hardness: HRc
(4) Right-hand radial runout: (5) Right-hand axial runout: (5) Left-hand axial runout: (4) Left-hand radial runout:

Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value
frp 5 AA 2 AAA fps 3 AA 2 AAA fps 3 AA 2 AAA frp 5 AA 2 AAA
(6) Radial runout at the tooth tip (7) Form and location of the (8,10) Pitch of the gashes (11) Gash lead
cutting face

.5 6.6 0 100
L R 1 14
mm mm
N 1 3 5 N

Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value
frk 12 AA 7 AAA Ffn 12 AA 5 AAA FtN 25 AA 11 AAA fHN 50 AA 5 AAA
ftN 12 AA 8 AAA
(14, 15) Right-hand lead (14, 15) Left-hand lead (16, 17) Right-hand base pitch (16, 17) Left-hand base pitch


Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value Intended value Actual value
FHF 6 AA 3 AAA FHF 6 AA 2 AAA Fe 8 AA 4 AAA Fe 8 AA 3 AAA
fHF 4 AA 1 AAA fHF 4 AA 1 AAA fe 4 AA 2 AAA fe 4 AA 2 AAA
Right-hand axial pitch Left-hand axial pitch Tolerances to:
DIN 3968 AAA


Date: 15 Jan 1998 R

Checked: Mumsen
Intended value Intended value 20 my
Drwg. no.: 61574
Fpx 2 Fpx 4
fpx 1 fpx 2
Measur. file: E1305 05M F

AAA it is usual to record the devia- when the base pitch or the form interpreted.
tions of the measured values in an deviation of the cutting edge and The test report is shown here in a
inspection report. The inspection the deviation of the hob lead are reduced size; the original size is
report is used for monitoring the represented in the form of dia- DIN A3.
hob throughout its entire service grams.
life. These diagrams can then be di-
The inspection report becomes rectly compared with the profile
particularly clear and informative traces of the machined gears and

(12) Form deviation of the cutting edge

Tip 0


Root 6.6

(LF) Intended value Actual value (13) Tooth thickness fs Intended value Actual value (RF) Intended value Actual value
FfS 6 AA 3 AAA 16 AA 3 AAA FfS 6 AA 2 AAA


Date: 15 Jan 1998 R

Checked: Mumsen
Drwg. no.: 61574
20 my
Measur. file: E1305 05M F

The effect of cutter deviations and cutter clamping
errors on the gear (for single-start hobs with 20 pressure angle and relief rake angle of approx. 10)
The quality of a hobbed gear is the portant part in this. ly in the form of profile deviations.
product of the interaction of vari- In hobbing, a distinction is made It is here important to know in
ous components and production between the deviations on the en- which order of magnitude the devi-
conditions. veloping helix of the cutter and the ations on the hob and clamping er-
The deviations from the intended deviations on the cutting faces of rors of the cutter affect gear qual-
geometry of the hob and the the cutter. ity.
clamping errors of the cutter on The deviations of single-start hobs
the hobbing machine play an im- affect the quality of the gear main-

Nature of the Designation and symbols of the Item no. & symbol of the Representation of the deviation
deviation deviation acc. to VDI 2606 deviation acc. to DIN 3968 (-
Sept. 1960)

Deviations on the Total base pitch deviation Fpe within an No. 17 Path of contact
enveloping helix engagement area Fe
of the hob

Tip Root

Cutter lead height deviation in the No. 15 Profile formation zone

direction of start FHF between any FHF
cutting edges in one convolution

Radial runout fra on the tooth tip No. 6

1 cutter turn

Tooth thickness deviation fs on the No. 13 fs

basic reference cylinder fs

Form deviation FfS of the cutting edge No. 12 Active profile height

Tip Root

Deviations Form- and position-deviation FfN No. 7 active profile height

on the cutting of the cutting faces FfN
faces of the hob
Tip Root

Cumulative pitch deviation FpN No. 10 1Hob revolution

of the gashes (cutting faces) FtN

Gash lead deviation fHN over 100 mm No. 11

Profile zone generating
cutter length fHN


Clamping errors Radial runout frP on the two indicator No. 4 1 Hob revolution
of the hob on the hubs frP
hobbing machine

Axial runout frx on the clamping faces No. 5 1 Hob revolution


These relationships are shown in The correct inspection procedure
the table. It must be remembered for hobs, the necessary equipment
that the working accuracy of the and the evaluation of the measure-
hob can be considerably affected ment results are described in detail
by faulty regrinding. A check of the in VDI/VDE Recommendation
deviations on the cutting faces of 2606.
the hob should therefore be made
obligatory after each regrind.


Effect of the deviation Order of magnitude of the effect Typical course of the deviation

Profile deviation 100 %

Root Kopf

Profile deviation 100 %

(only the deviation of the profile formation
zone in question is effective)
Root Kopf

Form deviation in the bottom of the tooth 20 %

(only the deviation of the tip cutting edges
forming the root cylinder is effective)

(Tooth thickness deviation) ( 100 %) The tooth thickness deviation of the cutter is
generally compensated by a correction of the
centre distance of the hobbing machine and is
Diameter deviations > 100 % therefore not effective as a tooth thickness
deviation on the gear. From this correction,
changes result on the following diameters of
the gear:
root circle and effective root circle, tip circle in
the case of topping cutters, effective tip circle in
the case of cutters with semi-topping.

Profile deviation 100 %

Fu Tip

Profile deviation 10 %

Root Kopf

Profile deviation 10 %

Root Kopf

Profile deviation 10 % rechte Flanke

Right-handed flank

(only the deviation of the profile

forming zone is effective)
Left-handed flank
linke Flanke
Fu Tip

Profile deviation 30 %

Root Kopf

Profile deviation 100 %

Root Kopf

Effect of the quality grades of the hob on gear quality
For spur gears, the tolerances of The base pitch on the hob provides cutting forces.
their specification factors are given some guidance about the total pro- The table of "Attainable gear qual-
in DIN 3962 to DIN 3967. The tooth file deviation on the gear. It there- ities" is based upon the assump-
quality is subdivided into twelve fore makes sense to compare the tion that 2/3 of the total profile de-
quality stages, which are identified base pitch deviation Fe within an viation on the tooth is caused by
by the numbers 1 to12. Gear qual- engagement area of the hob with the hob, and the remainder by the
influencing factors stated above.
ity 1 is the most accurate. the total profile deviation Ff of the
The permissible deviations for sin-
gle start hobs are laid down in DIN It must be considered however
3968. Depending on the accuracy, that the total profile deviation may
a distinction is made between five be caused not only by deviations
quality grades, namely the quality on the hob itself, but also by the
grades A, B, C, D and the special hobbing machine, errors in hob
grade AA. and workpiece clamping, and the

Attainable gear qualities to DIN 3962 part 1 8.78 (F1)

Quality grade
to DIN 3968 Module ranges
for single-start from from from from from from from from from from from
hobs 1 1,6 2 2,5 3,55 4 6 6,3 10 16 25
to to to to to to to to to to to
1,6 2 2,5 3,55 4 6 6,3 10 16 25 40

AA 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 8 8 7 7
A 9 10 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9
B 11 11 11 11 10 11 10 11 11 10 10
C 12 * 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

* Inferior to gear quality 12

Notes concerning The contact ratio deviation Fe To maintain hob quality, it is nec-
DIN 3968 tolerances, within an engagement area, as a essary to check the permissible
page 127 collective deviation, is the most deviations after each sharpening
informative value when assessing operation for form and position,
The permissible deviations for sin- hob quality. It also allows, within pitch and direction of the cutting
gle-start hobs are laid down in DIN limits, to forecast the flank form of faces (item nos. 7 to 11).
3968. the gear.

There are 16 individual deviations,

which are partly interdependent,
and one cumulative deviation.

Tool holding of hobs in the hobbing machine
Tool holding has two essential One of the variants described Hobs with short cylindrical shanks
functions: firstly to transmit the above, adapted to the function at both ends are increasingly being
torque, and secondly to locate the and the task in question, is gener- used, particularly for large produc-
tool in the machine. The same ap- ally recommended by the machine tion runs. The advantages are fast
plies of course to the interface manufacturer upon purchase of a tool changing and very low runout
between the hobbing machine and hobbing machine. Note that there of the hob in the machine. Pre-
the hob/cutter arbor. The geomet- are differences in cutter head de- alignment on the cutter arbor is
rical arrangement of this connec- sign and therefore in tool holding not required. There is no interface
tion is largely determined by the arrangement from one hobbing element (cutter arbor). When hob-
hobbing machine manufacturer. machine manufacturer to the next. bing machines are purchased, at-
The use of adapters for holding tention must be given to the com-
The following two chief arrange- equivalent tools should be regard- patibility of hobs on hobbing
ments are employed at the inter- ed only as a last resort, as in the machines from different manufac-
face between the hob and the majority of cases it results in a loss turers.
hobbing machine/cutter arbor: the in quality on the machined work-
bore-type and the shank-type piece. For this reason, the com- The other hob types described
hob. patibility of the interface must be above represent further possible
clarified prior to purchase of a solutions which should however
hobbing machine. A large number be regarded as special cases for
The bore-type hob has the follow- of hobs is required if hobbing ma- the fulfilment of specific customer
ing sub-categories: chines are employed with different requirements.
tool holding arrangements.
Bore with keyway for positive Where necessary, worm gear hobs
torque transmission The most widely used hob type is are manufactured with an interface
the bore-type hob with keyway. geometry adapted to the hobbing
Bore with drive slot on one or The reasons for this are partly his- machine (refer to the worm gear
both ends for positive torque torical. Shank-type hobs are em- hob chapter).
transmission ployed only where necessitated by
geometric constraints or higher
Bore with frictional torque quality requirements. Bore-type
transmission on the hob face hobs are a good choice for small
production runs and where re-
quirements on the workpiece ac-
curacy are not particularly strin-
The shank-type hob has the fol- gent. Hobs are generally manu-
lowing sub-categories: factured from high-speed steel,
with a keyway to DIN 138. Geo-
Short cylindrical shanks at metric requirements permit de-
each end with positive torque signs with a drive slot on one or
transmission both ends to DIN 138 (and also in
shortened versions). Carbide hobs
Tapered shank at each end are always manufactured with
with positive torque transmis- drive slots on one or both ends,
sion. and almost always in the short-
ened design (1/2 drive slot depth
Different types, cylindrical and according to DIN 138). Bore-type
tapered, on the drive and sup- hobs may also be manufactured
port ends. without keyway or drive slot.

Hollow shank taper type

Steep-angle taper on the drive

end and cylindrical or taper
type on the support end.

Hob clamping Hob clamping
Keyway Drive slot at one end

 Runout indicator surface  Runout indicator surface

 Mounting surface  Mounting surface
 Clamping force  Clamping force

Hob clamping Hob clamping

Drive slots at both ends Frictional torque transmission

 Runout indicator surface  Runout indicator surface

 Mounting surface  Mounting surface
 Clamping force  Clamping force

Hob clamping Hob clamping

Cylindrical shank Tapered shank

Taper 7:24

 Runout indicator surface  Runout indicator surface

 Mounting surface  Mounting surface
 Clamping force  Clamping force

Hob clamping
HSK hollow taper shank

Taper 1:10

 Runout indicator surface

 Mounting surface
 Clamping force

Basic tool profile and gear profile in hobbing

0070 A
Hob Effective involute





Profile reference line





Rack pitch line

C0 of engagement



d Ff




Pre-formed helical spur gear face profile with chamfer and root clearance cut,
with corresponding basic profile of the pre-forming tool.

Basic profiles for spur gears with involute teeth
The flank profiles of spur gears The definition of the basic profile is The profile reference line intersects
with involute teeth are in the face as follows: the basic profile so that the tooth
section (plane of section perpen- thickness and the tooth space
dicular to the gear axis) circular in- The basic profile of a spur gear width correspond to half the pitch.
volutes. is the normal section through
the teeth of the basic tooth The addendum is generally 1 m.
The form of the involute depends rack, which is created from the
among others on the number of external gear teeth by increas- Since the tooth tips of a compan-
teeth on the gears. With an in- ing the number of teeth up to ion gear must not touch the bot-
creasing number of teeth the cur- infinity and thus arriving at an tom of the space between the
vature of the involute becomes infinite diameter. teeth of the gear, the dedendum
progressively weaker. At an infinite The flanks of the basic profile of hfP, of the basic profile is larger
number of teeth the spur gear be- an involute tooth system are than its addendum by the amount
comes a tooth rack with straight straight lines. Values of the ref- of the tip clearance cP.
flanks. The tooth rack can there- erence profile are identified by
fore take the place of a spur gear the additional index P. The profile angle P, on the basic
and ensures an even and trouble- profile is equal to the normal pres-
free transmission of motion when The basis for the measurements sure angle of the corresponding
meshing with a companion gear. on the basic profile is the module gear.
m. The module is a length meas-
Since the form of a rack is easier urement in mm. It is obtained as Details of standardized basic pro-
to describe than that of a spur the quotient from the pitch p and file for spur gears are found in:
gear, it suggested itself to apply the number . It is usual to define
the tooth values of spur gears to the measurements of the basic DIN 867
the 'reference (basic) tooth rack' profile in proportion to the module. DIN 58400
and to refer to the latter as the ba- ISO 53
sic profile.

Basic profile of a spur gear

p = m = Pitch
eP = Tooth space width on
the profile reference line
sP = Tooth thickness on
the profile reference line
p p
sP = eP =
hP = Profile height 2 2
mating profile CP
haP = Addendum
hfP = Dedendum tip line
P = Profile angle
fP = Root fillet radius haP
hwP = Common tooth heigt of hwP
basic profile and mating hP
cP = Tip clearance between basic
profile and mating profile

root line aP fillet radius

The basic profiles of spur gears are profile reference line tooth root space
denoted by the index p.
tooth centre line

Basic profile for spur gears

Standardized basic profiles for spur gears with involute flanks
Basic profiles
DIN 867 Basic profile for spur gears p=pm
for involute teeth (cylindrical gears with involute teeth)
haP = m
p p
sP = eP =
Symbols: hfP = m+c
2 2
cP = 0,1 m bis 0,3 m cP
p = Pitch
= 0,4 m in special cases
eP = Tooth space width on hwP = 2m
the profile reference line fPmax. = 0,25 m at cP = 0,17 m haP
= 0,38 m at cP = 0,25 m hwP
sP = Tooth thickness on hP
= 0,45 m at cP = 0,3 m
the profile reference line hfP
hP = Profile height
haP = Addendum cP
hfP = Dedendum aP = 20
Fig. 1.00
P = Profile angle
fP = Root fillet radius
ISO 53 Basic profile for spur gears with
hwP = Common tooth heigt of involute flanks p
basic profile and mating p = m p p
profile p 2 2 CaP
sP =
c = Tip clearance between basic 2
profile and mating profile haP = m
hfP = 1,25 m
m = Module hP = 2,25 m hCaP
Ca = Addendum tip relief P = 20
fP = 0,38 m hP
hCa = Height of the addendum tip relief
CaP = 0,02 m hfP
hCaP = 0,6 m

Fig. 1.01

Basic hob profiles
Defination of the basic pitch circle and reference line with any number of teeth, helix an-
hob profiles (rolling point) in the contact gles and profile displacements, if
point of gear flank and tooth the basic hob profile does not con-
The definition of the basic hob rack flank, or tain any profile modifications such
profile is generally derived from b) through relative paths of parts as chamfer, tooth profile correc-
the basic profile of the spur gear of the tooth rack profile on the tions, protuberance etc.
teeth. This procedure applies to workpiece.
spur gear teeth only within limits Standardized basic hob profiles
and cannot be used for special The computing and design effort are shown in:
tooth systems, since no basic pro- for determining the basic profile DIN 3972
files exist for these. depends on the nature of the DIN 58412
workpiece teeth. The simplest is
The basic hob profile can generally the determination of the basic hob
be defined as follows: profile for spur gears with involute Basic hob profile
flanks. and hob profile
The basic hob profile is the normal
sectional profile of an imaginary The basic hob profile must not be
tooth rack, which meshes with the Basic hob profile for spur confused with the hob profile.
workpiece teeth under the follo- gears with involute flanks Although the basic profile forms
wing conditions: the basis for the calculation of the
The hob or tool profile is the mat- hob profile, the diameter and the
1. The basic profile line of the rack ing profile of the spur gear teeth. number of starts of the hob also
rolls on a defined pitch circle di- The profile reference lines of the affect the hob profile. The details
ameter of the workpiece. basic hob- and spur gear profile concern the hob manufacturer. He
coincide, i. e. the tooth thickness has to ensure that hobs with the
2. The pitch of the rack is equal to Spo equals half the pitch. The ad- same basic profile produce identi-
the pitch on the pitch circle di- dendum haP0 corresponds to the cal teeth within the scope of the
ameter. dedendum hfP, on the basic spur permissible hob tolerances.
gear profile and the addendum ra-
3. Meshing with the workpiece dius aP0 is equal to the dedendum
takes place: radius fP on the basic spur gear
a) according to the basic law of profile.
the tooth system, the com-
mon perpendicular passing The same hob can be used for
through the contact point of producing spur- and helical gears

Basic hob profile

p = m = Pitch aP0
sP0 = Tooth thickness
hP0 = Profile height
haP0 = Addendum
hfP0 = Dedendum aP0
dP0 = Flank angle haP0
(pressure angle) hNaP0
aP0 = tip radius
fP0 = root fillet radius
hNaP0 = effective addendum p
height sP0 =
hNfP0 2
hNfP0 = effective dedendum hfP0

Values of the basic tool

profile are identified by
the addition of PO

Tool Werkzeug-Profilbezugslinie
profile reference line

Basic cutter profile

Basic hob profiles
DIN 3972 basic profile I
to DIN 3972 20 pressure angle
Symbols: haP0 = 1,167 m sP0
hP = 2,167 m
haP0 = addendum of the basic profile hP0 = 2,367 m
hP = profile height of aP0 0,2 m
the gear = cutting depth fP0 0,2 m
hP0 = profile height of the basic profile sP0 = m
sP0 = tooth thickness hP hP0
for finishing
aP0 = tip radius
fP0 = root fillet radius


Fig. 2.00

DIN 3972 basic profile II

20 pressure angle
haP0 = 1,250 m sP0
hP = 2,250 m aP0
hP0 = 2,450 m
aP0 0,2 m
fP0 0,2 m
sP0 = m
for finishing hP hP0


Fig. 2.01

DIN 3972 basic profile III

20 pressure angle 3
haP0 = 1,25 m + 0,25 m sP0
hP = 2,250 m
hP0 = 2,450 m
aP0 0,2 m
fP0 0,2 m
sP0 = m
= 0,25 m sin 20
hP hP0

for machining prior q

to grinding or shaving


Fig. 2.02

DIN 3972 basic profile IV

20 pressure angle
haP0 = 1,25 m + 0,60 m
hP = 2,250 m
hP0 = 2,450 m
aP0 0,2 m
fP0 0,2 m

sP0 = m haP0
2 3
hP hP0
q = 0,6 m sin 20

for machining prior q

to finishing


Fig. 2.03

Basic hob profiles sP0
DIN 58412 basic profile U I
to DIN 58412 topping 20 pressure angle aP0 15
hfP0 = 1,1 m
Symbols: hPw = 2,2 m
hfP0 = dedendum of the basic profile hPw = 2,2 m
hP = hP0 = 2,6 m from module 0,1 0,6
hPw = distance beween the tooth root hP = hP0 = 2,45 m over module 0,6 1
aP0 0,2 m hPw hP0
and the end of the straight flank
of the basic profile fP0 0,2 m max. size hfP0
for finishing
hP0 = profile height of the basic profile fP0 20
hP = profile height of Fig. 3.00
the gear = cutting depth

sP0 = m = tooth thickness DIN 58412 basic profile N 1 sP0

2 non-topping 20 pressure angle aP0
hfP0 = 1,3 m 15
aP0 = tip radius hPw = 2,4 m
hP = 2,6 m from module 0,1 0,6
fP0 = root fillet radius hP = 2,45 m over module 0,6 1
hP0 = 2,8 m from module 0,1 0,6
hP hPw hP0
hP0 = 2,65 m over module 0,6 1
aP0 0,2 m hfP0
fP0 0,2 m max. size
for finishing fP0 20
Fig. 3.01

For gears with basic
N1 cutter profile
DIN 58412 basic profile U 2 sP0
V1 to DIN 58400
topping 20 pressure angle aP0 15
hfP0 = 1m
hPw = 2m
hP = hP0 = 2,25 m
aP0 = 0,2 m
fP0 = 0,2 m max. size
hPw hP0
U2 for finishing

For gears with basic hfP0
N2 cutter profile
to DIN 867 fP0 20
Fig. 3.02

DIN 58412 basic profile N 2 sP0

non-topping 20 pressure angle aP0 15
hfP0 = 1,2 m
hPw = 2,2 m
hP = 2,25 m
hP0 = 2,45 m
aP0 = 0,2 m hP
fP0 = 0,2 m max. size hPw hP0
for finishing hfP0

fP0 20
Fig. 3.03

DIN 58412 basic profile V 1 sP0

non-topping 20 pressure angle aP0
hfP0 = 1,3 m
hP = 2,6 m from module 0,3 0,6
hP = 2,45 m over module 0,6 1
hP0 = 2,8 m from module 0,3 0,6
hP0 = 2,65 m over module 0,6 1 hP hP0
sP0 = m q
2 cos hfP0
aP0 = 0,1 m
fP0 = 0,2 m max. size
q = 0,05 m + 0,03 fP0
for pre-machining 20
Fig. 3.04

DIN 58412 basic profile V 2 aP0 sP0

non-topping 20 pressure angle
hfP0 = 1,2 m
hP = 2,25 m
hP0 = 2,45 m
sP0 = m hP hP0
2 cos
aP0 = 0,1 m hfP0
fP0 = 0,2 m max. size
q = 0,05 m + 0,03
for pre-machining fP0
Fig. 3.05

Basic hob profiles for
For teeth to BS 2062, Part 1, 1959,
diametral pitch teeth for DP 1 DP 20
20 pressure angle
Symbols: 1,25
haP0 = 25,4
hfP0 = addendum of the basic profile DP
hP = profile height of hP = 25,4 aP0 sP0
the gear = cutting depth hP0 =
hP0 = profile height of the basic profile 1,5708 RCP0
sP0 = 25,4 haP0
sP0 = tooth thickness DP
hCP0 = 25,4 hP
hCP0 = height of the correction DP hP0
CP0 = width of the correction CP0 = 25,4
RCP0 = radius of the correction 12,9
RCP0 = 25,4
aP0 = tip radius aP0 = 0,39
25,4 hCP0 fP0
fP0 = root fillet radius 0,2
fP0 = 25,4 20

Fig. 4.00

For teeth to AGMA 201.02 - 1968

for DP 1 DP 19.99
1430' pressure angle aP0 sP0
haP0 = 25,4
hP = 25,4
DP haP0
hP0 = 25,4
1,5708 hP0
sP0 = 25,4
aP0 = 0,209 25,4
fP0 = 25,4
DP fP0
14 30'
Fig. 4.01

For teeth to AGMA 201.02 - 1968

for DP 1 DP 19.99
20 pressure angle aP0 sP0
haP0 = 25,4
hP = 25,4
DP haP0
hP0 = 25,4
hP hP0
sP0 = 25,4
aP0 = 0,3 25,4
fP0 = 25,4
DP fP0
Fig. 4.02

For teeth to AGMA 201.02 - 1968

for DP 1 DP 19.99
20 pressure angle aP0 sP0
haP0 = 25,4
1,8 haP0
hP = 25,4
2 hP
hP0 = 25,4 hP0
sP0 = 25,4
aP0 = fP0 = 25,4

Fig. 4.03

Profiles of current tooth systems
and corresponding basic hob profiles
Involute teeth for spur- and helical gears,
basic cutter profile e. g. DIN 3972 I-IV.
When ordering please quote:
Module, pressure angle, basic profile of p
the teeth (fig.1.00) or basic hob profile fP0
(fig. 2.02).

h hP0
hf haP0

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

h = profile height = cutting depth hP0 = profile height
ha = addendum haP0 = addendum
hf = dedendum = pressure angle
= m = module

Fig. 5.00

Involute teeth for spur- and helical gears

with addendum tip relief. This profile
shape is used to avoid interference when
the gears roll into mesh.
When ordering please quote: p
Module, pressure angle, number of teeth, CaP fP0
helix angle, profile displacement and tip
circle dia. of the gear, basic profile of the hCaP
teeth, height and width of the tip relief or RCP0
basic hob profile. ha hCP0
h hP0
Gears of high-speed transmissions are hf haP0
corrected in the tooth tips to reduce aP0
noise. In this correction the elastic tooth
deflection has been taken into account.
The cutter correction is then matched to
the number of teeth to be cut on the gear.
Workpiece Basic cutter profile
hCaP = height of the tip relief hCP0 = height of the correction over
CaP = tip relief the reference line
RCP0 = radius of the correction

Fig. 5.01

Involute teeth for spur- and helical gears

with tip chamfer.
When ordering please quote:
Module, pressure angle, number of teeth, aK pP0
helix angle, profile displacement and tip aKP0 s
circle diameter of the gear, basic profile of hK
the teeth, radial amount and angle of the
chamfer or basic hob profile. hFfP0
h hP0
The tip chamfer can be regarded as a h
protective chamfer, which protects the hf haP0
tooth tip edge against damage and bur- aP0
ring. For long production runs it is advis-
able to chamfer the gear tip edge simul-
taneously with the hob. The number of
teeth range which can be cut with one
hob is in that case limited, since the size
Workpiece Basic cutter profile
of the chamfer would be reduced with
hK = radial amount of the tip chamfer hFfP0 = effective dedendum
fewer teeth/gear and greater with more
K = angle of the chamfer of the basic cutter profile
KP0 = profile angle of the
chamfer flank

Fig. 5.02

Involute tooth system, for spur- and heli-
cal gears with root (protuberance) clear-
ance. This profile formation is chosen for
gears which are pre-machined for shav-
ing, grinding or skiving.
When ordering please quote: sP0 fP0
Module, pressure angle, basic profile of
the tooth system, machining allowance
and root clerance or basic hob profile.
q h hP0
Gears which are cut with shaving- or h
grinding allowance are best made with a hf haP0
protuberance cutter. The tooth root clear- aP0
ance obtained with this increases the ser-
vice life of the shaving tool and improves PrP0
the quality of the shaved or ground gear.

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

q = Machining allowance PrP0 = amount of protuberance

Fig. 5.03

Involute tooth system for spur- and heli-

cal gears with root (protuberance) clear-
ance and tip chamfer.

This profile is used for gears which are

pre-machined for shaving or grinding and p
aK sP0 fP0
which are to exhibit a tip chamfer in the aKP0
finished condition. hK

When ordering please quote:

Module, pressure angle, number of teeth, ha
helix angle, profile displacement and tip q h hFfP0 hP0
circle diameter of the gear, basic profile of hf haP0
the tooth system, radial amount and an-
gle of the chamfer or basic hob profile. aP0


Workpiece Basic cutter profile

Fig. 5.04

Involute teeth for spur- and helical gears

for the simultaneous topping of the out-
side diameter (topping cutter). This profile
type can also be used for all the previous
profiles under 5.00 to 5.04.
When ordering please quote: sP0
'Topping cutter' and the details according
to the pofiles 5.00 to 5.04.
Topping cutters are mainly used for rela- hP0
tively small gears, to achieve good con- hf haP0
centricity of the tooth system in relation aP0
to the bore. In particular, topping cutters
are used when the bore is only finish ma-
chined after the teeth have been cut.
When the parts are clamped over the
tooth tips, accurate concentricity of the
bore in relation to the teeth is guaranted.

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

hP0 = h

Fig. 5.05

Sprocket tooth system for roller- and 24
sleevetype chains to DIN 8187 and 8188,
tooth system of the sprockets to DIN
8196, basic hob profile to DIN 8197.
When ordering please quote:
Chain pitch, roller diameter, DIN standard haP0
of the chain. d
df aP0 sP0

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

p = chain pitch pP0 = 1,005 p = pitch of the
d1 = roller diameter basic profile
d = pitch circle diameter haP0 = 0,5 d1
df = dd1 = root circle diameter
da = tip circle diameter
Fig. 5.06

Sprocket tooth system for Gall's chains

(heavy) to DIN 8150. 40

When ordering please quote:
Chain pitch, roller diameter, DIN standard hP0
of the chain. haP0
df d
The basic cutter profile for heavy Gall's sP0
chains to DIN 8150 is not standardized p
and is made by us with a pressure angle
of 20. Workpiece Basic cutter profile
df = d d1 aP0 = 0,54 d1
haP0 = 0,5 d1
hP0 = d1 + 2 to d1 = 5
hP0 = d1 + 2,5 for d1 > 5
Fig. 5.07

Sprocket tooth system for barrel chains

to DIN 8164. 40

When ordering please quote:
Chain pitch, roller diameter, DIN standard hP0
of the chain.
The basic cutter profile for barrel chains aP0
df d sP0
to DIN 8164 is not standardized and is
made by us with a pressure angle of 20. p

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

df = d d1 aP0 = 0,54 d1
haP0 = 0,5 d1
Fig. 5.08 haP0 = d1 + 1,5

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter

profile without clearance lug, without
chamfer (flank centred).

When ordering please quote:

Inside diameter di, outside diameter da,
spline width b, number of splines, toler-
ances for da, di, b. Possibly also DIN da
standard of the splines shaft. Designa-
tion: Without clearance lug, without b di
chamfer. dFf

Flank centred spline shafts which find

sufficient clearance for the internal and
the external diameter in the splineway,
are produced with hobs without lug and
without chamfer. It must be noted that for Workpiece Basic cutter profile
technical reasons inherent in hobbing no di = inside diameter
sharp-edged transition can occur from da = outside diameter
the spline flank to the inside diameter of b = spline width
the spline shaft. The size of the rounding dFf = form circle diameter
curve depends on the spline shaft dimen- Above dFf the spline flanks
sions. It must be ensured that no overlap- are straight, below dFf the rounding
ping occurs between the rounding curve curve starts
and the splineway. It may be necessary to
fall back on a tool with clearance lug.
Fig. 5.09

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter
profile with clearance lug and chamfer. g x 45

When ordering please quote:

Inside diameter di, outside diameter da, da
spline width b, number of splines size of
the chamfer g, tolerances for da, di, b.
Possibly also DIN designation of the b di
spline shaft. Designation: with lug and
Workpiece Basic cutter profile
In order to achieve with internally centred di = inside diameter
spline shafts a correct bearing down on da = outside diameter
to the spline shaft base, the hob is gener- dg = base diameter
ally made with lug. The necessary clear- b = spline width
ance in the slot corners of the splineway g = width of the tip relief
is achieved by the chamfer.
Fig. 5.10

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter

profile with lug without chamfer (bottom

When ordering please quote: da

Inside diameter di, outside diameter da
spline width b, number of splines, toler- b di
ances for da, di, b. Possibly also DIN dg
standard of the spline shaft. Designation:
With lug without chamfer.
Workpiece Basic cutter profile
The details under fig. 5.10 apply to the di = inside diameter
lug. A chamfer is not necessary if suffi- da = outside diameter
cient clearance exists between the spline dg = base diameter
shaft outside diameter and the corre- b = spline width
sponding splineway outside diameter.

Fig. 5.11

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter

g x 45
profile without lug with chamfer (bottom

When ordering please quote:

Inside diameter di, outside diameter da, da
spline width b, number of splines, toler-
ances for da, di, b. Size of the tip chamfer b di
g. Possibly also DIN standard of the dFf
spline shaft. Designation: Without lug
with chamfer. Workpiece Basic cutter profile
di = inside diameter
If internally centred spline shafts are cut da = outside diameter
with hobs without lug, chamfering on the b = spline width
teeth of the splineway must ensure that g = width of the tip chamfer
interferance with the rounding curve of dFf = form diameter
the shaft are impossible.
Fig. 5.12

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter

profile with one lug with chamfer (Side or g x 45
major diameter fitting). This profile occurs
e. g. in the case of SAE spline shafts.

When ordering please quote:

Inside diameter di, outside diameter da,
spline width b, number of splines, toler- b
ances for da, di, b. Size of the tip relief g. da
Possibly also DIN- or SAE standard of the di dg
spline shaft. Designation: With one lug
and chamfer.

Flank-centred multi-splined shafts have a Workpiece Basic cutter profile

very deep spline profile and are generally di = inside diameter
produced with hobs which only have one da = outside diameter
raised tooth tip. The tooth tips of the ba- dg = base diameter
sic cutter profile are so narrow that there b = spline width
is only sufficient space for one lug (equiv- g = width of the tip chamfer
alent to raised tooth tip).

Fig. 5.13

Spline shaft tooth system; basic cutter
g x 45
profile with raised tooth for through-
cutting a shoulder.

When ordering please quote: dB

Collar dia. dB and also the details as da
under profiles 5.09 to 5.13. di
If in the case of spline shafts the spline- dg
way is to be pushed against a shoulder of
the spline shaft, the hob cuts into this
shoulder. Since, however, the outside di- Workpiece Basic cutter profile
ameter of the shoulder must not be ma- di = inside diameter
chined off, the teeth on the basic cutter da = outside diameter
profile must be made correspondingly dg = base diameter
higher. b = spline width
dB = shoulder diameter
g = width of the tip chamfer
Fig. 5.14

Serrations to DIN 5481; nominal diameter

7 x 8 up to 55 x 60. Basic cutter profile
with convex flanks for straight workpiece 60
flanks. Cutters with straight flanks can al-
so be used for the nominal diameter
range stated above, if this has been ar- hP0
ranged with the customer in advance. f da
When ordering please quote: sP0
DIN standard of the serration and toler- p
2 pP0
ances. Unless otherwise arranged, we d
supply the hobs with straight flanks for df
convex workpiece flanks, as under fig.
Serrations are used for making form-fit Workpiece Basic cutter profile
plug-on connections. df = root circle diameter
d = pitch circle diameter
da = tip circle diameter

Fig. 5.15

Serrations to DIN 5481; nominal diameter

7 x 8 to 55 x 60 and 60 x 65 to 120 x 125. 2aP0 fP0
Basic cutter profile with straight flanks for
convex workpiece flanks. For the nom.
diameter range 7 x 8 to 55 x 60 basic
cutter profiles as under 5.15 can also be
When ordering please quote: d da
DIN standard of the serrations and toler-
ances. di aP0 sP0

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

Fig. 5.16

External spline profiles with involute

60 fP0
flanks to DIN 5480 and special standards.
When ordering please quote:
Module, pressure angle, tip circle diame-
ter, root circle diameter, diametral two-roll hP0
measurement, DIN standard of the exter- haP0
nal spline.
df d d pP0
a aP0

Workpiece Basic cutter profile

haP0 = 0,60 m
hP0 = 1,25 m
aP0 = 0,16 m
fP0 = 0,10 m
Fig. 5.17

Cutting materials for hobs
Hobs in particular are subject to carbides have also been gaining in gear cutting tools. Cobalt (chemi-
clear technological limits with re- popularity recently. cal symbol: Co) increases the red
gard to the selection of an ideal hardness and the heat resistance,
cutting material. Owing to the high HSS is a generic term for a group thus permitting higher cutting
manufacturing precision required of high-alloy steels whose alloy speeds in tool use.
in gear manufacture, solid tools composition enables them to be
are preferred, for example. Not all subjected to extremely high pre-
materials are suitable for the man- cipitation heat treatment. Cobalt
ufacture of solid hobs, however. alloyed high speed steels are now
Certain high-speed steels (HSS) employed for the manufacture of
are therefore a popular choice; all but a very few high speed steel

Chemical breakdown in % weight

Material no. Abbreviation Trade designation
C Co W Mo V Cr
Conventionally melted steels
1.3202 S 12-1-4-5 (EV4Co) 1,37 4,8 12 0,8 3,8 4,3
1.3207 S 10-4-3-10 (EW9Co10) 1,27 10 9,5 3,5 3,2
1.3243 S 6-5-2-5 (EMo5Co5) 0,92 4,8 6,4 5 1,9
Powder metallurgical high-speed steels (PM/HSS)
1.3344 S 6-5-3 ASP 2023 1,28 6,4 5 3,1 4,1
S 6-5-3-9 ASP 2030 8,5 4,2
S 10-2-5-8 ASP 2052 1,60 8 10,5 2 5 4,8
1.3241 S 6-7-6-10 ASP 2060 2,30 10,5 6,5 7 6,5 4,2
S 10-2-5-8 S390 PM 1,60 8 10,8 2 5 4,75
S 12-0-5-5 CPM REX T15 1,55 5 12,25 4
S 10-5-3-9 CPM REX 76 1,50 9 10 5,25 3,1 3,75
Chemical analysis of common HSS grades

Together with carbon (C), the alloy-

ing elements tungsten (W), molyb-
Ultimate bending strength (N/mm2)

denum (Mo), vanadium (V) and

chromium (Cr) form carbides, 6000
which are very hard and resistant
to abrasion. High contents of PM/HSS
these elements therefore improve 4000
the resistance to wear, but also
Conventional HSS
tend to reduce the toughness to 3000
Stress perpendicular to
some degree. Powder metallurgi- the direction of rolling
cal high-speed steels represent a 2000
solution to this problem, as they Stress parallel to the
1000 direction of rolling
can be provided with higher
toughness reserves than conven- 0
tional HSS grades for a given 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
hardness. Rockwell Hardness HRC

Resistance to abrasion

Application temperatures

Carbide 750

Toughness Carbide HSS

"Carbide" is a generic term for Characteristic Unit HSS Carbide
powder metallurgical high-speed Hardness HV10 800900 12001900
steels, which consist essentially of Ultimate bending strength N/mm2 5000 10002500
the hard materials tungsten car- Density g/cm3 88,3 1115
bide (WC), titanium carbide (TiC) Modulus of elasticity 103 N/mm2 217 480660
and tantalum carbide (TaC), and Coefficient of thermal expansion m/(m C) 1013 57
the auxiliary metal cobalt (Co). A Thermal conductivity (up to 20C) W/(m C) 19 30100
comparison of the technological
characteristics of high-speed
steels and carbides can be found The most suitable carbide is there- cutting speed is increased drasti-
in the table on the right. fore selected according first to the cally in order to achieve substan-
material to be machined, and sec- tially higher metal removal capac-
A classification system for the ond to the anticipated stress upon ities. The application temperature
chemical composition similar to the tool, which is also reflected in limit of HSS is approximately 500
the HSS material numbers does the grades table. C, that of carbides approximately
not exist for carbides. Carbides 1000 C. This characteristic makes
are classified into "Main groups of A comparison shows that HSS is carbide predestined for machining
chip removal" and "Groups of ap- significantly tougher, whilst car- at increased cutting speeds and
plication" by the ISO 513 standard bide has the greater resistance to for dry machining, provided the
according to their applications. abrasion. For this reason, HSS is tools are used on suitable ma-
often easier to use in practice. It chines.
ceases to be practically viable as a
tool material, however, when the

Main groups of Constituents For machining Group of Operating

chip removal application conditions

P WC Long chipping steels and P10 Finishing

TiC, (Ta, Nb) C cast steel materials P20 General tasks
Co P30 Light roughing
P40 Medium roughing
P50 Heavy roughing

M WC Stainless austenitic M 10 Finishing

TiC, (Ta, Nb) C steels and elevated M 20 General tasks
Co temperature metals M 30 Roughing
M 40 Heavy roughing

K WC Short chipping K05 Finishing

Co cast iron and K10 General tasks
non-ferrous metals K20 Light roughing
K30 Medium roughing
K40 Heavy roughing

Classification of carbides according to ISO 513

Machining from the solid in Skive Re-coating

Grade ISO 513 Coating Steel Cast iron hobbing following regrinding

FC222N HC-P25 Tin (PVD)  Not required

FC232N HC-P30 TiN (PVD)   Required

FC612N HC-K15F TiN (PVD)   Required

FW606 HW-K10 

FETTE carbide grades for hobs

 Recommended application  Also suitable

Hard material coatings for gear cutting tools
The ion plating process, which
permitted the decisive break- 4000
through in the manufacture of tita-
nium nitride coatings (TiN) for car-

Vickers Hardness HV1

bides in the early nineteen-eighties, 3000
opened up considerable perfor-
mance reserves in machine tool 2000
applications. 15 years on, coated
tools now represent around 80%
of the market, and considerably 1000
more when considered in terms of
machined workpiece volume. 0
Ion plating is a physical vapour
disposition process. Following
meticulous cleaning and degreas-
ing, the tools are placed in an an-
nular arrangement on rotating the microstructure. Carbides can
2 Ti + N2 2 TiN
mounts in a vessel, the recipient, also be coated. The integrity of the
which is evacuated to a high vacu- cutting edge is of great importance
Gold titanium nitride is deposited
um. Titanium is vaporized from a for hobs. Here too, the low pro-
upon the tool surface. During the
crucible located in the centre of cess temperature of the ion plating
coating process, the high-energy
the vessel. Nitrogen in gaseous process ensures that the embrit-
ions in the plasma continually
form and the neutral gas argon are tlement of the cutting edge, which
bombard the layer as it forms. Like
injected into the recipient through presents such problems with car-
little steam hammers they com-
a number of valves. A carbon car- bides, is avoided. The coatings,
pact the TiN, which consequently
rier gas is required in addition for which are only a few m in thick-
becomes particularly firm and
the manufacture of titanium car- ness, enable very sharp cutting
bonitride (TiCN). Finally, an electri- edges to be attained on the hobs.
cal glow discharge is ignited at a
The temperature of the tools is
defined pressure of a few mil-
maintained at 450 C during the
lionths of a bar. The gas is ionized,
process. This low process temper-
and a plasma is created which
ature also enables high speed
supplies the energy required for
steels to be coated without risk of
the chemical reaction
distortion or thermal damage to

Tool holder

Reaction gas 1
Neutral Gas (nitrogen)

Reaction gas 2
Plasma (hydrocarbon)

Vakuum chamber

Evaporated titanium

Vakuum pump
(105 mbar)


Schematic diagram of a PVD process

The enormous increases in tool life
over that of uncoated tools can be 10

Toll life travel per cutter tooth (m)

attributed to the physical friction
and the chemical characteristics, 8
in addition to the high hardness.
The low chemical affinity of the TiN 6
to the hot steel chip leads to lower
friction and in turn to less frictional 4
heat, thereby reducing the wear.
The coating acts as a barrier which
protects the underlying substrate
against wear. 0
TiN TiN / reground Uncoated

The higher cutting and feed

speeds possible with coated tools Workpiece: Sun wheel Cutting data
Material: 17CrNiMo6 Cutting depth: 6,808 mm
are particularly advantageous for Tool: HSS hob Cutting speed: 65 m / min
the user. A chief factor is not only Dimensions: d 90 x 80 mm Axial feed: 3 mm / WU
the longer tool life, but also the re- Module: 3 mm Tip chip thickness: 0,224 mm
Number of starts: 1 Shift length: 54,3 mm
duction in production times. Coat-
Number of gashes: 12
ed hobs thus recoup their coating Quality grade: AA
costs within a very short space of

The tool life of an HSS hob used

for the manufacture of a sun wheel
was increased five-fold from 100 Coating
to 502 finished wheels by the ap- Higher hardness
+ Lower friction
plication of a TiN coating. Follow-
+ Reduced diffusion
ing regrinding, the tool was not re- = Lower wear
coated, and was therefore coated Workpiece
only on the flank, and not on the
cutting face. It nevertheless at-
tained an average tool life of 251
finished wheels in this condition. Chip
Over a total of 22 regrinding cy-
cles, a total of 2300 wheels were
manufactured with the uncoated
hob and 6024 with the coated hob, Wedge
i.e. 2.6 times the number. The rela-
tively low additional cost of the TiN
coating was therefore recouped
with ease.
TiCN has a multi-layer structure. is more conducive to re-coating
Re-coating following regrinding (of
Structures of this kind cannot sim- than TiCN.
the cutting face) of a worn HSS
ply be "stacked" one upon the
tool is also economically viable.
other without difficulty. Removal of
Use of the ion plating process for
the coating from HSS by immer-
TiN coating presents no problems.
sion in a bath is possible, but still
The tool can be re-coated several
more complex than with TiN. On
times; alternatively, the coating
carbide, the problems described
can also be removed chemically in
above are also encountered.
a bath.
The gold TiCN Plus is an interest-
The combination of TiN on carbide
ing coating type. Essentially, this is
is somewhat more complicated,
a TiCN multi-layer coating with
although repeated coating is still
high resistance to abrasion. A pure
possible. Removal of the coating
TiN surface coat is however de-
from carbide in the bath is howev-
posited at the end of the coating
er difficult, owing to the chemical
process. As a result, the friction
affinity of the carbides and the TiN
behaviour of the chip on the tool is
influenced chiefly by the TiN- sur-
face layer, the abrasion resistance
Re-coating of the grey-violet TiCN
by the underlying TiCN. TiCN Plus
presents greater problems, since

Development of wear The wear mechanisms of scaling Each cutting material therefore has
(oxidation) and diffusion increase a range of optimum cutting speeds
The cutting edge in use is subject particularly strongly with rising for each specific task. The material
to a range of external influences temperature. Their dramatic in- to be machined, the requisite man-
which combine to produce tool crease with rising temperature de- ufacturing tolerances, the speci-
wear. The process temperature is fines a critical application temper- fied machining conditions such as
particularly significant. The chief ature limit above which the tool life the system rigidity and the efficacy
sources of process heat and their is reduced drastically, and ulti- of cooling, and the thermal stabil-
approximate contribution to the mately beyond the limit of eco- ity of the cutting material have a
overall temperature are: nomic viability. major influence upon the cutting
Plastic deformation in the tool
immediately ahead of the
cutting edge: 60%

Friction phenomena between

the chip and the tool cutting
surface: 20%
Vickers Hardness HV10

Friction phenomena between

the workpiece and the tool
flank: 20%

Part of this heat (approximately

5-10%) flows into the tool and 500
leads to softening of the cutting
material. The higher the working
temperature, the softer the cutting 0
material becomes, and the lower 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
the resistance which it can present Temperature/C
to the abrasive wear. Approxi-
mately 75-80% of the heat is dissi-
pated through the chip.
Red hardness of HSS and carbide

Built-up edge






Causes of wear on the cutting edge


a Initial edge wear

b mechanical abrasion
c built-up edge
d oxidation
e diffusion


Cutting speed/temperature

Causes of wear against temperature (according to Vieregge)

Hobbing has the additional phe- gagement conditions mean that both to the hob as a whole, and to
nomenon of strong local variations the effective relief angle is also rel- the individual cutter tooth. Both
in stress upon the cutter teeth. atively small there, and the cut is the abrasive and the thermally
This is a consequence of the tooth characterized by a comparatively generated wear mechanisms are
profile to be manufactured on the high frictional component which distributed more evenly over the
workpiece arising only with suc- generates heat. At the same time, tool.
cessive cuts of a number of cutter relatively thin, low-volume chips
teeth engaging in turn. The metal with a low heat-sinking capacity During coarse shifting, in particu-
removal capacity is provided prin- are generated. Consequently, a lar, cutter regions temporarily unin-
cipally by the tooth tips, which correspondingly high quantity of volved in the machining process
generate relatively large-volume energy flows into the tool. have sufficient opportunity to cool
chips capable of sinking a corre- down.
sponding quantity of heat. By con- The resulting locally exaggerated
trast, much thinner chips are gen- wear is compensated for by shift- The cutting conditions applicable
erated in the region of the tooth ing. Shifting produces a more even to hobbing are principally the
flanks of the hob; the particular en- tool stress distribution, with regard cutting speeds and the feeds.

Cutting conditions in hobbing
The cutting conditions applicable A correct choice of cutting condi- Important for determining the
to hobbing are principally the tions is only possible if the interre- cutting conditions are not least the
cutting speeds and the feeds. lation of the workpiece, the hob varying demands made on the
and the hobbing machine is taken roughing and finishing operations.
The cutting speeds and feeds into account.
quoted in these cutting condi- For roughing, the highest possible
tions in hobbing must be regard- The cutting conditions in hobbing feeds are selected in order for a
ed as recommendations. The user are mainly affected by: high rate of metal removal to be at-
will in normal cases be able to cut tained. The surface quality of the
his gears properly with these rec- Gear material: chemical analy- flank which can be attained is of
ommended values. An optimiza- sis, heat treatment, tensile secondary importance.
tion of the cutting values is only strength, microstructure, ma-
possible on the site, taking into ac- chineability; The cutting conditions during fin-
count all the peripheral aspects. ishing must be chosen so that the
Cutting material of the cutter: required gear quality and surface
The objectives of optimization may HSS, carbide, chemical analy- finish are achieved.
differ. Examples: sis, working hardness, red
hardness, coating type; Attention must of course be paid
Short machining times; Condition of the hobbing ma- to economic aspects during selec-
chine: stability, accuracy; tion of the cutting conditions. It
High tool life quality; may be necessary to calculate the
Low tool or gear costs; Workpiece clamping: radial tool and machine costs and the
runout, axial runout, avoidance machining times in order to ascer-
Improvement of the gear quali- of deformation and vibration; tain the most favourable combina-
ty. tion of cutting parameters.
Clamping of the hob: radial
runout, axial runout, smallest
possible hob spindle bearing

Gear size: module, cutting


Tool life and tool life quality;

Requisite gear quality.

Cutting materials Powder metallurgical high-speed can be machined easily or not is
for hobs steels are of course also suitable determined by whether it can be
for gear materials with a tensile machined at high or low cutting
(See also Page 149) strength below 1200 N/mm2 if speeds, and with an acceptable
KHSS (cobalt alloyed super high higher cutting parameters or high- tool life quality and wear mark
speed steels), and increasingly al- er tool life qualities must be widths.
so carbides, are the chief materials achieved than those attained by
from which hobs are manufac- EMo5Co5. The machineability can however
tured. also be assessed according to the
Hobs manufactured from KHSS requisite cutting forces, or the
The maximum economic cutting are generally coated with TiN. ease or difficulty with which a fa-
speed for (coated) KHSS hobs is Hobs manufactured from carbide vourable surface quality can be at-
120 m/min for the machining of for machining of gears up to ap- tained.
gears with small modules from proximately module 3 from the sol-
metals which are easily machined. id can be employed at cutting For the selection of the cutting
The KHSS most frequently em- speeds which are higher by a fac- speed for hobbing, it must first be
ployed is EMo5Co5 (S 6-5-2-5, tor of three than those which can assumed that a certain wear mark
material no. 1.3243) be achieved by KHSS hobs. These width must not be exceeded (see
hobs are always coated, generally also "Maintenance of hobs, Page
Higher-alloyed KHSS must be em- with TiCN Plus. 168). High wear leads to geometric
ployed for gear materials with a deviations in the cutting edges of
tensile strength above 1200 the cutter teeth, and to high
N/mm2. Powder metallurgical high- cutting forces. The result is a re-
speed steels are a good choice for duction in gear quality. Since the
this application. They can be sub- wear increases superproportion-
jected to higher precipitation heat
ately beyond a certain magnitude,
treatment but still have a higher The machineability of a gear mate- the wear mark width must also be
toughness than comparable steels rial can be referenced to a range of reduced for economic reasons. At
melted conventionally. characteristics. Whether a material the same time, however, an eco-

Machineability in %

7 3
2 5
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Tensile strength N/mm2

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Brinell hardness N/mm2

1 Plain carbon steels 4 Chrome/nickel/molybdenum steels 7 Chromium steels and

2 Nickel steels and chrome/nickel steels 5 Nickel/molybdenum steels chrome/vanadium steels
(low alloy) 6 Chrome/molybdenum steels 8 Silicon/manganese steels
3 Chrome/nickel steels

Diagram 1: Machineability of the gear materials

nomic tool life between successive Note however that the machine- Cutting speed vc [m/min]
cutter regrinds must be ensured. ability is influenced not only by the
Excessively short tool life leads to tensile strength, but also by the Diagram 2 shows the cutting
long down times of the hobbing different microstructures. The rela- speed as a function of the module
machine for the purpose of cutter tive machineability probably also and the machineability.
changes, and to high regrinding varies for other cutting speed This cutting speed relates to the
costs. In this case, the machine- ranges, as gears with small mod- cutting material S-6-5-2-5 (1.3243,
ability of the gear material is there- ules are machined at cutting EMo5Co5), and applies to the
fore assessed in relation to the speeds which are around twice as roughing cut (machining from the
cutting speed at an appropriate high as those for which the curves solid).
tool life quality and wear mark shown were produced. It can how-
width. The machineability of the ever be safely assumed that the For the finishing (second) cut, the
gear material as a function of its machineability must be assessed cutting speed can be increased by
chemical composition and the ten- differently for coated and uncoat- a factor of 1.2.
sile strength Rm in N/mm2 or the ed hobs, as the chip formation dif-
Brinell Hardness HB can be taken fers markedly. The cutting speed can be multi-
from Diagram 1 (original diagram plied by a factor of 1.25 for coated
as [1], with minor modifications). KHSS hobs.
The machineability of B1112 steel
to AISI (American Iron and Steel
Institute) was specified as 100% at
a cutting speed of 55 m/min for
this purpose; all other steel grades
were categorized relative to these
values. The machineability is indi-
cated in percent.


70 2

Cutting speed vc [m/min]

50 5

40 8



20 30 40 50 60 70
Machineability in %

Diagram 2: Cutting speed when hobbing

A further a table of recom- Machineability
mended values have been com-
Good Medium Difficult
piled, based upon practical experi- Tensile strength Tensile strength Tensile strength
ence, for the cutting speed for ma- up to 700 N/mm2 up to 900 N/mm2 up to 1.200 N/mm2
chining with hobs on which the 16 Mn Cr 5, C 15, C 35, Ck 45, C 60, 18 Cr Ni 8, 34 Cr Ni Mo 6 V,
cutting material is KHSS S-6-5-2-5 20 Mn Cr 5, 15 Cr Ni 6 42 Cr Mo 4, 37 Mn Si 5, 30 Cr Mo V9 V,
(1.3243, EMo5Co5). The common 18 Cr Ni 8, 17 Cr Ni Mo 6 40 Ni Cr Mo 7
gear materials are assigned to the m/min m/min m/min
categories "good", "medium" and Module
Roughing Finishing Roughing Finishing Roughing Finishing
"difficult" on the basis of their ma-
chineability. The cutting speeds With TiN coating
are shown for each module for the <2 100 130 75 98 55 77
roughing cut and for the finishing 2 92 120 69 90 50 70
3 84 110 63 82 40 56
cut. Table 1 is sub-divided into
4 76 99 57 74 30 42
hobs with TiN coating and uncoat- 5 68 88 51 66 26 36
ed hobs. 6 60 84 45 63 25 35
7 56 78 42 59 24 34
Carbide hobs for machining of 8 52 73 39 55 23 32
gears up to approximately module 9 48 67 36 50 22 31
3 from the solid can be used with 10 44 62 33 46 21 29
12 38 53 29 41 20 28
or without cooling lubricant as fol-
14 35 49 26 36 19 27
lows: 16 33 46 25 35 18 26
18 30 42 23 32 17 24
Gear material: case hardening and Without TiN coating
heat-treatable steels, tensile <2 75 90 56 67 34 41
strength up to 800 N/mm2 2 69 83 52 62 31 37
3 63 75 47 56 29 35
Cutting speed: 4 57 68 43 52 26 31
220 to 250 m/min 5 51 61 38 46 23 28
with cooling lubricant; 6 45 56 34 41 22 26
280 to 350 m/min 7 42 55 32 38 21 25
8 40 52 30 36 20 24
without cooling lubricant.
9 38 49 29 35 19 25
10 37 48 28 34 18 23
These hobs are all coated, gener- 12 34 44 26 32 17 22
ally with TiCN Plus. 14 32 42 24 29 16 21
16 30 39 23 28 15 20
18 27 35 20 24 14 18
20 25 31 19 25 13 17
22 23 29 18 23 13 17
25 22 28 17 22 12 16
28 20 25 15 20 11 14
32 18 23 14 18 10 13
Table 1: Recommended cutting speed values for the machining
of solid-type KHSS hobs

Axial feed fa
h1 max = 4.9 m Z2(9.25 10 0 0.542) e0.015 0
[mm/workpiece rotation]
ra0 (8.25 10 0 0.225) 0.877

The axial feed is specified in mm e0.015 xp m i

per workpiece rotation. fa 0.511 a 0.319
m [mm]
Owing to the large number of pa- Workpiece
rameters which influence the ma-
chining process during hobbing,
h1 max Centre of hob
experience has shown that the ax-
ial feed is best specified as a func-
tion of the tip chip thickness.

The tip chip thickness is the theo- r a0

retical maximum chip thickness re-
moved by the tips of the hob teeth. m =
Z2 =
Number of teeth
The tip chip thickness is regarded 0 =
Helix angle (radian)
as a criterion for the hob stress; xP =
Profile displacement factor
ra0 =
Half hob diameter
high tip chip thicknesses mean
i =
Number of gashes/number
high cutting forces and short tool of starts
life. Cutting depth fa = Axial feed
a = Cutting depth
The tip chip thicknesses are in- e = 2,718282
creased when the module, axial Example:
feed, cutting depth and number of
m =4 0 = 16 ra0 = 55 fa =4
starts are increased. The tip chip Z2 = 46 xP = 0,2 i = 12/2 a =9
thicknesses are reduced when the
number of gear teeth, hob diame- h1 = 0,3659 Dissertation by Bernd Hoffmeister 1970
ter and number of gashes are in-
creased. Maximum tip chip thickness

Hoffmeister [2] has devised a for-

mula for the maximum tip chip
Z2 da0 (E + b + A)
If this formula is transposed, the th = [min]
Z0 fa Vc 1000
axial feed can be calculated as a
function of the other gear parame- fa
ters. Experience has shown a tip th [min] = Machining time
Z2 = Number of teeth of
chip thickness of 0.2 to 0.25 mm x
the gear to be cut
to be a realistic value. da0 [mm] = Tip circle diameter
of the hob
For economic reasons, as high an E [mm] = Lead length
axial feed as possible is aimed for, of the hob d
sin n
as the machining time is reduced b [mm] = Tooth width of the x [mm] =
gear to be cut cos 0 4 da0
proportional to the increase in
A [mm] = Idle travel distance x [mm] = Depth of the feed
feed. of the hob marking
Z0 = Number of starts fa [mm/wr] = Axial feed
Note however that the depth of the of the hob 0 = Helix angle
fa [mm/WU] = Axial feed n = Profile angle
feed markings increases quadrati- da0 [mm] = Tip circle diameter
cally with the axial feed, and that Vc [m/min] = Cutting speed
of the hob
different maximum feed marking
Machining time (production time)
depths are permissible according Depth on the feed markings
for hobbing
to the machining step such as fin-
ish-milling, rough-hobbing prior to
shaving, or rough-hobbing prior to
grinding, depending upon the gear lubricant, in particular, 80% of the
quality or the allowance. heat generated by the cutting pro-
cess must be dissipated by the
If carbide hobs are employed for chips. Adequate chip cross-sec-
machining from the solid, the max- tions are therefore required. For
imum tip chip thickness must be this reason, the tip chip thickness
between 0.12 and 0.20 mm. For should not be less than 0.12 mm.
carbide hobbing without cooling

Line/column 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of starts of
1 Module 2,5
the hob
2 Pressure angle [] 20
With the exception of worm gear 3 Number of teeth 29
hobs, multiple start hobs have the 4 Helix angle [] 15
function of increasing hobbing 5 Profile displacement factor 0,2
performance. 6 Cutting depth 5,63
7 Cutter diameter 110
It is known that the axial feed must 8 Number of gashes 24
be reduced for a given tip chip 9 Number of starts z0 1 2 3 4 5
thickness when the number of 10 Tip chip thickness 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
starts is increased (formula for the 11 Axial feed fa 15,71 4,78 2,38 1,46 0,99
maximum tip chip thickness ac- 12 z0 x fa 15,71 9,56 7,14 5,84 4,95
cording to Hoffmeister). 13 Relative machining time 1 1,64 2,2 2,69 3,17
14 Depth of the feed markings 0,206 0,019 0,005 0,002 0,001
It is also known that the depth of Table 2: Feeds and depth of the feed markings
the feed markings is dependent for multiple start hobs
upon the axial feed (formula for the
depth of the axial feed markings).
The number of starts 1 to 5 and a If it is therefore assumed that the
There is therefore a relationship constant tip chip thickness of 0.2 gear is being rough-hobbed prior
between the number of starts, the mm were entered in columns 2 to 6. to shaving or grinding, the two-
tip chip thickness and the axial start hob, with a product of feed
feed, and between the axial feed Line 11 contains the maximum and number of starts of 9.56, rep-
and the depth of the feed mark- feeds permissible at a tip chip resents the most economic solu-
ings. thickness of 0.2 mm. tion.

In the formula for the machining Line 12 shows the product of the The single-start hob is not an op-
time, the number of starts and the number of starts and the axial tion, as it permits a maximum feed
axial feed form part of the denomi- feed. of only 4.78 mm even with the sin-
nator, i.e. the greater the product gle-start hob owing to the depth of
of the number of starts and the ax- The relative machining time in col- the feed markings, and the prod-
ial feed, the shorter the machining umn 2 is made equal to 1 and the uct of the number of starts and the
time. machining times in the following axial feed would only be 4.78.
columns calculated in relation to
The objective is therefore to select column 2. The three-start hob is also unsuit-
a product of the number of starts able in this case, as the product of
and the axial feed which is as high Line 13 shows clearly that for a the number of starts and the axial
as possible without the tip chip given tip chip thickness, the short- feed is only 7.14, owing to the
thickness and the depth of the est machining time can be maximum tip chip thickness.
feed markings becoming too achieved with the single-start hob.
great. Line 14 also shows however that Specification of the number of
the depth of the feed markings be- starts should therefore first entail
Specification of the number of comes excessive, at 0.206 mm. calculation of the maximum axial
starts on the basis of the tip chip feed for the permissible depth of
thickness and the depth of the With the two-start hob, the feed the feed markings. A hob should
feed markings must be reduced to approximately then be selected with the number
30% of that of the single-start hob. of starts which produces the
Table 2 shows the optimization of This is however compensated for greatest product of number of
the number of starts and the axial to some degree by the number of starts and axial feed without the
feed by way of an example gear. starts, as the table speed is dou- maximum axial feed being ex-
bled for the same cutting speed. ceeded owing to the depth of the
Since the depth of the feed mark- feed markings or the maximum tip
ings is only 0.019 mm, however, chip thickness (line 11).
the axial feed of 4.78 mm is accep-
table, either for rough-hobbing
prior to shaving or grinding.

Enveloping cut deviations particularly large enveloping cut Single-start hobs have no influ-
deviations arise in this case owing ence upon the indexing precision
Despite the economic advantages to the strong curvature of the pro- of the gear, since the same cutter
offered by multiple start hobs, the file and the relatively large torsion- teeth always machine all teeth of
accuracy of the gear must not be al angle of the workpiece per the workpiece. Deviations in lead
ignored. Whether multiple start cutter tooth. on single-start hobs only influence
hobs selected as described above the flank form of the machined
can in fact be used must therefore The enveloping cut deviations can gear.
be considered on a case-by-case be reduced considerably by in-
basis. creasing the number of gashes. By contrast, multiple start hobs al-
so have an effect upon the index-
The number of cutter teeth which ing precision of the gear if the
profile a tooth flank depends upon number of gear teeth is divisible by
the number of teeth and the pres- Influence of the number the number of starts of the cutter.
sure angle of the gear, and the of cutter starts upon the In this case, the profile of a tooth
number of gashes, pitch and num-
flank form and gap is machined only by the teeth
ber of starts of the hob. of one cutter start. Under these
pitch of the gear
circumstances, the deviations in
Provided the number of gashes re- For generation of the gear flanks pitch of the cutter leads produce
mains unchanged, the number of as an envelope network, as is typi- periodic deviations in pitch on the
cutter teeth forming the profile for cal for hobbing, it must also be workpiece. Since the deviations in
example on two- or three-start considered that each cutter tooth pitch can only be eliminated in part
hobs is reduced to half or one- flank only generates one envelop- for example by shaving, multiple
third. The envelope network which ing cut, and also that the relative start roughing hobs with a shaving
is generated is less dense, and the location of the enveloping cuts to allowance should preferably be
enveloping cut deviations arise in each other is dependent upon the selected for which the quotient of
the form of deviations in the profile accuracy of the cutter lead and the the number of gear teeth and the
form. Calculation and examination indexing precision of the hobbing number of cutter leads is not an in-
of the enveloping cut deviations is machine. teger.
particularly important when the
number of gear teeth is low, as

Surface structure
However, it should also be ensured
that the quotient of the number of
gashes and the number of leads
y y [mm] = Magnitude of the during finishing is not an integer.
enveloping cut
The enveloping cuts will otherwise
z0 = Number of
be generated at different heights
cutter starts from lead to lead, and the tooth
mn = Normal module flanks will acquire a honeycombed
n = Profile angle surface structure.
z2 = Number of
gear teeth
i = Number of
gashes of the Limitation of the number
cutter of leads on the hobs with
axially parallel gashes
On hobs with axially parallel gash-
es, ensure that the increase in the
number of leads does not result in
a helix angle of 7.5 being exceed-
ed. The surface quality on the cor-
responding gear flank will other-
wise be impaired owing to the
excessive wedge angle on the
leaving cutter flank.

2 z02 mn sinn [1] Schmidthammer: Cutting conditions for
y [mm] = hobbing: FETTE Cat.-No. 1137:
4 z2 i2 Gear cutting tools
[2] B. Hoffmeister: Dissertation, Aachen 1979

Enveloping cut deviations

Tool cutting edge length
A distinction must be drawn in The formulae for calculation of the
hobbing between the pre-cutting penetration curve can be found in
zone and the profile generating the Chapter "Wear phenomena in
zone. The greater part of the vol- hobbing", Page 188, fig. 13).
ume to be machined is removed in
the pre-cutting zone. The pre- All cutter teeth which do not pass
cutting zone is at the end of the through the penetration curve (fig.
hob which first enters the body of 2) during rotation of the cutter do
the gear during axial machining. not make contact with the gear
The hob must be positioned until it body. They are not therefore in-
completely covers the pre-cutting volved in chip formation. With re-
zone. This cutter length, the mini- spect to the horizontal which
mum required, is termed the tool passes through the intersection
cutting edge length. "S" of the gear axis and the cutter Gear
axis, Point 1 is the highest and
The penetration curve (fig. 1) of the Point 1' the lowest point of the
tip cylinder of the gear and the penetration curve.
cutter must be known for calcula-
tion of the tool cutting edge length. Cutter
For the considerations below, it is
assumed that the gear is helical
and that the cutting axis is inclined
to the horizontal by the pivoting Fig. 1: Gear/cutter penetration
angle ( - 0). A further assumption
is that where a helix angle is
present, it is always greater than
the lead angle. The direction of Left-handed gear Left-handed cutter
view of the penetration curve is
from the main machine column
in the direction of the cutter and
the gear. The two tip cylinders
penetrate each other at a depth
equivalent to the cutting depth.
The intersecting line between the
two bodies is a 3-dimensional
curve which follows both on the l1
gear and the cutter cylinder. Where
reference is made below to the Direction of feed of fa [mm/wr Gear
penetration curve, the projection the cutter head 1
of the intersecting line into a plane
Climb hobbing 3 4
axially parallel to the cutter axis is
understood. 1A
- 0
The form and dimension of the s
penetration curve are dependent
upon: xis
The tip circle diameter of the Conventional
gear; hobbing 4' 3'

The cutter diameter; 1'

Gear axis
The pivoting angle
(helix angle of the gear, lead
angle 0 of the cutter); l 1'
l 4'
The cutting depth.
Same l = Tool cutting
direction edge length
> 0

View of the cutter and gear from the main machine column

Fig. 2: Ascertainment of the tool cutting edge length from the penetration curve

Tool cutting edge length (continued)
Helical teeth but which are located further away of the left-handed cutter, the tool
from the Point "S" are not involved cutting edge angle ( + 0) changes
Climb hobbing, same lead in the material removal process. and the gear runs from left to right
direction The cutter length corresponding to into the working area of the cutter
When the cutter moves from up- Point 4 is marked "I4" in fig. 2. This (penetration curve). The outmost
wards to the lower face of the gear is the tool cutting edge length of point involved in material removal
during climb hobbing, the cutter the cutter during climb hobbing of is Point 1.
tooth whose path passes through a helical-tooth gear with a cutter
Point 1 is the first to intersect the which has the same direction of The cutter length corresponding to
tip cylinder of the gear. This cutter lead as the gear. Point 1 is then the tool cutting
tooth is then located in a plane at edge length. The tool cutting edge
right-angles to the cutter axis, in Since the cutter is generally shift- length is shorter in climb hobbing
which Points 1 and 1A are located. ed towards the cutter entering with a cutter with opposite lead di-
The distance to the point "S", side, the entering side is posi- rection than with a cutter with the
measured parallel to the cutter ax- tioned at the start of the machining same lead direction. It is not af-
is, is equal to the path of which "S" process according to the tool fected by the magnitude of the
and 1A are the end points. It is cutting edge length calculated as feed.
equivalent to the cutter length for described above. If a shorter tool
the Point 1 in relation to the sec- cutting edge length were to be se-
tion through the axis "S". lected for the cutter teeth would
be absent in the entering zone, Conventional hobbing, same
Following one rotation of the gear, and the following teeth would have lead direction
the cutter has moved upwards by to assume part of the missing If the cutter moves downwards on-
the axial feed. A parallel at a dis- teeth's function of material remov- to the upper face of the gear, the
tance "fa" to the horizontal through al. This could lead to overloading cutter tooth whose path passes
Point 1 intersects the penetration of the first teeth in the entering through the point 1' is the first to
curve at Points 3 and 4. The zone. Were an excessively long intersect the tip cylinder of the
hatched band between the par- tool cutting edge length to be se- gear, and the tool cutting edge
allels through Points 1 and 4 corre- lected, the cutter would not be ec- length is equal to the length l1.
sponds to the band of material onomically viable, as the teeth
which is pushed continuously into ahead of the tool cutting edge Since the two halves of the pene-
the working area of the cutter dur- length would not be used. tration curve to the left and right of
ing the machining process. Point 4 the normals on the cutter axis
is the point on the penetration through the point "S" are congru-
curve which is still involved in ma- ent and are inverted around the
terial removal and is located fur- Climb hobbing, opposite lead normal by "S" and around the
thest from the axis intersection direction cutter axis, l1 = l1 und l4 = l4.
"S". All cutter teeth whose paths If a right-hand (opposite lead di-
run through the penetration curve rection) cutter is employed in place

Tool cutting edge length (continued)
Further combinations of hob-
bing method and direction of
lead of gear and hob

Table 1 shows the leading end,

pivoting angle and tool cutting
edge length for different combina-
tions of hobbing method and di-
rection of lead of gear and hob.
"Leading end left" means that the
gear runs from left to right into the
penetration curve. "Leading end
left l4 up" means that the tool
cutting edge length is equal to the
dimension l4 in the penetration
curve. It is located on the left-hand
side in relation to the gear axis.
The cutter side on which the tool
cutting edge length is located is
facing upwards.

Again the assumptions are:

Direction of view from the main
machine column towards the
cutter and the gear. On a helical
gear, the helix angle is greater
than the lead angle of the cutter. View of the cutter and the gear from the main machine column

Cutter: right-hand start Cutter: left-hand start

Gear Right-hand lead Left-hand lead Straight teeth Right-hand lead Left-hand lead Straight teeth
Leading end Left Left Left Right Right Right
Climb 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 0
Pivoting angle
Tool cutting edge length l4 Left, up l1 Right, up l1 Right, up l1 Left, up l4 Right, up l1 Left, up
Leading end Left Left Left Right Right Right
Conventional 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 0
Pivoting angle
Tool cutting edge length l1 Right, down l4 Left, down l4 Left, down l4 Right, down l1 Left, down l4 Right, down

Table 1

Profile generating length
Profile generating length
for hobbing
Profiling of the gear takes place
exclusively in the profile generat-
ing zone, which is arranged sym-
metrical to the pitch point. The
profile generating zone is calculat-
ed in the face plane of the gear
and is represented there by lPa and
Profile generation takes place dur-
ing hobbing on the engagement
lines (fig. 3). The area in which lP0 lP0
generation takes place is limited 2 2
by the intersections of the engage- lP0
ment lines with the tip circle diam-
eter of the gear and by a line con-
necting the transition points from Fig. 3
the tip radii to the flank of the basic
hob profile (tip form height).
The greater interval between the
end points of the engagement
lines, either in the tip region (lPa) or
the root region (lPf) of the hob pro-
file, is regarded as the definitive
length. Whether the end points of
the engagement lines in the tip re-
gion or in the root region of the ba-
sic hob profile are decisive is de-
pendent upon the profile dis-
placement of the gear. Refer here aP0
to figs. 4 and 5: fig. 4 represents a
gear with positive and fig. 5 a gear hFaP0
with negative profile displacement.
The greater of the two values - lPa
or lPf - is then converted from the
face plane to the axial plane of the
hob and termed the "profile gener-
ating length IP0".
Fig. 4

tan t = tan / cos

lPa = 2 (ha0 x mn a0
(1 sin )) / tan t
db = z mn cos at / cos
cos at = db / da
d = z mn / cos
lPf = 2 (da / 2 cos (at t) d/2) /
tan t
lPa > lPf, then lP0 = lPa cos 0 / cos
lPf > lPa, then lP0 = lPf cos 0 / cos
ha0 = addendum on the hob aP0
x mn = profile displacement
a0 = tooth tip radius on the hob hFaP0
= pressure angle
= helix angle
z = number of teeth
mn = normal module lPa
da = tip circle diameter of the gear
0 = lead angle of the hob Fig. 5

Shift distance
The chip cross-sections within the Shifting continuously brings new which are as long as possible. The
working area of a hob are known teeth into the working area of the maximum length of the shift dis-
to be very different. In conse- hob. The worn teeth leave the tance is determined by the design
quence, the individual cutter teeth working area and the wear is dis- of the hobbing machine and there-
are subject to different loads, and tributed uniformly over the useful fore represents an absolute limit.
therefore exhibit non-uniform wear cutter length. The number of work- The relationship between the use-
patterns. It is therefore logical for pieces upon which a gear profile ful cutter length, the tool cutting
the hob to be moved tangentially can be generated between suc- edge length, the length of the pro-
in stages once one or more work- cessive regrinds is determined by file generating zone and the shift
pieces have been machined in one the length of the hob and therefore distance is shown in fig. 6.
position. This tangential move- also by the length of the shift dis-
ment is termed "shifting". tance.
ls = l3 le lP0 / 2 3 x mn

In view of economic considera-

tions - high tool life quality, low The quantity 3 x mn makes allow-
proportional tool costs, low ma- ance for the incomplete teeth at
chine downtimes for cutter chang- the ends of the hob.
es - shift distances are selected

Shift direction

lP0 lP0
2 2
lP0 lP0
1 mn le ls 2 2 mn

l3 = Useful length of cutter

le = Tool cutting edge length
ls = Shift distance
lP0 = Length of the profile generating zone

Fig. 6: Ascertainment of the shift distance

Axial distance
Axial distance in hobbing
The axial distance of a hob during
axial machining is generally com-
posed of the approach distance,
the width of the gear and the idle
travel distance. Fig. 7 represents a
schematic diagram of the axial
distance of a hob during climb
The approach distance is the dis-
tance which the hob must travel
parallel to the gear axis, from the
first point of contact to the point at E
which the intersection of the cutter
and the gear axis has reached the
lower face plane of the gear body. E = Approach distance
b = Gear width
The approach distance is equal to U = Idle distance
the height of the highest point on
the penetration curve above the Fig. 7
horizontal plane through the inter-
section of the cutter and gear ax-
es. The formulae for calculation of
the penetration curve can be
found in the Chapter "Wear phe- lane
/gear p
nomena in hobbing", Page 188, fig. 13. tter
The approach distance can also For climb
be calculated with sufficient accu- U hobbing
racy by means of the following for-

For straight teeth:

E = h (da0 h)

For helical teeth: U

E = tan h (da0
+ da h ) For conventional
U = Idle distance

E = approach distance
h = cutting depth
da0 = cutter diameter
= pivoting angle
da = tip circle diameter of the gear
No idle distance, except for a
safety allowance, is required for
straight teeth.

The idle distance for helical teeth is

determined by the profile-generat- aP0
ing zone in the face plane (fig. 8).
The dimensions for IPa and IPf are
determined by the formulae in the
Chapter "Profile generating length
for hobbing" and are calculated as
If lPa > lPf, then U = lPa x tan
If lPf > lPa, then U = lPf x tan
U = idle distance
Axial distance = E + b + U Fig. 8

Maintenance of hobs
Introduction the cutting face. This process mark width. This does not develop
In the field of the machining pro- must with such high-quality preci- proportionately to the number of
cesses for the manufacture of sion tools be carried out expertly workpieces cut.
gears, hobbing occupies a promi- and with the necessary care. The lower curve in fig. 2 has a
nent position which, also in the Regardless of the design, the marked minimum for the propor-
future, can only be maintained dimensions, the cutting edge geo- tionate wear of a tool at the transi-
through constant improvements in metry and the material of the hobs, tion to the progressive part of the
quality and economy. the following requirements must upper curve.
From this point of view, hobbing absolutely be met when regrind-
must be regarded as a system ing: For the gear under consideration,
consisting of machine, tool and the maximum wear should not
cutting parameters, which must al- The cutting face geometry must therefore exceed 0.25 mm on TiN-
ways be optimized afresh as re- be produced in accordance with coated HSS hobs or 0.15 mm on
gards an extremely wide range of the quality grade of the hob, carbide hobs if the lowest possible
gear cutting tasks. heat stress on the cutter materi- unit tool costs are an objective.
Through developing high-perfor- al by the grinding process must
mance hobbing machines and be restricted to a minimum,
hobs the machine cycle times and the roughness of the cutting fac-
the auxiliary process times were es and therefore the ragged-
considerably shortened. This did ness of the cutting edges must
of course increase the importance be kept as low as possible,
in the analysis of the gear cutting grinding methods and aids must
costs for a specific workpiece the be chosen so that maintenance
tool costs, the costs of the tool and inspection costs are kept
change and the maintenance within economical limits.
costs of the hob. AII preparations, the execution
It was therefore essential to ad- and the supervision of the regrind-
vance also the technology of the ing process must have as their aim
regrinding of hobs by means of the total observation of the re-
high-performance grinding me- quirements listed above.
Cutting edge
Flank wear
thods, such as the deep grinding rounding
In addition, the following points (hollow cone)
process, and by means of suitable
abrasives adapted to the various must be observed during main-
tenance operations on carbide Chipping Flank
hob cutting materials. Therefore,
hobs: wear
grinding wheels made from cry- Crater
stalline cubic boron nitride (CBN) Carbide hobs assigned to the
and diamond should be used in "ISO K" group:
addition to the conventional grind- 1. Remove coat
ing materials such as silicon car- 2. Sharpen the cutting face
bide (SiC) and corundum (Al2O3). 3. Re-coat
Although the initial purpose when
Carbide hobs assigned to the
regrinding a hob is to remove the Fig. 1: Forms of wear on the hob
"ISO P" group: tooth
wear marks from the cutter teeth,
a range or other requirements Regrind cutting face
must be met which are formulated Re-coating is not required.
below as a task description.
Wear phenomena 0.25
Wear mark width B

Task description on the hob 0.20

As with every metal removing ma- Where reference is made to the
chining process with a defined wear mark width in the context of
cutting edge, wear marks occur on hobbing, this generally refers to
the cutting edges of the cutter the length of the flank wear on the
which affect chip formation, pro- tip corners of the cutter teeth. In
duce higher cutting forces and fig. 1, this is described as flank
Wear per piece


which could therefore reduce gear wear. This particularly marked

quality. This is why the wear has to form of flank wear also determines
be removed when it has reached a the end of the service life of the
certain value. The maximum width hob. 0 80 160 240 Pieces 320
of a still permissible wear mark will Number of gears

be discussed below. In the upper curve of fig. 2 the Fig. 2: Flank wear as a function
All relief turned or relief ground characteristic course is represent- of the number of
hobs are sharpened by grinding on ed for the formation of the wear workpieces cut

Since the wear curves cannot be process must be stopped immedi- The experienced craftsman in the
determined in all cases in the form ately. tool grinding shop knows by look-
mentioned, some guide values are For economical operation, wear ing at the wear mark width and the
included in fig. 3. distribution is of decisive impor- wear distribution whether a hob
At the same time it also becomes tance, in addition to the wear mark has been used correctly from the
clear, however, that there are a width. points of view of quality assurance
range of other criteria, such as If the wear of each individual cutter and economy. If the recommended
cutting material, module size, pro- tooth is examined, the distribution values are substantially over- or
duction sequence or required is found to be that shown in the undershot, this should always be
tooth quality, according to which hatched curve in fig. 4, if the cutter reported to the production sector.
the wear mark width must be eval- has been used in one position on-
uated. ly. Conversely, if the cutter is dis-
The "Roughing" column in fig. 3 placed axially (shifted) following
shows relatively large wear mark each machining cycle, new teeth
widths for roughing of gears with a are continuously brought into the
high module. working area. The wear is distrib-
These certainly already fall within uted evenly over a greater number
the range in which wear increases of cutter teeth, and the productiv-
progressively. This can, however, ity between successive regrinds is
often not be avoided in these increased several times.
cases, because the volume to be
removed increases quadratically
with the module, whereas the
number of cutter teeth involved in 0,6
the metal removal process remains
the same or even decreases. The 0,5
results are higher stress on individ-
ual cutter teeth and therefore 0,4
Wear mark width

greater wear.
For finishing, the wear mark widths
must be markedly lower, because 0,2
wear-related cutting edge devia-
tions and higher cutting forces re- 0,1
duce gear cutting accuracy.
Experience with titanium nitride 0
coated (TiN) hobs shows that with 3 6 10 20
wear mark widths from 0.2 mm no Roughing of KHSS-E + TiN Finishing of KHSS-E + TiN
longer the hard coating but the Carbide skiving hobs Solid carbide hob
base material determines wear de-
velopment. Fig. 3: Wear mark width for different hob materials
When milling hardened gears with
carbide skiving hobs, a critical
wear mark width is reached at
0.15 mm. The increased cutting
forces and cutting temperatures
resulting from the blunting of the 0,5
Wear mark width B

cutting edge not only stress the

workpiece and reduce its quality, 0,4
but also lead to sporadic chipping
and splintering of the tool. 0,3
On solid carbide hobs for dry ma-
chining, the wear should not ex- 0,2
ceed 0.15 mm. A further increase
in wear leads to destruction of the
tool. It is therefore important to de-
termine the tool life quality per re- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
grind. The first sign of increased Number of cutter teeth
wear during dry machining is the 1600 gears with shifting 40 gears without shifting
increase in workpiece temperature Shift increment: 0.64 mm per clamping Scatter
and in sparking. Should sparking
become severe, the machining Fig. 4: Wear mark width when hobbing with and without shifting

Requirements placed upon General remarks: between the workpiece and the
the cutting surface grinder Radial/axial runout of the grinding grinding disk must be kept as rigid
disk < 0.01 mm. A grinding disk as possible in order to avoid vibra-
Machine data: form which is as rigid as possible tions.
Table speed 250-600 mm/min with should be selected. If possible, se-
HSS tools, 80-150 mm/min with lect small contact surfaces. Emul- Incorrect grinding conditions may
carbide tools, according to module sions should be preferred to oil for cause the grinding disk facing to
and quality the grinding of carbide. disintegrate. The facing is cleaned,
Feed 0.10-0.20 mm i.e. the reside adhering to the fac-
Vibrations between workpiece and ing removed, by hand by means of
tool impair the surface quality. All a no. 2 stone (e.g. from Winter).
structural and clamping elements
in the torque transmission system Dressers for diamond
grinding disks
Dressing facility with centrifugal
Grinding disks data: brake
Silicon carbide grinding disk e.g.
HSS-hobs Carbide hobs 3" x 1" x 1/2" / 37C60-N5V
Geometry: 1K222-150-2-3,3-50,8 K222-150-2-3,3-50,8 CBN diamond powder and dress-
Grain size: CBN151 D126 ing stone
Concentration: C125 C100 = 4,4 carat/cm3
Bond: 66 K-plus 888 RYA (synthe resin) Important:
Cutting speed: v = approx. 35 m/s v = 2325 m/s Carbide hobs are very sensitive to
Coolant: Oil, e.g. Shell Garia TC Emulsion e.g. Castrol S DC 83 impact. Protect the tooth tips dur-
Cooling oil pressure: (oil, e.g. Shell Garia TC) ing transport and storage.
810 bar
Cooling oil delivery:
Approx. 100 l/min

Return stroke
Grinding Pitch

Grinding disk Diameter 150 bis 200 mm

Radial and axial
runout < 0,010 mm


Cutter arbor
Do not use a pressing mandrel.
Avoid subjecting the hob to
impact and/or tension.

Feed motion
up to
0.20 mm

Fig. 5: Requirements placed upon the cutting face grinder

Hob tolerances A prerequisite for all repair and in- taneous rotary axis and to check
The flank cutting edges of the hob spection operations on the hob is this by measuring the radial run-
are formed by the intersection of that the grinding and measuring outs.
the cutting faces with the relief arbors are running true and that
turned or relief ground helical sur- the indicator hubs of the hob run
faces of the tooth flanks. Since true to each other and to the arbor
during the hobbing process the (figs. 6 & 7).
tooth profile is formed by envelop-
ing cuts and each individual envel- The aim is to superimpose the axis
oping cut is generated by another of the cutter screw with the instan-
cutting edge of the tool, both the
exact form of the cutting edges
and the relative position of the
cutting edges to each other must
be correct.

Regrinding on the cutting face al-

ways creates new cutting edges.
The working accuracy of a hob
can therefore be considerably im-
paired by regrinding. The cutting
edges produced by regrinding only
achieve their correct form and po-
sition when the newly created
cutting faces correspond to the
original ones in form, position, or-
ientation and pitch.
Only if regrinding is faultless, will
tool accuracy be kept identical
with the new condition. The toler-
ances of single-start hobs for pur
gears with involute teeth are quot-
ed in DIN 3968. Depending on the
accuracy, a distinction is made
between five quality grades,
namely AA, A, B, C and D.
Fig. 6: Measurement of the radial runout on arbor and indicator hubs and of
the axial runout on the clamping surfaces
The standard contains the permis-
sible deviations for 17 values to be
measured. Five of these alone
Tolerances in m (1 m = 0,001 mm) at module
concern the cutting faces. Symbol
of the Quality over over over over over over over over over
Value to be measured
devia- class 0,63 1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 16 25
Regrinding must therefore be car- tion to to to to to to to to bis
ried out so that the permissible 1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 16 25 40

deviations for the following meas- Radial runout at the AA 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 8

urement values are maintained: two indicator hubs
based on the axis A 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
of the bore
form and positional deviation of B 6 6 6 8 10 12 16 20 25
the cutting faces,
individual and cumulative pitch frp C 10 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40
of the gashes
D not determinded
lead of the gashes.
The highest points measured at the two indicator
hubs must not be offset by more than 90.
For high-precision hobs it there-
fore also goes without saying that Axial runout at the AA 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6
the tolerances are checked on clamping surfaces
suitable inspection instruments af- based on the axis
A 3 3 3 5 5 8 8 10 10
of the bore
ter each regrind.
fps B 4 4 4 6 6 10 10 12 12
Radial runouts on the indicator
C 6 6 6 10 10 16 16 20 20
hubs and axial runouts on the
clamping surfaces D 10 10 10 16 16 25 25 32 32
(item nos. 4 & 5 DIN 3968)
Fig. 7: Permissible radial and axial runouts to DIN 3868

If the high or low points of the two This regrinding diagram applies to tions on the hobbed workpieces.
indicator hubs lie in one axial plane the cutter diameter, the rake angle
of the cutter, the axis of the cutter and the relief grinding operation
screw and the rotary axis are offset and is supplied with the cutter (fig. 9).
the cutter does not run true.
Deviations from the specified value
If the high or low points of the two of the cutting face distance result
indicator hubs are rotationally dis- in flank form and base pitch devia-
played in relation to each other, the
rotary axis and the axis of the
cutter screw are askew, i.e. the
hob wobbles, and axial runout will
also be found.

When working with or on the hob,

the user must know that he will on-
ly achieve a sound tooth system
when cutting, faultless geometry
when regrinding and an informa-
tive and reproducible result when
checking the hob if the radial and +u
a) b) u c)
axial runouts are kept as small as
Fig. 8: Rake angle on the hob
It is therefore understandable that
the permissible deviations for the
radial and axial runouts are very
restricted and that it is essential to
measure them not only during the
acceptance test of the hob, but al-
so during the inspection after each

Form- and positional deviation

of the cutting faces +u
(item no. 7 DIN 3968)
The cutting faces are generated by
the straight lines which normally
pass through the cutter axis of the
hob (fig. 8a). In the cases where
these straight lines pass in front of
or behind the cutter axis, they form
negative or positive rake angles
with the radials (fig. 8b, c). Accord- a)
ing to the rake angle, the grinding
wheel and the dressing diamond
must be set in front of or behind
the cutter axis by the cutting face
distance u. The same does of
course also apply to the height
setting of the gauge stylus when
checking the form- and positional
deviation (fig. 9). u

For roughing cutters with a posi-

tive rake angle it is enough to
maintain the u-measurement
specified in the cutter marking
when regrinding. In the case of fin-
ishing cutters with positive or neg-
ative rake angle, e.g. carbide skiv-
ing hobs, the u-measurement b)
must be read off a regrinding dia-
gram as a function of the cutter di- Fig. 9: Setting the gauge stylus for
a) positive rake angle b) negative rake angle

A bigger rake angle (fig. 11) elon- By choosing a grinding wheel with
gates the cutter tooth and reduces a smaller diameter the crowned
the profile angle. form on the cutting face can be re-
duced. A correspondingly crow-
A smaller rake angle (fig. 12) re- ned grinding wheel, manufactured
sults in a shorter cutter tooth and a in or dressed to this shape, gener-
greater profile angle. ates a straight or even concave
cutting face (fig. 15).
The cutting face form deviations Fig. 12:
Positional deviation of the
can be divided into three main cutting face
forms: crowned, concave and un- a) Faulty, negative cutting face
dulating. position
b) Shortened cutter tooth
c) The workpiece tooth becomes
The crowned cutting face form is thinner towards the top
found when hobs which have a
gash lead are ground with straight
dressed grinding wheels. This
crowning increases with shorter
gash lead, greater tooth height
and large grinding wheel diame-
Fig. 11:
Positional deviation of the
Hobs with crowned cutting faces cutting face
(fig. 13) produce workpiece teeth a) Faulty, positive cutting face
on which too much material position
Fig. 13:
remains in the tip and root area. b) Elongated cutter tooth Form deviation of the cutting face
These gears exhibit an uneven c) The workpiece tooth becomes a) Faulty, crowned cutting face
running behaviour and reduced thicker at the head, tip contact b) Crowned cutter tooth
load bearing capacity and are The broken-line contours indicate c) Concave flank form on the
therefore not accepted. the theoretically correct profile of workpiece tooth, tip and root
the cutter- or workpiece tooth. contact


Cutter diameter (mm)






45,4 45,8 46,2 46,6 47,0 47,4

Cutting face offset distance u (mm)

Cutter no.: P250 Drawing no.: 1-46276-01 relief ground u = 47,5

Module: 10 Diameter = 189.52

Fig. 10: Cutting face regrinding diagram for carbide skiving hobs

Hobs with a slightly concave
cutting face produce workpiece
teeth with tip- and root relief. This
form of the deviation from the ideal
involute form is permissible and is
in many cases even specified.

Undulating form deviations on the

cutting face are generally caused
by badly dressed grinding wheels
or worn or badly guided dressing
diamonds (fig. 16).

Pitch deveation of the gashes

Pitch deviations occur when the
distances of the cutting faces from
each other are not uniform. In
practice, individual cutting faces
lie in front of or behind the as-
sumed radial pitches, which pre-
determine the exact specified
Fig. 15: Fig. 14:
Cutting face form error on a hob Cutting face on a hob with gash
If the cutting face of a tooth is fur- with gash lead. Ground with lead. Ground with convex-ground
ther back than the specified posi- straight-dressed grinding wheel. grinding wheel.
tion, the tooth will generate a flank
form which projects beyond the
specified form. A tooth with a pro-
jecting cutting face will cut away
too much metal at the tooth flank.

Impermissible deviations from the

individual or cumulative pitch of
the gashes may cause irregularly
or periodically occurring flank form
and base pitch deviations on the

To this must be added that the Tolerances in m (1 m = 0,001 mm) at module

flank form on the workpiece of the Quality over over over over over over over over over
changes when the cutter is shifted. Value to be measured
devia- class 0,63 1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 16 25
tion to to to to to to to to bis
The reason for this is that it is im- 1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 16 25 40
portant where the hob tooth afflict-
Form- and positional AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
ed by a pitch deviation, is situated deviation of the cutting
relative to the profile forming zone faces
A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
in question and that the corre-
sponding tooth changes its posi- axial plane cutting B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160
u depth
tion when shifting.
C 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315

Individual pitch of the gashes D 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
(item no. 8 DIN 3968) specif. line
If the individual pitch deviations are
Distance of the specified
to be determined by means of du- line from the axial plane FfN
algauge measurement, the values (at rake angle 0 = zero)
read off must be converted as fol-
Inspection diagram
lows: The measured values for a
complete cutter rotation are added, cutting depth
noting the + or signs. The diffe-
rences correspond to the indivi-

dual pitch deviations.


specif. linie

The difference between two adje-


cent individual pitch deviations is

referred to as a tooth to tooth pitch
error. Fig. 16: Form- and positional deviation of the cutting faces to DIN 3968

The measurement can also be car- The cumulative pitch deviations
ried out by comparison with an in- can be read off directly, if the mea-
dexing plate or with the indexing surement is carried out with the
arrangement of a measuring ma- aid of an indexing plate or with a 2
chine. The values read off repre- correspondingly accurate indexing
3 1
sent in comparison to the zero po- arrangement.
sition of the first gash the cumula-
tive pitch of the measured gashes. The cumulative pitch deviations
The individual pitch deviation can however also be calculated
equals the difference of two adja- from the two-dial measurement, if
cent cumulative pitch deviations individual pitch deviations are ad-
(fig. 17). ded continuously.

A summary of the computation The tolerances in DIN 3968 item

Fig. 17:
processes is shown in fig. 18. no. 10 relate to the total pitch devi- Pitch deviation of the gashes
ation. The total pitch deviation is Cutting face 1: theoretically
Cumulative pitch of the gashes here the distance between the correctly placed.
(item no. 10 DIN 3968) biggest positive and the biggest Cutting face 2: pitch too short,
The cumulative pitch deviation in- negative cumulative pitch devia- tooth profile projects relative to
the profile on the cutting face.
dicates the difference between ac- tion (fig. 18).
Cutting face 3: pitch too great,
tual and required gash positions, tooth profile set back relative to
one cutting face being used for the profile on cutting face 1.

Individual pitch deviation ftN, tooth to tooth pitch error fuN, cumulative pitch deviation FtN

-2 0
Individual pitch deviation ftN is the difference between the
0 reading of the 2-dial measurement and the correction
+4 value.
The correction value is determined from the algebraic sum
-2 of all read values, divided by the number of pitches
+2 +8
2 1. Calculation of the correction value
+4 +4 0 + 8 2 4 + 10 + 4 +2 2 = + 16
3 16/8 = + 2 correction value
2. Calculation of the individual pitch deviation
6 indicated value correction value
= individual pitch deviation
+4 5 -2 0 (+2) = 2
+2 0 +8 (+2) = +6
2 (+2) = 4 ftN
Measured value 4 (+2) = 6 +10
reading -6 +10 (+2) = +8 0 fuN
Cumulative pitch
deviation FtN +10 -4 +4 (+2) = +2 -10
+2 (+2) = 0
2 (+2) = 4

Tooth to tooth pitch error fuN is calculated by subtracting

the previous individual pitch deviation from the individual
pitch deviation.
Measured Individual Tooth to tooth Cumulative
Cutting- value pitch pitch error pitch
Cumulative pitch deviation FtN results from the addition
face reading deviation deviation deviation
of the individual pitch deviations.
ftN fuN FtN
1/2 0 2 +8 2 = -2
0 + (-2)
2/3 +8 +6 +4
10 -2 + (+6) = +4
3/4 2 4 0 +10
4/5 4 6 6 +4 + (-4) = 0 0 ftN
+14 -10
5/6 +10 +8 2
6 0 + (-6) = -6
6/7 +4 +2 +4
2 = +2 +10
7/8 +2 0 +4 -6 + (+8)
4 0 ftN
8/1 2 4 0 +2 = +4
+ (+2) -10
(1/2) (0) (2) (2) = +4
+4 + ( 0)
16 : 8 = +2 16 +16 24 +24
+4 + (-4) = 0

Fig. 18: Computation diagram for individual pitch deviation, tooth to tooth pitch error and cumulative deviation from the
measured value readings of the two-dial measurement

Tolerances in m (1 m = 0,001 mm) at module
Gash lead Symbol
of the Quality over over over over over over over over over
(item no. 11 DIN 3968) Value to be measured
devia- class 0,63 1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 16 25
The tolerances for the deviations tion to to to to to to to to bis
1 1,6 2,5 4 6,3 10 15 25 40
in the gash lead are based on an
axially parallel measuring distance Individual pitch of the AA 10 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50
of 100 mm and they apply equally gashes measured at half
tooth height A 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80
to hobs with a helix and to hobs
with axially parallel gashes. B 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

Directional deviations of the gash- 4 C 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315
es result in flank form-, base pitch
1 D 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
and pressure angle deviations and
in the case of diagonal hobbing al-
so in tooth thickness and tooth ftN
lead deviations.
Inspection diagram
The tolerances for the deviations
of the gash lead are relatively wide, ftN
since they only fractionally affect
the tooth geometry. It should be
taken into account, however, that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
10 12
the effect on the directional devia-
tions on tooth accuracy is greater
with high than with low modules,
since the length of the profile for- Cumulative pitch of the AA 20 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100
mation zone increases with the gashes measured at half
module size (fig. 19). tooth height A 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160

B 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315

4 3
2 C 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630
D 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250


Inspection diagram


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
10 12

Gash lead over 100 mm AA 50

cutter length
based on the reference
cylinder A 70

B 100

C 140

D 200

100 mm fHN


Fig. 19: Permissible deviations for individual pitch and cumulative pitch of the
gashes as well as the gash lead.

Regrinding of roughing
In order to obtain a perfect gash pitch,
FETTE roughing hobs can be re- the hob is first ground with the 16 (20)
ground on any hob regrinding ma- pitch disk. The grinding disk is plunged
as far as the small tooth gap.
A gash pitch within quality grade A to
The hobs are manufactured with a DIN 3968 should be attained by this
positive rake angle. The cutting grinding operation.
face is therefore off-centre. The
deviation from the centre is indi-
cated by the dimension "u", which
is engraved on each hob.

Prior to beginning regrinding work,

offset the grinding disk from the
centre by the dimension "u".

On FETTE roughing hobs with a fi-

nite gash lead, ensure that the
grinding disk is crowned, in order
to ensure straight cutting faces.

All FETTE roughing hobs have 8

(10) teeth groups, each of which
has 2 gashes, i.e. 16 (20) gashes in

The gash pitch, the form and loca-

tion of the gash, and the tip runout Metal removal in the second
must be checked following each grinding operation
regrind operation, for example on
a universal pitch tester. The toler-
ances should be within quality
grade A to DIN 3968.

The hob is then ground with

the 8 (10) pitch disk.
In this operation, the grinding disk
is plunged to the depth of the large
tooth gap.

This grinding operation must be performed

until a smooth transition to the reground tooth tip portion
of the 16 (20)-pitch is achieved.

Regrinding of roughing hobs

When regrinding, ensure that the Feed (table speed): When roughing When finishing
correct grinding disks are select-
ed. Particular care must be taken Up to module 16 approx. 400 mm/min. 400 mm/min.
when grinding the 8 (10) pitch ow- Up to module 16 approx. 350 mm/min. 350 mm/min.
ing to the greater gash depth. The
feed rate should not therefore be over module 20 250 mm/min. 250 mm/min.
selected too high, as local heat in-
Feed motion in one pass:
creases otherwise give rise to
stresses. Grinding cracks may oth- Up to module 16 approx. 0,20 mm 0,01 mm
erwise develop on the cutting face,
or complete teeth may be chipped Up to module 20 approx. 0,15 mm 0,01 mm
out. over module 20 0,10 mm 0,01 mm

On the basis of our experience, we Table 1: Roughing hob with infinite gash lead
therefore recommend the follow-
ing grinding parameters for the re-
grinding of FETTE heavy-duty Feed (table speed): When roughing When finishing
roughing hobs:
Up to module 12 approx. 6 m/min. 5 m/min.
FETTE heavy-duty roughing hobs over module 12 5 m/min. 4 m/min.
with infinite gash lead (table 1) are
ground with CBN "B151 C125" Feed motion in one pass:
grinding disks, with oil or emul-
sion. Up to module 12 approx. 0,03 mm 0,02 mm

over module 12 0,02 mm 0,01 mm

The circumferential speed of the
grinding disk should be approx. 35 Table 2: Roughing hob with finite gash lead

FETTE heavy-duty roughing hobs

with finite gash lead (table 2) are
ground dry with ceramic bonded
corundum grinding disks.

For hobs up to approximately 200

mm diameter: grain 36, hardness

For hobs over approximately 200

mm diameter: grain 36, hardness F

The circumferential speed of the

grinding disk should be approxi-
mately 30 to 35 m/sec.

After each final feed motion, grind-

ing should be continued until the
grinding disk ceases to spark, i.e.
is no longer engaged, in order to
ensure a well-ground cutting face.

In order to ensure an optimum

lifespan for each hob, we rec-
ommend that the hob be re-
ground as soon as a wear land
of 0.3 and at the most 0.5 mm is

Protuberance hobs
General principles ceeds the machining allowance. A the point at which the root round-
Hobs with protuberance are residual clearance remains on the ing or the undercut begin. It does
roughing cutters whose profile dif- finished gear. Increasing the protu- not follow however that the flanks
fers from the standard type to DIN berance does however also in- between the tip and root form cir-
3972 in that protuberances are crease the root form circle diame- cle diameter actually engage with
present on the tooth tips which ter (dFf). the mating gear, i.e. are actually
project beyond the straight flanks used; this depends upon the tip
of the basic profile. On straight spur gears, a distinc- circle diameters of the gear pair,
tion must be drawn between the the centre distance, and the pres-
The purpose of the protuberance form circle and the effective circle. sure angle which result from the
is to create a clearance cut on the Tip and root form circles are cir- effective tip and root circle diame-
tooth roots of spur gears. This is cles up to which the involute pro- ter. The effective circles may have
necessary when the teeth are to file extends. If, for example, a spur the same dimensions as the corre-
be finish machined by shaving, gear has a tip chamfer, the tip form sponding form circles. The effec-
grinding or by hobbing with a car- circle diameter is the diameter at tive tip circle diameter cannot
bide skiving hob. which the chamfer begins. The tip however exceed the tip form circle
form circle diameter is therefore diameter, and the effective root cir-
The clearance cut on the gear smaller than the tip circle diameter cle diameter cannot be smaller
flank is necessary to avoid a weak- of the gear by twice the radial than the root form circle diameter.
ening of the tooth root through the height of the chamfer. The root When specifying the protuberance
formation of steps (fig. 1.2). It is al- form circle diameter is located at it must be ensured that the root
so intended to make it impossible
for the grinding wheel or the shav-
ing wheel to strike the tooth root of
the gear, since this would have ad-
verse effects through the deflec-
tion of the grinding or shaving
wheel on the quality of the flank
form. An additional load on the
tooth root through grinding stress-
es could then not be excluded. A
clearance cut shape as in fig. 1.3
should be aimed at, which results
after removing the machining al-
lowance in a smooth transition of
the root rounding into the tooth
flank. This shape can however not
be achieved in practice, because,
for example, a faultless positioning
of the grinding wheel relative to the
workpiece would be very expen-
sive and compensation of permis-
sible dimensional deviations and
possibly occuring heat distortion is
not possible.

Fig. 1.4 shows a generally used

form of the clearance cut. The
clearance size and therefore also Fig. 1.5
the amount of protuberance ex-

step q

allowance FS

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2 Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4

form circle diameter is less than To ensure that no misunderstand- An example showing the different
the effective root circle diameter; ings will occur in the text below dimensions of a basic hob profile
only then can it be ensured that about the meaning of the terms is given below. This protuberance
the effective root circle diameter used, these terms will be defined profile has been particularly suc-
calculated for the requisite contact with the aid of the illustration. cessful in many cases.
ratio is actually present.

In some cases one dispenses dur-

ing roughing prior to shaving com- Terms used on aP0 = 0,40 m
pletely with the clearance cut, but the basic hob profile fP0 = 0,2 m
makes sure that the tooth root is P0 = 20
cut out sufficiently for the shaving Fig. 2.1 shows the basic hob pro- prP0 = 10
cutter no longer to touch the root file. This is complemented by the qP0 = 0,09 + 0,0125 m
radius of the gear. The minimum definition of the terms used in con- prP0 = 0,129 + 0,0290 m
and maximum sizes of the clear- junction with the basic profile.  module 7
ance cut are therefore limited by (u = 0,039 + 0,0165 m)
prP0 = 0,181 + 0,0235 m
the finishing method shaving or  module 7
grinding, form and position of the (u = 0,091 + 0,011 m)
relative tooth-crest track of the haP0 = 1,4 m
shaving cutter or the grinding hP0 = 2,6 m
wheel, permissible tooth thickness sP0 =m 2 qP0
deviations etc. and by the
2 cos P0
amount of hardening distortion on
the one hand and by the size of the aP0 = tooth tip radius
root form circle diameter on the fP0 = root fillet radius
other hand. P0 = profile 
prP0 = protuberance angle
In accordance with the importance qP0 = machining allowance
of the root form circle diameter, the prP0 = amount of protuberance
details given below will only deal hprP0 = height of protuberance
with the effects of the various tool haP0 = addendum
and workpiece parameters on the hP0 = profile height
size of the root form circle diame- sP0 = tooth thickness
ter. u = root clearance cut on the
finished gear
Generally, all the teeth/gear num- u = prP0 qP0
bers of a module can be cut with
one protuberance profile.

The addendum of the tools should

be greater than 1.25 x m. prP0

The amount of protuberance is aP0

made up of the machining allow-
ance and the residual undercut re-
maining on the finished gear.
These two values depend on the protuberance
flank hprP0
subsequent machining process,
on the size of the workpieces (pin-
ion or ring) and on the distortion haP0
during heat treatment. It is there- prP0
fore entirely possible that different
tool profiles are needed here. A qP0
special design of the tool profile hP0
may also become necessary at
smaller teeth/gear numbers (less sP0
than 15) and with large negative
profile displacements.
The parameters for the root form
circle diameter are on the work-
piece: module, pressure angle,
number of teeth, helix angle and
profile displacement
on the hob: addendum, tip circle
radius, amount of protuberance
Fig. 2.1: Basic hob profile in the normal section
and protuberance angle.

Calculation of the root
If the root form circle diameter or the effective root circle diameter are not
form circle diameter
specified in the workpiece drawing, the effective root circle diameter
The root form circle diameter can must be calculated from the gear pair data according to the following for-
be calculated using the software mulae:
developed by FETTE.

2 2 2 2
In theory, the root curve comprises (1) dNf1 = (2 a sin wt dNa2 db2) + db1
the region generated by the tooth
2 2 2 2
tip radius and that profiled by the (2) dNf2 = (2 a sin wt dNa1 db1) + db2
protuberance flank. The second
(z1 + z2) mt
region is an involute profile, in (3) cos wt = cos t
which the involute intersects the
root curve of the main involute. mn
(4) mt =
The intersection is determined by cos
the root form circle diameter. In the
tan n
majority of cases examined, the in- (5) tan t =
volute region of the undercut curve
is not present, however, and the z mn cos t
(6) db =
root rounding generated by the cos
tooth tip radius forms the intersec-
tion with the main involute.
Calculation of the effective root circle diameter

It has proved practical to plot the

computed root curve and to ana-
lyse the result of the plot. The In formulae (1) and (2), either the
intersection of the root curve with Where:
tip circle diameter, or if a chamfer
the main involute following ma- dNf1, dNf2 = effective root circle diameter
is present, the tip form circle diam-
chining is of decisive importance dNa1, dNa2 = effective tip circle diameter
eter of the corresponding mating
for evaluation of the root form cir- a = centre distance
gears, are employed as the effec-
cle diameter. On gears which have wt = operating pressure
tive tip circle diameter.
been hardened and ground, it angle
must be considered that hardening db = base diameter
distortion and incorrect centring of z1, z2 = number of teeth
the grinding disk result in different mt = real module
volumes being ground off the t = real pressure angle
roughed tooth flank. This may re- = helix angle
sult in the root form circle diameter
being displaced from the theoreti-
cal dimension arrived at by calcu-
lation. In such cases, it must be
ensured that an adequate reserve
remains between the calculated
root form circle diameter and the
requisite root form circle diameter.

Practical experience has shown

that gears with a small number of machining
teeth and only a small positive pro-
file displacement may lead to
problems if the root form circle di-
root form circle on
ameter is too large. The result can the gear following
be improved by a smaller protu- machining
berance quantity, a larger adden-
dum, or a smaller tooth tip radius root form circle on
on the basic hob profile. the finished gear

Tooth gap profile in the face plane

Wear phenomena on the hob
The cutting forces different axial feeds. The reason finally 20 cutting edges at 6 mm
for this phenomenon is that the feed per work rotation, i.e. about
The hobbing process has been chip shapes at these cutting edges 50 % more than at a feed of 2
known for over a century. For al- are determined almost exclusively mm.
most as long, people in the trade by the cutter- and workpiece size.
have grappled with the problem of It can also be seen that the num-
hob wear. ber of cutting edges taking part in
Whereas in turning and milling the the metal removal increases with
metal cutting process can be char- faster axial feed.
acterized by 3 values, namely the Whereas in our example only 13
cutting speed v, the feed fa cutting edges work on the entry
and the infeed a, two special side of the cutter at an axial feed of
points must be taken into account 2 mm per work rotation, this be-
in hobbing. comes 17 cutting edges already at
In contrast to turning and milling, 4 mm feed per work rotation and
considerably more parameters act
on the cutting process.
These parameters result from the
manufacturing process and be-
yond that from the geometry of the
tool and the workpiece.

The effects arising from the cutting

process cannot easily be ex-
plained by the interrelationship of 500
these parameters. kp workpiece
Main cutting force PH

Thmer (1) found already during 400 m = 5 mm

his studies of the cutting forces z = 40
o = 0
during hobbing that the cutting 300
forces occurring on each tool hob
cutting edge can be calculated 200 dk = 100 mm
from the cross-sectional area of i = 10
o = 230'
cut involved.
Calculating the cross-sectional ar- conventional
eas of cut is therefore very impor- hobbing
tant in this connection. +20 +15 +10 +5 0 5
In addition to this, knowing the Cutting edge no.
crosssectional areas of cut occur-
ring in hobbing also makes it pos- fa = 6 mm/WU fa = 4 mm/WU fa = 2 mm/WU
sible to forecast the tool wear and
to assess the suitability of specific
cutting materials.

The chip thicknesses on small

modules and the chip lengths can
be influenced only slightly by the
gear flank
cutting speed and the feed rate, leaving
and are determined principally by gear flank
the geometric dimensions of the Workpiece outfeeding
hob and the workpiece. cutter flank
cutter flank
Fig. 1. shows the cutting forces
occurring on the individual cutting
edges for three different axial
feeds, as they arise when conven-
tional hobbing a spur gear.
At the entering cutter side one can
see that the cutting forces initially Cutter
rise steeply, after which they grad-
ually decrease up to the end of the acc. to Thmer, Aachen Polytechnic
engagement length.
Apart from the first working cutting
edges it is found that almost equal
cutting forces are present on virtu- Fig. 1: Effect of the feed on the cutting force in hobbing
ally all other cutting edges despite

These cutting force diagrams also
reveal that in hobbing the individu- Main cutting force PH
al cutting edges carry different 800
loads, which naturally results in a
non-uniform wear pattern. The ef- kp calculated values
fect of the axial feed on the maxi- measured values
mum main cutting force is shown
in fig. 2. The cutting force increas- 600
es in the present example degres-
sively up to a feed of 3 mm per
work rotation. Over 3
mm feed a slightly progressive in-
crease in cutting force is found,
which changes at 6 mm into a 400
slightly degressive course. At 10
mm feed the cutting force is ap-
workpiece m = 5 mm
proximately double that at 4 mm z = 40
feed. o = 0
Ck 45
The chip thickness which have to cutter dk = 100 mm
be parted off from the individual g = 1
cutting edges during hobbing are i = 10
o = 230'
shown in fig. 3. One can see that
conventional hobbing
the chip thickness increase lineary
from the point of contact towards
the entering cutter side. They are 0 2 4 6 8 10
almost the same for all axial feeds Axial feed fa [mm/work rot.]
and only exhibit certain deviations
acc. to Thmer, Aachen polytechnic
at the first working cutting edges.
At a feed of 10 mm per work rota-
Fig. 2: Effect of the axial feed on the maximum main cutting force
tion the maximum chip thickness
is over 0.5 mm. At a feed of 6 mm
per work rotation a maximum chip
thickness of about 0.45 mm oc-
curs in the present case, whereas
at a feed of 4 mm per work rotation s = 10 mm/Work rot. workpiece m = 5 mm
the maximum chip thickness be- z = 40
0,5 o = 0
comes 0.35 mm and at a feed of
Maximum chip thickness hmax

mm fa = 6 mm work rot.
2 mm per work rotation it becomes cutter dk = 100 mm
about 0.28 mm. 0,4 i = 10
o = 230'
fa = 4 mm work
rot. conventional hobbing
fa = 2 mm work
0,2 rot.


25 20 15 10 5 0
Tool cutting edge no.

acc. to Thmer, Aachen polytechnic

Fig. 3: Effect of the axial feed on the chip thicknesses

Ziegler (2) demonstrated that the tern along the tooth flank to be
cutting speed has no appreciable machined.
effect on the main cutting forces
(fig. 4). With all materials, the main
cutting forces remain almost con-
stant at cutting speeds above 50
m/min., whereas they rise when
the cutting speeds decrease. The
rise is somewhat steeper during
kp Material Ck 45

Main cutting force PH

conventional hobbing than with
infeed 2 x m
climb hobbing. The decreasing 300 m = 5 mm spur teeth
trend is found up to about 50 profile displacement x = 0
m/min., independently of the mill-
200 m = 3 mm
ing process and the gear data.

At higher cutting speeds the 100

cutting forces can not be reduced m = 1,5 mm
any further. This was confirmed
particularly by the use of a module 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 m/min 220
1.5 carbide hob. For the feed, a
value was chosen with all cutters Cutting speed V
which corresponds numerically to
Gear data Hob data
about 2/3 of the module.The main
5 mm z = 31, fa = 3 mm/U, conventional HSS-hob, dK = 100 mm, i = 10
cutting forces depend apart from hobbing,
the machining conditions on the m = 3 mm, z = 53, fa = 2 mm/U, conventional SS-hob, dK = 80 mm, i = 10
workpiece dimensions, in particu- hobbing,
lar the number of teeth and profile m = 1,5 mm, z = 26, fa = 1 mm/U, climb SS-hob, dK = 63 mm, i = 12
displacement. They are also af- hobbing,
fected, however, by the number of m = 1,5 mm, z = 26, fa = 1 mm/U, climb carbide-hob, dK = 40 mm, i = 15
segments of the cutter and partic- hobbing,
ularly by the latter's true running. acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic

Ziegler (3) studied, among other

aspects, also the effect of the lead Fig. 4: Effect of the cutting speed on the main cutting forces
directions of cutter and workpiece
on the circumferential force and
the coordination of this circumfe-
rential force with the direction of
rotation of the table. If the lead di-
rections of cutter and workpiece
correspond, the component from m = 4 mm
the main cutting force opposes the QFA
z = 34
workpiece rotation. QK QFi QFA QFi i = 9
This means that the circumferen-
centre line

A = 10
tial force presses the machine ta- t = 2
ble and therefore the indexing
0,25 mm2

v = 40 m/min
worm wheel more strongly against Ck 45
the drive worm. No additional ta- fa
= 1
ble motions can then take place. If m
on the other hand the lead direc-
tions are opposite, the component
from the main cutting force acts in 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the direction of rotation of the ta-
Roughing zone Area of the involute formation
500 kp

If the circumferential force acts

against the table rotation, it has
virtually no influence on the latter.
If it acts in the same direction,
however, the table on conventional 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Entering zone Leaving zone
hobbing machines is subjected to
acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic
movements at the segment en-
gagement frequency, the magni-
tude of which corresponds to the
play between the worm and the
Fig. 5: Cross-sectional areas of cut and cutting forces in the case of a work-
worm gear, and which may lead to piece with only one tooth space
a rough, rippling machining pat-

The cross-sectional areas tional tool costs become minimal.
of cut If one looks at the wear of each in-
dividual cutter tooth, a representa-
To study the wear behaviour of
tion as shown in fig. 8 results.
hobs it is necessary to know the
Here, 40 gears were cut in a quite
cross-sectional areas of cut for the
specific cutter position.
individual cutter teeth. Already the
study by Ziegler (4) of the cutting
The roughing work is in the case
forces presupposed a knowledge
always carried out by the same
of the cross-sectional areas of cut.
cutting edges, so that maximum
wear occurs on a few cutter teeth cutting edge
The main cutting force and the rounding
which have to be reground al-
cross-sectional area of cut are in flank wear (fillet)
though other teeth show little or no
hobbing different for each individ-
wear. With axial cutter displace-
ual tooth of the cutter. This makes chipping back wear
ment (hob shift) on the other hand,
hobbing quite different from other
other cutting edges move into the pitting
machining processes, where an in-
maximum stress area during each
crease in feed immediately pro-
work cycle, so that a large number
duces a change in chip thickness.
of cutter teeth have a virtually
In fig. 5, the measured cutting
identical wear mark width.
forces below and the calculated
maximum cross-sectional areas of
cut above are plotted one above
the other for a particular gear. The
cross-sections are sub-divided ac- Fig. 6: Types of wear on
cording to the cutting edges on the hob tooth
the tip and on the two flanks of the
cutter teeth. It can be clearly seen
that in the roughing zone the
cross-sections on the cutter tip far
outweigh those of the flanks. To
obtain the values for this figure,
gears with only one tooth space
were cut, so that the cross-sec- 1,0
tional area of cut could be coordi- mm
nated with the corresponding
cutting force. After the connection 0,8
Wear mark width B

between cutting force and cross-

sectional area of cut has been es- 0,6
tablished, the task was to define
the wear forms and their causes
on the cutter tooth. 0,4


Wear criteria
On the hob tooth a distinction is
made between flank wear, cutting
edge rounding, chipping and pit- mm/piece
Wear per piece

ting (fig. 6). To be able to study the 0,006

wear behaviour of hobs realistical-
ly, the tests were carried out in
cooperation with the industry 0,004
under mass production conditions.
In fig. 7 the wear mark width "B"
refers to the flank wear. The upper
curve of the figure shows the well
known characteristic with an in- 0
itially degressive rise, which is fol- 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Stck. 320
lowed by an almost linear section. Number of gears
As the number of units increases,
the rise becomes progressive. In acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic
the lower curve the wear is based
on the number of units cut. A mini-
mum is then found and conse-
quently a specific value for the Fig. 7: Flank wear (back wear) as a function of the number of units
wear mark at which the propor-

The effect of the cutting conditions 0,6
on tool wear is of particular inter- mm
est. The dependence of the wear 0,5
mark width "B" on the feed is

Wear mark width B

shown in fig. 9. With small feeds 0,4
the chip thicknesses and the
cutting forces are small, whereas 0,3
the number of starting cuts is high.
With greater feed the cross-sec- 0,2
tional areas of cut increase, and
with them the cutting edge stress 0,1
and temperature, whereas the
number of starting cuts decreases. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
If one looks in fig. 10 at the mean
Number of cutter teeth
wear as a function of the feed, one
can see that the increase in wear 160 gears with shifting 40 gears without shifting
at greater feed is so little, that the (Shift distance: 0,64 mm/clamping) scatter range
reduction in cutting time achieved acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic
by increasing the feed is much
more important than the only Fig 8: Wear mark width when hobbing with and without shifting
slightly worse tool wear. It can be
deduced from this that in the area
studied an increase in feed is not
limited by the wear, but by the at-
tainable gear quality, particularly 0,6
as regards the feed markings. In
contrast to the feed, the cutting 0,5
Wear mark width B

speed affects tool wear far more.

We shall come back to this fact lat- 0,4
Hoffmeister (5) classified the ef-
fects on hob wear according to 0,2
cutter, machining and gear criteria.
According to his findings, the wear 0,1
is influenced by the diameter of
the tool, the number of starts of 0
the tool, and the number of seg- 20 40 60 80 100
ments. Further influencing factors Number of cutter teeth
are the tip radius, the relief angle of fa = 3,2 mm / w.p.rev. fa = 4 mm / w.p.rev. fa = 5 mm / w.p.rev.
the cutter profile, the rake angle of
acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic
the cutting edges, and finally fac-
tors such as the tool design and Fig. 9: Wear mark width as a function of the feed

The wear is influenced strongly by

the following machining condi-
tions: 0,5

The feed "fa", the shift "SH", the in- mm

feed depth "a", the cutting speed 0,4
Wear mark width B

"v". Other factors affecting wear

are the hobbing process, the con-
dition of the hobbing machine, the
mounting and clamping of tool and
workpiece and finally the coolant. 0,2


2 3 4 mm w.p. rev. 6
Feed fa
acc. to Ziegler, Aachen polytechnic

Fig. 10: Wear mark width as a function of the feed

The gear affects hob wear through given in fig.12 are used, the formu- to a value Y = Ymax. feed per work-
its diameter, the module size, the lae presented in fig. 13 can be de- piece rotation, we obtain a point
helix angle of its teeth, the profile veloped. With the help of these on the curve from which the enter-
displacement x  m and through formulae a graphic drawing can be ing zone for climb hobbing can be
the gear width. The effect of the produced which makes it possible determined.
gear material on tool wear must to assess the tool setting (fig. 14).
not be forgotten either. This large The projection of this curve loca-
number of factors affecting wear In the penetration ellipse we obtain tion onto the cutter axis corre-
can be divided into two groups. a maximum value for the Y-axis. sponds to the cutter length for the
The projection of this value onto entering zone on helical gears
when the tool and the gear have
1. Values which from the geometry the cutter axis shows the entering
the same direction of lead. If a tool
of the teeth and the cutter deter- zone for conventional hobbing. If
with a tapered lead is brought into
mine the length of the cutting arc the curve is traced beyond Ymax.up
the consideration, knowledge of
and the chip thickness.

2. Technological effects, such as

cutting speed, cutting material/
tool pairing, cutting edge geome- Gear
try, use of cutting oil etc.

Engagement conditions
Hoffmeister (6) distinguishes be-
tween the cutter entering and leav-
ing sides, which are separated by
the central tooth, and between a
profile generating zone and a pre-
cutting zone. The central tooth is
the cutter tooth which is situated Hob
in the axial hob/gear crossing
point. The central tooth lies in the Fig. 11: Principle of the penetration curve
centre of the profile generating
zone. The pre-cutting zone de-
pends on the external shape of the
hob. This will be greater with cylin-
drical tools than with tools which
have a tapered or round leading
end. g d y
To be able to calculate the length e
of the cutting arc and the chip c
thickness, it was necessary to de- RF
fine the tool/workpiece penetration f
curve accurately.

In the tool/workpiece penetration

(7) the penetration curve forms a
cutting ellipse on the cylindrical
generated surface of the gear. The
position of this ellipse depends on
the crossing angle of the two axes.
In addition, the shape of the ellipse
is determined by the sizes of the
hob and the gear.
h x b
The essential point for assessing
the correct setting of the tool on
the hobbing machine is the projec-
tion of this cutting ellipse in a
plane which is parallel to the hob-
bing machine. If the designations Fig. 12: Proportions of the penetration curve

the penetration line is important
particularly with large gears.
feed per work rotation
Fig. 15 shows how the approach
lengths become decidedly shorter
in the tool with tapered lead as
compared with the cylindrical tool.
It should here be pointed out that
the angle and shape of the lead
should also be carefully matched
to the conditions, to prevent over-
loading the entering teeth, be-
cause this would again lead to pre- hob
mature wear. Backed by the
knowledge of the hob positioning
on the hobbing machine the wear gear axis
studies could now be systemati- x
cally carried out (fig.16).

In the wear measurements one

makes a distinction between the g
tip wear, here identified by "BK",
al hob
the wear of the outgoing cutter ention ing
flank called "BA", and the wear of rc onv h obb
e fo limb
the approaching flank called "BZ". zon for
ting one
The outgoing cutter flank is the cut z
flank whose relative motion is the cut
same as that of the leaving gear
flank. The approaching tool flank is
the cutter flank towards which the
gear flank moves during the gener-
ating motion. When comparing the Fig. 14: Tool/gear penetration

Roghing hob
RF = Werkzeugradius with taper lead angle 831'57''
h = Zahnhhe = Frstiefe
R = Werkstckauenradius
= 0 0 conventional hobbing: Climb hobbing:
0 = Schrgungswinkel der 210 x 175 / 229 x 100 dia 210 x 225 / 279 x dia 100
Verzahnung lead length 40 mm lead length 90 mm
0 = Steigungswinkel des starting length 138 mm starting length 188 mm
Wlzfrsers feed fa = 6 mm

A = RF h + R
gear centre line fa = 6
a = R2 x2

b = Aa axis
c = RF2 b2

d =
e = x tan
f = c tan h fo g
l e ngt obbin
g al h bing
g =
x sta ention b hob
i m
cos con
v r cl
ht fo
g l eng
y = d+e star
L = f+g 3,7

Fig. 13: Calculation of the Fig. 15: Penetration curve for a hob with lead.
penetration curve Gear: module 10, 405 teeth, helix angle 29

results of the wear measurements credible explanation for the origin are represented by the plotter, we
on the hob which had been used of the flank wear, further studies obtain a picture of the chip cross-
for climb hobbing with the wear were necessary. sections on the cutting planes.
measurements on the hob which This plotter image provides a rep-
had been used for conventional resentation of the chip cross-sec-
hobbing, the direction of rotation tions and the chip outline.
of the gear blank and the direction
of rotation of the cutter were kept If this calculation of the chip cross-
the same. Chip geometry section is carried out with a repre-
This means that when the wear sentation for all meshing hob
in hobbing
curve is drawn, the central tooth teeth, one obtains an overview of
(called 0) lies in the wear diagram Sulzer (8) drew up a computation the chip forming cross-sections
for climb hobbing on the right- process which accurately deter- and the chip forms in hobbing
hand diagram side, whereas the mines the geometry of the individ- (fig. 19). Furthermore one can rec-
central tooth for conventional hob- ual chip. For this purpose he stud- ognize the stresses on the individ-
bing is situated on the left-hand di- ied the chip formation in a number ual hob teeth and the varying load
agram side. It can be seen from of cutting planes during the pas- within the tooth under observation.
the diagram that in climb hobbing sage of a cutter tooth. The com-
more teeth participate in the en- puter now supplies for each When simulating the individual
tering cut than is the case with cutting plane numerical values hobbing processes such as con-
conventional hobbing. The stress which correspond to the chip ventional hobbing and climb hob-
on the tip cutting edges is with thickness formed. These values bing and hobbing in the same or in
conventional hobbing only slightly shown diagramatically produce the opposite direction, the com-
greater than with climb milling. horizontal lines for the cutting puter supplies different chip form-
This is explained by the fact that planes with the designations 1 to 6 ing cross-sections and forms.
fewer hob teeth are engaged in (fig.18). To gain an overall impres- Hobbing in the same direction
conventional hobbing than in sion of the size relationships, the means that the direction of start
climb hobbing. The stress and scale of the chip forming cross- of the hob and the tooth lead of
therefore the wear of the ap- sections is given on the left-hand the gear are unidirectional, i.e. a
proaching cutter flank is highest side of the diagram. The designa- cutter with right-hand start ma-
with climb milling. This is particu- tions for the cutting zones are situ- chines a gear with right-handed
larly the case in the entering cutter ated underneath the base line. The teeth and a cutter with left-hand
portion with the greater cutting arc section AB corresponds to the en- start machines a gear with left-
length. tering cutter flank. Section BC cor- handed theeth.
responds to the tooth tip width.
The main stress in conventional Section CD corresponds to the In the case of hobbing in the oppo-
hobbing is borne by the teeth of leaving cutter flank. When the val- site direction a cutter with right-
the leaving cutter flank. Here, rela- ues supplied by the computer for hand start machines a gear with
tively severe wear takes place the chip forming cross-sections left-handed teeth and a cutter with
even in the profile forming zone.
This is explained by the fact that in
conventional hobbing the greater
cutting arc length still prevails
BK = tip wear
even in the profile forming zone. In BA = wear on the leaving flanks
climb hobbing the working range BZ = wear on the entering flanks
is therefore situated on the cutter
entering side, in conventional hob-
bing on the leaving side.
The wear diagrams can also be BZ BA
interpreted as follows: In climb 0,6
hobbing the effective relief angle is
smaller on the outer cutter tooth
flank than on the inner one, which BA BZ
is why the maximum wear on the
outer cutter tooth flank can be 0,2
caused by the effect of the smaller BK BK
relief angle. This explanation is not 0
valid for conventional hobbing. Al- +25 +20 +15 +10 +5 0 5 +5 0 5 10 15 20
though flank wear also occurs on Climb hobbing conventional hobbing
the outer cutter tooth flank, the lat-
ter has the greater effective relief acc. to Hoffmeister, Aachen polytechnic
angle. For this reason the effect of
the relief angle cannot be the only Fig. 16: Wear distribution on the hob
cause of the flank wear. To find a

left-hand start machines a gear The collision between chip and the other workpiece flank, where it
with right-handed teeth. This com- workpiece flank can be explained is welded on. As a result of the
putational consideration of chip by the chip form and the chip flow. cutting motion of the cutter tooth
forming geometry confirmed what The cutting process commences at the pressure welds are separated,
Thmer (1) had already found in the leaving flank near the cutter but are formed afresh by the flow-
his studies. Flank wear takes place tooth tip. At this stage it can still ing chip. In addition, a workpiece
precisely at those transitions from curl freely. After that the tip area of rotation takes place during the
tool tooth tip to tool flank which the cutter tooth moves into en- cutting motion. This means that
are no longer actively participating gagement. Because of the compli- the workpiece flank moves away
in the metal cutting process. He cated shape and the tight space from the leaving tool flank. It is this
states: "In this case the tool conditions in the tooth gap the chip relative speed at which the chip is
cutting edge which just at this cor- can no longer curl freely. It is at pushed from the cutting face over
ner no longer removes a chip ex- the end pushed by the entering the cutting edge. This produces
hibits particularly large wear mark flank beyond the cutting face to tensile forces on the cutting edge
widths, which in turn makes it
clear that no direct connection ex-
ists between chip thickness and
tool wear."

The plotter images produced by

Sulzer's method (9 and 10) confirm
this assumption. Sulzer's studies hob
covered mainly the wear behaviour
of carbide hobs. Instead of flank
wear, he found micro-chipping in
this area. Using the scanning elec-
tron microscope, he studied the 1 2
3 4
leaving flanks for chip traces and 5 6
found pressure welded deposits
on the flanks. He states: (11 and
12) "The different dircection of the
cutting traces and of the streaks
indicates that these streaks are
caused by the chips being re-
moved. They occur at those points
on the tooth flank which do not
come into engagement with the cutting planes
cutter tooth concerned, i.e. there acc. to Sulzer, Aachen polytechnic
is generally a gap between the
cutting edge and this flank area."
Fig. 17: Determination of the chip forming cross-sections

cutting planes



0,2 mm

entering flank tip leaving flank

1 mm

acc. to Sulzer, Aachen polytechnic

Fig. 18: Determination of the chip forming cross-sections

which can in the case of carbide cure-all for flank wear. With hob- throughout the gear train. It is fea-
lead to chipping. When machining bing in the opposite direction the sible that flank wear could be re-
with high-speed steel, squeezing circumferential force acts in the di- duced by alternate cutting of the
forces occur at this point which rection of rotation of the table. tip flanks. Long-term tests in this
produce the greater free flank Since this circumferential force fa- field have not yet been completed,
abrasion. This phenomenon also vours the flank clearance between so that no definite statement can
occurs with hobbing in the oppo- the worm and the indexing worm as yet be made about the success
site direction, but not to such an wheel, it creates a disturbance in of this measure.
extent. the indexing gear unit with the
segment engagement frequency.
It is therefore easy to regard hob- This results in chatter markings on
bing in the opposite direction as a the gear flanks and vibration

13 14 15

10 11 12

7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3

acc. to Sulzer, Aachen polytechnic

Fig. 19: Different chip forming cross-sections on the meshing hob teeth

1) Thmer, Investigation of the cutting 5) Hoffmeister, Wear life studies and edge- and cutting action geometry. Re-
force in hobbing. Research report, hobbing with carbide. Research report, search report, Aachen polytechnic, 1971
Aachen polytechnic, 1964 Aachen polytechnic, 1968 10) Sulzer, The prevention of chipping on
2) Ziegler, Determination of optimum 6) Hoffmeister, General wear studies in carbide hobs. Research report,
hobbing. Research report, Aachen polytechnic, 1972
cutting force conditions for hobbing. Re-
search report, Aachen polytechnic, 1965 Aachen polytechnic, 1969 11) Sulzer, Causes and prevention of
7) Hoffmeister, About wear on hobs. chipping when hobbing with carbide
3) Ziegler, Cutting forces when hobbing tools. Research report,
straight- and helical tooth spur gears, Thesis, 1970, at the Aachen polytechnic
Aachen polytechnic, 1973
Research report, Aachen polytechnic, 8) Sulzer, Optimum design of hobs and use 12) Sulzer, Performance enhancement in
1966 of carbide in hobbing. Research report, cylindrical gear manufacture through a
4) Ziegler, Study of the main cutting force Aachen polytechnic, 1970 precise understanding of metal removal
when hobbing spur gears. 9) Sulzer, State and development of car- kinematics.
Thesis, 1967, at the Aachen polytechnic bide hobbing, study of the cutting Thesis, 1973, at the Aachen polytechnic

Involute gear cutter with indexable inserts
Involute gear cutter
With carbide indexable inserts 1400
For roughing and finish-milling of 1300
internal and external straight spur 1200
gears, and for worm thread and M=6

Rm (N/mm2)
1100 M = 10
rack cutting M = 14
M = 18
900 M = 20
Involute roughing hob 800
M = 22

With tangentially arranged carbide 700

indexable inserts, pressure angle 600

20, basic profile IV to DIN 3972. 500
180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70
Vc (m/min) Recommended value (vc - m/min)

Recommended values for the power

requirement for involute roughing:
Rm = tensile strength (N/mm2)
Vc = cutting speed (m/min)
hm1 = mean tip chip thickness
These tools permit an economical
(mm) Value 0.1 mm
production process for the rough-
z = number of gashes / 2
ing of large gears.
fz = tooth feed (mm)
a = radial feed (mm)
Under certain conditions, they of-
(cutting depth)
fer considerable advantages for Design features D = tool diameter
the roughing of high-strength gear Continuous indexable insert
vf = feed (mm/min)
materials (Rm > 1000 N/mm2). cutting edges enable the entire
profile height to be finish-milled. Qspez. = power factor
Problematic transitions are thus (cm3 min kW)
The tooth gaps are roughed trape- (Value taken from table)
prevented from leading to band-
zoidally with straight-sided flanks.
ing. Formula applicable for full profile
The basic tool profile corresponds
to BP IV according to DIN 3972. depth:
The indexable inserts can be in-
Other profiles can be supplied as dexed twice. A further regrind is 3,19 Mod.2 vf
non-standard versions upon re- P(kW) =
possible on one side. The cutting 1000 Qspez.
quest. edge form is determined by the
vf = fz n z
tooth gap profile specified by the
customer. It is dependent to a hm1
The user of carbide cutting materi- fz =
large degree upon the number of a
als enables considerable increases
gear teeth and the profile displace- D
in performance to be achieved. A
ment factor.
powerful and sufficiently rigid ma-
chine is however essential. Milling
using the plunge process must al- Material Rm/UTS Power factor
(N/mm2) Qspez. cm3/min x kW
so be possible. Preference should
Unalloyed structural steel 700 22 24
be given to climb milling.
Free cutting steel 700 22
Structural steel 500 900 18 20
Involute finishing hob Heat-treatable steel, medium strength 500 950 18 20
This method can be employed Cast steel 950 18 20
where medium quality require- Case hardening steel 950 18 20
ments are placed upon the gear Stainless steel, ferritic, martensitic 500 950 16 18
quality; quality grade 9 to DIN Heat-treatable steel, high-strength 950 1400 13 18
3962/68 can be attained. Nitriding steel, heat-treated 950 1400 13 18
Tool steel 950 1400 13 18
This process is often employed for Stainless steel, austenitic 500 950 18 20
the manufacture of ball bearing Grey cast iron 100 400 (120600 HB) 28 35
slewing rims (control gear for jib Alloyed grey cast iron 150 250 (160230 HB) 22
cranes), and for the profiling of ex- Nodular cast iron 400 800 (120310 HB) 24
ternal and internal gears.
Malleable cast iron 350 700 (150280 HB) 24

Catalogue number index
Cat.-No. Page Cat.-No. Page

2002 13 2412 66

2008 14 2422 67

2022 15 2432 67

2026 47 2442 68

2028 44 2444 69

2031 16 2472 70

2032 16 2452 71

2033 17 2462 72

2042 18 2500 88

2051 34 2512 89

2053 34 2513 90

2055 34 2521 91

2057 34 2522 92

2061 35 2560 93

2063 35 2561 94

2065 35 2601 98

2067 35 2620 102

2082 51 2621 103

2091 55 2630 104

2092 56 2667 105

2094 57 2690 112

2129 45 2695 111

2153 46 2701 116

2163 39 2742 117

2301 60 2730 118

2311 61 2731 120

2331 62 2801 122

2341 63 2802 122

2342 64 2803 122

2352 65 2804 122

2402 66

DIN number index
DIN Page

138 30, 46, 111, 112

1806 102

2080 102

2207 102

3968 1517, 24, 25, 34, 35, 44, 45, 47, 51, 56, 57, 6372,
127, 134, 144, 171, 174, 177

3972 15, 16, 34, 35, 51, 8894, 98, 102105, 141, 179, 192

3975 81

5294 117

5464 67,118

5471 67, 119

5472 68, 119

5480 70, 148

5481 72,148

5482 71

58411 13

58412 13, 14, 142

58413 13, 14

7721 17

8002A 15

8002B 16

8150 61, 116, 146

8151 116

8164 62, 116, 146

8187 60, 116, 146

8188 60, 116, 146

8196 60

8197 146

9611 69, 119

58411 13

58412 13, 14

58413 13, 14

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Pictures were generously provided by the following machine
tool manufacturers:

Getriebebau Nord Schlicht & Kchenmeister, Bargteheide

Gleason-Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Ludwigsburg
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