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October 2011

DIN EN 12952-4
ICS 27.040 Supersedes
DIN EN 12952-4:2001-10

Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations –

Part 4: In-service boiler life expectancy calculations
English translation of DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10

Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten –

Teil 4: Betriebsbegleitende Berechnung der Lebensdauererwartung
Englische Übersetzung von DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
Chaudières à tubes d’eau et installations auxiliaires –
Partie 4: Calculs de la durée de vie prévisible des chaudières en service
Traduction anglaise de DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
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Document comprises 23 pages

Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.

© No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission of

DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,
has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).
English price group 12 !$tÄd" 09.11 1819265
DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10

A comma is used as the decimal marker.

National foreword
This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 269 “Shell and water-tube boilers”
(Secretariat: DIN, Germany).

The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Rohrleitungen und
Dampfkesselanlagen (Piping and Boiler Plant Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 082-00-18 AA

For more detailed information about the Normenausschuss Rohrleitungen und Dampfkesselanlagen (NARD),
please visit


This standard differs from DIN EN 12952-4:2001-10 as follows:

a) normative references have been updated;

b) Equation (B.2) has been corrected;

c) the numbering system for tables, drawings and equations has been modified;

d) the standard has been editorially revised.

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Previous editions

DIN EN 12952-4: 2001-10


ICS 27.040 Supersedes EN 12952-4:2000

English Version

Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 4: In-service

boiler life expectancy calculations

Chaudières à tubes d'eau et installations auxiliaires - Partie 4: Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten - Teil 4:
Calculs de la durée de vie prévisible des chaudières en Betriebsbegleitende Berechnung der
service Lebensdauererwartung

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 18 June 2011.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12952-4:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 5
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 5
4 Symbols and abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 5
5 General ................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Annex A (informative) Calculation of in-service creep damage ................................................................... 6
Annex B (informative) Calculation of in-service fatigue damage ...............................................................10
Annex C (informative) Significant technical changes between this European Standard and the
previous edition ................................................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
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DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

This document (EN 12952-4:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 269 “Shell and
water-tube boilers”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn
at the latest by January 2012.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN 12952-4:2000.

Annex C provides details of significant technical changes between this European Standard and the previous

The European Standard EN 12952, concerning water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations, consists of the
following parts:

 Part 1: General;

 Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories;

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 Part 3: Design and calculation for pressure parts;

 Part 4: In-service boiler life expectancy calculations;

 Part 5: Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler;

 Part 6: Inspection during construction; documentation and marking of pressure parts of the boiler;

 Part 7: Requirements for equipment for the boiler;

 Part 8: Requirements for firing systems for liquid and gaseous fuels for the boiler;

 Part 9: Requirements for firing systems for pulverized solid fuels for the boiler;

 Part 10: Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure;

 Part 11: Requirements for limiting devices of the boiler and accessories;

 Part 12: Requirements for boiler feedwater and boiler water quality;

 Part 13: Requirements for flue gas cleaning systems;

 Part 14: Requirements for flue gas DENOX-systems using liquified pressurized ammonia and ammonia
water solution;

 Part 15: Acceptance tests;

 Part 16: Requirements for grate and fluidized-bed firing systems for solid fuels for the boiler;

 CR 12952 Part 17: Guideline for the involvement of an inspection body independent of the manufacturer.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

NOTE 1 A Part 18 on operating instructions is currently in preparation.

Although these parts may be obtained separately, it should be recognized that the parts are inter-dependent. As
such, the design and manufacture of water-tube boilers requires the application of more than one part in order
for the requirements of this European Standard to be satisfactorily fulfilled.

NOTE 2 Part 4 and Part 15 are not applicable during the design, construction and installation stages.

NOTE 3 A "Boiler Helpdesk" has been established in CEN/TC 269 which may be contacted for any questions
regarding the application of European Standards series EN 12952 and EN 12953, see the following website:

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard is applicable to water-tube boilers as defined in EN 12952-1:2001.

This European Standard specifies procedures for calculating the creep and/or the fatigue damage of boiler
components during operation. These calculations are not required to be carried out by the manufacturer as
part of his responsibilities within this European Standard.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 12952-1:2001, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations — Part 1: General

EN 12952-3:2011, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations — Part 3: Design and calculation for pressure

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 12952-1:2001 apply.
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4 Symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the symbols and abbreviations given in EN 12952-1:2001, Table 4-1

5 General
The calculations may be carried out, using transposed design equations. The measured (actual) wall
thickness of the components shall be used in the calculations, i.e. taking into account any wall thickness
reduction that may have occurred due to corrosion or erosion during the service life up to the time of the
analysis, see EN 12952-3:2011, 5.7.

Operating temperature, pressure and especially the magnitude of load changes often differ from the
estimations used for the design. Thus, these calculations may help to prevent unexpected early failure of
components. The results may be used as a guideline for the decision to inspect a component for fatigue
cracks or to inspect for creep pores by the replica method or any other suitable method.

NOTE In some cases, the influence of both creep and fatigue damage will be significant. It is normally conservative
to combine the creep and fatigue damage mechanisms by adding the calculated usage factors. If necessary, more
detailed methods of assessment may be used (see [1] PD 7910 Published by British Standardization Institute, London,
UK). Thus, the components are not necessarily to be replaced, if the calculated usage factor exceeds the value of 1.

The highest loaded components shall be chosen for monitoring purposes.

6 Calculations
Annex A describes the creep damage calculation. Annex B describes the fatigue damage calculation.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Annex A

Calculation of in-service creep damage

A.1 General
This annex describes a procedure for calculating the creep damage of a boiler and its major components
during operation. It is based on measured values of pressure and temperature, from which the actual primary
stress and the expected lifetime at these conditions may be determined.

Design lifetime is not necessarily identical with the operating lifetime. It is therefore necessary to make
projections at various stages throughout the operating lifetime of the boiler to determine its expected lifetime.

A.2 Symbols and abbreviations

In addition to the symbols given in EN 12952-1:2001, Table 4-1, the symbols given in Table A.1 apply.

Table A.1 — Symbols

Symbol Description Unit

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fop Membrane stress at operating conditions N/mm
Top Operated time at operating conditions h
Tal Time to reach the theoretical rupture by creep h
Dc Creep damage –

A.3 Calculation of in-service lifetime and creep damage

A.3.1 General

The calculation of the usage factor due to creep is a method that retrospectively takes into consideration the
previous modes of operation. It is carried out for highly loaded components on the basis of the measured
operating temperatures and gauge pressures.

In order to limit the number of the required calculations and to more clearly present the results, the pressure
and temperature range over which the component has been operated, shall be broken down into increments.

The membrane stress fop at the highest loaded point in the component shall be obtained by transposing the
design formula using the mean pressure of each pressure increment. If the operating pressure is not
measured continuously during operation the separation into increments is not valid and under such
circumstances the operating pressure for 100 % load may be used, thus resulting in more conservative
predictions. If available, the measured minimum wall thickness may be used. If this was not measured, the
guaranteed minimum wall thickness of the material as delivered shall be used.

The theoretical lifetime Tal shall be calculated for each rating temperature/pressure. According to Figure A.1,
Tal is obtained at the intersection of the stress line fop and the lower limit curve of the scatter band of the creep
rupture strength (= 0,8 Rm T tc) at the mean temperature of each temperature increment.

The respective portion of the creep damage ∆Dci k for each incremental temperature/pressure is obtained by
the ratio of the operating time Top for this increment divided by the theoretical lifetime Tal for the same

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

a) lg (Rm)
b) lg (T), h

Figure A.1 — Diagram for the determination of Tal

The operating times in the temperature/pressure increment shall be summarized, taking into account the
temperature allowances for measuring uncertainties and for temperature asymmetries in due consideration at
this classification.

The usage portion for each increment is given by

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∆Dci k = (A.1)

The creep damage Dc during the evaluated period shall be obtained from the linear damage rule by summing
up the values ∆Dci k for all temperature increments and, if any, pressure as follows:

Dc = ∑∑ ∆Dci k (A.2)
i k

A.3.2 Online computerized data storage

In the case of on-line data storage by means of a data processing system a separation into increments may
be waived. For calculation of the theoretical lifetime Tal the on-line measured values of pressure and
temperature including the above mentioned allowances shall be used instead of the mean values of the
increments. The increase of creep damage is obtained in this case from the measured time divided by the
theoretical lifetime (see Tables A.2 and A.3).

The computer programme used shall permit the results to be verified by at least a random test.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Table A.2 — Summation of data for the calculation of in-service creep damage
User and boiler plant: XY
Power station: XY
Boiler: 3
Works-No.: 12345
Year built: 2003
Maximum allowable pressure HP: 84 bar Reheater: – bar
Superheated steam temperature: HP: 525 °C Reheater: – °C
Steam output: 128 t/h

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
No. Component a b d c es ers pc to tc fap Tal

Material; Steel group mm mm mm bar °C °C N/mm

2 3
10 h

1 HP-line A
m 292,0 o 24,0 21,0 75,5 525 530 48,7 208
13CrMo44; 5.1 B
2 Superheater 2 – header A
n 419,0 o 39,0 39,0 75,5 510 525 56,3 186
13CrMo44; 5.1 B
3 Superheater 2 – outlet line A
n 241,0 o 17,5 17,5 75,5 510 525 48,2 304
13CrMo44; 5.1 B
4 Superheater 2 – outlet header A
n 250,0 i 20,0 28,0 75,5 510 525 47,1 329
16CrMo44; 5.1 B
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7 Fitting at control A
m 225,0 i 28,0 20,0 80,4 460 465 86,6 > 500
20Mo3; 1.2 B
11 Superheater 1 – outlet line A
n 241,0 o 14,0 14,0 80,4 460 475 65,2 > 500
16Mo3; 1.1 B
12 Superheater 1 – outlet header A
n 250,0 i 22,0 22,0 80,4 460 475 67,0 > 500
20Mo3; 1.2 B
a Column 3: Temperature allowances according to EN 12952-3:2011, Table 6.1-1
m unheated = mixed or controlled (+ 5 °C)
n unheated (+ 15 °C)
b Column 4: A Nominal or design values
B Operational or actual values
c Column 6: i Inside diameter
o Outside diameter

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Table A.3 — Summation of data for the calculation of in-service creep damage
User and boiler plant: XY
Power station: XY
Boiler: 6
Works-No.: 12345
Component: Connecting pipes between primary super heater and secondary
super heater ∅ 90 × 8
Commissioning: 2003
Material: Steel group 5.1 (13CrMo44)
Calculation pressure pc: 100 bar
Mean wall temperature tc: 530 °C
Stress at pc: 57,5 N/mm
Evaluated period: from to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Evalu- At outlet of Calculation Calculation Related to Elapsed Creep
ation component pressure temperature mean wall operating damage for
range temperature time evaluated
to pc tc Tal Top ∆Dc
From to mean
°C bar °C 10 h h %
1 < 500 < 500 100 515 430 1 250 0,29
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2 500 510 505 100 520 260 820 0,31

3 510 515 512,5 100 527,5 162 6 800 4,20
4 515 520 517,5 100 532,5 106 5 760 5,45
5 520 525 522,5 100 537,5 80 610 0,76
Sum for
evaluated 15 240 11,01
Sum prior to
evaluated 20 000 14,00
Total 35 240 25,01

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Annex B

Calculation of in-service fatigue damage

B.1 General
This annex describes a procedure for calculating the low cycle fatigue damage of boiler components during
operation. It is based on measured values of temperature, temperature difference, pressure, strain,
displacement etc. from which the actual stress may be determined.

In order to carry out this analysis it is essential that a computerized data logging system shall be employed.

B.2 Symbols and abbreviations

In addition to the symbols shown in EN 12952-1:2001, Table 4-1 and EN 12952-3:2011, 13.2 and B.3 the
following symbols and abbreviations of Table B.1 apply.

Table B.1 — Symbols and abbreviations

Symbol Description Unit

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ε Strain –
σ Stress N/mm
σ1, σ2, ... Successive values of σ N/mm
x Relative extreme value of the stress (maximum or minimum) N/mm
Successive values of x 2
x1, x2 ... N/mm
(shall be alternating maxima or minima)
Upper limit of stress range that does not cause fatigue damage 2
∆xe 2
(elastic stress range ≈ 190 N/mm , depends on material and temperature)
Boolean Value:
LC LC = "true": there is a load cycle –
LC = "false": there is no load cycle

B.3 Calculation of stress due to fatigue

B.3.1 General

Fatigue is a phenomenon of material failure that occurs as a result of repeated variations of the stress.
Therefore the actual stress at the highly loaded points of the boiler components, where fatigue is expected to
occur, shall be determined continuously in short time steps, (e.g. 1 min intervals), from measured values of
pressure p, and temperature differences ∆t etc. so that relative maximums and minimums can be determined
with sufficient accuracy.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

B.3.2 Component of cylindrical or spherical shape

Analogous to EN 12952-3:2011, 13.4, the actual stress at the inside corner of the bore of a cylindrical
components is

dms β E
σ = αm p + α t Lt t ∆t (B.1)
2ems 1−ν

and for a spherical component

dms β E
σ = α sp p + α t Lt t ∆t (B.2)
4ems 1 −ν

NOTE The wall-temperature difference ∆t is negative, if the temperature is increased. The definition of ∆t is given in
EN 12952-3:2011, 13.2.

B.3.3 Other geometrical shapes

The calculation of the stress shall be in accordance with EN 12952-3:2011 and its Annex B together with the
notch factors given therein.

B.4 Detection of extreme values of stress

B.4.1 General
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The low cycle fatigue that is calculated in accordance with this annex is not dependent on the holding time of
the stress or on the time between two extreme values of the stress. These effects may be neglected. Thus it
is sufficient for these calculations to detect and store the relative extremes of the equivalent stress in their
chronological sequence. This is a very effective data reduction method. However, it is necessary to calculate
the stress on-line from the measured values, if this data reducing procedure is to be applied. After each
measurement and stress calculation it can be determined from the last three values σ1, σ2, σ3 whether the last
but one value σ2 was a relative extreme. If the Boolean formula

(σ1 < σ2 and σ3 < σ2) or (σ1 > σ2 and σ3 > σ2) (B.3)

is "true", then σ2 was a relative maximum or a relative minimum of the equivalent stress and may be stored in
the sequence of the extreme values xi.

B.4.2 Storage of extremes

For the subsequent analysis of the sequence of extremes it is also necessary to store the actual measured
(of otherwise determined) temperature of the material, so that the reference temperature of the associated
load cycle can be calculated. Furthermore, it has been found useful also to store the measured values of the
operating pressure and the temperature difference associated with their extreme as well as their date and
time. This date may help to explain implausible results. The number of extremes that occur per day or per
week is dependent on the mode of operation (basic or peak load). Furthermore, the number of extremes may
differ for different components.

NOTE A spray attemperator may be subject to five or more large load cycles per hour. The hot steam header of the
same boiler should not even have one load cycle per day. Adequate data storage capacity should therefore be installed.

B.4.3 Elimination of extremes associated with small load cycles

If a boiler is operated at constant load, a large number of relative extremes can occur as a result of small
variations and the scatter of the measured values. Such variations do not cause fatigue and the associated
extremes may be deleted from the sequence. If the value of the last extreme is between the values of the last
but one and the last but two extreme, and if the difference between the last but one and the last but two

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

extreme is smaller than the elastic range ∆xe, then the last extreme and the last but one extreme may be
deleted from the sequence. Mathematically expressed:

If the Boolean formula B.4 is "true", then x1 and x2 may be deleted from the sequence of extremes.

{(x1 < x2 and x1 ≥ x3) or (x1 > x2 and x1 ≤ x3)} and {x2 - x3 ≤ ∆xe} (B.4)

This is also a very effective data reduction method.

B.5 Detection of load cycles

The basis process of load cycle counting shall be the range-pair-method1) (see [2], [3]).

According to this method, a load cycle has taken place, when a hysteresis loop in the stress versus strain
diagram is closed (see Figure B.1).
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1 stack

Figure B.1 — Stress-strain-behaviour according to Dowling [2]

Whether or not a load cycle has taken place can be detected from the sequence of all relative extremes:

If a strain range (as well as a stress range) is interrupted by a smaller range in the opposite direction, this
smaller range will cause a closed hysteresis loop in the stress versus strain diagram. The two concerned
extremes configure a load cycle (see Figure B.2):

1) The rain-flow-load cycle counting is based on this method and may also be used, see Figure B.5.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

cold start up
load reduction
shut down

Figure B.2 — Schematic stress-strain behaviour and load cycle counting

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The mathematical procedure to detect load cycles from the sequence of all relative extremes is as follows:

All sequences of four succeeding relative extremes x1, x2, x3, x4 are analysed by the Boolean formula (see
Figure B.3)

(x4 > x3 and x1 ≤ x3 and x2 ≤ x4) or (x4 < x3 and x1 ≥ x3 and x2 ≥ x4) (B.5)

If the formula is "true" then the extremes x2 and x3 configure a load cycle that shall be classified according to B.8
and added up in the array of classified load cycles (see Figure B.4). Load cycles with a range smaller than the
elastic range ∆xe ≈ 190 N/mm need not be included. The associated extremes x2 and x3 of the detected load
cycle shall be deleted from the overall sequence of extremes.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

LC = (x4 > x3 and x1 ≤ x3 and x2 ≤ x4) or (x4 < x3 and x1 ≥ x3 and x2 ≥ x4)

Figure B.3 — Criterion for a load cycle with a range ∆f = x2 - x3 at the range-pair- and at the rain-

The procedure for load cycle detection, classification and deletion of the associated extremes shall be
repeated, until there is no further load cycle found in the whole sequence of extremes (see Figure B.4).
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remaining sequence from former extremes
new extremes
new remaining sequence of extremes

Figure B.4 — Example for load cycle counting

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

B.6 Remaining sequence of relative extremes (RSE)

A sequence that does not contain closed load cycles is called "Remaining Sequence of Extremes" (RSE).
A RSE is always composed of an oscillation with increasing amplitude 2) followed by an oscillation with
decreasing amplitude. The RSE shall not be deleted but shall be taken into account for further detection of
load cycles as shown in Figure B.4. If the load cycle detection is carried out on-line, only the actual RSE need
be stored.

The fatigue caused by a RSE cannot be calculated in the same way as the fatigue caused by the detected
load cycles. However, it can be estimated:

a) the RSE is neglected during the fatigue calculation. What remains is the pure range-pair-method
according to Figures B.3 and B.4;

b) the ranges from extreme to extreme are determined as half load cycles and the range between the
highest maximum and the lowest minimum is determined as one complete load cycle. This method is the
rain-flow-method (see Figure B.5);

c) the RSE is assumed to be an interrupt of a very large range, that is not determined itself. In this case the
RSE can be determined by the range-pair-method. Furthermore, the detection of load cycles may be
always simplified according to Figure B.6. The RSE contains just the oscillation with the decreasing
amplitude in this case. This is a desirable data reduction and the method is confirmed by the perception,
that the part of the RSE with the increasing amplitude cannot influence the further detection of load

d) starting at the greatest difference in the RSE the preceding and the succeeding pairs of extremes
(respective one minimum and one maximum) are determined as a load cycle;
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e) the greatest difference is determined as a load cycle. Then the associated extremes are deleted and
again the remaining greatest difference is determined as a load cycle and so on. The original RSE shall
be stored so that it can be used for further load cycle counting.

All these possibilities are shown in Figure B.5. In all cases the same RSE has been used. The number and
size of extremes herein is realistic. For a steel grade with a specified minimum yield strength of 200 N/mm , a
specified minimum tensile strength of 500 N/mm and for a temperature of 400 °C, the different methods
result in the following fatigue from the RSE in Table B.2.

Table B.2 — Fatigue values

Method Fatigue (percent of lifetime)

a) 0,000
b) 0,268
c) 0,200
d) 0,188
e) 0,212

2) It can be proved that the relative extremes in the first part of the RSE with the increasing amplitude will never be
found to associate with a load cycle. Only the extremes in the second part, with the decreasing amplitude inclusive of the
highest maximum and lowest minimum in the middle of the RSE, can be a part of further load cycle.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)
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Figure B.5 — Possibilities for estimating the values of the "Remaining Sequence of Extremes" (RSE)

LC = (x3 > x2 and x3 > x1) or (x3 < x2 and x3 < x1)

Figure B.6 — Criterion for load cycle counting using method c)

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

B.7 Limitation of the number of the remaining extremes

Using the described load cycle detection, the number of remaining extremes is not limited, because the
difference between succeeding maximums and the difference between succeeding minimums may be anyhow
small. However, for on-line load cycle detection a limited length of the RSE may be desirable.
One possibility is to limit the length of the RSE e.g. to 20 extremes. If the 21 extreme is detected, the
smallest difference between two succeeding maximums or two succeeding minimums in the RSE is located. A
maximum and a minimum at this position is counted as a load cycle and the associated two extremes are
deleted from the RSE. Thus there is space for two new extremes to be detected and stored. Practical
experience shows that the number of extremes is mostly around 10. More than 20 extremes have not been
observed, if the load cycle detection follows method c) and Figure B.6, and if extremes that are associated
with load cycles, below the elastic range of about 190 N/mm , are not stored in the RSE.

B.8 Classification of load cycles

The detected load cycles shall be counted in classes of the stress amplitude 2fa and the reference
temperature t* as shown in Table B.3 (The class limits shown herein are just an example).

The reference stress amplitude 2fva (see EN 12952-3:2011, Annex B, Equations (B.2) and (B.5)) is

2fva = x2 - x3 (B.6)

The calculation to determine 2fa from 2fva shall be in accordance with EN 12952-3:2011, Annex B.

The reference temperature for a load cycle shall be calculated by

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t* = 0,75 max {t(x2), t(x3)} + 0,25 min {t(x2), t(x3)} (B.7)

Where t(xi) is the material temperature measured at the same time as the extreme value xi.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Table B.3 — Fatigue calculation from classified load cycles

User and boiler plant: XY
Power station: XY
Boiler: 4
Works-No.: 12345
Component: reheater header
Material: Steel group 5.2 (10CrMo9-10)
Operating pressure: 5,35 N/mm
Operating temperature: 521 °C
Operating membrane stress: 36,6 N/mm
Outside diameter: 660 mm
Wall thickness: 45 mm
Calculation at arithmetic mean of each class
Date: 31.03.99

2fa t* ∑ DFk
2 k
N/mm °C

≥0 ≥ 100 ≥ 200 ≥ 300 ≥ 400 ≥ 500

< 100 <200 < 300 < 400 < 500

≥ 190 n1k 3 25 333 912 1 803 617

9 8 7 7 6
< 300 N1k 1,0 × 10 3,3 × 10 8,0 × 10 2,0 × 10 4,0 × 10 584 000

≥ 300 n2k 5 12 91 435 410 51

< 390 N2k 912 000 639 000 406 000 224 000 99 400 31 600

≥ 390
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n3k 2 4 51 270 295 25

< 460 N3k 233 000 167 000 111 000 61 900 31 400 11 400

≥ 460 n4k 0 1 12 150 245 24

< 510 N4k 119 000 86 600 58 000 34 500 17 200 6 570

≥ 510 n5k 0 0 10 96 215 48

< 540 N5k 82 600 60 400 40 700 24 400 12 400 4 860

≥ 540 n6k 0 0 4 66 150 61

< 560 N6k 67 500 49 500 33 400 20 200 10 300 4 100

≥ 560 n7k 0 0 1 35 123 80

< 580 N7k 58 100 42 600 28 900 17 500 8 960 3 610

≥ 580 n8k 0 0 0 11 51 18
N8k 50 400 37 000 25 100 15 300 7 660 3 200

DFk = ∑ Nnikik 0,001 4 % 0,005 4 % 0,129 2 % 2,050 5 % 8,031 5 % 6,103 0 % 16,324 %


DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

B.9 Calculation of fatigue damage

The fatigue, that results from each class i, k of load cycles is

∆DF ik = ni k/Ni k (B.8)


ni k is the counted number of load cycles in class i, k;

Ni k is the allowable number of load cycles in class i, k.

Ni k shall be calculated according to EN 12952-3:2011, Figure B.9. The used values for 2fa and t* may be the
average between the class limits. The type of averaging (arithmetic, logarithmetic) shall be noted on the
calculation sheet.

The total fatigue damage is

DF = DF RSE + ∑∑ ∆DF ik (B.9)

i k

where DF RSE is the fatigue damage caused by the RSE.

B.10 Accuracy and plausibility of measured values

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The accuracy of the measurement of pressure, through-the wall-temperature difference and other values, that
are directly proportional to the stress, shall be within the limit of 3 %. The measurement of temperature
difference is especially critical. The measuring equipment itself shall be ordered with a guaranteed accuracy.
However, further errors of the measured temperature may occur. Excellent heat transfer contact is required
between the material and the tip of the thermocouple. If the measurement of the through-the-wall-temperature
difference cannot be improved to a satisfactory accuracy, it should be calculated on-line from the sequence of
measured temperatures. The temperature itself has only a slight influence on the result of fatigue calculations.
An accuracy of 10 K will be sufficient.

The plausibility of measured values that are determined for a fatigue calculation in automatic computerized
plants shall be tested. The simplest method is to establish limits for the value and limits for the transient. A
system of comparison with other measured values should also be installed, if possible.

DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)

Annex C

Significant technical changes between this European Standard and the

previous edition

Clause/paragraph/table/figure Change

General This European Standard has been completely revised in terms of:
 correction of mistakes;

 modification of numbering system for tables, drawings and


2 / Normative references References updated.

NOTE The technical changes referred include the significant technical changes from the EN revised but is
not a exhaustive list of all modifications from the previous version.
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DIN EN 12952-4:2011-10
EN 12952-4:2011 (E)


[1] PD 7910, Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures

[2] Dowling, N. E.: Fatigue life and inelastic strain response under complex histories for an alloy steel.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol 1 No. 4, July 1973, pp. 271/87

[3] VdTÜV-Merkblatt Dampfkessel 451-87/1, 05/87, Verlag TÜV Rheinland, Köln 1987

[4] EN 12953 (all parts), Shell boilers

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