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SAR-DF 517

4-Band Precision
Direction Finder

Installation and Operation

Manual DV 77513.03
Issue 2 January 2002

Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH · Baden Airpark ·Gebäude B 108

77836 Rheinmünster · Telephone 07229 / 305-0
E-Mail : [email protected] or [email protected]
First Issue and Changes

Issue . . . . . 1 . . . . . September 2001

List of effective pages

Page No. : Date. : Page No. : Date. :

Titlepage 01/2002

ISO 9001

I-1 I-4 01/2002

1-1 1-8 01/2002

2-1 2-8 01/2002

3-1 3-10 01/2002

DV 77513.03 Article-Number: 551.295-071

© 2001 by Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH

All rights reserved
ISO 9001

Certified Quality System

Das Becker- Qualitätsmanagementsystem ist zertifiziert nach:
The Becker quality management system is certified according to:

DIN EN ISO 9001 CERT Reg. - Nr. 70 100 M 2082

Zulassungen und Genehmigungen:

Licenses and Approvals:

BWB-1921Y-B07/9701 Zulassung als Luftfahrtbetrieb für Luftfahrtgerät der Bundeswehr

Manufactures license for aviation equipment to the German armed forces
LBA.G.0075 Genehmigung als Herstellerbetrieb nach JAR-21, Abschnitt G
Production Organization Approval, JAR-21, Subpart G
LBA.0166 Genehmigung als Instandhaltungsbetrieb nach JAR-145
Maintenance Organization Approval, JAR-145

Qualitätszertifikat Certificate of qualitiy

Sehr geehrter Kunde, Dear Customer,

Sie haben sich für den Kauf eines Becker- you have decided to buy a Becker product. You
Produktes entschieden. Hiermit erhalten Sie ein are assured of receiving a product that is
nach modernsten Fertigungsmethoden hergestell- manufactured using the most modern methods
tes Produkt. Es wurde nach den Regeln unseres available. This product was developed,
Qualitätsmanagementsystems entwickelt, gefer- manufactured and tested in compliance with our
tigt und geprüft. quality management system standards.
SAR-DF 517

Table of Contents

Section 1 General Information


1.1 Introduction 1-1

1.2 Purpose 1-1

1.3 Technical Data 1-3

1.3.1 Electrical Data 1-3

1.3.2. Interface 1-5

1.3.3 Environmental Data 1-6

1.3.4 Mechanical Data and Weight 1-6

1.4 Frequencies of Channels on Maritime Band 1-7

1.5 Scope of Delivery 1-9

1.6 Accessories 1-9

Fig. 1-1 4-Band Precision Direction Finder System 1-2

Section 2 Installation

2.1 General 2-1

2.1.1 Inspection before installation 2-1

2.2 Mechanical installation display unit 2-1

2.3 Mechanical installation antenna unit 2-3

2.2 Connecting Cable / Interwiring 2-4

2.4 Information for the installation of the antenna unit 2-5

2.5 Installation Wiring 2-6

2.5.1 General 2-6

2.5.2 Panel lighting 2-7

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2.6 Post-installation check 2-7

2.6.1 Electrical interference 2-8

Fig. 2-1 Dimensions Drawing of the Display Unit 2-2

Fig. 2-2 Mounting Drawing of the Display Unit 2-2

Fig. 2-3 Mounting Drawig of the Antenna 2-3

Fig. 2-4 Dimensions Drawing of the Antenna 2-4

Fig. 2-5 Montage direction of the antenna unit 2-5

Fig. 2-6 Interwiring Diagram 2-6

Section 3 Operation


I3.1 Important Basic Adjustments 3-1

3.2. Operating 3-1

3.2.1 Power-On Procedure / Selection of Operating Mode 3-2

3.2.2 General Functions 3-2

3.3 Bearing Mode 3-3

3.3.1 Operating Elements in Bearing Mode 3-3

3.3.2 Display in Bearing Mode 3-4

3.3.3 Scanning Mode when Bearing Cospas/Sarsat Signals 3-6

3.3.4 Cospas/Sarsat, Analysing the Binary Continuous Signal (page 4) 3-7

3.3.5 Edit Menu (page 5) 3-8

3.4 Adjusting Training Frequencies (page 6) 3-9

3.5 Error Messages 3-10

Fig. 3-1 Selection of Working Mode at Power on of the Unit 3-1

Fig. 3-2 General Operating Elements of the Display Unit 3-2

Fig. 3-3 Operating Elements in Bearing Mode 3-3

Fig. 3-4 Display Page 1 (360 ° Bearing Display) 3-4

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Fig. 3-5 Display Page 2 (Expanded +/- 45° Bearing Display) 3-5

Fig. 3-6 Display Page 3 (Bearing Display as Text) 3-5

Fig. 3-7 Display Cospas/Sarsat Analyse (page4) 3-7

Fig. 3-8 Display Edit Menu (page 5) 3-8

Fig. 3-9 Menu of Adjustable Frequencies (page 6) 3-9

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SAR-DF 517
Section 1 General Information

1.1. Introduction

The SAR-DF 517 4-Band Precision Direction Finder System is described in ”Installation and
Operation” DV 77513.03 and “Maintenance and Repair” DV 77513.04 manuals.

The manuals contain the following sections :

Section DV 77531.03 DV 77513.04

1 General Information X X

2 Installation X X

3 Operation X X

4 Theory of Operation X

5 Maintenance and Repair X

6 Parts List X

7 Modification and Changes X

8 Circuit Diagrams X

1.2. Purpose

This modern precision direction finder was mainly developed for professional SAR (search and
rescue) purposes. It offers the possibility to bear and analyse traditional emergency frequencies in the
UHF and VHF band, the general calling channel 16 of maritime radio and the common Cospas/Sarsat
emergency signal. Because of its very short pulse length this signal cannot be beared reasonably by
conventional direction finders.

The excellent bearing results become possible by our newly developed patented antenna concept
(small, robust and wide-banded) and the sophisticated bearing analysing algorithms, which deliver a
quick but nevertheless steady display.

The direction finder was developed for working under rough conditions as mobile uses on helicopters
or vehicles.

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Fig. 1-1 4-Band Precision Direction Finder System

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1.3. Technical Data

1.3.1. Electrical Data

Method of bearing Doppler-principle (3kHz rotational frequency,

right / left rotation)

Bearing accuracy (1) ± 5°

Internal resolution 1°

Sensitivity RF-Voltage at Receiver Input (50Ohms)

VHF<100nV; SeaBand<100nV;
UHF<100nV; 406MHz<150nV

Frequency stability ± 2.0 ppm (∆ f/f = ± 2 10-6)

[at temperature range - 30 °C…+ 80 °C]

Receiving channels: 8 (four of them are free adjustable)

Receiving frequencies: Emergency mode

(or see type plate for 121.500 MHz (VHF)
special customer options) 156.800 MHz (Maritime, Channel 16)
243.000 MHz (UHF)
406.025 MHz (Cospas / Sarsat)

Trainings mode
118.000 ....122.975 MHz
156.000 .....157.975 MHz
240.000 .....245.975 MHz
400.000 .....409.975 MHz

Scanning mode: When receiving Cospas/Sarsat signals additionally

the emergency frequencies 121.500 MHz and
243.000 MHz can be surveilled.

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SAR-DF 517

Cospas/Sarsat analysis: Reception and analysis/decoding of Cospas/Sarsat

data signal (112 resp. 144 bit, 400 baud, biphase
L-phase modulated, with Bose-Chaudhuri-
Hocquenghem error test / specified according
Cospas/Sarsat C/S T.001 October 1999)

Bearable kinds of modulation: A3E, F3E, A2X (ELT-modulation); bearing largely

independent of modulation.

Polarisation Vertical

Error of polarisation ≤ 5° at 60° field vector rotation

Garbling cone Ca. 30° to the vertical

Time of response: (2) ≤ 50 ms (with sufficient receiving field strength)

LC-graphic display 128x64 dots, supertwist /transflective, extended

range of temperature, dark-blue display on yellow-
green background, lit up. Free adjustable
(exponentiell) dimming of brightness

Supply voltage range 12 V to 35 V DC

Current consumption LCD-backlighting Off:

max. 350 mA (12 V DC) / 200 mA (24 V DC)
LCD-backlighting 100 %:
max. 600 mA (12 V DC) / 300 mA (24 V DC)


(1) Undisturbed wave field and sufficient field strength proposed. Measuring by changing the angle of
incidence , the bearing antenna rotates on a revolving table in order to eliminate influences of
environment for the bearing result.

(2) Very weak signals can increase considerably the time of response!

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1.3.2. Interface
External connections (optional / at Sub-D 9pol. Connector X4 male)


Analog input signal for variable controlling of the LCD-back-

ground and legends illumination. Input voltage free adjustable
external voltage for in the range of [1,5…33]V at edit menu (Display Control Unit
Pin 8 Page5). Look chapter edit menu.
variable dimming
Default setting [10…28]V. (10V=Off, 28V=max. dimming)
Impedance of input > 50 kΩ
night status line
Low-active. At input voltage < 2,5V the dimming operates in
Pin 6 only at SAR-DF 517 N night mode. Max. of brightness ca. 2% of day/default mode
with NVG frontpanel,
Impedance of input > 50 kΩ
otherwise don’t connect.
NVG status line
Low-active. At input voltage < 2,5V the dimming operates in
Pin 4 only at SAR-DF 517 N NVG mode. Max. of brightness ca. 2% of day/default mode
with NVG frontpanel,
Impedance of input > 50 kΩ
otherwise don’t connect.


AC coupled voltage source with very low inner resistance.

Max. output voltage ca 8VSS = 2,83VRMS at Volume Max.
Max. output power ca. 2W with 4Ω speaker.
Pin 7 Audio output signal
If a headphone is connected [32…600]Ω / 100mW, we
recommend using a resistor (18Ω / 0,25W) between audio
output and headphone to prevent damaging the headphone.

Serial interface RS232: (9600 baud, 8 databits, 1 stoppbit, no parity)

Pin 3 Txd Serial output (ca. ±10V)

Pin 2 Rxd Serial input (ca. ±10V)

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1.3.3. Environmental Data

permissible operating temperature (3): - 20 °C ... + 60 °C
permissible storage temperature: - 30 °C ... + 80 °C

Temperature Range Antenna

permissible operating temperature (3): - 40 °C ... + 60 °C
permissible storage temperature: - 55 °C ... + 80 °C


(3) For temperatures lower than – 10 °C a warm-up period up to 15 min. is necessary.

Protective System:
Bearing Antenna: IP 67

1.3.4. Mechanical Data and Weights

Display Unit: 250 g
Bearing Antenna: 2000 g

Display unit: 82mm x 82mm x 43mm
(width x height x depth)
Bearing antenna: ∅270mm x 185mm

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1.4. Frequencies of Channels on Maritime band

Frequency-range at SAR-DF 517 a maritime band: 156.000MHz ... 157.975MHz

Channel No.: Frequenc-y Frequency-

(sea - station) (coast - Station)
1 156.050 MHz 160.650 MHz
2 156.100 MHz 160.700 MHz
3 156.150 MHz 160.750 MHz
4 156.200 MHz 160.800 MHz
5 156.250 MHz 160.850 MHz
6 156.300 MHz 160.900 MHz
7 156.350 MHz 160.950 MHz
8 156.400 MHz
9 156.450 MHz
10 156.500 MHz
11 156.550 MHz
12 156.600 MHz
13 156.650 MHz
14 156.700 MHz
15 156.750 MHz
16 156.800 MHz
17 156.850 MHz
18 156.900 MHz 161.500 MHz
19 156.950 MHz 161.550 MHz
20 157.000 MHz 161.600 MHz
21 157.050 MHz 161.650 MHz
22 157.100 MHz 161.700 MHz
23 157.150 MHz 161.750 MHz
24 157.200 MHz 161.800 MHz
25 157.250 MHz 161.850 MHz
26 157.300 MHz 161.900 MHz
27 157.350 MHz 161.950 MHz
28 157.400 MHz 162.000 MHz
60 156.025 MHz 160.625 MHz
61 156.075 MHz 160.675 MHz
62 156.125 MHz 160.725 MHz
63 156.175 MHz 160.775 MHz
64 156.225 MHz 160.825 MHz

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Channel No.: Frequenc-y Frequency-

(sea - station) (coast - Station)
65 156.275 MHz 160.875 MHz
66 156.325 MHz 160.925 MHz
67 156.375 MHz
68 156.425 MHz
69 156.475 MHz
70 156.525 MHz
71 156.575 MHz
72 156.625 MHz
73 156.675 MHz
74 156.725 MHz
75 156.775 MHz
76 156.825 MHz
77 156.875 MHz
78 156.925 MHz 161.525 MHz
79 156.975 MHz 161.575 MHz
80 157.025 MHz 161.625 MHz
81 157.075 MHz 161.675 MHz
82 157.125 MHz 161.725 MHz
83 157.175 MHz 161.775 MHz
84 157.225 MHz 161.825 MHz
85 157.275 MHz 161.875 MHz
86 157.325 MHz 161.925 MHz
87 157.375 MHz 161.975 MHz
88 157.425 MHz 162.025 MHz

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1.5. Scope of Delivery

Display Control Unit DCU 537 Article-No.: 0531.324-924

Antenna Direction Finder SAR-DF 517 Article-No.: 0531.316-924
(with Receiver and DF-Controller)

1.6. Accessories

Connector set for cable (antenna ß-à display unit) and power supply

Connector set 1 Article-No.: 0542.571-954

Consist of Cable connector round antenna

Cable connector D-Sub display unit
Cable connector D-Sub power supply

Connector set 2 (on request) Article-No.: 0542.581-954

Consist of 5m Cable completed (Cable connector

round antenna and unconnected on D-Sub display unit)
Cable connector D-Sub power supply of 3 m

Connector set 3 (on request) Article-No.: 0542.598-954

Consist of 10m Cable completed (Cable connector

round antenna and unconnected on D-Sub display unit)
Cable connector D-Sub power supply of 3 m

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SAR-DF 517
Section 2 Installation

2.1 General

The installation of the display unit and antenna unit depends on the type of aircraft and equipment
and therefore only a general information can be given in this section.

2.1.1. Inspection before installation

Place the packed unit on a clean, flat surface. Open the reusable package, carefully remove the units
and check for completeness. Replace the packaging material in the shipping container and keep it so
that the unit can again be properly packed for storage or shipping.

Before installing the dispaly unit and antenna unit in an aircraft, carry out a visual inspection for any
transport damage, paying particular attention to the following:

Dirt, dents, scratches, corrosion, broken attaching parts on the housing and housing parts.

Dirt and scratches on the identification plate, front panel, LC display and marking.

Dirt, bent or broken pins, cracked connector inserts.

Dirt and mechanical damage on the rotary switches, push-buttons and knobs.

Missing screws.

If damage is found, immediately inform the carrier.

2.2 Mechanical installation display unit

The display unit is designed for installation in the instrument panel or operating console of an aircraft.
The necessary dimensional details are given in Fig. 2-1 and Fig. 2-2.

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SAR-DF 517

Fig 2-1 Dimension Drawing of the Display Unit

The display unit may be mounted into

a front panel by the means of this
mounting drawing:

Mounting hole for display unit

Fig 2-2 Mounting Drawing of the Display Unit

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2.3 Mechanical installation antenna unit

The antenna unit is designed for installation in the outside of an aircraft. The necessary dimensional
details are given in fig 2-3 and Fig. 2-4.

A convenient position of the monopole bearing antenna is decisive for good bearing results. The
antenna needs an effective ground connection to the body of the helicopter or to the roof of the
vehicle. If no metallic mounting surface available, a metallic sheet or similar (net) with connection to
ground has to be applied first between vehicle-body and antenna.

In this hatched area the antenna

touches the body of the 8 x holes for mounting
vehicle/aircraft). In order to the antenna unit on
obtain a good ground the body of the
connection the surface of the vehicle/aircraft
body should be bared.
(Measuring unit [mm]

Fig 2-3 Mounting Drawing of the Antenna

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Fig 2-4 Dimension Drawing of the Antenna

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2.4 Information for the installation of the antenna Unit

At the installation of the antenna Unit has to be taken into account, that the sticker on (à à Nßß)
respectively assembles the corresponding drill hole into the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and in
direction of flight is (see illustration 2-5).


Fig. 2-5 Montage direction of the antenna unit

The aircraft manufacturer usually provides information concerning the location of the antenna, which is
usually also suitable for locating the antenna. It is mandatory that the following requirements be
checked prior to installing the antenna in the absence of any other information :

The antenna can be mounted either above or below the fuselage, however, as near as possible to the
aircraft centreline. In addition, the selected location should be away from projecting components (fixed
undercarriage, tail plane or radar), and as far away as possible from other antennas. This is essential
to avoid signal distortion and thus inaccurate bearing indication. Furthermore, the antenna and its
feeders must no be located in the vicinity of sources of RF interference such as inverters, motors,
regulators, generators and their wiring. It should also be noted that inverters can give rise to magnetic
interference and thus detriment reception even though good screening may be provided.

In aircraft having a wooden or plastic airframe an electric counterweight plate or panel must be located
within the fuselage at the antenna location with minimum dimension 80 x 80 cm. A good connectron
between electrical counterweight plate or panel and ground is required.

In all cases, comply with FAA AC 43.12-2A requirements to ensure that the mounting location has
sufficient strength. The installation dimensions are given in Fig. 2-3.

DV 77513.04 Issue 01.2002 Page 2-5

SAR-DF 517

2.5 Installation Wiring

2.5.1. General

The Fig. 2-6 shows the Interwiring Diagram

Only suitable aircraft cable should be used. Use AWG 22 or AWG 24 for all wiring.

In addition, the following should be observed:

Pull rubber sleeves over the soldered connections on unit connectors.

A fuse or circuit breaker must be installed in the power supply line.

Before switching on the equipment, carefully check the wiring, making particularly sure that
the positive and negative poles have not been confused anywhere.


No high-frequency cables should be tied in together with the wiring of the direction finder. The
connecting lines must also not be laid together with cables carrying audio signals or pulsed
information (e.g. IFCS, DME, XPR, slaved gyro). The same holds for the supply and control lines of

6-pol. Amphenol plug, female max. length of cable ca. 10m 9-pol. Sub-D plug
PTG06SE10-6S(SQ) (GND connected to cable-shield) (female/male)

Fig. 2-6 Interwiring Diagram

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SAR-DF 517
2.5.2. Panel lighting

The display unit is equipped with a panel lighting. The panel lighting may be connected to 1 V DC, to
33 V DC supply voltage.

Pin assignment of display unit (connector P 1).

Pin 9 (+) Pin 5 (ground)

2.6 Post-installation check

After installing the units, check the indication reading is correct and determine whether or not
quadrantal error correction is necessary. If so, correction should be first carried out on the ground,
then in the air. It is also necessary to establish whether any equipment in the aircraft electrical system
in generating interference.

A functional check after installation is only reasonable for all system components (display unit, and
antenna unit) together.

a. The test equipment fastening to the antenna unit and align with the marking (see illustration).


Angle 90°

Angle 0°

b. Connect the test equipment at the signal geneator. Set an output frequency of 121.500 MHz.

c. Switch on the Display unit, adjust to the correct frequency and observe the indication in the
Bearing operating mode (Operating instruction see section 3).The Display should indication 0°
relative bearing.

d. Turn the Test equipment to position 90°; the Display should indication 90°.

e. Turn the Test equipment to position 180°; the Display should indication 180°.

f. Turn the Test equipment to position 270°; the Display should indication 270°.

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2.6.1. Electrical Interference

With the engines running and the aircraft electrical system on, check whether radio beacons at
boundary range can still be received without interference (compare with post- installation check as
described above).

Should the reading be influenced by local interference, trace the source by systematically switching off
the electronic equipment, generators, etc. on the aircraft to establish which component is causing
interference. Then suppress interference accordingly.

Typical Sources of Interference are :

1. Generators, regulators :

Suggested inteference suppression procedure :

a) When fitting the antenna and the associated feeders wiring, make sure that these
items of equipment are as far away as possible from the positive lead (from generator to

b) Block the positive lead from the generator to the regulator with an electrolytic capacitor
( max.500µF) at the regulator end.

c) In the case of alternators, insert a filter (10 - 50µH, 10 - 100 nF, e.g. Bosch 0290 002 002)
in the lead connecting the regulator to the alternator field winding.

d) Insert a filter (e.g. Bosch 0290 003 009/75A) in the positive lead from the generator to the
battery in the vicinity of the generator.

Proceed with suppression work as described in a) above until no further interference is detected.

2. Static inverters, choppers, DC converters :

For interference suppression we suggest inserting a filter (e.g., Bosch 0290 003 006/6A)
into the positive power supply lead close to the item concerned in order to isolate
the harmonics of the chopper frequency from the aircraft wiring system.

3. RF interference :

Interference resulting from the operation of transponder, DME or communications equipment

may occur if the associated antenna has poor ground contact and the screen fo the antenna
connecting lead is thus causing radiation.

It is mandatory to always proceed in accordance with FAA AC 43.13-1A and FAA AC 43.13-2A

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Section 3 Operation

3.1. Important Basic Adjustments

In order to achieve best use of the direction finder, the user is able to perform several adjustments of
configuration. These adjustments can be set up in the edit-menu (display: page 5).

The most important adjustments are:

Mounting (adjustment of hanging or standing mounting)

External (remote) dimming of display

Description to these points see chapter Operating/ edit menu

3.2. Operating

Operating the direction finder is deliberately very simple with its clearly arranged layout. Except the
upper page rotary switch and the ON/OFF push button the function of the operating elements depend
always on the active page. All relevant adjustments can be controlled on the display.

3.2.1. Power-On Procedure / Selection of Operating Mode

When switching on the unit (and only then) the operating mode can be selected by the means of the
PAGE-rotary switch. There is the choice between the emergency mode with fixed preselected
emergency frequencies and the training mode. The training mode is characterized by freely selectable
training frequencies instead of preadjusted emergency frequencies. (See also bearing mode /

Fig. 3-1 Selection of Working Mode at Power on of the Unit

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1 >ON/OFF< Pushbutton to switch on/off the device.

2 >Page / Select Mode< rotary switch for selection of the operating mode after power-on.

3 >Mode< Indication of the actual operating mode.

- Emergency: Selection of the international emergency frequencies.

- Training: free adjustable training frequencies.

4 Version/software-no. and serial no. of Antenna-Unit

5 Version/software no. and serial no. of Display-Unit

3.2.2. General Functions

Fig. 3-2 General Operating Elements of the Display Unit

1 >DIM< In order to adjust “internally” the background brightness of the display press simultaneously
the REP key while selecting the brightness with the PAGE rotary switch. The adjusted
brightness of the display will remain stored after switching off the unit. The background of the
LC-graphic display is equipped with a LED-array, whose brightness may be adjusted
continuously (from 0 to 100%). Dimming will be performed in an exponential curve, thus
allowing very accurate adjusting under night- resp. NVG-conditions.

Internal dimming (on display unit):

Always active, if external dimming input not connected, or applied voltage < 1V DC. (See plan

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External (remote) dimming:

As soon as there’s a voltage >1V DC at the dimming input the brightness is controlled
externally, but remains additionally adjustable on the display unit. (See plan interwiring and

2 >PAGE< Rotary switch to select the displayed active page and its corresponding operating mode.
The current page number (1 to 6) is indicated in the display top right.

3 >LC-graphic display< (128x64 dots, supertwist, dark blue on yellow-green background.

3.3. Bearing Mode

On the device works in the bearing mode. As soon as a signal is received (receiving level above
squelch level) the unaveraged maximal bearing values (spread) are indicated and, if interpretable, the
averaged bearing value. Having received a signal, the last bearing value is shortly shown flashing,
until the internal average bearing value store is cancelled after the time-hold span (see edit-menu)..

3.3.1. Operating Elements in Bearing Mode:

Fig. 3-3 Operating Elements in Bearing Mode

1 >FREQUENCY< Rotary switch selecting the active frequency. The last selected frequency re-
mains stored after switching off/on the device. The selected frequency is shown on the graphic
display bottom right. Following the order of possible frequencies:

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2 >VOLUME< Rotary switch for the AF-audio exit. A linked external speaker resp. amplifier can
be adjusted in a range from 0% (off) to 100% (max). The selected volume is shown in the
graphic display bottom left. The volume remains stored after switching off/on the device.

3 >Squelch level< Adjusts the squelch level, which has to be above the receiving level without
signal (noise). For each frequency exists a squelch level, which has to be adjusted separately.

4 >CLR< Pushbutton for erasing the internal bearing value averaging store. The sophisticated
averaging store increases bearing precision and effects at all a usable bearing display for bad
receiving signals (if there is a far away transmitter and/or temporary complete loss of a receiving
signal). Caused by the averaging procedure a drag error may occur, which might be disturbing
after quick changes of course. In this case the indicated bearing value lags by the real bearing
value for about two seconds (for very weak signals even longer). By pressing this pushbutton
after a quick change of course the display will show the new bearing value without drag error.

5 >STORE< pushbutton . While bearing an AM signal a 3 kHz sound is superimposed to the

audible AF because of technical reasons. When pushing this button this disturbing sound will be
switched off (enables better hearing of a signal, meanwhile bearing isn’t possible anymore). A
FM signal ( e.g. maritime radio band) is always clearly understandable, for a filter in the device
is fading-out the superimposed 3 kHz sound.

6 >REPEAT< Pushbutton, when pressed, showing the last valid bearing value with corresponding
receiving level.

3.3.2. Display in Bearing Mode

Fig. 3-4 Display Page 1 (360°Bearing Display)

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Fig. 3-5 Display Page 2 (expanded +/- 45° Bearing Display)

Fig. 3-6 Display Page 3 (Bearing Display as Text)

1 >Bearing value<, by the means of a sophisticated averaging procedure a steady display is

accomplished, either as graphic display (depending on page) or as text in the
range of 0°…359°. (0° corresponds to bearing direct ahead).

2 >Spread<, maximum deviation of unaveraged bearing values as indicator of bearing quality. The
wider the range, the worse is the received signal. The excellent averaging procedure effects even
with a spread of 45° good bearing results.

3 >Receiving level< (field strength) of the signal in the range of 0% to 100%. Even without a
received signal a certain noise level may be displayed..

4 >Squelch level< -marker (free adjustable>Squelch level< -marker (free adjustable for each
frequency). A usable bearing and Cospas/Sarsat analysis can only be achieved, if the squelch
level is above the noise level (without received signal). If the bearing antenna is situated near
strongly disturbing electronic devices, the squelch level has to be raised, thus making the direction
finder less sensitive.

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5 >Offset< displays the offset value (adjusted in the edit-menu).

6 >Mounting< -indicator of the mounted bearing antenna. Shows the mounting arrangement of the
antenna (can be adjusted in the edit-menu) as verification. ( = TOP mounted, =BOTTOM

7 >LS: ---:---< (last signal) internal timer, indicating the time span of the last received signal. (Display
in min:sec).

3.3.3. Scanning Mode when Bearing Cospas/Sarsat Signals

The Cospas/Sarsat signal on 406,025 MHz is transmitted only every 50 secs. (pulse length ca.
400ms). When approaching to the transmitter it will be received (because of it’s transmitter power)
earlier than the 121.500 MHz resp. 243.000 MHz continuous signal. However, a transmitter in the near
range may be beared faster with a continuous signal. For this purpose in the scanning mode the 406
MHz pulse and, at the same time, two other emergency frequencies can be surveilled for a continuous
signal. This function can be activated by switching in the time span (5 to 45 secs.) between two
Cospas/Sarsat pulses to the other emergency frequencies. If there is a signal received, the frequency
will be held till its end, otherwise frequency will be changed after 45 secs. to the Cospas/Sarsat
frequency and it will be waited for the next pulse. The active frequency is displayed bottom right.

The scanning mode is possible with the frequencies: 406,025 MHz ⇔ (121,500 MHz and 243,000
MHz) or the respective training frequencies.

Timer > LS: --:-- always displays time span Frequency display in scanning mode:
since last received CP-Sarsat pulse signal
(406,025 MHz)

Scanning mode, switched to second scan-frequency

(active frequency 243,000 MHz)

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3.3.4. Cospas/Sarsat, Analysing the Binary Continuous Signal (page 4)

Selecting this page activates automatically the active frequency on 406,025 MHz (or the respective
training frequency). Correct receiving of the Cospas/Sarsat data signal (112 resp.144 data bits)
displays data as follows:

Fig. 3-8 Display Cospas/Sarsat Analyse (page4)

1 >CLR< pushbutton. Erases present displayed massage.

2 >STORE< pushbutton. Present displayed massage will be stored. An already existing stored
message will be overwritten. The messages will remain stored after switching off the device.

3 >REP< pushbutton. A stored message will be displayed.

4 Frame: SYNC OK (normal CospasSarsat signal) or SLFTEST (CospasSarsat signal in auto-test

mode). All 24 synchronising bits have been received correctly.


6 First part, complete Hex Message: complete short-data signal, hexadecimally coded (bit 25...112)

7 Second part of complete hexadecimal message (long part, bit 113...144)

8 Country: country identification (numeric code).

9 Beacon 15 hex ident: transmitter identification (Fifteen Hexadecimal Character Beacon

Identification) for Identification of a registered transmitter.

10 GPS-data of position, (data of latitude and longitude), if contained in transmitter signal. Solution
between 15 minutes and 4 seconds of arc.

11 Time: Timer displaying time span since last received valid CP-sarsat message.

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3.3.5. Edit Menu (page 5)

The edit menu enables you to make several adjustments. All confirmed changes remain stored even
after switching off/on the device.

1 >±Select< rotary switch selects the value to be changed.

2 >±< rotary switch changing the value. Confirm the changed value by pressing pushbutton

3 >STORE< Pushbutton to confirm changed values.

Fig. 3-9 Display Edit Menu (page 5)

4 Range of adjustable values.

5 >TimeHold< Duration [sec] of internal storage of the averaged bearing value. In case that there
are weak signals with signal gaps (e.g. temporary blind spots caused by rough sea) the bearing
values are still summed up despite lacking signals, thus enabling a good signal analysis (normal
TimeHold value: 10 = secs.).

6 >Offset< electronic correction (rotation) of the bearing antenna. Adjustment delivers

correspondingly changed bearing values. (normal-value = 000)

7 >Mounting< Order of antenna mounting. If the antenna is mounted upside down (e.g. on bottom
side of a helicopter) Bottom has to be selected. If mounted on top of a vehicle, Top has to be
selected. If > Mounting< not properly selected, the bearing value resp. display will be shown mirror

8 >Ext. Dim. Volt. Range< Range of voltage, which controls the dimming of the display (here:
28.0V=100%; 10.0V= 0% of brightness). In order to cover the whole range of brightness, the
minimum resp. maximum values of the dimming voltage may be adapted to the given controlling
voltage (e.g. of the airplane). The values are adjustable in between min. 1,5V and max. 33V DC.
(See plan interwiring)

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3.4. Adjusting Training Frequencies (page 6)

This menu enables you to adjust the training frequencies.

(1) >±Select< rotary switch selecting the trainings-frequency (MHz/kHz).

(2) >±< rotary switch changing the frequency. Confirm the changed value by pressing pushbutton
(3) >STORE< Pushbutton to confirm changed values.

Fig. 3-10 Menu of Adjustable Frequencies (page 6)

(4) Range of the adjustable frequencies.

(5) Training frequency on maritime band: Channel [1…28] and [60..88] of sea-station / look

(6) training frequency 1

(7) training frequency 2

(8) training frequency 3

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3.5. Error Messages

If an internal error of the device is recognised, a corresponding error message will be shown on the
flashing display. At coincidence of various errors the error with highest priority will be displayed.

Error message Error, location Reason

Error 12: Main voltage supply Main Voltage input too low (≤10.0V)

Error 11 Connection: No serial data (RS485) from Antenna Unit. No or damaged

antenna à display connection between antenna and display, or damaged antenna unit.
E11: NO AU
or Antenna Unit
Error 10 Connection: Incompatibility or bad data connection between display and antenna.
E10:BAD AU antenna à display
Error 9 Remote Unit: Incompatibility or bad data connection between display and external
E9: BAD RU serial Remote Unit or PC
Antenna Unit: Voltage supply at Antenna Unit too low (≤9.0 V). Main voltage supply
Error 8
too low or considerable drop of voltage between display and
Error 7 Connection: Incompatibility or bad data connection between antenna and display.
E7:BAD DCU Display à Antenna
Error 6 Connection: No serial data from Display Unit to Antenna Unit.
E6: NO DCU Display à Antenna
Error 5 antenna error in synthesizer-oscillator of receiver in Antenna Unit.
Error 4 received transmitter Received frequency too high (more than 6 KHz / error of transmitter)
Error 3 received transmitter received frequency too low (more than 6KHZ / error of transmitter)
Error 2 radio distance: Synchronising bits of Cospas/Sarsat signal (bit 1 to 24) defective
E2:CS/SYNC transmitter ⇔ DF
Error 1 radio distance: Error of data bits in Cospas/Sarsat data block PDF/BCH
E1: CS/BCH transmitter ⇔ DF
Error 0 Antenna Unit: Receiver board defective
E0: NO REC receiver

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