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World War II

“The Second World War” and “WWII” redirect here. For the Western Pacific.
other uses, see The Second World War (disambiguation) The Axis advance halted in 1942 when Japan lost the crit-
and WWII (disambiguation).
ical Battle of Midway, near Hawaii, and Germany was de-
feated in North Africa and then, decisively, at Stalingrad
World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Sec- in the Soviet Union. In 1943, with a series of German
ond World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 defeats on the Eastern Front, the Allied invasion of Sicily
to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It in- and the Allied invasion of Italy which brought about Ital-
volved the vast majority of the world’s nations—including ian surrender, and Allied victories in the Pacific, the Axis
all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing lost the initiative and undertook strategic retreat on all
military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded German-
widespread war in history, and directly involved more occupied France, while the Soviet Union regained all
than 100 million people from over 30 countries. In a state of its territorial losses and invaded Germany and its al-
of "total war", the major participants threw their entire lies. During 1944 and 1945 the Japanese suffered ma-
economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind jor reverses in mainland Asia in South Central China and
the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and Burma, while the Allies crippled the Japanese Navy and
military resources. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, captured key Western Pacific islands.
including the Holocaust (in which approximately 11 mil- The war in Europe concluded with an invasion of Ger-
lion people were killed)[1][2] and the strategic bombing many by the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, culmi-
of industrial and population centres (in which approxi- nating in the capture of Berlin by Soviet and Polish troops
mately one million were killed, and which included the and the subsequent German unconditional surrender on 8
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki),[3] it re- May 1945. Following the Potsdam Declaration by the Al-
sulted in an estimated 50 million to 85 million fatalities.
lies on 26 July 1945 and the refusal of Japan to surrender
These made World War II the deadliest conflict in human under its terms, the United States dropped atomic bombs
on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6
The Empire of Japan aimed to dominate Asia and the August and 9 August respectively. With an invasion of
Pacific and was already at war with the Republic of China the Japanese archipelago imminent, the possibility of ad-
in 1937,[5] but the world war is generally said to have be- ditional atomic bombings, and the Soviet Union’s decla-
gun on 1 September 1939[6] with the invasion of Poland ration of war on Japan and invasion of Manchuria, Japan
by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Ger- surrendered on 15 August 1945. Thus ended the war in
many by France and the United Kingdom. From late Asia, cementing the total victory of the Allies.
1939 to early 1941, in a series of campaigns and treaties, World War II altered the political alignment and social
Germany conquered or controlled much of continental structure of the world. The United Nations (UN) was es-
Europe, and formed the Axis alliance with Italy and tablished to foster international co-operation and prevent
Japan. Under the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of August future conflicts. The victorious great powers—the United
1939, Germany and the Soviet Union partitioned and an- States, the Soviet Union, China, the United Kingdom, and
nexed territories of their European neighbours, Poland, France—became the permanent members of the United
Finland, Romania and the Baltic states. The war contin- Nations Security Council.[7] The Soviet Union and the
ued primarily between the European Axis powers and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the
coalition of the United Kingdom and the British Com- stage for the Cold War, which lasted for the next 46
monwealth, with campaigns including the North Africa years. Meanwhile, the influence of European great pow-
and East Africa campaigns, the aerial Battle of Britain, ers waned, while the decolonisation of Asia and Africa
the Blitz bombing campaign, the Balkan Campaign as began. Most countries whose industries had been dam-
well as the long-running Battle of the Atlantic. In June
aged moved towards economic recovery. Political inte-
1941, the European Axis powers launched an invasion of gration, especially in Europe, emerged as an effort to end
the Soviet Union, opening the largest land theatre of war
pre-war enmities and to create a common identity.[8]
in history, which trapped the major part of the Axis’ mil-
itary forces into a war of attrition. In December 1941,
Japan attacked the United States and European territo-
ries in the Pacific Ocean, and quickly conquered much of


1 Chronology through collective security, military and naval disarma-

ment, and settling international disputes through peaceful
See also: Timeline of World War II negotiations and arbitration.

The start of the war in Europe is generally held to be 1

September 1939,[9][10] beginning with the German inva-
sion of Poland; Britain and France declared war on Ger-
many two days later. The dates for the beginning of war in
the Pacific include the start of the Second Sino-Japanese
War on 7 July 1937,[11] or even the Japanese invasion of
Manchuria on 19 September 1931.[12][13]
Others follow the British historian A. J. P. Taylor, who
held that the Sino-Japanese War and war in Europe and
its colonies occurred simultaneously and the two wars
merged in 1941. This article uses the conventional dat-
ing. Other starting dates sometimes used for World War
II include the Italian invasion of Abyssinia on 3 Octo- The League of Nations assembly, held in Geneva, Switzerland,
ber 1935.[14] The British historian Antony Beevor views
the beginning of the Second World War as the Battles
Despite strong pacifist sentiment after World War I,[18]
of Khalkhin Gol fought between Japan and the forces of
its aftermath still caused irredentist and revanchist
Mongolia and the Soviet Union from May to September
nationalism in several European states. These sentiments
were especially marked in Germany because of the sig-
The exact date of the war’s end is also not universally nificant territorial, colonial, and financial losses incurred
agreed upon. It was generally accepted at the time that by the Treaty of Versailles. Under the treaty, Germany
the war ended with the armistice of 14 August 1945 lost around 13 percent of its home territory and all of
(V-J Day), rather than the formal surrender of Japan (2 its overseas colonies, while German annexation of other
September 1945). A peace treaty with Japan was signed states was prohibited, reparations were imposed, and lim-
in 1951 to formally tie up any loose ends such as compen- its were placed on the size and capability of the country’s
sation to be paid to Allied prisoners of war who had been armed forces.[19]
victims of atrocities.[16] A treaty regarding Germany’s fu-
The German Empire was dissolved in the German Revo-
ture allowed the reunification of East and West Germany
lution of 1918–1919, and a democratic government, later
to take place in 1990 and resolved other post-World War
[17] known as the Weimar Republic, was created. The inter-
II issues.
war period saw strife between supporters of the new re-
public and hardline opponents on both the right and left.
Italy, as an Entente ally, had made some post-war territo-
2 Background rial gains; however, Italian nationalists were angered that
the promises made by Britain and France to secure Italian
Main article: Causes of World War II entrance into the war were not fulfilled with the peace set-
tlement. From 1922 to 1925, the Fascist movement led
by Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy with a nation-
alist, totalitarian, and class collaborationist agenda that
2.1 Europe abolished representative democracy, repressed socialist,
left-wing and liberal forces, and pursued an aggressive ex-
World War I had radically altered the political European pansionist foreign policy aimed at making Italy a world
map, with the defeat of the Central Powers—including power, promising the creation of a "New Roman Em-
Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Ottoman Empire— pire".[20]
and the 1917 Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia, which Adolf Hitler, after an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow
eventually led to the founding of the Soviet Union. Mean- the German government in 1923, eventually became the
while, the victorious Allies of World War I, such as Chancellor of Germany in 1933. He abolished democ-
France, Belgium, Italy, Greece and Romania, gained ter- racy, espousing a radical, racially motivated revision of
ritory, and new nation-states were created out of the col- the world order, and soon began a massive rearmament
lapse of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman and Russian campaign.[21] It was at this time that political scien-
Empires. tists began to predict that a second Great War might
To prevent a future world war, the League of Nations was take place.[22] Meanwhile, France, to secure its alliance,
created during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The or- allowed Italy a free hand in Ethiopia, which Italy de-
ganisation’s primary goals were to prevent armed conflict sired as a colonial possession. The situation was aggra-

tles, in Shanghai, Rehe and Hebei, until the Tanggu

Truce was signed in 1933. Thereafter, Chinese volunteer
forces continued the resistance to Japanese aggression in
Manchuria, and Chahar and Suiyuan.[30] After the 1936
Xi'an Incident, the Kuomintang and communist forces
agreed on a ceasefire to present a united front to oppose

3 Pre-war events

3.1 Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935)

Adolf Hitler at a German National Socialist political rally in
Weimar, October 1930 Main article: Second Italo-Abyssinian War
The Second Italo–Abyssinian War was a brief colonial
vated in early 1935 when the Territory of the Saar Basin
was legally reunited with Germany and Hitler repudiated
the Treaty of Versailles, accelerated his rearmament pro-
gramme, and introduced conscription.[23]
Hoping to contain Germany, the United Kingdom,
France and Italy formed the Stresa Front; however, in
June 1935, the United Kingdom made an independent
naval agreement with Germany, easing prior restrictions.
The Soviet Union, concerned by Germany’s goals of
capturing vast areas of eastern Europe, drafted a treaty
of mutual assistance with France. Before taking ef-
fect though, the Franco-Soviet pact was required to go
through the bureaucracy of the League of Nations, which Italian soldiers recruited in 1935, on their way to fight the Second
rendered it essentially toothless.[24] The United States, Italo-Abyssinian War
concerned with events in Europe and Asia, passed the
Neutrality Act in August of the same year.[25] war that began in October 1935 and ended in May 1936.
The war began with the invasion of the Ethiopian Em-
Hitler defied the Versailles and Locarno treaties by
pire (also known as Abyssinia) by the armed forces of the
remilitarising the Rhineland in March 1936. He encoun-
[26] Kingdom of Italy (Regno d'Italia), which was launched
tered little opposition from other European powers.
from Italian Somaliland and Eritrea.[32] The war resulted
In October 1936, Germany and Italy formed the Rome–
in the military occupation of Ethiopia and its annexation
Berlin Axis. A month later, Germany and Japan signed
into the newly created colony of Italian East Africa
the Anti-Comintern Pact, which Italy would join in the
(Africa Orientale Italiana, or AOI); in addition, it ex-
following year.
posed the weakness of the League of Nations as a force to
preserve peace. Both Italy and Ethiopia were member na-
tions, but the League did nothing when the former clearly
2.2 Asia
violated the League’s own Article X.[33] Germany was the
only major European nation to support the invasion. Italy
The Kuomintang (KMT) party in China launched a
subsequently dropped its objections to Germany’s goal of
unification campaign against regional warlords and nom-
absorbing Austria.[34]
inally unified China in the mid-1920s, but was soon em-
broiled in a civil war against its former Chinese com-
munist allies.[27] In 1931, an increasingly militaristic
3.2 Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
Japanese Empire, which had long sought influence in
China[28] as the first step of what its government saw as Main article: Spanish Civil War
the country’s right to rule Asia, used the Mukden Inci- When civil war broke out in Spain, Hitler and Mussolini
dent as a pretext to launch an invasion of Manchuria and lent military support to the Nationalist rebels, led by Gen-
establish the puppet state of Manchukuo.[29] eral Francisco Franco. The Soviet Union supported the
Too weak to resist Japan, China appealed to the League existing government, the Spanish Republic. Over 30,000
of Nations for help. Japan withdrew from the League foreign volunteers, known as the International Brigades,
of Nations after being condemned for its incursion into also fought against the Nationalists. Both Germany and
Manchuria. The two nations then fought several bat- the USSR used this proxy war as an opportunity to test

of fighting, Shanghai fell. The Japanese continued to push

the Chinese forces back, capturing the capital Nanking
in December 1937. After the fall of Nanking, tens of
thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Chinese civil-
ians and disarmed combatants were murdered by the
In March 1938, Nationalist Chinese forces won their first
major victory at Taierzhuang but then the city of Xuzhou
was taken by Japanese in May.[41] In June 1938, Chinese
forces stalled the Japanese advance by flooding the Yel-
low River; this manoeuvre bought time for the Chinese to
prepare their defences at Wuhan, but the city was taken
by October.[42] Japanese military victories did not bring
about the collapse of Chinese resistance that Japan had
The bombing of Guernica in 1937, sparked Europe-wide fears
hoped to achieve; instead the Chinese government relo-
that the next war would be based on bombing of cities with very
high civilian casualties cated inland to Chongqing and continued the war.[43][44]

in combat their most advanced weapons and tactics. The 3.4 Soviet-Japanese border conflicts
bombing of Guernica by the German Condor Legion in
April 1937 heightened widespread concerns that the next
major war would include extensive terror bombing at-
tacks on civilians.[35][36] The Nationalists won the civil
war in April 1939; Franco, now dictator, bargained with
both sides during the Second World War, but never con-
cluded any major agreements. He did send volunteers to
fight on the Eastern Front under German command but
Spain remained neutral and did not allow either side to
use its territory.[37]

3.3 Japanese invasion of China (1937)

Main article: Second Sino-Japanese War

In July 1937, Japan captured the former Chinese impe- Red Army artillery unit during the Battle of Lake Khasan, 1938
Main article: Soviet–Japanese border conflicts

In the mid-to-late 1930s, Japanese forces in Manchukuo

had sporadic border clashes with the Soviet Union and
Mongolia. The Japanese doctrine of Hokushin-ron,
which emphasised Japan’s expansion northward, was
favoured by the Imperial Army during this time. With the
devastating Japanese defeat at Khalkin Gol in 1939 and
ally Nazi Germany pursuing neutrality with the Soviets,
this policy would prove difficult to maintain. Japan and
the Soviet Union eventually signed a Neutrality Pact in
April 1941, and Japan adopted the doctrine of Nanshin-
Japanese Imperial Army soldiers during the Battle of Shanghai, ron, promoted by the Navy, which took its focus south-
1937 ward, eventually leading to its war with the United States
and the Western Allies.[45][46]
rial capital of Beijing after instigating the Marco Polo
Bridge Incident, which culminated in the Japanese cam-
paign to invade all of China.[38] The Soviets quickly 3.5 European occupations and agreements
signed a non-aggression pact with China to lend materiel
support, effectively ending China’s prior co-operation Further information: Anschluss, Appeasement, Munich
with Germany. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek deployed Agreement, German occupation of Czechoslovakia and
his best army to defend Shanghai, but, after three months Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
3.5 European occupations and agreements 5

In Europe, Germany and Italy were becoming more

Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano pictured

just before signing the Munich Agreement, 29 September 1938

aggressive. In March 1938, Germany annexed Aus-

tria, again provoking little response from other European
powers.[47] Encouraged, Hitler began pressing German
claims on the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia
with a predominantly ethnic German population; and
soon Britain and France followed the counsel of British
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and conceded this
territory to Germany in the Munich Agreement, which
was made against the wishes of the Czechoslovak govern- German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and the Soviet leader
ment, in exchange for a promise of no further territorial Joseph Stalin, after signing the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, 23 Au-
demands.[48] Soon afterwards, Germany and Italy forced gust 1939
Czechoslovakia to cede additional territory to Hungary
and Poland.[49]
Although all of Germany’s stated demands had been with a secret protocol. The parties gave each other rights
satisfied by the agreement, privately Hitler was furious to “spheres of influence” (western Poland and Lithuania
that British interference had prevented him from seiz- for Germany; eastern Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia
ing all of Czechoslovakia in one operation. In subse- and Bessarabia for the USSR). It also raised the ques-
quent speeches Hitler attacked British and Jewish “war- tion of continuing Polish independence.[54] The agree-
mongers” and in January 1939 secretly ordered a major ment was crucial to Hitler because it assured that Ger-
build-up of the German navy to challenge British naval many would not have to face the prospect of a two-front
supremacy. In March 1939, Germany invaded the re- war, as it had in World War I, after it defeated Poland.
mainder of Czechoslovakia and subsequently split it into The situation reached a general crisis in late August as
the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and
German troops continued to mobilise against the Pol-
a pro-German client state, the Slovak Republic.[50] Hitler ish border. In a private meeting with the Italian for-
also delivered an ultimatum to Lithuania, forcing the con-
eign minister, Count Ciano, Hitler asserted that Poland
cession of the Klaipėda Region. was a “doubtful neutral” that needed to either yield to his
Greatly alarmed and with Hitler making further de- demands or be “liquidated” to prevent it from drawing
mands on the Free City of Danzig, Britain and France off German troops in the future “unavoidable” war with
guaranteed their support for Polish independence; when the Western democracies. He did not believe Britain or
Italy conquered Albania in April 1939, the same guar- France would intervene in the conflict.[55] On 23 August
antee was extended to Romania and Greece.[51] Shortly Hitler ordered the attack to proceed on 26 August, but
after the Franco-British pledge to Poland, Germany upon hearing that Britain had concluded a formal mutual
and Italy formalised their own alliance with the Pact assistance pact with Poland and that Italy would maintain
of Steel.[52] Hitler accused Britain and Poland of try- neutrality, he decided to delay it.[56]
ing to “encircle” Germany and renounced the Anglo- In response to British requests for direct negotiations to
German Naval Agreement and the German–Polish Non- avoid war, Germany made demands on Poland, which
Aggression Pact. only served as a pretext to worsen relations.[57] On 29
In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed August, Hitler demanded that a Polish plenipotentiary
the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact,[53] a non-aggression treaty immediately travel to Berlin to negotiate the handover

of Danzig, and to allow a plebiscite in the Polish Cor-

ridor in which the German minority would vote on
secession.[58] The Poles refused to comply with the Ger-
man demands and on the night of 30–31 August in a vi-
olent meeting with the British ambassador Neville Hen-
derson, Ribbentrop declared that Germany considered its
claims rejected.[59]

4 Course of the war

Further information: Diplomatic history of World War
II German Panzer I tanks near the city of Bydgoszcz, during the
Invasion of Poland, September 1939

4.1 War breaks out in Europe (1939–40) On 17 September 1939, after signing a cease-fire with
Japan, the Soviets invaded Poland from the east.[65] The
Main articles: Invasion of Poland, Occupation of Poland Polish army was defeated and Warsaw surrendered to the
(1939–45), Nazi crimes against the Polish nation, Soviet Germans on 27 September, with final pockets of resis-
invasion of Poland and Soviet repressions of Polish citi- tance surrendering on 6 October. Poland’s territory was
zens (1939–46) divided between Germany and the Soviet Union, with
On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland un- Lithuania and Slovakia also receiving small shares. Af-
ter the defeat of Poland’s armed forces, the Polish re-
sistance established an Underground State and a partisan
Home Army.[66] About 100,000 Polish military person-
nel were evacuated to Romania and the Baltic countries;
many of these soldiers later fought against the Germans in
other theatres of the war.[67] Poland’s Enigma codebreak-
ers were also evacuated to France.[68]
On 6 October Hitler made a public peace overture to
Britain and France, but said that the future of Poland
was to be determined exclusively by Germany and the
Soviet Union. Chamberlain rejected this on 12 Oc-
tober, saying “Past experience has shown that no re-
liance can be placed upon the promises of the present
German Government.”[59] After this rejection Hitler or-
Soldiers of the German Wehrmacht tearing down the border
dered an immediate offensive against France,[69] but bad
crossing between Poland and the Free City of Danzig, 1 Septem-
ber 1939
weather forced repeated postponements until the spring
of 1940.[70][71][72]
der the false pretext that the Poles had carried out a se-
ries of sabotage operations against German targets near
the border.[60] Two days later, on 3 September, after
a British ultimatum to Germany to cease military op-
erations was ignored, Britain and France, followed by
the fully independent Dominions[61] of the British Com-
monwealth[62] —Australia (3 September), Canada (10
September), New Zealand (3 September), and South
Africa (6 September)—declared war on Germany. How-
ever, initially the alliance provided limited direct military
support to Poland, consisting of a cautious, half-hearted
French probe into the Saarland.[63] The Western Allies
also began a naval blockade of Germany, which aimed
to damage the country’s economy and war effort.[64] Ger-
many responded by ordering U-boat warfare against Al- German and Soviet army officers pictured shaking hands—
lied merchant and warships, which was to later escalate after Nazi Germany and Soviet Union annexed new territories
into the Battle of the Atlantic. in Eastern Europe, 1939
4.2 Western Europe (1940–41) 7

After signing the German–Soviet Treaty of Friendship, protect Greenland, laying the political framework for
Cooperation and Demarcation, the Soviet Union forced the formal establishment of bases in April 1941. The
the Baltic countries—Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—to Netherlands and Belgium were overrun using blitzkrieg
allow it to station Soviet troops in their countries un- tactics in a few days and weeks, respectively.[88] The
der pacts of “mutual assistance”.[73][74][75] Finland re- French-fortified Maginot Line and the main body the
jected territorial demands, prompting a Soviet invasion Allied forces which had moved into Belgium were cir-
in November 1939.[76] The resulting Winter War ended cumvented by a flanking movement through the thickly
in March 1940 with Finnish concessions.[77] Britain and wooded Ardennes region,[89] mistakenly perceived by Al-
France, treating the Soviet attack on Finland as tanta- lied planners as an impenetrable natural barrier against
mount to its entering the war on the side of the Ger- armoured vehicles.[90][91] As a result, the bulk of the Al-
mans, responded to the Soviet invasion by supporting the lied armies found themselves trapped in an encirclement
USSR’s expulsion from the League of Nations.[75] and were beaten. The majority were taken prisoner,
whilst over 300,000, mostly British and French, were
In June 1940, the Soviet Union forcibly annexed Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania, [74]
and the disputed Romanian evacuated from the continent at Dunkirk by early [92] June,
regions of Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and Hertza. although abandoning almost all of their equipment.
Meanwhile, Nazi-Soviet political rapprochement and On 10 June, Italy invaded France, declaring war on both
economic co-operation[78][79] gradually stalled,[80][81] and France and the United Kingdom.[93] Paris fell to the
both states began preparations for war.[82] Germans on 14 June and eight days later France signed
an armistice with Germany and was soon divided into
German and Italian occupation zones,[94] and an unoccu-
4.2 Western Europe (1940–41) pied rump state under the Vichy Regime, which, though
officially neutral, was generally aligned with Germany.
France kept its fleet but the British feared the Germans
Antwerp Essen
would seize it, so on 3 July, the British attacked it.[95]
B e l g i u m
Brussels Cologne

Lille G e r m a n y

L u x e m -
F r a n c e
b o u r g




Weak fortifications

Strong fortifications


Map of the French Maginot Line

In April 1940, Germany invaded Denmark and Norway

to protect shipments of iron ore from Sweden, which the View of London after the German Blitz, 29 December 1940
Allies were attempting to cut off by unilaterally mining
neutral Norwegian waters.[83] Denmark capitulated after The Battle of Britain[96] began in early July with
a few hours, and despite Allied support, during which the Luftwaffe attacks on shipping and harbours.[97] On 19
important harbour of Narvik temporarily was recaptured July, Hitler again publicly offered to end the war, say-
from the Germans, Norway was conquered within two ing he had no desire to destroy the British Empire. The
months.[84] British discontent over the Norwegian cam- United Kingdom rejected this ultimatum.[98] The main
paign led to the replacement of the British Prime Minis- German air superiority campaign started in August but
ter, Neville Chamberlain, with Winston Churchill on 10 failed to defeat RAF Fighter Command, and a proposed
May 1940.[85] invasion was postponed indefinitely on 17 September.
Germany launched an offensive against France and, ad- The German strategic bombing offensive intensified as
hering to the Manstein Plan also attacked the neutral na- night attacks on London and other cities in the Blitz, but
tions of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg on largely failed to disrupt the British war effort.[97]
10 May 1940.[86] That same day British forces landed in Using newly captured French ports, the German Navy
Iceland and the Faroes to preempt a possible German in- enjoyed success against an over-extended Royal Navy, us-
vasion of the islands.[87] The U.S. in close co-operation ing U-boats against British shipping in the Atlantic.[99]
with the Danish envoy to Washington D.C., agreed to The British scored a significant victory on 27 May 1941

bution (as did Hungary) to the Axis war against the USSR,
partially to recapture territory ceded to the USSR, par-
tially to pursue its leader Ion Antonescu's desire to com-
bat communism.[108]

4.3 Mediterranean (1940–41)

German Luftwaffe, Heinkel He 111 bombers during the Battle of


by sinking the German battleship Bismarck.[100] Perhaps

most importantly, during the Battle of Britain the Royal
Air Force had successfully resisted the Luftwaffe’s as-
sault, and the German bombing campaign largely ended
Australian troops of the British Commonwealth Forces man a
in May 1941.[101] front-line trench during the Siege of Tobruk; North African Cam-
Throughout this period, the neutral United States took paign, August 1941
measures to assist China and the Western Allies. In
November 1939, the American Neutrality Act was Italy began operations in the Mediterranean, initiating a
amended to allow “cash and carry” purchases by the siege of Malta in June, conquering British Somaliland in
Allies.[102] In 1940, following the German capture of August, and making an incursion into British-held Egypt
Paris, the size of the United States Navy was significantly in September 1940. In October 1940, Italy started the
increased. In September, the United States further agreed Greco-Italian War because of Mussolini’s jealousy of
to a trade of American destroyers for British bases.[103] Hitler’s success but within days was repulsed and pushed
Still, a large majority of the American public continued back into Albania, where a stalemate soon occurred.[109]
to oppose any direct military intervention into the conflict The United Kingdom responded to Greek requests for as-
well into 1941.[104] sistance by sending troops to Crete and providing air sup-
Although Roosevelt had promised to keep the United port to Greece. Hitler decided that when the weather im-
proved he would take action against Greece to assist the
States out of the war, he nevertheless took concrete steps
to prepare for war. In December 1940 he accused Hitler Italians and prevent the British from gaining a foothold in
the Balkans, to strike against the British naval dominance
of planning world conquest and ruled out negotiations
as useless, calling for the US to become an “arsenal for of the Mediterranean, and to secure his hold on Roma-
nian oil.[110]
democracy” and promoted the passage of Lend-Lease aid
to support the British war effort.[98] In January 1941 se- In December 1940, British Commonwealth forces be-
cret high level staff talks with the British began for the gan counter-offensives against Italian forces in Egypt and
purposes of determining how to defeat Germany should Italian East Africa.[111] The offensive in North Africa was
the US enter the war. They decided on a number of highly successful and by early February 1941 Italy had
offensive policies, including an air offensive, the “early lost control of eastern Libya and large numbers of Ital-
ian troops had been taken prisoner. The Italian Navy also
elimination” of Italy, raids, support of resistance groups,
and the capture of positions to launch an offensive againstsuffered significant defeats, with the Royal Navy putting
Germany.[105] three Italian battleships out of commission by a carrier
At the end of September 1940, the Tripartite Pact united attack at Taranto, and neutralising
several more warships
Japan, Italy and Germany to formalise the Axis Powers. at the Battle of Cape Matapan.
The Tripartite Pact stipulated that any country, with the The Germans soon intervened to assist Italy. Hitler sent
exception of the Soviet Union, not in the war which at- German forces to Libya in February, and by the end of
tacked any Axis Power would be forced to go to war March they had launched an offensive which drove back
against all three.[106] The Axis expanded in November the Commonwealth forces which had been weakened to
1940 when Hungary, Slovakia and Romania joined the support Greece.[113] In under a month, Commonwealth
Tripartite Pact.[107] Romania would make a major contri- forces were pushed back into Egypt with the exception
4.4 Axis attack on the USSR (1941) 9

Captured German Afrika Korps soldiers, December 1941

of the besieged port of Tobruk.[114] The Commonwealth

attempted to dislodge Axis forces in May and again in
June, but failed on both occasions.[115]
European theatre of World War II animation map, 1939-1945
By late March 1941, following Bulgaria's signing of the — Red: Western Allies and Soviet Union after 1941; Green:
Tripartite Pact, the Germans were in position to inter- Soviet Union before 1941; Blue: Axis Powers
vene in Greece. Plans were changed, however, because
of developments in neighbouring Yugoslavia. The Yu-
goslav government had signed the Tripartite Pact on 25
March, only to be overthrown two days later by a British-
encouraged coup. Hitler viewed the new regime as hos-
tile and immediately decided to eliminate it. On 6 April
Germany simultaneously invaded both Yugoslavia and
Greece, making rapid progress and forcing both nations
to surrender within the month. The British were driven
from the Balkans after Germany conquered the Greek is-
land of Crete by the end of May.[116] Although the Axis
victory was swift, bitter partisan warfare subsequently
broke out against the Axis occupation of Yugoslavia,
which continued until the end of the war. Soviet civilians in Leningrad leaving destroyed houses, after a
The Allies did have some successes during this time. In German bombardment of the city; Battle of Leningrad, 10 De-
cember 1942
the Middle East, Commonwealth forces first quashed an
uprising in Iraq which had been supported by German air-
craft from bases within Vichy-controlled Syria,[117] then,
Soviet border.[120]
with the assistance of the Free French, invaded Syria and
Lebanon to prevent further such occurrences.[118] Hitler believed that Britain’s refusal to end the war was
based on the hope that the United States and the Soviet
Union would enter the war against Germany sooner or
4.4 Axis attack on the USSR (1941) later.[121] He therefore decided to try to strengthen Ger-
many’s relations with the Soviets, or failing that, to at-
Further information: Operation Barbarossa, tack and eliminate them as a factor. In November 1940,
Einsatzgruppen, World War II casualties of the So- negotiations took place to determine if the Soviet Union
viet Union and Nazi crimes against Soviet POWs would join the Tripartite Pact. The Soviets showed some
With the situation in Europe and Asia relatively stable, interest, but asked for concessions from Finland, Bul-
Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union made prepara- garia, Turkey, and Japan that Germany considered un-
tions. With the Soviets wary of mounting tensions with acceptable. On 18 December 1940, Hitler issued the di-
Germany and the Japanese planning to take advantage rective to prepare for an invasion of the Soviet Union.
of the European War by seizing resource-rich European On 22 June 1941, Germany, supported by Italy and
possessions in Southeast Asia, the two powers signed the Romania, invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Bar-
Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact in April 1941.[119] By barossa, with Germany accusing the Soviets of plot-
contrast, the Germans were steadily making preparations ting against them. They were joined shortly by Fin-
for an attack on the Soviet Union, massing forces on the land and Hungary.[122] The primary targets of this sur-

prise offensive[123] were the Baltic region, Moscow and 4.5 War breaks out in the Pacific (1941)
Ukraine, with the ultimate goal of ending the 1941 cam-
paign near the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line, from the
Caspian to the White Seas. Hitler’s objectives were
to eliminate the Soviet Union as a military power, ex-
terminate Communism, generate Lebensraum (“living
space”)[124] by dispossessing the native population[125]
and guarantee access to the strategic resources needed to
defeat Germany’s remaining rivals.[126]
Although the Red Army was preparing for strategic
counter-offensives before the war,[127] Barbarossa forced
the Soviet supreme command to adopt a strategic defence.
During the summer, the Axis made significant gains into
Soviet territory, inflicting immense losses in both person-
nel and materiel. By the middle of August, however, the
German Army High Command decided to suspend the
offensive of a considerably depleted Army Group Centre,
and to divert the 2nd Panzer Group to reinforce troops ad- Mitsubishi A6M2 “Zero” fighters on the Imperial Japanese Navy
vancing towards central Ukraine and Leningrad.[128] The aircraft carrier Shōkaku, just before the attack on Pearl Harbor
Kiev offensive was overwhelmingly successful, resulting
in encirclement and elimination of four Soviet armies, In 1939 the United States had renounced its trade treaty
and made further advance into Crimea and industrially with Japan and beginning with an aviation gasoline ban
developed Eastern Ukraine (the First Battle of Kharkov) in July 1940 Japan had become subject to increasing eco-
possible.[129] nomic pressure.[98] During this time, Japan launched its
The diversion of three quarters of the Axis troops and the first attack against Changsha, a strategically important
majority of their air forces from France and the central Chinese city, but was repulsed by late September.[144] De-
Mediterranean to the Eastern Front[130] prompted Britain spite several offensives by both sides, the war between
to reconsider its grand strategy.[131] In July, the UK and China and Japan was stalemated by 1940. To increase
the Soviet Union formed a military alliance against Ger- pressure on China by blocking supply routes, and to bet-
many[132] The British and Soviets invaded Iran to secure ter position Japanese forces in the event of a war with the
the Persian Corridor and Iran’s oil fields.[133] In August, Western powers, Japan invaded and occupied northern
the United Kingdom and the United States jointly issued Indochina.[145] Afterwards, the United States embargoed
the Atlantic Charter.[134] iron, steel and mechanical parts against Japan.[146] Other
sanctions soon followed.
By October Axis operational objectives in Ukraine and
the Baltic region were achieved, with only the sieges of In August of that year, Chinese communists launched
Leningrad[135] and Sevastopol continuing.[136] A major an offensive in Central China; in retaliation, Japan insti-
offensive against Moscow was renewed; after two months tuted harsh measures in occupied areas to reduce human
of fierce battles in increasingly harsh weather the Ger- and material resources for the communists.[147] Contin-
man army almost reached the outer suburbs of Moscow, ued antipathy between Chinese communist and national-
where the exhausted troops[137] were forced to suspend ist forces culminated in armed clashes in January 1941,
their offensive.[138] Large territorial gains were made by effectively ending their co-operation.[148] In March, the
Axis forces, but their campaign had failed to achieve its Japanese 11th army attacked the headquarters of the Chi-
main objectives: two key cities remained in Soviet hands, nese 19th army but was repulsed during Battle of Shang-
the Soviet capability to resist was not broken, and the So- gao.[149] In September, Japan attempted to take the city
viet Union retained a considerable part of its military po- of Changsha again and clashed with Chinese nationalist
tential. The blitzkrieg phase of the war in Europe had forces.[150]
ended.[139] German successes in Europe encouraged Japan to in-
By early December, freshly mobilised reserves[140] al- crease pressure on European governments in Southeast
lowed the Soviets to achieve numerical parity with Axis Asia. The Dutch government agreed to provide Japan
troops.[141] This, as well as intelligence data which es- some oil supplies from the Dutch East Indies, but nego-
tablished that a minimal number of Soviet troops in tiations for additional access to their resources ended in
the East would be sufficient to deter any attack by the failure in June 1941.[151] In July 1941 Japan sent troops
Japanese Kwantung Army,[142] allowed the Soviets to be- to southern Indochina, thus threatening British and Dutch
gin a massive counter-offensive that started on 5 Decem- possessions in the Far East. The United States, United
ber all along the front and pushed German troops 100– Kingdom and other Western governments reacted to this
250 kilometres (62–155 mi) west.[143] move with a freeze on Japanese assets and a total oil
4.6 Axis advance stalls (1942–43) 11

Since early 1941 the United States and Japan had been (8 December in Asian time zones), Japan attacked British
engaged in negotiations in an attempt to improve their and American holdings with near-simultaneous offensives
strained relations and end the war in China. Dur- against Southeast Asia and the Central Pacific.[161] These
ing these negotiations Japan advanced a number of included an attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor,
proposals which were dismissed by the Americans as the Philippines, landings in Thailand and Malaya[161] and
inadequate.[154] At the same time the US, Britain, and the the battle of Hong Kong.
Netherlands engaged in secret discussions for the joint These attacks led the United States, Britain, China, Aus-
defence of their territories, in the event of a Japanese tralia and several other states to formally declare war on
attack against any of them.[155] Roosevelt reinforced the
Japan, whereas the Soviet Union, being heavily involved
Philippines (an American protectorate scheduled for in- in large-scale hostilities with European Axis countries,
dependence in 1946) and warned Japan that the US
maintained its neutrality agreement with Japan.[162] Ger-
would react to Japanese attacks against any “neighboring many, followed by the other Axis states, declared war on
the United States[163] in solidarity with Japan, citing as
justification the American attacks on German war vessels
that had been ordered by Roosevelt.[122][164]

4.6 Axis advance stalls (1942–43)

USS Arizona during the Japanese surprise air attack on the

American pacific fleet, 7 December 1941

Frustrated at the lack of progress and feeling the pinch

of the American-British-Dutch sanctions, Japan prepared
for war. On 20 November it presented an interim pro-
posal as its final offer. It called for the end of Ameri-
can aid to China and to supply oil and other resources to
Japan. In exchange they promised not to launch any at- Seated at the Casablanca Conference; US President Franklin D.
tacks in Southeast Asia and to withdraw their forces from Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill, January 1943
their threatening positions in southern Indochina.[154]
The American counter-proposal of 26 November re- In January 1942, the Big Four (the United States, Britain,
quired that Japan evacuate all of China without condi- Soviet Union, China) and 22 smaller or exiled govern-
tions and conclude non-aggression pacts with all Pacific ments issued the Declaration by United Nations, thereby
powers.[156] That meant Japan was essentially forced to affirming the Atlantic Charter,[165] and agreeing to not to
choose between abandoning its ambitions in China, or sign a separate peace with the Axis powers.
seizing the natural resources it needed in the Dutch East During 1942, Allied officials debated on the appropri-
Indies by force;[157] the Japanese military did not consider ate grand strategy to pursue. All agreed that defeating
the former an option, and many officers considered the oil Germany was the primary objective. The Americans
embargo an unspoken declaration of war.[158] favoured a straightforward, large-scale attack on Ger-
Japan planned to rapidly seize European colonies in Asia many through France. The Soviets were also demanding
to create a large defensive perimeter stretching into the a second front. The British, on the other hand, argued
Central Pacific; the Japanese would then be free to ex- that military operations should target peripheral areas to
ploit the resources of Southeast Asia while exhausting wear out German strength, lead to increasing demoralisa-
the over-stretched Allies by fighting a defensive war.[159] tion, and bolster resistance forces. Germany itself would
To prevent American intervention while securing the be subject to a heavy bombing campaign. An offensive
perimeter it was further planned to neutralise the United against Germany would then be launched primarily by Al-
States Pacific Fleet and the American military presence in lied armour without using large-scale armies.[166] Even-
the Philippines from the outset.[160] On 7 December 1941 tually, the British persuaded the Americans that a landing

in France was infeasible in 1942 and they should instead riers fought Japanese naval forces to a draw in the Battle
focus on driving the Axis out of North Africa.[167] of the Coral Sea.[176] Japan’s next plan, motivated by the
At the Casablanca Conference in early 1943, the Allies earlier Doolittle Raid, was to seize Midway Atoll and lure
reiterated the statements issued in the 1942 Declaration American carriers into battle to be eliminated; as a diver-
by the United Nations, and demanded the unconditional sion, Japan would also[177] send forces to occupy the Aleu-
surrender of their enemies. The British and Americans tian Islands in Alaska. In early June, Japan put its
agreed to continue to press the initiative in the Mediter- operations into action but the Americans, having broken
ranean by invading Sicily to fully secure the Mediter- Japanese naval codes in late May, were fully aware of the
[168] plans and force dispositions and used this knowledge to
ranean supply routes. Although the British argued for
further operations in the Balkans to bring Turkey into achieve a decisive victory at Midway over the Imperial
Japanese Navy.[178]
the war, in May 1943, the Americans extracted a British
commitment to limit Allied operations in the Mediter-
ranean to an invasion of the Italian mainland and to in-
vade France in 1944.[169]

4.6.1 Pacific (1942–43)

US Marines during the Guadalcanal Campaign, in the Pacific

theatre, 1942

Map of Japanese military advances, until mid-1942

With its capacity for aggressive action greatly diminished
By the end of April 1942, Japan and its ally Thai- as a result of the Midway battle, Japan chose to focus on
land had almost fully conquered Burma, Malaya, the a belated attempt to capture Port Moresby by an overland
Dutch East Indies, Singapore, and Rabaul, inflicting se- campaign in the Territory of Papua.[179] The Americans
vere losses on Allied troops and taking a large num- planned a counter-attack against Japanese positions in the
ber of prisoners.[170] Despite stubborn resistance by Fil- southern Solomon Islands, primarily Guadalcanal, as a
ipino and US forces, the Philippine Commonwealth was first step towards capturing Rabaul, the main Japanese
eventually captured in May 1942, forcing its government base in Southeast Asia.[180]
into exile.[171] On 16 April, in Burma, 7,000 British sol- Both plans started in July, but by mid-September, the Bat-
diers were encircled by the Japanese 33rd Division dur- tle for Guadalcanal took priority for the Japanese, and
ing the Battle of Yenangyaung and rescued by the Chi- troops in New Guinea were ordered to withdraw from
nese 38th Division.[172] Japanese forces also achieved the Port Moresby area to the northern part of the island,
naval victories in the South China Sea, Java Sea and where they faced Australian and United States troops in
Indian Ocean,[173] and bombed the Allied naval base at the Battle of Buna-Gona.[181] Guadalcanal soon became
Darwin, Australia. In January 1942, the only Allied a focal point for both sides with heavy commitments of
success against Japan was a Chinese victory at Chang- troops and ships in the battle for Guadalcanal. By the
sha.[174] These easy victories over unprepared US and start of 1943, the Japanese were defeated on the island
European opponents left Japan overconfident, as well as and withdrew their troops.[182] In Burma, Commonwealth
overextended.[175] forces mounted two operations. The first, an offensive
In early May 1942, Japan initiated operations to capture into the Arakan region in late 1942, went disastrously,
Port Moresby by amphibious assault and thus sever com- forcing a retreat back to India by May 1943.[183] The sec-
munications and supply lines between the United States ond was the insertion of irregular forces behind Japanese
and Australia. The planned invasion was thwarted when front-lines in February which, by the end of April, had
an Allied task force centered on two American fleet car- achieved mixed results.[184]
4.7 Allies gain momentum (1943–44) 13

Red Army soldiers on the counterattack, during the Battle of Stal-

ingrad, February 1943

4.6.2 Eastern Front (1942–43)

Despite considerable losses, in early 1942 Germany and American 8th Air Force Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombing
its allies stopped a major Soviet offensive in central and raid on the Focke-Wulf factory in Germany, 9 October 1943
southern Russia, keeping most territorial gains they had
achieved during the previous year.[185] In May the Ger-
mans defeated Soviet offensives in the Kerch Peninsula offensives.[195] Concerns the Japanese might use bases
and at Kharkiv,[186] and then launched their main summer in Vichy-held Madagascar caused the British to invade
offensive against southern Russia in June 1942, to seize the island in early May 1942.[196] An Axis offensive in
the oil fields of the Caucasus and occupy Kuban steppe, Libya forced an Allied retreat deep inside Egypt until
while maintaining positions on the northern and central Axis forces were stopped at El Alamein.[197] On the Con-
areas of the front. The Germans split Army Group South tinent, raids of Allied commandos on strategic targets,
into two groups: Army Group A advanced to the lower culminating in the disastrous Dieppe Raid,[198] demon-
Don River and struck south-east to the Caucasus, while strated the Western Allies’ inability to launch an invasion
Army Group B headed towards the Volga River. The of continental Europe without much better preparation,
Soviets decided to make their stand at Stalingrad on the equipment, and operational security.[199]
Volga.[187] In August 1942, the Allies succeeded in repelling a
By mid-November, the Germans had nearly taken Stal- second attack against El Alamein[200] and, at a high
ingrad in bitter street fighting when the Soviets began cost, managed to deliver desperately needed supplies to
their second winter counter-offensive, starting with an the besieged Malta.[201] A few months later, the Allies
encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad[188] and an commenced an attack of their own in Egypt, dislodg-
assault on the Rzhev salient near Moscow, though the lat- ing the Axis forces and beginning a drive west across
ter failed disastrously.[189] By early February 1943, the Libya.[202] This attack was followed up shortly after by
German Army had taken tremendous losses; German Anglo-American landings in French North Africa, which
troops at Stalingrad had been forced to surrender,[190] and resulted in the region joining the Allies.[203] Hitler re-
the front-line had been pushed back beyond its position sponded to the French colony’s defection by ordering the
before the summer offensive. In mid-February, after the occupation of Vichy France;[203] although Vichy forces
Soviet push had tapered off, the Germans launched an- did not resist this violation of the armistice, they man-
other attack on Kharkiv, creating a salient in their front aged to scuttle their fleet to prevent its capture by German
line around the Russian city of Kursk.[191] forces.[204] The now pincered Axis forces in Africa with-
drew into Tunisia, which was conquered by the Allies in
May 1943.[205]
4.6.3 Western Europe/Atlantic & Mediterranean In early 1943 the British and Americans began the
(1942–43) Combined Bomber Offensive, a strategic bombing cam-
paign against Germany. The goals were to disrupt the
Exploiting poor American naval command decisions, the German war economy, reduce German morale, and "de-
German navy ravaged Allied shipping off the American house" the civilian population.[206]
Atlantic coast.[192] By November 1941, Commonwealth
forces had launched a counter-offensive, Operation Cru-
sader, in North Africa, and reclaimed all the gains the 4.7 Allies gain momentum (1943–44)
Germans and Italians had made.[193] In North Africa,
the Germans launched an offensive in January, push- After the Guadalcanal Campaign, the Allies initiated sev-
ing the British back to positions at the Gazala Line by eral operations against Japan in the Pacific. In May 1943,
early February,[194] followed by a temporary lull in com- Canadian and U.S. forces were sent to eliminate Japanese
bat which Germany used to prepare for their upcoming forces from the Aleutians.[207] Soon after, the U.S. with

offensives, thereby dispelling any chance of German vic-

tory or even stalemate in the east. The Soviet victory
at Kursk marked the end of German superiority,[213]
giving the Soviet Union the initiative on the Eastern
Front.[214][215] The Germans tried to stabilise their east-
ern front along the hastily fortified Panther-Wotan line,
but the Soviets broke through it at Smolensk and by the
Lower Dnieper Offensives.[216]
On 3 September 1943, the Western Allies invaded the
Italian mainland, following Italy’s armistice with the Al-
lies.[217] Germany responded by disarming Italian forces,
seizing military control of Italian areas,[218] and creating
a series of defensive lines.[219] German special forces then
rescued Mussolini, who then soon established a new client
US Navy Douglas SBD Dauntless flies patrol over the USS Wash- state in German occupied Italy named the Italian Social
ington and USS Lexington during the Gilbert and Marshall Is- Republic,[220] causing an Italian civil war. The Western
lands campaign, 1943 Allies fought through several lines until reaching the main
German defensive line in mid-November.[221]

support from Australian and New Zealand forces began

major operations to isolate Rabaul by capturing surround-
ing islands, and to breach the Japanese Central Pacific
perimeter at the Gilbert and Marshall Islands.[208] By the
end of March 1944, the Allies had completed both of
these objectives, and additionally neutralised the major
Japanese base at Truk in the Caroline Islands. In April,
the Allies launched an operation to retake Western New

The Allied leaders of the Asian and Pacific Theater: Gener-

alissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston
Churchill meeting at the Cairo Conference, 25 November 1943

German operations in the Atlantic also suffered. By

May 1943, as Allied counter-measures became increas-
Red Army troops following T-34 tanks, in a counter-offensive on ingly effective, the resulting sizeable German submarine
German positions, at the Battle of Kursk, August 1943 losses forced a temporary halt of the German Atlantic
naval campaign.[222] In November 1943, Franklin D.
In the Soviet Union, both the Germans and the Sovi- Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met with Chiang Kai-
ets spent the spring and early summer of 1943 preparing shek in Cairo and then with Joseph Stalin in Tehran.[223]
for large offensives in central Russia. On 4 July 1943, The former conference determined the post-war return
Germany attacked Soviet forces around the Kursk Bulge. of Japanese territory,[224] while the latter included agree-
Within a week, German forces had exhausted them- ment that the Western Allies would invade Europe in
selves against the Soviets’ deeply echeloned and well- 1944 and that the Soviet Union would declare war on
constructed defences[210] and, for the first time in the war, Japan within three months of Germany’s defeat.[225]
Hitler cancelled the operation before it had achieved tac-
From November 1943, during the seven-week Battle of
tical or operational success.[211] This decision was par-Changde, the Chinese forced Japan to fight a costly war of
tially affected by the Western Allies’ invasion of Sicily attrition, while awaiting Allied relief.[226][227][228] In Jan-
launched on 9 July which, combined with previous Ital- uary 1944, the Allies launched a series of attacks in Italy
ian failures, resulted in the ousting and arrest of Mus- against the line at Monte Cassino and tried to outflank
solini later that month.[212] Also, in July 1943 the British
it with landings at Anzio.[229] By the end of January, a
firebombed Hamburg killing over 40,000 people. major Soviet offensive expelled German forces from the
On 12 July 1943, the Soviets launched their own counter- Leningrad region,[230] ending the longest and most lethal
4.8 Allies close in (1944) 15

Ruins of the Benedictine monastery, during the Battle of Monte

Cassino; Italian Campaign, May 1944 American troops approaching Omaha Beach, during the Invasion
of Normandy on D-Day, 6 June 1944

siege in history.
a major airborne operation in the Netherlands failed.[242]
The following Soviet offensive was halted on the pre-
After that, the Western Allies slowly pushed into Ger-
war Estonian border by the German Army Group North
many, but failed to cross the Rur river in a large offensive.
aided by Estonians hoping to re-establish national inde-
In Italy, Allied advance also slowed due to the last major
pendence. This delay slowed subsequent Soviet oper-
German defensive line.[243]
ations in the Baltic Sea region.[231] By late May 1944,
the Soviets had liberated Crimea, largely expelled Axis On 22 June, the Soviets launched a strategic offensive in
forces from Ukraine, and made incursions into Romania, Belarus ("Operation Bagration") that destroyed the Ger-
which were repulsed by the Axis troops.[232] The Allied man Army Group Centre almost completely.[244] Soon af-
offensives in Italy had succeeded and, at the expense of ter that another Soviet strategic offensive forced German
allowing several German divisions to retreat, on 4 June, troops from Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland. The
Rome was captured.[233] Soviet advance prompted resistance forces in Poland to
initiate several uprisings against the German occupation.
The Allies had mixed success in mainland Asia. In
However, the largest of these in Warsaw where German
March 1944, the Japanese launched the first of two in-
soldiers massacred 200,000 civilians and a national up-
vasions, an operation against British positions in Assam,
rising in Slovakia did not receive Soviet support and were
India,[234] and soon besieged Commonwealth positions
subsequently suppressed by the Germans.[245] The Red
at Imphal and Kohima.[235] In May 1944, British forces
Army’s strategic offensive in eastern Romania cut off and
mounted a counter-offensive that drove Japanese troops
destroyed the considerable German troops there and trig-
back to Burma,[235] and Chinese forces that had invaded
gered a successful coup d'état in Romania and in Bulgaria,
northern Burma in late 1943 besieged Japanese troops in
followed by those countries’ shift to the Allied side.[246]
Myitkyina.[236] The second Japanese invasion of China
aimed to destroy China’s main fighting forces, secure rail-
ways between Japanese-held territory and capture Allied
airfields.[237] By June, the Japanese had conquered the
province of Henan and begun a new attack on Changsha
in the Hunan province.[238]

4.8 Allies close in (1944)

On 6 June 1944 (known as D-Day), after three years of

Soviet pressure,[239] the Western Allies invaded northern
France. After reassigning several Allied divisions from
Italy, they also attacked southern France.[240] These land-
ings were successful, and led to the defeat of the German German SS soldiers from the Dirlewanger Brigade, tasked with
Army units in France. Paris was liberated by the local suppressing the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi occupation, Au-
resistance assisted by the Free French Forces, both led gust 1944
by General Charles de Gaulle, on 25 August[241] and the
Western Allies continued to push back German forces in In September 1944, Soviet troops advanced into
western Europe during the latter part of the year. An at- Yugoslavia and forced the rapid withdrawal of German
tempt to advance into northern Germany spearheaded by Army Groups E and F in Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia

to rescue them from being cut off.[247] By this point, the

Communist-led Partisans under Marshal Josip Broz Tito,
who had led an increasingly successful guerrilla campaign
against the occupation since 1941, controlled much of
the territory of Yugoslavia and engaged in delaying ef-
forts against German forces further south. In northern
Serbia, the Red Army, with limited support from Bulgar-
ian forces, assisted the Partisans in a joint liberation of the
capital city of Belgrade on 20 October. A few days later,
the Soviets launched a massive assault against German-
occupied Hungary that lasted until the fall of Budapest in
February 1945.[248] Unlike impressive Soviet victories in
the Balkans, bitter Finnish resistance to the Soviet offen-
sive in the Karelian Isthmus denied the Soviets occupa-
tion of Finland and led to a Soviet-Finnish armistice on
relatively mild conditions,[249][250] although Finland later Yalta Conference held in February 1945, with Winston Churchill,
shifted to the Allied side. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin
By the start of July 1944, Commonwealth forces in
Southeast Asia had repelled the Japanese sieges in Assam,
pushing the Japanese back to the Chindwin River[251]
many, and on when the Soviet Union would join the war
while the Chinese captured Myitkyina. In China, the
against Japan.[258]
Japanese had more successes, having finally captured
Changsha in mid-June and the city of Hengyang by early In February, the Soviets entered Silesia and Pomerania,
August.[252] Soon after, they invaded the province of while Western Allies entered western Germany and
Guangxi, winning major engagements against Chinese closed to the Rhine river. By March, the Western Allies
forces at Guilin and Liuzhou by the end of November[253] crossed the Rhine north and south of the Ruhr, encircling
and successfully linking up their forces in China and In- the German Army Group B,[259] while the Soviets ad-
dochina by mid-December.[254] vanced to Vienna. In early April, the Western Allies
finally pushed forward in Italy and swept across west-
In the Pacific, US forces continued to press back the
ern Germany, while Soviet and Polish forces stormed
Japanese perimeter. In mid-June 1944, they began their
Berlin in late April. American and Soviet forces joined
offensive against the Mariana and Palau islands, and deci-
on Elbe river on 25 April. On 30 April 1945, the
sively defeated Japanese forces in the Battle of the Philip-
Reichstag was captured, signalling the military defeat of
pine Sea. These defeats led to the resignation of the
Nazi Germany.[260]
Japanese Prime Minister, Hideki Tojo, and provided the
United States with air bases to launch intensive heavy Several changes in leadership occurred during this period.
bomber attacks on the Japanese home islands. In late On 12 April, President Roosevelt died and was succeeded
October, American forces invaded the Filipino island of by Harry Truman. Benito Mussolini was killed by Italian
Leyte; soon after, Allied naval forces scored another large partisans on 28 April.[261] Two days later, Hitler commit-
victory in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, one of the largest naval ted suicide, and was succeeded by Grand Admiral Karl
battles in history.[255] Dönitz.[262]
German forces surrendered in Italy on 29 April. Total
and unconditional surrender was signed on 7 May, to be
4.9 Axis collapse, Allied victory (1944–45)
effective by the end of 8 May.[263] German Army Group
On 16 December 1944, Germany made a last attempt Centre resisted in Prague until 11 May.
on the Western Front by using most of its remaining re- In the Pacific theatre, American forces accompanied by
serves to launch a massive counter-offensive in the Ar- the forces of the Philippine Commonwealth advanced
dennes to split the Western Allies, encircle large portions in the Philippines, clearing Leyte by the end of April
of Western Allied troops and capture their primary sup- 1945. They landed on Luzon in January 1945 and
ply port at Antwerp to prompt a political settlement.[256] recaptured Manila in March following a battle which re-
By January, the offensive had been repulsed with no duced the city to ruins. Fighting continued on Luzon,
strategic objectives fulfilled.[256] In Italy, the Western Al- Mindanao, and other islands of the Philippines until the
lies remained stalemated at the German defensive line. end of the war.[265] On the night of 9–10 March, B-29
In mid-January 1945, the Soviets and Poles attacked in bombers of the US Army Air Forces struck Tokyo with
Poland, pushing from the Vistula to the Oder river in incendiary bombs, which killed 100,000 people within a
Germany, and overran East Prussia.[257] On 4 February, few hours. Over the next five months, American bombers
US, British, and Soviet leaders met for the Yalta Confer- firebombed 66 other Japanese cities, causing the destruc-
ence. They agreed on the occupation of post-war Ger- tion of untold numbers of buildings and the deaths of be-

all Japanese forces by Japan, specifically stating that “the

alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction”.[271]
During this conference, the United Kingdom held its gen-
eral election, and Clement Attlee replaced Churchill as
Prime Minister.[272]
The Allies called for unconditional Japanese surrender
in the Potsdam declaration of 27 July, but the Japanese
government was internally divided on whether to make
peace and did not respond. In early August, the United
States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Like the Japanese cities pre-
viously bombed by American airmen, the US and its al-
lies justified the atomic bombings as military necessity to
avoid invading the Japanese home islands which would
cost the lives of between 250,000–500,000 Allied troops
and millions of Japanese troops and civilians.[273] Be-
tween the two bombings, the Soviets, pursuant to the
Yalta agreement, invaded Japanese-held Manchuria, and
quickly defeated the Kwantung Army, which was the
The German Reichstag after its capture by the Allies, 3 June 1945 largest Japanese fighting force.[274][275] The Red Army
also captured Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. On
15 August 1945, Japan surrendered, with the surrender
tween 350,000–500,000 Japanese civilians.[266] documents finally signed aboard the deck of the Ameri-
can battleship USS Missouri on 2 September 1945, end-
ing the war.[276]

5 Aftermath
Main articles: Aftermath of World War II and
Consequences of Nazism
The Allies established occupation administrations in

Japanese foreign affairs minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signs the

Japanese Instrument of Surrender on board the USS Missouri, 2
September 1945

In May 1945, Australian troops landed in Borneo, over-

running the oilfields there. British, American, and Chi-
nese forces defeated the Japanese in northern Burma in
March, and the British pushed on to reach Rangoon by
3 May.[267] Chinese forces started to counterattack in
Battle of West Hunan that occurred between 6 April and 7
June 1945. American naval and amphibious forces also
Ruins of Warsaw in January 1945, after the deliberate destruc-
moved towards Japan, taking Iwo Jima by March, and tion of the city by the occupying German forces
Okinawa by the end of June.[268] At the same time Amer-
ican bombers were destroying Japanese cities, American Austria and Germany. The former became a neutral
submarines cut off Japanese imports, drastically reducing state, non-aligned with any political bloc. The latter
Japan’s ability to supply its overseas forces.[269] was divided into western and eastern occupation zones
On 11 July, Allied leaders met in Potsdam, Germany. controlled by the Western Allies and the USSR, accord-
They confirmed earlier agreements about Germany,[270] ingly. A denazification program in Germany led to the
and reiterated the demand for unconditional surrender of prosecution of Nazi war criminals and the removal of ex-

nent members of the UN’s Security Council.[7] The five

permanent members remain so to the present, although
there have been two seat changes, between the Republic
of China and the People’s Republic of China in 1971,
and between the Soviet Union and its successor state, the
Russian Federation, following the dissolution of the So-
viet Union. The alliance between the Western Allies and
the Soviet Union had begun to deteriorate even before the
war was over.[287]
Germany had been de facto divided, and two indepen-
dent states, the Federal Republic of Germany and the
German Democratic Republic[288] were created within
the borders of Allied and Soviet occupation zones, ac-
cordingly. The rest of Europe was also divided into
Western and Soviet spheres of influence.[289] Most east-
ern and central European countries fell into the Soviet
sphere, which led to establishment of Communist-led
regimes, with full or partial support of the Soviet occupa-
tion authorities. As a result, Poland, Hungary, East Ger-
many,[290] Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Albania[291]
became Soviet satellite states. Communist Yugoslavia
conducted a fully independent policy, causing tension
with the USSR.[292]
Post-war division of the world was formalised by two
international military alliances, the United States-led
NATO and the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact;[293] the long pe-
riod of political tensions and military competition be-
tween them, the Cold War, would be accompanied by an
unprecedented arms race and proxy wars.[294]
Post-war Soviet territorial expansion resulted in Central Euro-
pean border changes, the creation of a Communist Bloc and start In Asia, the United States led the occupation of Japan
of the Cold War and administrated Japan’s former islands in the West-
ern Pacific, while the Soviets annexed Sakhalin and the
Kuril Islands.[295] Korea, formerly under Japanese rule,
was divided and occupied by the US in the South and the
Nazis from power, although this policy moved towards
Soviet Union in the North between 1945 and 1948. Sep-
amnesty and re-integration of ex-Nazis into West Ger-
arate republics emerged on both sides of the 38th paral-
man society.[277]
lel in 1948, each claiming to be the legitimate govern-
Germany lost a quarter of its pre-war (1937) territory. ment for all of Korea, which led ultimately to the Korean
Among the eastern territories, Silesia, Neumark and most War.[296]
of Pomerania were taken over by Poland, East Prussia
In China, nationalist and communist forces resumed the
was divided between Poland and the USSR, followed
civil war in June 1946. Communist forces were vic-
by the expulsion of the 9 million Germans from these
torious and established the People’s Republic of China
provinces, as well as the expulsion of 3 million Germans
on the mainland, while nationalist forces retreated to
from the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia to Germany. By
Taiwan in 1949.[297] In the Middle East, the Arab re-
the 1950s, every fifth West German was a refugee from
jection of the United Nations Partition Plan for Pales-
the east. The Soviet Union also took over the Polish
tine and the creation of Israel marked the escalation
provinces east of the Curzon line, from which 2 million
of the Arab-Israeli conflict. While European colo-
Poles were expelled;[278] north-east Romania,[279][280]
nial powers attempted to retain some or all of their
parts of eastern Finland,[281] and the three Baltic states
colonial empires, their losses of prestige and resources
were also incorporated into the USSR.[282][283]
during the war rendered this unsuccessful, leading to
In an effort to maintain peace,[284] the Allies formed the decolonisation.[298][299]
United Nations, which officially came into existence on
The global economy suffered heavily from the war, al-
24 October 1945,[285] and adopted the Universal Dec-
though participating nations were affected differently.
laration of Human Rights in 1948, as a common stan-
[286] The US emerged much richer than any other nation; it
dard for all member nations. The great powers that
had a baby boom and by 1950 its gross domestic prod-
were the victors of the war—the United States, Soviet
uct per person was much higher than that of any of the
Union, China, Britain, and France—formed the perma-
6.1 Casualties and war crimes 19

other powers and it dominated the world economy.[300] cause of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings,
The UK and US pursued a policy of industrial disarma- disease, and starvation.
ment in Western Germany in the years 1945–1948.[301] The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during
Because of international trade interdependencies this led the war,[318] including 8.7 million military and 19 million
to European economic stagnation and delayed European civilian deaths. The largest portion of military dead were
recovery for several years.[302][303] 5.7 million ethnic Russians, followed by 1.3 million eth-
Recovery began with the mid-1948 currency reform in nic Ukrainians.[319] A quarter of the people in the Soviet
Western Germany, and was sped up by the liberalisa- Union were wounded or killed.[320] Germany sustained
tion of European economic policy that the Marshall Plan 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front
(1948–1951) both directly and indirectly caused.[304][305] and during the final battles in Germany.[321]
The post-1948 West German recovery has been called Of the total number of deaths in World War II, ap-
the German economic miracle.[306] Italy also experienced proximately 85 percent—mostly Soviet and Chinese—
an economic boom[307] and the French economy re- were on the Allied side and 15 percent were on the Axis
bounded.[308] By contrast, the United Kingdom was in side. Many of these deaths were caused by war crimes
a state of economic ruin,[309] and although it received a committed by German and Japanese forces in occupied
quarter of the total Marshall Plan assistance, more than territories. An estimated 11[322] to 17 million[323] civil-
any other European country,[310] continued relative eco- ians died either as a direct or as an indirect result of
nomic decline for decades.[311] Nazi ideological policies, including the systematic geno-
The Soviet Union, despite enormous human and mate- cide of around 6 million Jews during the Holocaust,
rial losses, also experienced rapid increase in production along with a further 5 to 6 million ethnic Poles and
in the immediate post-war era.[312] Japan experienced other Slavs (including Ukrainians and Belarusians)[324] —
incredibly rapid economic growth, becoming one of the Roma, homosexuals, and other ethnic and minority
most powerful economies in the world by the 1980s.[313] groups.[323] Hundreds of thousands (varying estimates) of
China returned to its pre-war industrial production by ethnic Serbs, along with gypsies and Jews, were murdered
1952.[314] by the Axis-aligned Croatian Ustaše in Yugoslavia,[325]
and retribution-related killings were committed just after
the war ended.
6 Impact

6.1 Casualties and war crimes

Main articles: World War II casualties, War crimes dur-
ing World War II, War crimes in occupied Poland dur-
ing World War II, German war crimes, War crimes of
the Wehrmacht, Italian war crimes, Japanese war crimes,
Allied war crimes during World War II and Soviet war
Estimates for the total number of casualties in the war

World War II Deaths

0 12 24
Soviet Union
Allied Forces

French Indochina
United Kingdom Axis Military Axis Civilians 4%
United States
Lithuania Chinese civilians being buried alive by soldiers of the Imperial
Allied Military
Japanese Army, during the Nanking Massacre, December 1937

Allied Civilians
58% In Asia and the Pacific, between 3 million and more
0 12 24
than 10 million civilians, mostly Chinese (estimated
Military deaths (millions)
Civilian deaths (millions)
Total deaths (millions)
Total deaths as % of 1939 population at 7.5 million[326] ), were killed by the Japanese oc-
cupation forces.[327] The best-known Japanese atroc-
World War II deaths ity was the Nanking Massacre, in which fifty to three
hundred thousand Chinese civilians were raped and
vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most sug- murdered.[328] Mitsuyoshi Himeta reported that 2.7 mil-
gest that some 75 million people died in the war, in- lion casualties occurred during the Sankō Sakusen. Gen-
cluding about 20 million military personnel and 40 mil- eral Yasuji Okamura implemented the policy in Heipei
lion civilians.[315][316][317] Many of the civilians died be- and Shantung.[329]

Axis forces employed biological and chemical weapons. of approximately 6 million Jews, as well as 2.7 million
The Imperial Japanese Army used a variety of such ethnic Poles,[340] and 4 million others who were deemed
weapons during its invasion and occupation of China "unworthy of life" (including the disabled and mentally
(see Unit 731)[330][331] and in early conflicts against ill, Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, Freemasons,
the Soviets.[332] Both the Germans and Japanese tested Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Romani) as part of a pro-
such weapons against civilians[333] and, sometimes on gramme of deliberate extermination. About 12 million,
prisoners of war.[334] most of whom were Eastern Europeans, were employed
The Soviet Union was responsible for the Katyn mas- in the German war economy as forced labourers.
sacre of 22,000 Polish officers,[335] and the imprisonment In addition to Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet
or execution of thousands of political prisoners by the gulags (labour camps) led to the death of citizens of oc-
NKVD,[336] in the Baltic states, and eastern Poland an- cupied countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and
nexed by the Red Army. Estonia, as well as German prisoners of war (POWs) and
The mass-bombing of civilian areas, notably the cities even Soviet citizens who had been or were thought to
of Warsaw, Rotterdam and London; including the aerial be supporters of the Nazis. Sixty percent of Soviet
targeting of hospitals and fleeing refugees [337]
by the POWs of the Germans died during the war.[343] Richard
German Luftwaffe, along with the bombing of Tokyo, Overy gives the number of 5.7 million Soviet POWs.
and German cities of Dresden, Hamburg and Cologne Of those, 57 percent died or were killed, a total of 3.6
by the Western Allies may be considered as war crimes. million. Soviet ex-POWs and repatriated civilians
The latter resulted in the destruction of more than 160 were treated with great suspicion as potential Nazi collab-
cities and the death of more than 600,000 German orators, and some of them were sent to the Gulag upon
However, no positive or specific customary being checked by the NKVD.[345]
international humanitarian law with respect to aerial war-
fare existed before or during World War II.[339]

6.2 Concentration camps, slave labour,

and genocide
Further information: Genocide, The Holocaust, Nazi
concentration camps, Extermination camp, Forced
labour under German rule during World War II, Prisoner identity photograph taken by the German SS of a
Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany and Nazi hu- fourteen-year-old Polish girl, deported as forced labour to
man experimentation Auschwitz, December 1942
The German government led by Adolf Hitler and the
Japanese prisoner-of-war camps, many of which were
used as labour camps, also had high death rates. The
International Military Tribunal for the Far East found the
death rate of Western prisoners was 27.1 percent (for
American POWs, 37 percent),[346] seven times that of
POWs under the Germans and Italians.[347] While 37,583
prisoners from the UK, 28,500 from the Netherlands, and
14,473 from the United States were released after the
surrender of Japan, the number of Chinese released was
only 56.[348]
According to historian Zhifen Ju, at least five million Chi-
nese civilians from northern China and Manchukuo were
enslaved between 1935 and 1941 by the East Asia Devel-
opment Board, or Kōain, for work in mines and war in-
dustries. After 1942, the number reached 10 million.[349]
The US Library of Congress estimates that in Java, be-
tween 4 and 10 million romusha (Japanese: “manual la-
borers”), were forced to work by the Japanese military.
About 270,000 of these Javanese labourers were sent to
SS female camp guards remove prisoners’ bodies from lorries and other Japanese-held areas in South East Asia, and only
carry them to a mass grave, inside the German Bergen-Belsen 52,000 were repatriated to Java.[350]
concentration camp, 1945
On 19 February 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Or-
Nazi Party was responsible for the Holocaust, the killing der 9066, interning about 100,000 Japanese living on
6.4 Home fronts and production 21

the West Coast. Canada had a similar program.[351][352]

In addition, 14,000 German and Italian citizens who
had been assessed as being security risks were also
In accordance with the Allied agreement made at the
Yalta Conference millions of POWs and civilians were
used as forced labour by the Soviet Union.[354] In Hun-
gary’s case, Hungarians were forced to work for the So-
viet Union until 1955.[355]

6.3 Occupation Russian Academy of Sciences in 1995 reported civilian victims in

the USSR at German hands totaled 13.7 million dead, 20% of
Main articles: German-occupied Europe, Lebensraum, the 68 million persons in the occupied USSR
Untermensch, Collaboration with the Axis Powers dur-
ing World War II, Resistance during World War II and
Nazi plunder ing part of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere,
In Europe, occupation came under two forms. In West- essentially a Japanese hegemony which it claimed was for
purposes of liberating colonised peoples.[362] Although
Japanese forces were originally welcomed as liberators
from European domination in some territories, their ex-
cessive brutality turned local public opinion against them
within weeks.[363] During Japan’s initial conquest it cap-
tured 4,000,000 barrels (640,000 m3 ) of oil (~5.5×105
tonnes) left behind by retreating Allied forces, and by
1943 was able to get production in the Dutch East In-
dies up to 50 million barrels (~6.8×106 t), 76 percent of
its 1940 output rate.[363]

6.4 Home fronts and production

Polish civilians wearing blindfolds photographed just before their Main articles: Military production during World War II
execution by German soldiers in Palmiry forest, 1940
and Home front during World War II
In Europe, before the outbreak of the war, the Allies
ern, Northern and Central Europe (France, Norway, Den-
mark, the Low Countries, and the annexed portions of
Allies / Axis GDP
Czechoslovakia) Germany established economic policies
through which it collected roughly 69.5 billion reichmarks
(27.8 billion US Dollars) by the end of the war, this fig- 5.00

ure does not include the sizeable plunder of industrial

Allies / Axis GDP

products, military equipment, raw materials and other
goods.[356] Thus, the income from occupied nations was 3.00
over 40 percent of the income Germany collected from 2.38 2.31
taxation, a figure which increased to nearly 40 percent of 2.15


total German income as the war went on.[357]


In the East, the much hoped for bounties of Lebensraum 0.00

were never attained as fluctuating front-lines and Soviet 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
scorched earth policies denied resources to the German
invaders.[358] Unlike in the West, the Nazi racial policy
encouraged excessive brutality against what it considered Allied to Axis GDP ratio
to be the "inferior people" of Slavic descent; most Ger- had significant advantages in both population and eco-
man advances were thus followed by mass executions.[359] nomics. In 1938, the Western Allies (United Kingdom,
Although resistance groups formed in most occupied ter- France, Poland and British Dominions) had a 30 percent
ritories, they did not significantly hamper German op- larger population and a 30 percent higher gross domestic
erations in either the East[360] or the West[361] until late
product than the European Axis (Germany and Italy); if
1943. colonies are included, it then gives the Allies more than
In Asia, Japan termed nations under its occupation as be- a 5:1 advantage in population and nearly 2:1 advantage

in GDP.[364] In Asia at the same time, China had roughly Advances were made in nearly every aspect of naval war-
six times the population of Japan, but only an 89 percent fare, most notably with aircraft carriers and submarines.
higher GDP; this is reduced to three times the population Although aeronautical warfare had relatively little success
and only a 38 percent higher GDP if Japanese colonies at the start of the war, actions at Taranto, Pearl Harbor,
are included.[364] and the Coral Sea established the carrier as the dominant
Though the Allies’ economic and population advantages capital ship in place of the battleship.
were largely mitigated during the initial rapid blitzkrieg In the Atlantic, escort carriers proved to be a vital part
attacks of Germany and Japan, they became the deci- of Allied convoys, increasing the effective protection ra-
sive factor by 1942, after the United States and Soviet dius and helping to close the Mid-Atlantic gap.[377] Car-
Union joined the Allies, as the war largely settled into one riers were also more economical than battleships because
of attrition.[365] While the Allies’ ability to out-produce of the relatively low cost of aircraft[378] and their not re-
the Axis is often attributed to the Allies having more ac- quiring to be as heavily armoured.[379] Submarines, which
cess to natural resources, other factors, such as Germany had proved to be an effective weapon during the First
and Japan’s reluctance to employ women in the labour World War,[380] were anticipated by all sides to be im-
force,[366] Allied strategic bombing,[367] and Germany’s portant in the second. The British focused development
late shift to a war economy[368] contributed significantly. on anti-submarine weaponry and tactics, such as sonar
Additionally, neither Germany nor Japan planned to fight and convoys, while Germany focused on improving its
a protracted war, and were not equipped to do so.[369] offensive capability, with designs such as the Type VII
To improve their production, Germany and Japan used submarine and wolfpack tactics.[381] Gradually, improv-
millions of slave labourers;[370] Germany used about 12 ing Allied technologies such as the Leigh light, hedgehog,
million people, mostly from Eastern Europe,[341] while squid, and homing torpedoes proved victorious.
Japan used more than 18 million people in Far East

6.5 Advances in technology and warfare

Main article: Technology during World War II
Aircraft were used for reconnaissance, as fighters,

B-29 Superfortress strategic bombers on the Boeing assembly line

in Wichita, Kansas, 1944
A V-2 rocket launched from a fixed site in Peenemünde, 1943
bombers, and ground-support, and each role was ad-
vanced considerably. Innovation included airlift (the ca- Land warfare changed from the static front lines of World
pability to quickly move limited high-priority supplies, War I to increased mobility and combined arms. The
equipment, and personnel);[371] and of strategic bomb- tank, which had been used predominantly for infantry
ing (the bombing of enemy industrial and population cen- support in the First World War, had evolved into the pri-
tres to destroy the enemy’s ability to wage war).[372] Anti- mary weapon.[382] In the late 1930s, tank design was con-
aircraft weaponry also advanced, including defences such siderably more advanced than it had been during World
as radar and surface-to-air artillery, such as the German War I,[383] and advances continued throughout the war
88 mm gun. The use of the jet aircraft was pioneered with increases in speed, armour and firepower.
and, though late introduction meant it had little impact, it At the start of the war, most commanders thought
led to jets becoming standard in air forces worldwide.[373] enemy tanks should be met by tanks with superior

specifications.[384] This idea was challenged by the poor bours and oil pipelines under the English Channel.[393]
performance of the relatively light early tank guns against
armour, and German doctrine of avoiding tank-versus-
tank combat. This, along with Germany’s use of com-
bined arms, were among the key elements of their 7 See also
highly successful blitzkrieg tactics across Poland and
France.[382] Many means of destroying tanks, includ- • Air warfare of World War II
ing indirect artillery, anti-tank guns (both towed and
self-propelled), mines, short-ranged infantry antitank • Bibliography of World War II
weapons, and other tanks were utilised.[384] Even with
large-scale mechanisation, infantry remained the back- • Declarations of war during World War II
bone of all forces,[385] and throughout the war, most in-
fantry were equipped similarly to World War I.[386] • Historiography of World War II

• Home front during World War II

• List of World War II battles

• List of World War II conferences

• List of World War II military operations

• Women in World War II

• World War II in popular culture

• List of World War II films

Nuclear Gadget being raised to the top of the detonation tower,
at Alamogordo Bombing Range; Trinity nuclear test, July 1945 Documentaries

The portable machine gun spread, a notable example be-

ing the German MG34, and various submachine guns See also List of World War II documentary films
which were suited to close combat in urban and jungle
settings.[386] The assault rifle, a late war development in- • The World Wars (miniseries) The World Wars is a
corporating many features of the rifle and submachine three-part, six-hour event miniseries by the History
gun, became the standard postwar infantry weapon for Channel that premiered on Monday, May 26, 2014,
most armed forces.[387][388] (Memorial Day) airing for three consecutive nights.
Most major belligerents attempted to solve the prob- An extended version of the series with never before
lems of complexity and security involved in using seen footage was subsequently broadcast on H2 and
large codebooks for cryptography by designing ciphering in more than 160 countries on June 22, 2014
machines, the most well known being the German
Enigma machine.[389] Development of SIGINT (signals • Apocalypse: The Second World War (2009), a six-
intelligence) and cryptanalysis enabled the countering part French documentary by Daniel Costelle and Is-
process of decryption. Notable examples were the Al- abelle Clarke about World War II
lied decryption of Japanese naval codes[390] and British
Ultra, a pioneering method for decoding Enigma benefit- • Battlefield, a documentary television series initially
ing from information given to Britain by the Polish Ci- issued in 1994–5, that explores many important
pher Bureau, which had been decoding early versions of World War II battles
Enigma before the war.[391] Another aspect of military
intelligence was the use of deception, which the Allies • BBC History of World War II, a television series, ini-
used to great effect, such as in operations Mincemeat and tially issued from 1989 to 2005.
Bodyguard.[390][392] Other technological and engineering
feats achieved during, or as a result of, the war include • The World at War (1974), a 26-part Thames Tele-
the world’s first programmable computers (Z3, Colossus, vision series that covers most aspects of World War
and ENIAC), guided missiles and modern rockets, the II from many points of view. It includes interviews
Manhattan Project's development of nuclear weapons, with many key figures including Karl Dönitz, Albert
operations research and the development of artificial har- Speer, and Anthony Eden.

8 Notes [17] “History of German-American Relations » 1989–1994 –

Reunification » “Two-plus-Four-Treaty": Treaty on the
[1] Various other dates have been proposed as the date on Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, September 12,
which World War II began or ended. 1990”. Retrieved 6 May 2012.

[2] Upon his death in 1989, Emperor Hirohito was posthu- [18] Ingram 2006, pp. 76–8
mously proclaimed Emperor Shōwa. While either use
[19] Kantowicz 1999, p. 149
is considered acceptable, his English name (Hirohito) is
used here as it is this name by which he was known to [20] Shaw 2000, p. 35.
most of the West during World War II.
[21] Brody 1999, p. 4.

[22] Dawood & Mitra 2012.

9 Citations
[23] Zalampas 1989, p. 62.
[1] Fitzgerald 2011, p. 4 [24] Mandelbaum 1988, p. 96; Record 2005, p. 50.
[2] Hedgepeth & Saidel 2010, p. 16 [25] Schmitz 2000, p. 124.
[3] James A. Tyner (March 3, 2009). War, Violence, and [26] Adamthwaite 1992, p. 52.
Population: Making the Body Count. The Guilford Press;
1 edition. p. 49. ISBN 1-6062-3038-7. [27] Preston 1998, p. 104.

[4] Sommerville 2011, p. 5. [28] Myers & Peattie 1987, p. 458.

[5] Barrett & Shyu 2001, p. 6. [29] Smith & Steadman 2004, p. 28.

[6] Axelrod, Alan (2007) Encyclopedia of World War II, Vol- [30] Coogan 1993: “Although some Chinese troops in the
ume 1. Infobase Publishing. pp. 659. Northeast managed to retreat south, others were trapped
by the advancing Japanese Army and were faced with the
[7] The UN Security Council, retrieved 15 May 2012 choice of resistance in defiance of orders, or surrender. A
few commanders submitted, receiving high office in the
[8] Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council;
puppet government, but others took up arms against the
José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European
invader. The forces they commanded were the first of the
Commission (10 December 2012). “From War to Peace:
volunteer armies.”
A European Tale”. Nobel Lecture by the European Union.
Retrieved 4 January 2014. [31] Busky 2002, p. 10.
[9] Weinberg, Gerhard L. (2005) A World at Arms: A Global [32] Andrea L. Stanton, Edward Ramsamy, Peter J. Seybolt.
History of World War II (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa:
Press. pp. 6. An Encyclopedia. p. 308. Retrieved 2014-04-06.
[10] Wells, Anne Sharp (2014) Historical Dictionary of World [33] Barker 1971, pp. 131–2.
War II: The War against Germany and Italy. Rowman &
Littlefield Publishing. pp. 7. [34] Kitson 2001, p. 231.

[11] Förster & Gessler 2005, p. 64. [35] Beevor 2006, pp. 258–60.
Tony Judt said that the “communist strategy in Spain turns
[12] Ghuhl, Wernar (2007) Imperial Japan’s World War Two out to have been a dry run for the seizure of power in East-
Transaction Publishers pg 7, pg. 30 ern Europe after 1945.” See Judt & Snyder 2012, p. 190.
[13] Polmar, Norman; Thomas B. Allen (1991) World War II: [36] Budiansky 2004, pp. 209–11.
America at war, 1941-1945 ISBN 978-0394585307
[37] Payne 2008.
[14] Ben-Horin 1943, p. 169; Taylor 1979, p. 124; Yisreelit,
Hevrah Mizrahit (1965). Asian and African Studies, p. [38] Eastman 1986, pp. 547–51.
For 1941 see Taylor 1961, p. vii; Kellogg, William O [39] Levene, Mark and Roberts, Penny. The Massacre in His-
(2003). American History the Easy Way. Barron’s Educa- tory. 1999, page 223-4
tional Series. p. 236 ISBN 0-7641-1973-7.
[40] Totten, Samuel. Dictionary of Genocide. 2008, 298–9.
There is also the viewpoint that both World War I and
World War II are part of the same "European Civil War" [41] Hsu & Chang 1971, pp. 221–230.
or "Second Thirty Years War": Canfora 2006, p. 155;
Prins 2002, p. 11. [42] Eastman 1986, p. 566.

[15] Beevor 2012, p. 10. [43] Taylor 2009, pp. 150–2.

[16] Masaya 1990, p. 4. [44] Sella 1983, pp. 651–87.


[45] Goldman, Stuart D. (28 August 2012). “The Forgotten [70] Liddell Hart 1977, pp. 39–40
Soviet-Japanese War of 1939”. The Diplomat. Retrieved
26 June 2015. [71] Hitler: a Study in Tyranny, A Bullock, Penguin, 1983,
p563-4, 566, 568–9, 574–5
[46] Timothy Neeno. “Nomonhan: The Second Russo-
Japanese War”. Retrieved [72] Blitzkrieg: From the Rise of Hitler to the Fall of Dunkirk,
26 June 2015. L Deighton, Jonathan Cape, 1993, p186-7. Deighton
states that “the offensive was postponed twenty-nine times
[47] Collier & Pedley 2000, p. 144. before it finally took place.”

[48] Kershaw 2001, pp. 121–2. [73] Smith et al. 2002, p. 24

[49] Kershaw 2001, p. 157. [74] Bilinsky 1999, p. 9.
[50] Davies 2008, pp. 143–4. [75] Murray & Millett 2001, pp. 55–6.
[51] Lowe & Marzari 2002, p. 330. [76] Spring 1986.
[52] Dear & Foot 2001, p. 234. [77] Hanhimäki 1997, p. 12.
[53] Shore 2003, p. 108. [78] Ferguson 2006, pp. 367, 376, 379, 417
[54] Dear & Foot 2001, p. 608. [79] Snyder 2010, p. 118ff.
[55] Minutes of the conference between the Fuehrer and the [80] Koch 1983.
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Count Ciano, in the
presence of the Reich Foreign Minister of Obersalzberg [81] Roberts 2006, p. 56.
on 12 August 1939 in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression
Volume IV Document No. 1871-PS [82] Roberts 2006, p. 59.

[56] “The German Campaign In Poland (1939)". Retrieved 29 [83] Murray & Millett 2001, pp. 57–63.
October 2014.
[84] Commager 2004, p. 9.
[85] Reynolds 2006, p. 76.
[86] Evans 2008, pp. 122–3.
[59] “Major international events of 1939, with explanation”.
[87] Dear & Foot 2001, p. 436. Retrieved 15 May 2013.
The Americans later relieved the British, with marines ar-
[60] Evans 2008, pp. 1–2. riving in Reykjavik on 7 July 1941 (Schofield 1981, p.
[61] Jackson 2006, p. 58.
[88] Shirer 1990, pp. 721–3.
[62] Weinberg 2005, pp. 64–5.
[89] Keegan 1997, pp. 59–60.
[63] Keegan 1997, p. 35.
Cienciala 2010, p. 128, observes that, while it is true that [90] Regan 2004, p. 152.
Poland was far away, making it difficult for the French
and British to provide support, "[f]ew Western historians [91] Liddell Hart 1977, p. 48
of World War II ... know that the British had committed [92] Keegan 1997, pp. 66–7.
to bomb Germany if it attacked Poland, but did not do so
except for one raid on the base of Wilhelmshafen. The [93] Overy & Wheatcroft 1999, p. 207.
French, who committed to attack Germany in the west,
had no intention of doing so.” [94] Umbreit 1991, p. 311.

[64] Beevor 2012, p. 32; Dear & Foot 2001, pp. 248–9; [95] Brown 2004, p. xxx.
Roskill 1954, p. 64.
[96] Keegan 1997, p. 72
[65] Zaloga 2002, pp. 80, 83.
[97] Murray 1983, The Battle of Britain
[66] Hempel 2005, p. 24.
[98] “Major international events of 1940, with explanation”.
[67] Zaloga 2002, pp. 88–9. Retrieved 15 May 2013.

[68] Budiansky 2001, pp. 120–1. [99] Goldstein 2004, p. 35.

Aircraft played a highly important role in defeating the
[69] Nuremberg Documents C-62/GB86, a directive from German U-boats (Schofield 1981, p. 122).
Hitler in October 1939 which concludes: “The attack [on
France] is to be launched this Autumn if conditions are at [100] Steury 1987, p. 209; Zetterling & Tamelander 2009, p.
all possible.” 282.

[101] Dear & Foot 2001, pp. 108–9. [134] Beevor 2012, p. 220.

[102] Overy & Wheatcroft 1999, pp. 328–30. [135] Kleinfeld 1983.

[103] Maingot 1994, p. 52. [136] Jukes 2001, p. 113.

[104] Cantril 1940, p. 390. [137] Glantz 2001, p. 26: “By 1 November [the Wehrmacht]
had lost fully 20% of its committed strength (686,000
[105] Coordination With Britain Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans men), up to 2/3 of its ½-million motor vehicles, and 65
and Operations percent of its tanks. The German Army High Command
(OKH) rated its 136 divisions as equivalent to 83 full-
[106] Bilhartz & Elliott 2007, p. 179.
strength divisions.”
[107] Dear & Foot 2001, p. 877.
[138] Reinhardt 1992, p. 227.
[108] Dear & Foot 2001, pp. 745–6.
[139] Milward 1964.
[109] Clogg 2002, p. 118.
[140] Rotundo 1986.
[110] Evans 2008, pp. 146, 152; US Army 1986, pp. 4–6
[141] Glantz 2001, p. 26.
[111] Jowett 2001, pp. 9–10. [142] Garthoff 1969.
[112] Jackson 2006, p. 106. [143] Beevor 1998, pp. 41–2.
[113] Laurier 2001, pp. 7–8. Evans 2008, pp. 213–4, notes that “Zhukov had pushed
the Germans back to the point from which they had
[114] Murray & Millett 2001, pp. 263–7. launched Operation Typhoon two months before. ... Only
Stalin’s decision to attack all along the front instead of
[115] Macksey 1997, pp. 61–3. pushing home the advantage by concentrating his forces
in an all-out assault against the retreating Germany Army
[116] Weinberg 2005, p. 229.
Group Centre prevented the disaster from being even
[117] Watson 2003, p. 80. worse.”

[118] Jackson 2006, p. 154. [144] Jowett & Andrew 2002, p. 14.

[119] Garver 1988, p. 114. [145] Overy & Wheatcroft 1999, p. 289

[120] Weinberg 2005, p. 195 [146] Morison 2002, p. 60.

[121] Murray 1983, p. 69 [147] Joes 2004, p. 224.

[122] Klooz, Marle; Wiley, Evelyn (1944), “1941”, Events lead- [148] Fairbank & Goldman 2006, p. 320.
ing up to World War II: Chronological history of cer- [149] Hsu & Chang 1971, p. 30.
tain major international events leading up to and during
World War II with the ostensible reasons advanced for [150] Hsu & Chang 1971, p. 33.
their occurrence — 1931–1944, 78th Congress, 2d Ses-
sion, Humphrey, Richard A, Washington: United States [151] Japanese Policy and Strategy, 1931 – July 1941 Strategy
Government Printing Office, House Document No. 541 and Command: The First Two Years

[123] Sella 1978. [152] Anderson 1975, p. 201.

[124] Kershaw 2007, pp. 66–9. [153] Evans & Peattie 2012, p. 456.

[125] Steinberg 1995. [154] The Decision for War Strategy and Command: The First
Two Years
[126] Hauner 1978.
[155] The Showdown With Japan August–December 1941
[127] Roberts 1995. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1941–1942

[128] Wilt 1981. [156] THE UNITED STATES REPLIES Investigation of the
Pearl Harbor attack
[129] Erickson 2003, pp. 114–37.
[157] Painter 2012, p. 26: “The United States cut off oil exports
[130] Glantz 2001, p. 9. to Japan in the summer of 1941, forcing Japanese leaders
to choose between going to war to seize the oil fields of
[131] Farrell 1993.
the Netherlands East Indies or giving in to U.S. pressure.”
[132] Keeble 1990, p. 29. Wood 2007, p. 9, listing various military and diplomatic
developments, observes that “the threat to Japan was not
[133] Bueno de Mesquita et al. 2003, p. 425 purely economic.”

[158] Lightbody 2004, p. 125. [181] Swain 2001, p. 197.

[159] Weinberg 2005, p. 310. [182] Hane 2001, p. 340.

Dower 1986, p. 5, calls attention to the fact that “the
Allied struggle against Japan exposed the racist under- [183] Marston 2005, p. 111.
pinnings of the European and American colonial struc-
[184] Brayley 2002, p. 9.
ture. Japan did not invade independent countries in south-
ern Asia. It invaded colonial outposts which the West- [185] Glantz 2001, p. 31.
erners had dominated for generations, taking absolutely
for granted their racial and cultural superiority over their [186] Read 2004, p. 764.
Asian subjects.” Dower goes on to note that, before the
horrors of Japanese occupation made themselves felt, [187] Davies 2008, p. 100.
many Asians responded favourably to the victories of the
Imperial Japanese forces. [188] Beevor 1998, pp. 239–65.

[160] Wood 2007, pp. 11–2. [189] Black 2003, p. 119.

[161] Wohlstetter 1962, pp. 341–3. [190] Beevor 1998, pp. 383–91.

[162] Dunn 1998, p. 157. [191] Erickson 2001, p. 142.

According to May 1955, p. 155, Churchill stated: “Rus-
[192] Milner 1990, p. 52.
sian declaration of war on Japan would be greatly to our
advantage, provided, but only provided, that Russians are [193] Beevor 2012, pp. 224–8.
confident that will not impair their Western Front.”
[194] Molinari 2007, p. 91.
[163] Adolf Hitler’s Declaration of War against the United
States in Wikisource. [195] Mitcham 2007, p. 31.
[164] 78 Congress, 2nd Session, House Document 541. “Events [196] Beevor 2012, pp. 380–1.
Leading Up to World War II...”. United States Printing
Office. p. 310. Retrieved 19 October 2015. [197] Rich 1992, p. 178.

[165] Mingst & Karns 2007, p. 22. [198] Gordon 2004, p. 129.

[166] The First Full Dress Debate over Strategic Deployment [199] Neillands 2005, p. ??.
December 1941 – January 1942 Strategic Planning for
Coalition Warfare, 1941–1942 [200] Keegan 1997, p. 277.

[167] The Elimination of the Alternatives July–August 1942 [201] Smith 2002.
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1941–1942
[202] Thomas & Andrew 1998, p. 8.
[168] Casablanca—Beginning of an Era: January 1943 Strate-
gic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1943–1944 [203] Ross 1997, p. 38.

[169] The TRIDENT Conference—New Patterns: May 1943 [204] Bonner & Bonner 2001, p. 24.
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1943–1944
[205] Collier 2003, p. 11.
[170] Beevor 2012, pp. 247–267, 345.
[206] " The Civilians United States Strategic Bombing Survey
[171] Lewis 1953, p. 529 (Table 11). Summary Report (European War)

[172] Slim 1956, pp. 71–74. [207] Thompson & Randall 2008, p. 164

[173] Grove 1995, p. 362. [208] Kennedy 2001, p. 610.

[174] Ch'i 1992, p. 158. [209] Rottman 2002, p. 228.

[175] Perez 1998, p. 145. [210] Glantz 1986; Glantz 1989, pp. 149–59.

[176] Maddox 1992, pp. 111–2. [211] Kershaw 2001, p. 592.

[177] Salecker 2001, p. 186. [212] O'Reilly 2001, p. 32.

[178] Ropp 2000, p. 368. [213] Bellamy 2007, p. 595.
[179] Weinberg 2005, p. 339. [214] O'Reilly 2001, p. 35.
[180] Gilbert, Adrian (2003). The Encyclopedia of Warfare: [215] Healy 1992, p. 90.
From Earliest Times to the Present Day. Globe Pequot.
p. 259. ISBN 1-59228-027-7. [216] Glantz 2001, pp. 50–55.

[217] Kolko 1990, p. 45: “On September 3, as Allied forces [244] Zaloga 1996, p. 7: “It was the most calamitous defeat of
landed in Italy, Badoglio agreed to a secret armistice in the all the German armed forces in World War II.”
hope the Allies would land a major force north of Rome
and save his government and the king. When he learned [245] Berend 1996, p. 8.
such a rescue would not occur he desperately attempted
[246] “Armistice Negotiations and Soviet Occupation”. US Li-
to call off his bargain with Eisenhower, who cut short the
brary of Congress. Retrieved 14 November 2009. The
matter on September 8 by announcing news of its exis-
coup speeded the Red Army’s advance, and the Soviet
tence. The next day the hero of Abyssinia, his king, and a
Union later awarded Michael the Order of Victory for his
small retinue deserted Rome for the southeast tip of Italy,
personal courage in overthrowing Antonescu and putting
leaving most of Italy to the Nazis.”
an end to Romania’s war against the Allies. Western his-
[218] Mazower 2008, p. 362. torians uniformly point out that the Communists played
only a supporting role in the coup; postwar Romanian his-
[219] Hart, Hart & Hughes 2000, p. 151. torians, however, ascribe to the Communists the decisive
role in Antonescu’s overthrow
[220] Blinkhorn 2006, p. 52.
[247] Evans 2008, p. 653.
[221] Read & Fisher 2002, p. 129.
[248] Wiest & Barbier 2002, pp. 65–6.
[222] Padfield 1998, pp. 335–6.
[249] Wiktor, Christian L (1998). Multilateral Treaty Calendar
[223] Kolko 1990, pp. 211, 235, 267–8. – 1648–1995. Kluwer Law International. p. 426. ISBN
[224] Iriye 1981, p. 154.
[250] Newton 2004.
[225] Polley 2000, p. 148.
[251] Marston 2005, p. 120.
[226] Beevor 2012, pp. 268–74.
[252] Jowett & Andrew 2002, p. 8.
[227] Ch'i 1992, p. 161.
[253] Howard 2004, p. 140.
[228] Hsu & Chang 1971, pp. 412–416, Map 38
[254] Drea 2003, p. 54.
[229] Weinberg 2005, pp. 660–1.
[255] Cook & Bewes 1997, p. 305.
[230] Glantz 2002, pp. 327–66.
[256] Parker 2004, pp. xiii–xiv, 6–8, 68–70, 329–330
[231] Glantz 2002, pp. 367–414.
[257] Glantz 2001, p. 85.
[232] Chubarov 2001, p. 122.
[258] Beevor 2012, pp. 709–22.
[233] Holland 2008, pp. 169–84; Beevor 2012, pp. 568–73.
The weeks after the fall of Rome saw a dramatic up- [259] Buchanan 2006, p. 21.
swing in German atrocities in Italy (Mazower 2008, pp.
500–2). The period featured massacres with victims in [260] Shepardson 1998.
the hundreds at Civitella (de Grazia & Paggi 1991; Belco
2010), Fosse Ardeatine (Portelli 2003), and Sant'Anna di [261] O'Reilly 2001, p. 244.
Stazzema (Gordon 2012, pp. 10–1), and is capped with
[262] Kershaw 2001, p. 823.
the Marzabotto massacre.
[263] Evans 2008, p. 737.
[234] Lightbody 2004, p. 224.
[264] Glantz 1998, p. 24.
[235] Zeiler 2004, p. 60.
[265] Chant, Christopher (1986). The Encyclopedia of Code-
[236] Beevor 2012, pp. 555–60.
names of World War II. Routledge & Kegan Paul. p. 118.
[237] Ch'i 1992, p. 163. ISBN 0-7102-0718-2.

[238] Coble 2003, p. 85. [266] John Dower (2007). “Lessons from Iwo Jima”. Perspec-
tives 45 (6): 54–56.
[239] Rees 2008, pp. 406–7: “Stalin always believed that
Britain and America were delaying the second front so that [267] Drea 2003, p. 57.
the Soviet Union would bear the brunt of the war.”
[268] Jowett & Andrew 2002, p. 6.
[240] Weinberg 2005, p. 695.
[269] Poirier, Michel Thomas (20 October 1999). “Results
[241] Badsey 1990, p. 91. of the German and American Submarine Campaigns of
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[243] Forrest, Evans & Gibbons 2012, p. 191 [270] Williams 2006, p. 90.

[271] Miscamble 2007, p. 201. [306] Wolf 1993, pp. 29, 30, 32

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[273] Charles F. Brower (October 16, 2012). Defeating Japan: [308] Ritchie 1992, p. 23.
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[276] Beevor 2012, p. 776. [312] Smith 1993, p. 32.

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yu, Mormegil, Jayjg, Freakofnurture, Miborovsky, Xtremdav45, CALR, DanielCD, Dcfleck, Ultratomio, Bourquie, Bwil, Mindspillage,
EugeneZelenko, Lehi, Maestro25, RossPatterson, Naryathegreat, Discospinster, Twinxor, Solitude, Rich Farmbrough, Rhobite, Jaedza,
Pmsyyz, Cfailde, C12H22O11, Wrp103, Rama, HeikoEvermann, Smyth, Will2k, Barista, Dave souza, Bishonen, Aris Katsaris, Alexander
Ploner, Ahkond, Chowells, Deák, Xezbeth, Mjpieters, Pavel Vozenilek, Stereotek, MarkS, SpookyMulder, Night Gyr, Bender235, ESkog,
Android79, Zdv, Kbh3rd, Kaisershatner, Kelvinc, Petersam, Violetriga, Brian0918, Aranel, Appleboy, RJHall, Mr. Billion, Yasis, Brother
McKenzie, JustPhil, Sfahey, Mattisgoo, El C, Szyslak, Lycurgus, Cherry blossom tree, Ados, PPGMD, Kwamikagami, Mwanner, Ve-
crumba, Oldsoul, Kross, Edcreely, Chairboy, Aude, Shanes, Joaopais, Tom, Pepicek, Remember, Sietse Snel, Art LaPella, RoyBoy, Nickj,
Cacophony, Saturnight, T.huckstep, SS451, Richard Cane, Jpgordon, 96T, Thuresson, JRM, Grick, Bobo192, Dralwik, Truthflux, Tom-
Star81, NetBot, Hurricane111, 23skidoo, Vaughn~enwiki, Nyenyec, John Vandenberg, Keron Cyst, Teorth, Flxmghvgvk, BrokenSegue,
Shenme, Viriditas, Cmdrjameson, Dpaajones, RadetzkyVonRadetz, P.D.N.~enwiki, Nomist, Polocrunch, Get It, Cohesion, Redquark,
Wiki-Ed, Avitek~enwiki, Juzeris, Yuje, Jerry cornelius, AndrewJ~enwiki, La goutte de pluie, Dtynan, Alphax, Roy da Vinci, PeterisP, Fire-
fox~enwiki, WikiLeon, Como, Rje, SecretAgentMan00, Twobells, King nothing, Brainy J, Ben77, Hesperian, Sam Korn, Haham hanuka,
Ral315, Krellis, Pharos, Gsklee, Jjron, Eje211, Cheapy, Merope, Tamaal, Jez, Jumbuck, Pontifex, 578, Shirimasen, Stephen G. Brown, Bob
rulz, Mrzaius, Gary, JYolkowski, Stephen Mok, Shadikka, Mathwizxp, Eleland, Mo0, Ryanmcdaniel, Jordan117, Thebeginning, Miranche,
Guy Harris, 119, LouCypher, Hydriotaphia, Arnesaele, Fg, Mr Adequate, Kookoobirdz, Trainik, Joshbaumgartner, Corporal, NJC, An-
drewpmk, Ricky81682, Fornadan, Wrinkles, Crebbin, Andrew Gray, Mc6809e, D prime, ABCD, Riana, Manos, Sade, AzaToth, Yamla,
Lectonar, Calton, Axl, MarkGallagher, T-1000, Lightdarkness, Time Travler, WhiteC, Mac Davis, Goodoldpolonius2, Mailer diablo,
Fawcett5, InShaneee, Gaurav1146, Marie Rowley, Differentgravy, Runxctry, Gblaz, Cdc, Spangineer, Bhip, Hgrenbor, Hu, Malo, Avenue,
Katefan0, Bart133, Ariwara, MattWade, Hohum, Ksnow, Klaser, Samohyl Jan, Shinjiman, Teggles, Max rspct, BaronLarf, BanyanTree,
L33th4x0rguy, Helixblue, Fourthords, Danaman5, Suruena, Evil Monkey, Jobe6, Tony Sidaway, Birdmessenger, Randy Johnston, TenO-
fAllTrades, Sciurinæ, Cmapm, Frasermoo, Vuo, TheAznSensation, Kaiser matias, RicoCorinth, Rentastrawberry, Deathphoenix, Relexe-
lion, Chichin0, Tomirlik, 9tdr, Computerjoe, Ianblair23, GabrielF, Harriseldon, BDD, Scottishmatt, Sleigh, Gene Nygaard, MOSforever,
Redvers, Dan East, Axeman89, Anonymous3190, Recury, DSatz, Blaxthos, Terrible123, Kitch, Yurivict, Dan100, PlutoM, Forteblast,
Saxifrage, Kbolino, RPIRED, Mahanga, Njk, Blufive, Flyingcheese, Natalya, Bastin, A D Monroe III, Stephen, Cheungpat, Smoth 007,

Elchup4cabra, Feezo, DarTar, Irvine, Anthony aragorn, C3o, Dr Gangrene, Pcd72, Weyes, Oregon Bear, Angr, Velho, Kelly Martin, Si-
metrical, Rorschach, Mel Etitis, OwenX, Woohookitty, Mwmonk, Jannex, TigerShark, Anilocra, Camw, LOL, Webdinger, Nuggetboy,
John-1107, Yansa, Ylem, PoccilScript, A.K.A.47, Guy M, Josephf, FrankA, Eolsson, Kurzon, Madchester, Smguy, Zealander, Admrboltz,
Before My Ken, BoLingua, Commander Keane, Polycarp, Richardrut, M4c~enwiki, Jeff3000, MONGO, Exxolon, Ropcat, UbiquitousUK,
Xaliqen, Nfras, Eleassar777, Jok2000, Tabletop, Hyung5kim, Kelisi, Uris, Wewonk, Tomlillis, Schzmo, NormanEinstein, Jleon, Bhound89,
Bbatsell, I64s, Paul Carpenter, KevinOKeeffe, Bluemoose, Steinbach, KFan II, GregorB, Vanished user 05, Randy2063, Karmosin, Jer-
gen, Mb1000, Studio34, Zeerus, Zzyzx11, EvilOverlordX, JohnC, Elvarg, Haunti, Tmrobertson, Brendanconway, Wayward, ,
Jon Harald Søby, MechBrowman, Gimboid13, Jacj, Nobbie, Justinmo, Jno, Palica, Pfalstad, Scratchy, Gerbrant, Marvelvsdc, CronoDAS,
PET, Paxsimius, LeoO3, Mandarax, Matturn, Gettingtoit, Plushpuffin, Stefan de Weger, Graham87, Marskell, KyuuA4, Deltabeignet,
Magister Mathematicae, Cuchullain, Ilya, BD2412, Monk, Tradnor, Deadcorpse, PenguinX, MC MasterChef, Kbdank71, FreplySpang,
Dataxpress, The Disco King, RxS, Miq, Wigglestheclown, Fox Mccloud, BorgHunter, Beethoven~enwiki, Canderson7, Crzrussian, SteveW,
Sjakkalle, Rjwilmsi, Mayumashu, Buldri, Seidenstud, Tim!, Poul818, P3Pp3r, Koavf, Jaybeeunix, Zbxgscqf, Skaterdude182, Gryffindor,
Wikibofh, Panoptical, Jivecat, Commander, EatAlbertaBeef, Vary, Ikh, PinchasC, Biederman, Quiddity, Dennis Estenson II, Carbonite,
JHMM13, Tangotango, Sdornan, Harro5, ZidaneTribal13, Colin Hill, TheRingess, Feydey, MZMcBride, Tawker, SpNeo, Lordkinbote,
Dstudent, Habap, Ccson, Oblivious, Ligulem, Tstockma, Stubedoo, ElKevbo, DouglasGreen~enwiki, CalPaterson, Ghepeu, Zanturaeon,
Durin, Brighterorange, Gadig, The wub, Bhadani, Aakashraj1990kash, DuKot, Ucucha, GregAsche, AySz88, Sango123, Lotu, Ptdecker,
Oo64eva, DirkvdM, Antimatt, Nick mallory, Yamamoto Ichiro, MWAK, Leithp, Algebra, Heptor, Andrew Camilleri, Wikiprojryan, Dyolf
Knip, FayssalF, RCBot~enwiki, Franzeska, Bcwright, FuelWagon, Titoxd, Boblord, FlaBot, Moskvax, Bobstay, Duagloth, Ian Pitchford,
Markyen, SchuminWeb, RobertG, Ground Zero, DLMahnken, Doc glasgow, Winhunter, Trivial, Nihiltres, Merecat, Crazycomputers,
Hiding, Harmil, Clintox, Dogbertd, Winstonho0805, Garyvdm, Jelzinga, Jmw0000, AI, Mark83, SuperDude115, Gparker, CraigWyl-
lie, Kuzzer, Celestianpower, Tuxthepenguin6, Flowerparty, RexNL, Gurch, Str1977, President Rhapsody, Philomax 2, KFP, OrbitOne,
Sgrayban, R Lee E, Fisenko, Natalina smpf, Atrix20, Rantori, Trapper, Lifesayko, Preslethe, EronMain, Thefourdotelipsis, Simishag, Al-
phachimp, NorkNork, Consumed Crustacean, Zayani, Spikebrennan, Broken Segue, Cause of death, Phoenix2~enwiki, JimMorris, Toi,
Butros, Lamrock, Psantora, MoRsE, King of Hearts, Mister Farkas, Nomadtales, Chobot, Montemurro~enwiki, Scoops, Copperchair,
Js-js2, DTOx, Jdhowens90, Gregorik, Celebere, Karch, Bornhj, Soyweiser, Kanfer, Volunteer Marek, Igordebraga, VolatileChemical, Bg-
white, Scoo, Jpkotta,, NSR, EvilZak, Gwernol, Wjfox2005, Algebraist, Wasted Time R, Grubb, The Rambling Man, Siddhant,
Cjs56, YurikBot, Noclador, Wavelength, TexasAndroid, Aufregende, Col. O'Hara, Angus Lepper, RobotE, Tommyt, Crotalus horridus,
Coltius, Splintercellguy, Sceptre, Blightsoot, TSO1D, Jachin, Marqus, Huw Powell, Jimp, Kafziel, Brandmeister (old), Wolfmankurd,
Phantomsteve, Bobby1011, RussBot, UnknownJohn, Open4D, Crazytales, Fabartus, Red Slash, Jtkiefer, Madrone, John Quincy Adding
Machine, Junky, Tnova4, Anonymous editor, Briaboru, Witan, Pimpmaster, Splash, Pigman, CesarB’s unpriviledged account, Green Ten-
tacle, Kurt Leyman, Sasuke Sarutobi, Eggman183, Gardar Rurak, SpuriousQ, Curuinor, Fabricationary, IByte, CanadianCaesar, Kirill
Lokshin, Akamad, Chensiyuan, Stephenb, Cate, Flo98, Shell Kinney, Gaius Cornelius, Mike Young, Ksyrie, CambridgeBayWeather, Alex
Bakharev, Pseudomonas, Moocreature,, Wimt, Brian Sisco, Ugur Basak, Snow8261, Draeco, Manxruler, TheGrappler, An-
tidrugue, David R. Ingham, Magnoliasouth, Arcblade, Fnorp, PaulGarner, PurpleHaze, Shanel, NawlinWiki, ENeville, Hawkeye7, Ray-
cal, KissL, Tgsh2005, Wiki alf, -OOPSIE-, Zulu, King Of The Dwarf People, Waxpancake, Spike Wilbury, Robertvan1, RattleMan,
Spot87, Janke, Test-tools~enwiki, Voyevoda, Thatdog, Cquan, Jaxl, Johann Wolfgang, Fabulous Creature, Zarel, Exir Kamalabadi, Mhartl,
Clam0p, CJK, Terfili, Megapixie, Justin Eiler, Rjensen, Kevrotti, Howcheng, Suva, Uberjivy, Toya, Kowalski66, LiamE, Cleared as filed,
Adamrush, Nick, Retired username, Aaron Brenneman, Robdurbar, Wonglokking, D. F. Schmidt, Banes, Dppowell, HeroicJay, Sza-
las, Pyroclastic, Desk Jockey, Raven4x4x, Moe Epsilon, MiceHead, Thejester, Molobo, Misza13, Plk, Delxx, Nick C, Killdevil, R.D.H.
(Ghost In The Machine), Tony1, Alex43223, MakeChooChooGoNow, Sir Edgar, Syrthiss, DGJM, Aaron Schulz, Rogueagle, FluxFuser,
Lockesdonkey, Kyle Barbour, Mieciu K, BOT-Superzerocool, Figaro, Gadget850, Rwalker, Karl Meier, Psy guy, Bota47, FiggyBee, Barn-
abypage, Private Butcher, Rallette, Essexmutant, Thestegasarus, BusterD, CLW, Acetic Acid, Jpeob, Greed, Rob117, Brisvegas, Nlu,
Dna-webmaster, HLGallon, David Underdown, Nick123, Wknight94, Yummy123, Searchme, Xabian40409, FF2010, Norvo, Georgewil-
liamherbert, Light current, Doldrums, Sorrow242434, Bdell555, Capt Jim, Pastricide, Canadia, Emijrp, Deepee, SilentC, Matt107bghs,
Lt-wiki-bot, Encephalon, Sharkb, Silverhorse, Nikkimaria, Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry, NBS525, Rickpower, Theda, Closedmouth,
Jwissick, Spondoolicks, Keithd, Malcolmturnbull, Fang Aili, Endomion, [email protected], Abune, Xaxafrad, Dspradau, Canley, De
Administrando Imperio, Mercenary2k, Wsiegmund, Jake Spooky, Empion, JonRoma, Petri Krohn, GraemeL, Cicero83, JoanneB, Barba-
tus, Red Jay, Shawnc, Wechselstrom, LeonardoRob0t, Fram, Smurrayinchester, Peter, QmunkE, HereToHelp, Tyrenius, JimmyTheOne,
El T, JLaTondre, Wilsynet, Spaltavian, RenamedUser jaskldjslak904, Spliffy, Easter Monkey, Nimrauko, Miguelin, Curpsbot-unicodify,
Nixer, Gorgan almighty, Johnpseudo, Smurfy, Ajuk, Eaefremov, Che829, Demogorgon’s Soup-taster, Les paulrouge, DisambigBot, Lis-
towy, Kungfuadam, Jonathan.s.kt, RG2, Ramanpotential, Tyrhinis, Purple Sheep, Benandorsqueaks, Maxamegalon2000, Scientz, Teryx,
GrinBot~enwiki, Auroranorth, Hgootzen, Draicone, Nick-D, Wallie, Amberrock, DVD R W, Soir, Saikiri, Victor falk, Jinxs, Tobyk777,
That Guy, From That Show!, Matt Heard, Narkstraws, Prvc, Luk, Mlibby, Blastwizard, Dc45, Attilios, Phinnaeus, Sintonak.X, Macs-
Bug, Drcwright, Joshbuddy, SmackBot, Amcbride, YellowMonkey, Aim Here, Elonka, Kuban kazak, Historian932, Aquilla, Damis, David
Kernow, Bobet, Babel~enwiki, Reedy, Tarret, Joeljoslin, Prodego, KnowledgeOfSelf, Royalguard11, Olorin28, Jonyyeh, Grazon, CSZero,
Stretch 135, Bigbluefish, Pavlovič, RevolverOcelot~enwiki, Toofast, DMorpheus, Pgk, CyclePat, Jblister, Yamaplos, Jacek Kendysz, Peter-
corless, Jagged 85, Patrickneil, Esaborio, Chairman S., Finavon, Fractions, Scifiintel, Yelgrun, Anastrophe, Jgranatowski, Michael Dorosh,
Delldot, Alephh, Cla68, Mdd4696, Flying Canuck, PJM, Thunder8, Arniep, Sansvoix, Vilerage, TheDoctor10, As5680, Eraserhead72,
Kris12, Elk Salmon, TheFourthWay, Jpvinall, Flamarande, HeartofaDog, Alsandro, Srnec, Tommstein, Robsomebody, Gaff, TeamUSA,
Xaosflux, Yamaguchi , Aksi great, Peter Isotalo, Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Betacommand, Jazzdude00021, Skizzik, ERcheck,
Barimen, A Sunshade Lust, Cowman109, The monkeyhate, Vincent Vecera, Saros136, Izehar, Chris the speller, Happywaffle, Kurykh,
BrownBean, KaragouniS, Keegan, Audacity, Payam81, Bittner56, Persian Poet Gal, Frederick12, Rex Germanus, Telempe, NCurse, Kilo-
Byte, Ian13, Jprg1966, Oli Filth, PSPone, Norum, Tree Biting Conspiracy, Wuapinmon, ViolinGirl, MalafayaBot, Owlkeeper, CrazySexy-
Cool, Greatgavini, Silly rabbit, Apeloverage, Malenien, Hollow Wilerding, Hibernian, Lioncougar, Xx236, Deli nk, Jerome Charles Potts,
Dlohcierekim’s sock, Pitt steelers81, Leoni2, Dustimagic, Viewfinder, HubHikari, LV, JONJONAUG, Whispering, James Anthony Knight,
Paulfp, Robth, Jxm, DHN-bot~enwiki, Maaajid, Sbharris, Terraguy, Arsonal, Hongooi, Rcbutcher, Spellcheck8, Antonrojo, Darth Panda,
Blueshirts, Verrai, Answar, Emurphy42, Mexcellent, Osmon~enwiki, John Reaves, Joiful77, Hgrosser, Alphatyrone, Scwlong, Simpsons
contributor, RussellMcKenzie, Yid613, Zsinj, Stephen Hui, Rvcx, Jonatan Swift, Trekphiler, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Hanchen,
[email protected], Ajaxkroon, Mitsuhirato, Jorvik, Lailaiboy, SuperDeng, Jaro.p~enwiki, AP1787, Homerandflanders, Mein john, Benny-
man, Chlewbot, Ahudson, Jerram, OrphanBot, Onorem, Vanished User 0001, Jennica, Squalla, OOODDD, MJCdetroit, HighPriest15, La-
battblueboy, W377!M, Darthgriz98, MarshallBagramyan, Whatthree16, Kkristian, TheKMan, EvelinaB, R.F.La Fontaine, Moonaperuna,
Run!, Homestarmy, Mr.KISS 66, Claire van der Meer, Britmax, Hippo43, Johnottr, Higuy, Andy120290, Addshore, Chris blair, Flubbit,
Bolivian Unicyclist, Alex Monahov, Edivorce, Percommode, Psywar, Baselthe2nd, Zade~enwiki, Ghettor0cker, ChaosSorcerer91, Bukkia,
12.1 Text 47

Grover cleveland, The tooth, Stevenmitchell, Nameuser, Gogafax, Ctifumdope, Dharmabum420, Jmlk17, Pepsidrinka, Sleeper99999,
Krich, Masalai, Gohst, Zrulli, Icweiner, NoIdeaNick, PrometheusX303, BostonMA, Theonlyedge, Irish Souffle, Khukri, Nibuod, BaseTurn-
Complete, Peidu, NorseOdin, Daler, Nakon, Soorej, Savidan, Johncmullen1960, Akulkis, Valenciano, TedE, Sparhawk08, Jiddisch~enwiki,
TML 1988, StephenMacmanus, RJN, Zen611, Legaleagle86, Nick125, Mr. Worm, Witchbaby, Knut@56, Leonard Dickens, Artic-
uno~enwiki, TrogdorPolitiks, Son of Osiris, Allansteel, Lost in space, Yulia Romero, Mangojesussuperstar, Loughlin, Nxghost, Bmgoau,
Mazurd, Paroxysm, Mmercede, Badgerpatrol, Occam11, Wisco, The PIPE, Jklin, Arkannis, Wizardman, Phrique, Smerus, Maelnuneb,
Kotjze, Ericl, Filpaul, AndyBQ, Vladimir1452, FreeMorpheme, -Marcus-, Petrichor, Andeggs, Jfingers88, Mitchumch, Daniel.Cardenas,
Nmpenguin, Stor stark7, Nelamm, Sayden, UncleFester, John Bentley, Ilvar, DDima, ElizabethFong, Risker, Atlantas, Igilli, Pilotguy,
Wikipedical, FelisLeo, Kukini, Skinnyweed, Drunken Pirate, J2THAROME, Ace ETP, Ohconfucius, IGod, Will Beback, Cyberevil,
SashatoBot, Fliptopsean, Jombo, Devronp, Vildricianus, Wdsailors, -Ilhador-, Arnoutf, Him rulez you, Tymek, Rory096, Saccerzd, Serein
(renamed because of SUL), MAG, Natebailey, IgWannA, AThing, Swatjester, Doug Bell, Paat, Rklawton, Kirkharry, Minaker, Paaer-
duag, Cberejik, Dbtfz, Kuru, John, Coricus, Ergative rlt, AmiDaniel, Woogums, 5p33dy, Der MW, UberCryxic, WhiteCat, Iykeman,
Vgy7ujm, Buchanan-Hermit, Chumba1, Mcshadypl, Jaffer, Heimstern, SilkTork, LWF, Stahan~enwiki, Latron, Pat Payne, Cyclopaedic,
NewTestLeper79, Noodle123, Petrie dish, JohnI, Ledmonkey, Gaiusknight, Mr.Me, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, BlisteringF-
reakachu, This user has left wikipedia, Edwy, Chili on circuit court of appeals, JorisvS, Superclarkie, Coredesat, Bobdole2, Basser g, Minna
Sora no Shita, Hadrians, Cardshark04, Mgiganteus1, CaptainVindaloo, Diverman, Jp4268, Mr MillA, JohnWittle, Lancslad, Hyperdaiper7,
Sagafg65675673, Mr. Lefty, Bssc81, Cielomobile, Fredwords, Stanny~enwiki, Theallpowerfulma, Thegreatdr, Nobunaga24, Ckatz,
Lawyer15n, LancasterII, FreshBulletTime, The Man in Question, ZincOrbie, Azate, Dlazzaro, CylonCAG, Nbatra, David Cohen, Illythr,
Ognolman, Slakr, DarthWookiee, Anto475, Shangrilaista, Volker89, Sailor for life, Tasc, Adamc007, Beetstra, Gators222, Conchuir, Mart-
inp23, Laogeodritt, Yvesnimmo, SQGibbon, Mr Stephen, Jpetersen46321, Emurph, Fedallah, PRRfan, Jhamez84, Waggers, SandyGeorgia,
Ka34, Mets501, CaptQ, Neddyseagoon, Cbruno, Denor, E-Kartoffel, Arctic-Editor, MAG1, Ryulong, Sijo Ripa, JdH, Cheezerman, Kur-
tRaschke, Onetwo1, Gamahler, Risingpower, RichardF, MTSbot~enwiki, Jobyl, RMHED, MarkThomas, NeroN BG, RHB, Jamesleaver,
Poouser, Iamthejenk, Tonster, Darry2385, Kornundmoeller, El magnifico, MrDolomite, Opal-kadett, Sifaka, Pastepicantelover, Dl2000,
Christian Historybuff, Eliashc, DabMachine, Rubena, Cidthegod, Spongesquid, Chief of Staff, Rum runner90, Levineps, Torana, Hetar,
ChazYork, Siebrand, OnBeyondZebrax, Nonexistant User, Ashlynn, Me9292, Seqsea, ILovePlankton, Aaronp808, Iridescent, JMK, Tim-
ladd, NEMT, WGee, Laddiebuck, Fjbex, The Giant Puffin, Nakis g, Clarityfiend, Hamdy.khalil, Laurens-af, Tgbyhn, Colonel Warden,
Vanished user 90345uifj983j4toi234k, Swang, Lakers, Joseph Solis in Australia, KnowledgeIsPower, JoeBot, Warpfactor, Tophtucker, Pe-
gasus1138, Evgenikovalev, Madmexican, Parthsaraiya, B.T.A. Inc., Pototot, Wickedpediadude, Haus, Twas Now, Cbrown1023, Saturday,
GaborKiraly, Dionysos1~enwiki, JSoules, Dp462090, Richard75, Drogo Underburrow, Xxxiv34, Thedontrainwrek, Whaiaun, Cowdog,
Maelor, Civil Engineer III, Supertigerman, Mulder416sBot, Az1568, Túrelio, Anger22, Rokstr, Adam sk, Ownager, Feelfreetoblameme,
Eluchil404, Floatingjew, Fdp, Oshah, Piceainfo, FairuseBot, Tawkerbot2, Vampain, Raikks, Dlohcierekim, Magus626, Pudeo, Joshua-
gross, Filelakeshoe, Jäger, PinOi32, Jonathan W, Oxylus, Plasma Twa 2, Flubeca, Prometheus1992, IronChris, Aristotle1990, Bruce-
Grubb, Extratooth2, Orangutan, Ryanhoff, Eastlaw, Omfg, Conn, Kit, Devourer09, Alice Mudgarden, WolfgangFaber, C-to-the-G-wicki,
SkyWalker, Poonugget, Cymra37, J Milburn, Jeremy Banks, JForget, Cheesemanjack, SuperTank17, Anthony22, Milo13, Szecun, Anton-
2492, Hpfan1, CmdrObot, Alazarith, Sanepola, Ale jrb, Wafulz, Earthlyreason, Zarex, Lazlow23, Zmaz0ox, The ed17, Aherunar, Willsiv,
Hotcakes111, DyolFkniP, Neodammerung, BeenAroundAWhile, EGIII, Willway~enwiki, Nebs05, TGF~enwiki, Mezacc, Beast01659,
SatanxSucks, Flyty5061, DarthChucks, Eadmer, R9tgokunks, Headband10, Alexq, Nebs06, Skewlsux4257, Brennon, GHe, KnightLago,
KennyKing, Kylu, Maximilli, TRS~enwiki, Seriocomic, Vreuter, Jesse Viviano, Green caterpillar, Jimmydoerre3, AshLin, Mathsgeek,
Noha307, Erikh, FlyingToaster, Shizane, Sersarsor, Ghostman2day, Number 17, Bakanov, Oranged, Krabby me, Bernadette4564, Sat-
urn070, Imnota, Doremifasolati, Maroon5luver1118, Yopienso, NOOOOO, Devatipan, MrFish, Mz84096, Ironmagma, Mike 7, Super-
Midget, Thepm, MiszaBot, MaxEnt, Oo7565, Blackvault, MikeWren, Nilfanion, ApricotJelly, E20, Rudjek, Integrity168, Jordan Brown,
Matt. P, KoRnRoCks, Oleg100, Ghtufjvn, Scott.medling, HalJor, Cydebot, The Green Fish, Karimarie, A mundinger, TheAsianGURU,
Chestnut ah~enwiki, Bill (who is cool!), Moy891989, PDTantisocial, Red4tribe, Reywas92, Gatoclass, KarolS, Daveb0991, Rdaveh,
Steel, Fair Deal, Brillig20, L337krn, Garthmyers, Gonefishingforgood, Scooter2536, UncleBubba, Michaelas10, Mollis, Gogo Dodo, ALX
TATER, Randomd00d, R-41, D666D, SmoothPenetratingWind, ST47, A Softer Answer, Dark-hooded smoker, KnightMove, Matt7894,
Palmiped, Spylab, Sithvincent, Ttenchantr, Bunker fox, Mindjuicer, Amandajm, Blubber69, Odie5533, Tawkerbot4, Sklose, Demomoke,
Cwilson90, Roberta F., Chrislk02, YorkBW, Ulritz, Tacman1123, Monster eagle, MorpheusD.Duvall, Sparkxyx, Chris4682, Ba06rto,
Bamsgrlx33, GekkoGeck0, Optimist on the run, Chris37599, Sillybulanston, Liverpuddlian, Ligerzer0420420, Chis, NeoConservative,
Snapper2, Nadrad, Garik, Univalonso, Kozuch, Cdanek, Asiaticus, Preetikapoor0, Salvador Allende, Mdr226, Jamesr66a, Thylacine222,
Omicronpersei8, TheBKKing, Ledzeppelin321295, Robert.Allen, Landroo, Oyo321, UberScienceNerd, Dukakis, TAIWAN, Gimmetrow,
Aldis90, Hohohowa, King konger, Edps~enwiki, Russell Abbott, Kolny, Snort Master, FrancoGG, Seicer, Malleus Fatuorum, Thegoodson,
Thijs!bot, Wandalstouring, Epbr123, Barticus88, TFX, Chacufc, Biruitorul, Colin4C, Edman274, NewInn, Pharring, Explodinglam, Ul-
timus, Faigl.ladislav, Pacus~enwiki, Kablammo, Ucanlookitup, 23prootie, Sagaciousuk, Vidor, Keraunos, PerfectStorm, Guitarplayer001,
Minutiaman, Staberinde, Nonagonal Spider, Gxam, Modruce, Louis Waweru, Mechanical Gecko, Dyllholio, Thegreattrainer, RevolverO-
celotX, Marek69, Bones13X, Jofishtrick, Qwarto, John254, WillMak050389, Tapir Terrific, Neil916, SGGH, Woody, Esemono, Malarious,
Sabator, Syimrvm, Itsmejudith, Mhzfutbol5, Merbabu, Jack Bethune, JX3MOFO, X201, Tellyaddict, Ryneweir, Fiddlehead, Grahamdubya,
Plantago, Yomamabob1, Amitprabhakar, Scottmsg, Kaaveh Ahangar~enwiki, Nirvana77, Philippe, Bethpage89, CharlotteWebb, Tcatts,
Dezidor, Signaleer, Swimg43, Sikkema, The Great Liberator, Pkpat2011, Uncle J, Deipnosophista, Mdriver1981, Dawnseeker2000, Natalie
Erin, Afabbro, Escarbot, CamperStrike, I already forgot, Dantheman531, Porqin, Jimmuldrow, 3D Design, KrakatoaKatie, AntiVandalBot,
Konman72, Milton Stanley, ORDER, Majorly, LEACHIE, Brentstump, Fedayee, Martyn Smith, Luna Santin, Chubbles, Seaphoto, Alexan-
dre Koriakine, MonkeytheJedi, MetaManFromTomorrow, Fujikko, Scholl, Skies, Fru1tbat, Devilboy1015, Lonewalker84, Kbthompson,
Smith2006, AaronY, Uturnaroun, NithinBekal, Jj137, Kryhavoc, Aldabomb91, Dane 1981, Dominicus Cerberus, Vanjagenije, Haber,
JimDunning, Commander Zorg, Yarovit, MECU, C. M. Harris, Blu3d, Desant, Cdaylin, DAB316, Vendettax, Johnny Sumner, Depp
Jones, Gcfraser, Borgarde, Killerman2, James Fargher, Storkk, Jaredroberts, H.Chinaski, Jace1, Wahabijaz, Lklundin, Jzulli, Ecr200,
Canadian-Bacon, BenC7, Darrenhusted, Castor100, Swamilive, Traolach, Roger111, DagosNavy, JAnDbot, Milonica, Husond, Kigali1,
GSTQ, Mvannier, Thefuturedavinci, Vandaliza, MER-C, Kedi the tramp, The Transhumanist, Jaymano, Blze010, ZZninepluralZalpha,
Ericoides, Matthew Fennell, Arch dude, Boomshockalocka, JeltLuthor, Nwe, Bsabat, Mrtinkles, Pman24, Tonyrocks922, Redking7,
Andreanrc, Hello32020, Db099221, Charles01, Montano336, Ipoellet, Realismadder, Nathanjp, Andonic, Dozer5274, IamMattGrandi,
100110100, Belzy--, Yill577, Greensburger, Justinmmitchell, Flying tiger, Riddick51PB, Dricherby, Bzuk, Gavia immer, Matthew Hus-
don, JEMASCOLA, FishHeadAbcd, Ironplay, Hku04, Jespley, Kerotan, TheftByEating, Dmacw6, LittleOldMe, WHYJIMMYBEGAY,
Yahel Guhan, Bencherlite, Fineshot2000, Dror91, Daborhe, Penubag, Corban321, Captainpancreas, Magioladitis, GomiTaroGeorge42,
A0928527112, Grepnork, Blacksabbath1, Chengyuan, Pedro, Parsecboy, Bongwarrior, LawrenceTrevallion, Khan singh, Mrund, Mar-
tinDK, Jeff Dahl, Dekimasu, DCTT, Undefined hatred, Xmarchtotheseax, Trnj2000, Carom, Touchmyspastic, JamesBWatson, Antien-

tropic, Alexander Domanda, Jason97m, Atlantan, Dpd esq, Kawlsky, BTNH Fan, USAIR, Bluer~enwiki, Ling.Nut, Thorht, Buckshot06,
Sheepmaster, SineWave, Rami R, Cretanpride, Singularity, Bill j, Roosurn, Jpg23, Bzero, ThoHug, Becksguy, Dbackes, Dulciana, Nyttend,
Sac222, Majorarcanum, Brettid, Zephyr2k~enwiki, Avicennasis, Bubba hotep, KConWiki, Bleh999, Forgang, Lonewolf BC, Drawngfrk,
Thevoid00, Cgingold, Johnbibby, Biglegoman, Bardwell, Shame On You, Cliché Online, ArchStanton69, MetsBot, Mikolik, Bionicbur-
rito, Abednigo, Brian the Fat, Adrian J. Hunter, Sesesq, Hamiltonstone, Coughinink, Paris By Night, Theleaderofmany12, Brian Fen-
ton, Xargon666x6, Heathhiggins, Seckelberry1, Somearemoreequal, Penguin King, Sickofishead, Vssun, Bvv, Damuna, Dell2boy, Just
James, Peachsncream, Brunodam, Glen, Kelstonian, Chris G, DerHexer, Saburny, 12mollydog, Lijnema, Stuyhigh77, Tinmanic, Yeah-
soo~enwiki, Johnbrownsbody, Daemonic Kangaroo, Arnold Reisman, Lukewalsh1234, Jab03, Caranorn, Pazzaj, Bobblehead81, Coniosis,
Halibott, White Guard, TLinden, Bellemare, Jpo51, IvoShandor, SwedishPsycho, Wikianon, BigRicky, PureME, Bigsprinta, Januszewicz,
Bertho, SquidSK, Jfrenchy, NatureA16, Rickterp, Stephenchou0722, Sparkface, Jniech, Myszkin, Raoulduke47, Goober223, Marvicat,
Hdt83, MartinBot, Opiner, FlieGerFaUstMe262, PAK Man, Grandia01, EyeSerene, Big Iron, Sam2031, Roger Mexico, M Van Houten,
Filipore, Mpking52, Theredbanana, Bluechipser, Greekorangere, Pinkbluty, 5618, Ellibob, Dinogamer04, Rettetast, Assassin06, Ultravi-
olet scissor flame, Meatwad12, Sm8900, Dorvaq, Stealthzombie007, Wyrdlight, Rskellner, Samjamran, R'n'B, Soccerpro, Purcto, Com-
monsDelinker, 123456abcd, Hipvicar, Steve98052, KTo288, Retoi, Surowiak~enwiki, Jfournier, Snozzer, Lifeisagame247, Feigenbaum13,
Panda lover001, Paulmcdonald, LittleOldMe old, PrestonH, Staijk, Puddywuddy1192, Lokqs, Mbhiii, MnM2324, Vhhs, Wiki Raja, Sport-
snut1350, Cubfan2522, Wikipediausernumber1, RaccoonFox, Riogkol, Ahier, RockMFR, Periklis*, Slash, Sam Golden, Zzmaj, Etaicq,
J.delanoy, Ninja fan, MITBeaverRocks, CBS13, Karstedt d, Funny4life, Rrostrom, Bogey97, UBeR, Numbo3, Theinternetsoify, Chuck
444, BillWSmithJr, Hans Dunkelberg, Stankleberry, Lucky Phil, Andyputerkid, Tikiwont, Cthia, Isaac is da bomb, Uncle Dick, Ajonsey,
Nigholith, Kmcd151, Colincbn, Spaininrain, Bunkerpictures, Ms408, Rickydavis0012, TrueCRaysball, Eraye1, A Nobody, Shucks999,
Amzon, Merlot70, Hodja Nasreddin, England999, Wabba506, George415, Icseaturtles, Flubber555, Pstoric, Jpisqma, Mockingbird83,
WikiBone, Froggyjumpoverlog, Nick683, Bot-Schafter, Homer slips., Chaser676, Bad Night, Sexymanbearpig, Dreko, DarkFalls, Buxley
Hall, Gman124, Tron175, Bastardpoopshoot, DarkGhost08, McSly, Adrian M. H., Enter the chicken, Gipornm, ASDFGYUIOP, Wdemers,
Ryan Postlethwaite, Trumpet marietta 45750, Bandeapart, Skier Dude, Redflagflying, Tony360X, Pyrohair, Jackglerum, Mafia godfather,
Ash sul, Ancient Land of Bosoni, Tommy Nakashima, Mrg3105, AntiSpamBot, MrBungle79, Theknightofdarkness, Edieschuermann,
Spinach Dip, Beenhj, RenniePet, Floaterfluss, Warrior on Terrorism, Jetsnake, Wiki1609, Alexb102072, Walrusboy91, NewEnglandYan-
kee, Assassin3577, Aar, Some enraged farm animal, Lman1987, Ko Soi IX, Pb12, Xgmx, Karl2025, Rowenji, Theodorel, T3hllama, Pi-
rateogta, Intermisun, Mufka, Tascha96, Christopher Kraus, Joemale-malesign, Olegwiki, Mikeonatrike, Aka-miki~enwiki, 2812, Smitty,
Jrcla2, Tstarnes, Sidnokid, Jpm9880, KylieTastic, Juliancolton, Vamsilly, MahiMahi, Bogdan~enwiki, The slave to reality, Bu2m5dgw,
DeathOfBlades, Tyzwain, Phelix06, Angel Uriel, DH85868993, Andrewcmcardle, Jjhcap99, Socialismo01, Rohitht, Potaaatos, Vassos-
man, Tiwonk, King Toadsworth, Murphyg001, Eliteagents, Trip Johnson, Dpesikan, WinterSpw, Julianhayda, Andy Marchbanks, Inwind,
Henstep1313, Alex:D, Kimdime, Jeremiahburt, ThatGUY33, Xiahou, Dj Luca, Idioma-bot, Nintendo316, Warshark, Omegacc, Xnuala,
Bobsmithbob1, Armorhead, TNTfan101, Dagedude, Histo ed, ACSE, Chromancer, Zazzer, Eater of tin, Caribbean H.Q., Carlsbadder,
G2bambino, Sam Blacketer, ChaosNil, Mike Fields, Kenckar, PeaceNT, Chinneeb, Mwskull, UnicornTapestry, Denwatts, Nanosoldier,
VolkovBot, Lostlove, Drakonice, Aledevries, Hadigonzalez25, Abcdefghayden, Jbill007, Drakheim, Harveyqs, Dragoonkain, Roger M.E.
Lightly, Pan Wikipedia, Kommodorekerz, Factual80man, Nug, Bry9000, Butwhatdoiknow, Lord Collettus, AlnoktaBOT, TobyTheRobot,
Powered, Majoreditor, HJ32, Embokias, Ilya1166, Sleeper chevelle, Stagyar Zil Doggo, WED Imagineer, Godefroy, Vulgarkid, Taraborn,
RPlunk2853, Hollerbackgril, Martinevans123, Director, ESommers, Kennyr04, TXiKiBoT, FleeingHomework, XavierGreen, Jakedaniel,
Deadfish820, Genyusz, Jjanczy, Huang7776, Dereksanders, Minger125, Cnajer, Herb45, Stupid1991, Tatertot37, Colton123g, Pellande12,
Mahal11, Gmialtft, Asarlaí, Jeremy221, SilentOne17, Comrade Graham, Chuddy32, Nxavar, Rei-bot, A23259789, BlkRvr702, Anony-
mous Dissident, Stevesmith1789, ElinorD, Detroit4, Gerrish, 18Fox, Ray-Ginsay, Qxz, Lincolnshep, WikiReaderer, Vanished user iki-
jeirw34iuaeolaseriffic, Kcblu, Cobosvictor, Sauronthegreat, Ultrabeater, Adityakistampally, John Carter, Nazgul02, Revizionist, KTFCdan,
Mjs072, Beyond silence, Cream10152, Aaron Bowen, Jman2213, Ansset, TedColes, Robo man 1, Hburg, Triplesb, Zhalcyon29, Bdot.01,
Andy swann, Manchurian candidate, Mazzelino, Mkpumphrey, MercuryBot, Seb az86556, Domitius, Casting shadows, AuthorDionysos,
Smchase, Robust45, Shadowlapis, StillTrill, Lunest, Jack Naven Rulez, Wokelly, Luuva, Oblivion801, PaladinWhite, Brianna11, Jimblack,
Themat21III, Lumbering Buffalo, Micha851, Tom MacPherson, Mr.NorCal55, Thomasmclennan, TheCoachZ11, Tomer.benv, Tode353,
Jonnyf88, Dave00327, NachtLink, Flaw600, Tectonic042, Usergreatpower, Tribulation725, BobTheTomato, Happyme22, Eternauta3k,
Stirfryking, Eskovan, Billybobjr, Wassamatta, Synthebot, Peace237, Zumbunny, Zach higgins, Jason Leach, Fleurstigter, El Hobo24,
Gatkinso, Panadude, Hughstew, Ghost321, AjitPD, Paulthewhale, Cuntexploder, Lotrtkdchic, Eurocopter, Jublimontoto, ThirdCross, Raz-
griz 10000, Mohamad hossary, Miamiu11, Frenty456, Kjun1 3, Vchimpanzee, Grahamboat, Lmessenger, Person777, Spinningspark, Karl-
robbo, Justmeherenow, Master of the Oríchalcos, Xxhellmanxx, Melyn, Doeric96, Entirelybs, July4th, K10wnsta, SaltyseabASS, John6712,
Wikipedian64, Thidr0, AlleborgoBot, Camthetoaster93, Co1dLP1anet, Littledarknite, Dchance, Carrothippy, Billymadison21, 12 Cen-
turies, Jim Furtado, Pyro4122, Redmrkt, Kewlkyle64, Dominicwhiteman, Roland zh, Chipsmcgee36, Benoit Rochon, Ma familia, Sign-
solid, EmxBot, Uncle Scrooge, Carharttjimmy, Hokie92, Camsco123, Matt Gerber, D. Recorder, Lorangriel, Demmy, Smartypants2013,
Garrison628, Методије, Putmalk, Rolltide3738, Darkieboy236, Romuald Wróblewski, Enkyo2, DionysiusThrax, Jerseycam, M.V.E.i.,
Warnerrr, SieBot, Asddxz, Cvbear, Tom.fenton7, Redbonefootball42, Kfc1864, ShiftFn, Politics rule, Calliopejen1, Fallinboy, Ajw18,
SpencerCS, Giladbr, YonaBot, Tiddly Tom, Dreamafter, Porky149, Xenus, Invmog, LtWinters, BonesBrigade, Marvelfett2, Bachcell,
Oldag07, MosesMaster, VVVBot, Avargasm, Hiens, Pengyanan, Parhamr, Broopster, SE7, Nick124020, Homerofwar2007, Hcijesse,
This, that and the other, Whittcal, Alex visa, Pkgx, Murlock, BossAdam552, Michfg, Albanman, Rickjames69er, Wcdune1, Whichtrial,
Barliner, Brandonrock, Andersmusician, Dadrker, Hakutou, Purbo T, PangkatKawayan, Jimmip, Digwuren, Un4v41l48l3, Radon210, The
Evil Spartan, CheeseyPuff, Arbor to SJ, Ventur, Thesaam, Kellsj, Gherkinmad, Bbboy657, Jenx54, G-H-7-28-07, SurfingMaui540, Jc-
S0CO, Mimihitam, Redmarkviolinist, Ss11311086, DD101, Dominik92, Mattmeskill, Fuk0005, Randomwiki, Pika ten10, AceMagic5,
Baseball Bugs, Lourakis, Gangsterls, Pretty Green, Lightmouse, Happyguy49, Johnnyrobison, Skinny87, RSStockdale, Tigertank18, Am-
cwis, Int21h, Ntkarr, Rupert Horn, BenoniBot~enwiki, Jakobako, Musse-kloge, Kumioko (renamed), Onopearls, Gorran, Bweg2, Dravecky,
Belligero, Aumnamahashiva, Presidentman, Vanished user ewfisn2348tui2f8n2fio2utjfeoi210r39jf, Bcdm, David30th, Behtis, Jaan, Hamil-
tondaniel, Basand, Kieraf~enwiki, Faulknerfan, Geoff Plourde, Moffitma, Sterlingmelcher, Ak3786, Redwingfan04, Code Monkey2976,
Finetooth, Randy Kryn, Jimmy Slade, Staylor71, Cngoulimis, Miyokan, Hadseys, Hibsch, Explicit, TSRL, Mistykasumi, Benkenobi18,
Gosciu555, Michel Tavir, WikipedianMarlith, Janus8463, Martarius, MBK004, ClueBot, JurSchagen, Pixel2metal, Bwfrank, Andriy155,
Brokenarch, Ilyusha V. Novikov, Deviator13, Chrisbreseman, Binksternet, Jordc1991, Hutcher, Boodlesthecat, PipepBot, DePury, Amrit-
paul.singh, WikiSkeptic, Whazzup17, Team Poland, Lizhia, BlueFlame78504, The Thing That Should Not Be, Vengeance900, Xav71176,
Brendan44, Plastikspork, Slowthy, Adyfroggatt, Meesis, Shaskouri, Draken36, Hult041956, Repolho~enwiki, Nnemo, Supertouch, Un-
buttered Parsnip, Grawp~enwiki, Grawp the Giant~enwiki, HAGGGER?, Gregcaletta, Saddhiyama, Dingiswayo, Senzangakhona, Dr-
mies, AlasdairGreen27, Skatedave711, Jacurek, Mild Bill Hiccup, Ranger Steve, Heartagram3200, Mlazenby, NiD.29, Jamessully, JTBX,
Yeoldirishman, Niceguyedc,, Peanut4, Harland1, Redhead911, Shovon76, Shannon bohle, Yaki-gaijin, Bob bo-
12.1 Text 49

bato, Grandgrawper~enwiki, Giantgrawp, Giantcalledgrawp, Trivialist, RenamedUser jaskldjslak903, Piepiepiepie2, Cannonade, Mas-
terpiece2000, DragonBot, Duck of Luke, EnigmaMcmxc, *TPC* Clan, Ktr101, Tribe12, RainMan002, Electrobe, Charliebsmith, Iron-
man0392, Sunil060902, Jack.Hartford, EeepEeep, Sushix1, Tylerdmace, Dertwev, Bayard123, Nercromancy?, Jesse.kelly, Fallabrine1995,
Pikachuthesquirtle, Bartandrews, Kingdavidek, Lewa226, Masonbrownplayer, Readin, Sun Creator, Daner0six, NuclearWarfare, Lipsatom,
Arjayay, AndyFielding, Jotterbot, Qampunen, MrWhich, Unbanned, HiEverybodyHiDoctorNick, Hellman4710, Dim386, M.O.X, Cow-
boySpartan, Kevoreilly, ChrisWerner, Wikimaster10117, Royalmate1, Redthoreau, Amrafifi264, History13, Chrispy5, Teutonic Tamer,
Doprendek, Polly Hedra, Joao 11 1996, Werson, Audaciter, Cybershore, Frank Geerlings, JasonAQuest, BOTarate, Kakofonous, Mlaffs,
EgraS, Antigravityece, Boowah59, Thingg, Lindberg, Aitias, Dank, Jonamatt, Rjbesquire, Followship, Simply sammie, Versus22, XTil-
dax, Lx 121, Hwalee76, IJA, Berean Hunter, JarTa~enwiki, Justie1220, MaxSem on AWB wheels, Ostinato2, Sockpuppet872, Jaaches,
Erick808, DumZiBoT, Doopdoop, Innes & Stephen Pictures, Iggy Ax, YXN, InternetMeme, Gamewizard546, Burningview, Bodhisattv-
aBot, GordonUS, Winston2~enwiki, Ningnangnong, Bigshotje, GuitarHeroTom, Laser brain, Brettstout, PaulEeNjInkSon, Hackser, Sil-
vonenBot, Mitchell n beard, 68Kustom, Ricebowl09, Petrescu3, Scruffy4903, Tbug44, Jhawker417, Mm40, JinJian, Sleptrip, Japanand-
chinaoftheeast, Feierabend, Fabrigo, Mlsguy0037, Belfunk, Econnor2, JAHL14, Cbrown285, Dave1185, Palindrome, Draconius14, Ap-
pleofWiki, Spartan15DEMO, Kajabla, Drlight11, Prowikipedians, Vero.Verite, Mortense, WWII21, Caden, Beijing goalie, Ljr180,
2k6168, Latevardanig, Youngla0450, Bambaab, Jokerdude42, Hi237, Bleekis88, Beamathan, Nortonius, Fultzsie11, Lithoderm, B-radical
1522, Magus732, Qweqwewe, Trasman, Sadda45, Xxferrarisxx, Powercurvefor, Tanhabot, One cookie, DARKDOOM9999, Laurinavi-
cius, Yelizandpaul, Chris who reads books for a living, Fothergill Volkensniff IV, CanadianLinuxUser, Leszek Jańczuk, Ace Mendi-
ola, Cityvalyu, Mishadeon, MrOllie, Alexbritcher, CarsracBot, Zhabeiqu, 37ophiuchi, Scottyferguson, DFS454, Secretdude97, Bahamut
Star, Mosedschurte, Jgrosay~enwiki, ChenzwBot, Xoffie, Aunva6, LinkFA-Bot, Realmofintrigue, Blaylockjam10, Patton123, Setanta747,
Brian Laishes, Megaribi, Numbo3-bot, Tide rolls, Canationalist, ‫דוד‬55, Asokanvvr, RenegadeSniper7, Dwarfboyhopkins, Dreaming11,
Jarble, Greyhood, Stuttgartkiwi, CARLDIGITAL, Williajm, Andre Toulon, Occamsrazorsky, 07ed01, Drpickem, Luckas-bot, Yobot,
Granpuff, OrgasGirl, Oilpanhands, Dede2008, MTWEmperor, II MusLiM HyBRiD II, Clíodhna-2, Cimicifugia, SuperFlash101, Bor-
van53, Mr T (Based), Paul Siebert, Intercalate, KamikazeBot, Ayrton Prost, , Sachein91, Palamabron, BeBoldInEdits, Bbb23,
SiberianPrincess, AnomieBOT, Momoricks, John Holmes II, FeelSunny, Metalhead94, Floquenbeam, JEdgarFreeman, 1exec1, Yeshua-
David, Grey Fox-9589, Gnomeselby, Jim1138, Tavrian, Abstruce, Galoubet, Innab, StevenWT, Blackknight12, 13seb, Phyrros, Roes-
selsprung, MtBell, Krause01, Stroganoff, Tlrmq, Materialscientist, Bukubku, Lukee1234, Phoenix of9, Citation bot, Mkustel, Digitaldo-
main, Kasaalan, Barriodude, HistoricWarrior007, ArthurBot, DirlBot, DannyAsher, Andyso, Aidan Jennings, Quebec99, Cliftonian, Po-
točnik, Sole Flounder, Madalibi, Xqbot, Kleiner, Theroflman, Capricorn42, Poetaris, Wüstenfuchs, TechBot, Jaltcoh, ITSENJOYABLE,
ChildofMidnight, GenQuest, Ulf Heinsohn, Krishanpatel, Nate5446, , Locos epraix, Skiboarder6730, Loveless, Mlpearc, Isheden,
Robbieboulton1234, Srich32977, Barelistido, Fishmandgb, Hz7qnf, Filyo79, J04n, Nasa-verve, GrouchoBot, Mr. Military, Miesianiacal,
Bizso, Fitgolfpro, Anotherclown, RibotBOT, MatthPeder, Luther Hull, Auréola, Brutaldeluxe, Samuel1120, Renwick99, GhalyBot, Moxy,
Cod1337, Chongkian, Richard BB, ASOTMKX, Davido488, Fredy.00, Bluehotel, Thehelpfulbot, Haldraper, Spongefrog, Alexey Gol-
ubev, Kelsievans, Dead Mary, BSATwinTowers, JayLeno175, Hyperboreer, Egern~enwiki, FrescoBot, CaptainFugu, Chcoc, Ryan1266,
LucienBOT, Paine Ellsworth, Tobby72, Taiwanrox8, KSWarrior8, Wetterfree, StaticVision, FkpCascais, Alarics, Grey Furb, Doomei, A
Werewolf, Ben76266, Noventamilcientoveinticinco, Bambuway, AndresHerutJaim, Filipão, SF88, Grandiose, Gutierrezg0710, Dhtwiki,
Rgvis, Citation bot 1, AdmiralKolchak, AstaBOTh15, Mimzy1990, SexyBlondeGuy, Bobmack89x, I dream of horses, Boulaur, Stargnoc,
, HRoestBot, YouReadMyMind, StNicksRocks, Kmundy, Alonso de Mendoza, Chumchum7, Codwiki, SockofSpongefrog, Kenloyds,
RedBot, Mediatech492, Jaguar, NarSakSasLee, Knole Jonathan, Matu94, Lissajous, Bedivere.cs, Gasta220, December21st2012Freak,
White Shadows, Cnwilliams, VOAconstrictor, CrowzRSA, Lightlowemon, Willdasmiffking, FoxBot, TobeBot, VxOsx, Trappist the monk,
Clickpop, Retired user 0001, Jade Harley, Fama Clamosa, Communicat, Lotje, PawkaLukasz, Dgthegoel, ManfromButtonwillow, Quang-
minhc, Vanished user lkdofiqw39ru239jwionwcihu8wt4ihjsf, Dinamik-bot, Gulbenk, James0702me, Begoon, Anthony Winward, Bertyrex,
Katerenka, Ktlynch, Diannaa, Kayuki16, Suffusion of Yellow, MyMoloboaccount, Ferntipr, Innotata, Tbhotch, Jesse V., Spursnik, Ul-
brichdj, Oddrobb, Between My Ken, Willdow, Bento00, DexDor, Ripchip Bot, Bhawani Gautam, Bossanoven, Gwen Novak, RemTar,
Myownworst, Buggie111, DragonShiryu2, NerdyScienceDude, Hgcai3456, Nascarking, Salvio giuliano, Billare, Samdacruel, Glen1995,
Steve03Mills, Bernd Schwabe in Hannover, EmausBot, John of Reading, Orphan Wiki, WikitanvirBot, HTBrooks, Carlotm, Ubergeekpi,
Manga28, Never give in, Knothefacts, Distal24, Rail88, Abby 92, Dewritech, Wollont, GoingBatty, RA0808, Blablaaa, Namnguyenvn,
Bull Market, 89funtime, Huckamike, ZxxZxxZ, Wikiturrican, Passionless, NorthernKnightNo1, Ledfrog, MrGRA, ChoraPete, Chiton
magnificus, Addyman11, Ecko1o1, Kunetskiy, HenryXVII, Werieth, ZéroBot, Cogiati, Illegitimate Barrister, Ali55te, Josve05a, Tulan-
dro, Jenks24, Natalia O., Michael Essmeyer, Wojgniew, Space25689, NinjaFishy, Saint Lucy, SkinnedAardvark093, Wurzeln und Flügel,
AvicAWB, Pan Brerus, Zloyvolsheb, IIIraute, Mcvicyc, AutoGeek, Vanished user fois8fhow3iqf9hsrlgkjw4tus, Lorde Chainsaw, Broke-
nAnchorBot, Kill me when i die, Brandmeister, Hb9323, Jarjarbinks10, Dannydavey123, Iamapotatohead, Shrigley, Philafrenzy, Irrypride,
Laika1097, $1LENCE D00600D, ChuispastonBot, Dreamcatcher25, ClamDip, Leidseplein, GregRustFan, Мурад 97, Jordibuma, Ja-
sonli42, MeganHernandez (WMF), Divebomb, Whoop whoop pull up, TitaniumCarbide, Woolfy123, LUxlii, Gmt2001, Prof,Mammal,
Slickmoves, ClueBot NG, Lhimec, Gilderien, LittleJerry, JC Bills, DTParker1000, Labranewf, Iritakamas, Carbon editor, ColdWarChar-
lie, Cmckain, Frietjes, Delusion23, Alphasinus, Braincricket, Neljack, Rezabot, Dalekcan, CaroleHenson, DontClickMeName, Chitt66,
Crohall, Ryan Vesey, MarcusBritish, Godwhale, Neogeolegend, Shelleyesque, Sassiesam, Crazymonkey1123, Pluma, Miracle dream, Help-
ful Pixie Bot, Popcornduff, Brovary, Gkvxyz, Aquario, Calidum, Gob Lofa, Andrey Rublyov, BG19bot, Mohamed CJ, WendyPage777,
JoJaEpp, Sambian kitten, Jay8g, Northamerica1000, Navhus, Laurence0001, PhnomPencil, HIDECCHI001, Dzlinker, Uhlan, Avocato-
Bot, Konullu, User1961914, J991, Marcocapelle, উদ্দীপতালুকদাৰ, Cold Season, Eep07, DAREALKKROX, FutureTrillionaire, StickyWikis,
TrebleSeven, TClapton, Soerfm, Jeancey, Pakon111, Ernio48, Zedshort, Hamish59, Gaylencrufts, Edthed, Jmccormick927, Gillette.ben,
Sprutt, Abootmoose, Matthew David González, Loriendrew, Findblogging, Mumbai0618, Jason from nyc, Wheeke, Rwenonah, Aqua Re-
gia72, Boeing720, Bakkedal, HueSatLum, Kata89, Cyberbot II, The Elixir Of Life, ChrisGualtieri, Archchinook, Liamcop, Nick.mon,
Adnan bogi, Khazar2, Esszet, 23 editor, Stumink, JYBot, AsadUK200, DylanLacey, Fun & helpful, Dexbot, Dissident93, Irondome,
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Barjimoa, Factor01, Lorda12, Apleat6326, Globetrotter1918, Nahnah4, Argovian, Doctor Papa Jones, CatcherStorm, Empire of War,
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itaryhistory341, Monopoly31121993, Keiiri, Biblioworm, Gog the Mild, Picapicacuckoo, Vanisheduser00348374562342, Joseph Prasad,
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Colonel Wilhelm Klink, Daniel Jackson 2001 and Anonymous: 3508

12.2 Images
• File:8th_AF_Bombing_Marienburg.JPEG Source:
Bombing_Marienburg.JPEG License: Public domain Contributors: NARA FILE #: 208-YE-7 Original artist: Un-
known<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='https:
//' width='20' height='11'
srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='1050'
data-file-height='590' /></a>
• File:9_Div_Tobruk(AWM_020779).jpg Source:
020779%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: This image is available from the Collection Database of the Australian War
Memorial under the ID Number: 020779

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.
Original artist: Not stated at source
• File:Approaching_Omaha.jpg Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: ? Original artist: The original uploader was Taak at English Wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by Raul654,
Nauticashades at en.wikipedia.
• File:Battle_of_Lake_Khasan-Red_Army_gunners_in_the_interval.jpg Source:
b/b6/Battle_of_Lake_Khasan-Red_Army_gunners_in_the_interval.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 1941-1945 Pobeda Original
artist: Viktor Antonovich Tyomin
• File:Bluetank.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: LA2
• File:Boeing-Whichata_B-29_Assembly_Line_-_1944.jpg Source:
Boeing-Whichata_B-29_Assembly_Line_-_1944.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: United States Air Force Historical Re-
search Agency - Maxwell AFB, Alabama from “History and Units of the United States Air Force”, G H J Sharrings, European Aviation
Historical Society, 2004. Photo credit given as from USAFHRA. Original artist: United States Army Air Forces
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-031-2436-03A,_Russland,_Hinrichtung_von_Partisanen_retouched.jpg Source: https:
Partisanen_retouched.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German
Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic
representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image
Archive. Original artist: Koch
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-09042,_Genf,_Völkerbund,_Sitzungssaal.jpg Source:
commons/6/60/Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-09042%2C_Genf%2C_V%C3%B6lkerbund%2C_Sitzungssaal.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0
de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part
of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or
positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist: Unknown
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-10541,_Weimar,_Aufmarsch_der_Nationalsozialisten.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-10541%2C_Weimar%2C_Aufmarsch_der_Nationalsozialisten.jpg License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv)
as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative
and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist: Georg Pahl
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_141-1880,_Peenemünde,_Start_einer_V2.jpg Source:
3c/Bundesarchiv_Bild_141-1880%2C_Peenem%C3%BCnde%2C_Start_einer_V2.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: This im-
age was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The
German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization
of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist: Unknown
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1976-071-36,_Polen,_an_der_Brahe,_deutsche_Panzer.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1976-071-36%2C_Polen%2C_an_der_Brahe%2C_deutsche_Panzer.jpg License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bunde-
sarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals
(negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist: Unknown
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-97906,_Warschauer_Aufstand,_Straßenkampf.jpg Source:
commons/9/95/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-97906%2C_Warschauer_Aufstand%2C_Stra%C3%9Fenkampf.jpg License: ? Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H25224,_Guernica,_Ruinen.jpg Source:
c/ca/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H25224%2C_Guernica%2C_Ruinen.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: This im-
age was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a
cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals (neg-
ative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original
12.2 Images 51

artist: Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'

src='' width='20'
height='11' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='1050'
data-file-height='590' /></a>
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H27337,_Moskau,_Stalin_und_Ribbentrop_im_Kreml.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/3/38/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H27337%2C_Moskau%2C_Stalin_und_Ribbentrop_im_Kreml.jpg License: CC BY-
SA 3.0 de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bunde-
sarchiv) as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the orig-
inals (negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist:
Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='' width='20' height='11' srcset='https:// 1.5x,
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-file-width='1050' data-file-height='590'
• File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R69173,_Münchener_Abkommen,_Staatschefs.jpg Source:
commons/9/9c/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R69173%2C_M%C3%BCnchener_Abkommen%2C_Staatschefs.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0
de Contributors: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv)
as part of a cooperation project. The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals
(negative and/or positive), resp. the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive. Original artist:
Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='' width='20' height='11' srcset='https:// 1.5x,
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-file-width='1050' data-file-height='590'
• File:Cairo_conference.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Cairo conference - Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill at the Cairo Conference November
25, 1943 Original artist: ?
• File:Carrier_shokaku.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Official U.S. Navy Photograph 80-G-71198, now in the collections of the National Archives. Original artist: Unknown, the
original photograph was captured on Attu in 1943.
• File:Casablanca-Conference.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
• Post-Work: W.Wolny
• File:Chinese_civilians_to_be_buried_alive.jpg Source:
be_buried_alive.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
: . . : 1938. 35

Original artist: Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'

src='' width='20'
height='11' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='1050'
data-file-height='590' /></a>
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contribu-
tors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Czeslawa_Kwoka_-_Brasse.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Wilhelm Brasse (attributed)
• File:Destroyed_Warsaw,_capital_of_Poland,_January_1945.jpg Source:
Destroyed_Warsaw%2C_capital_of_Poland%2C_January_1945.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
• Wiesław Głębocki; Karol Mórawski (1985) Kultura Walcząca 1939-1945, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Interpress, pp. p.64 ISBN 83-02-00773-0
Original artist: M. Swierczynski
• File:E_003743_E.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: This is photograph E 3743E from the collections of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 4700-33) Original artist: Silk G (Aus-
tralian Photo Unit)
• File:EasternBloc_BorderChange38-48.svg Source:
BorderChange38-48.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Original artist: Mosedschurte
• File:Flag_of_German_Reich_(1935–1945).svg Source:
Reich_%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fornax
• File:Flag_of_Italy_(1861-1946)_crowned.svg Source:
%281861-1946%29_crowned.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors:
Original artist: F l a n k e r
• File:Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg Source:
China.svg License: Public domain Contributors: [1] Original artist: User:SKopp
• File:Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_(1923-1955).svg Source:
Soviet_Union_%281923-1955%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: created by rotemliss from Image:Flag of
the Soviet Union.svg.

• File:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source: Li-

cense: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Granica-zrywanie_godła.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
• Apoloniusz Zawilski (1972) “Bitwy Polskiego Września” (“Battles of Polish September”), Warsaw: Nasza Księgarnia ISBN 83-218-0817-4
(current edition) Original artist: Hans Sönnke
• File:Heinkel_He_111_during_the_Battle_of_Britain.jpg Source:
He_111_during_the_Battle_of_Britain.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: This is photograph MH6547 from the collec-
tions of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 4700-05) Original artist: Unknown<a href='//'
title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='
Wikidata-logo.svg/20px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png' width='20' height='11' srcset='
thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 1.5x,
Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-file-width='1050' data-file-height='590' /></a>
• File:Infobox_collage_for_WWII.PNG Source:
PNG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 de Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by IngerAlHaosului using CommonsHelper.

(Original text : source images:

Top left: :File:NRAWanjialing1.jpg
Original artist: User:Staberinde
• File:Maginot_Line_ln-en_svg.svg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
This file was derived from: Northern and Central Europe location map.svg

Original artist: Goran tek-en

• File:Marines_rest_in_the_field_on_Guadalcanal.jpg Source:
in_the_field_on_Guadalcanal.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Merchant_flag_of_Japan_(1870).svg Source:
%281870-1999%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: kahusi - <a href='//'
title='User talk:Kahusi'>(Talk)</a>'s file Original artist: kahusi - <a href='//' title='User
• File:Office-book.svg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: This and myself. Original artist: Chris Down/Tango project
• File:Orel43.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: scan da
'Armor battles on the eastern front (2)' di R.Michulec,Concord publ. 1999. Original artist: fotoreporter sovietico sconosciuto
• File:P_history.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Own work Original artist: User:Kontos
• File:Palmiry_before_execution.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Władysław Bartoszewski, “Warszawski pierścień śmierci 1939-1944”, Interpress, Warszawa 1970.
Original artist: Anonymous
• File:RIAN_archive_2153_After_bombing.jpg Source:
After_bombing.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: RIA Novosti archive, image #2153,
6x9 film / 6х9 негатив Original artist: Boris Kudoyarov / Борис Кудояров
• File:RIAN_archive_44732_Soviet_soldiers_attack_house.jpg Source:
archive_44732_Soviet_soldiers_attack_house.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: RIA Novosti archive, image #44732, http:
// 6x6 film / 6х6 негатив Original artist: Zelma / Георгий Зельма
• File:Reichstag_after_the_allied_bombing_of_Berlin.jpg Source:
after_the_allied_bombing_of_Berlin.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: This is photograph BU 8573 from the collections of the
Imperial War Museums. Original artist:
• Post-Work: User:W.wolny
• File:SBD_VB-16_over_USS_Washington_1943.jpg Source:
over_USS_Washington_1943.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation photo No.
1996.253.680 [1] Original artist: U.S. Navy photo 80-G-204897
• File:Second_world_war_asia_1937-1942_map_en6.png Source:
world_war_asia_1937-1942_map_en6.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: This file was derived from: Second world war asia
1937-1942 map de.png
Original artist: Original Author: User:San Jose
Derivative Author: Dead Mary
• File:Second_world_war_europe_animation_small.gif Source:
world_war_europe_animation_small.gif License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work based on: maps of the University of Texas
Libraries Original artist: San Jose
• File:Shanghai1937IJA_ruins.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Un-
known<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='https:
//' width='20' height='11'
srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-file-width='1050'
data-file-height='590' /></a>
12.3 Content license 53

• File:Shigemitsu-signs-surrender.jpg Source:

License: Public domain Contributors: Naval Historical Center Photo # SC 213700 Original artist: Army Signal Corps
• File:Soldatietiopia.jpg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Vestri Fund donated to Comune di Montevarchi and released on public domain Original artist: Vestri Family, photographers in
Montevarchi for 3 generations
• File:Spotkanie_Sojuszników.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: TASS press agency , October 1939, published also in “Krasnaya Zvezda” in September 1940 ( the
first anniversary of Soviet invasion of Poland ). Besides part of Soviet newsreel from October 1939. (“Osvobozhdenie Zapadnoi Ukrainy i
Zapadnoi Belorussi”) Original artist: unknown war correspondent of TASS
• File:The_Battle_of_Cassino,_January-may_1944_C4363.jpg Source:
Battle_of_Cassino%2C_January-may_1944_C4363.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
/8/media-8380/large.jpg Original artist: Baker (F/O), Royal Air Force official photographer
• File:The_Liberation_of_Bergen-belsen_Concentration_Camp,_April_1945_BU4031.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/7/7a/The_Liberation_of_Bergen-belsen_Concentration_Camp%2C_April_1945_BU4031.jpg License: Public do-
main Contributors: Original artist: No 5 Army Film & Photographic
Unit, Oakes, H (Sgt)
• File:The_USS_Arizona_(BB-39)_burning_after_the_Japanese_attack_on_Pearl_Harbor_-_NARA_195617_-_Edit.jpg Source:
Pearl_Harbor_-_NARA_195617_-_Edit.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
• File:The USS Arizona (BB-39) burning after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor - NARA - 195617.tif Original artist:
• Retouched by: Mmxx
• File:Trinity_device_readied.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Not identified.
• File:US_flag_48_stars.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work based on PD info Original artist: Created by jacobolus using Adobe Illustrator.
• File:View_from_St_Paul’{}s_Cathedral_after_the_Blitz.jpg Source:
View_from_St_Paul%27s_Cathedral_after_the_Blitz.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
article-1342305/The-Blitzs-iconic-image-On-70th-anniversary-The-Mail-tells-story-picture-St-Pauls.html Original artist: H.Mason
• File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
• File:Wikidata-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: Own work Original artist: User:Planemad
• File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated by Time3000 17 April 2007 to use official Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by
• File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
• File:Wikiversity-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Snorky (optimized and cleaned up by verdy_p) Original artist: Snorky (optimized and cleaned up by verdy_p)
• File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk · contribs),
based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber
• File:WorldWarII-GDP-Relations-Allies-Axis-simple.svg Source:
WorldWarII-GDP-Relations-Allies-Axis-simple.svg License: Public domain Contributors:
• WorldWarII-GDP-Relations-Allies-Axis-simple.png Original artist:
• derivative work: Hohum (talk)
• File:World_War_II_Casualties2.svg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Modification of Image:World_War_II_Casualties.svg Original artist: Oberiko at English Wikipedia
• File:Yalta_Conference_(Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin)_(B&W).jpg Source:
Yalta_Conference_%28Churchill%2C_Roosevelt%2C_Stalin%29_%28B%26W%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: This me-
dia is available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the ARC Identifier (National Archives
Identifier) 531340. Original artist: US government photographer

12.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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